never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveTraversable, DeriveFoldable #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
    5 module Conjure.Language.Domain
    6     ( Domain(..)
    7     , HasRepresentation(..)
    8     , Range(..), rangesInts
    9     , SetAttr(..), SizeAttr(..), getMaxFrom_SizeAttr, intersectSizeAttr
   10     , MSetAttr(..), OccurAttr(..), getMaxFrom_OccurAttr
   11     , FunctionAttr(..), PartialityAttr(..), JectivityAttr(..)
   12     , SequenceAttr(..)
   13     , RelationAttr(..), BinaryRelationAttrs(..), BinaryRelationAttr(..), binRelNames
   14     , PartitionAttr(..)
   15     , AttrName(..)
   16     , DomainAttributes(..), DomainAttribute(..)         -- only for parsing
   17     , textToRepresentation, representationToShortText, representationToFullText
   18     , isPrimitiveDomain, domainCanIndexMatrix, expandDomainReference, getIndices
   19     , Tree(..), reprTree, reprAtTopLevel, applyReprTree
   20     , reprTreeEncoded
   21     , forgetRepr, changeRepr, defRepr
   22     , mkDomainBool, mkDomainInt, mkDomainIntB, mkDomainIntBTagged, mkDomainAny
   23     , typeOfDomain
   24     , readBinRel, binRelToAttrName
   25     , normaliseDomain, normaliseRange
   26     , innerDomainOf
   27     , singletonDomainInt
   28     , matrixNumDimsD
   29     ) where
   31 -- conjure
   32 import Conjure.Prelude
   33 import Conjure.Bug
   34 import Conjure.Language.Name
   35 import Conjure.Language.Type
   36 import Conjure.Language.TypeOf
   37 import Conjure.Language.AdHoc
   38 import Conjure.Language.Pretty
   40 -- base
   41 import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup ( (<>) )
   43 -- QuickCheck
   44 import Test.QuickCheck ( Arbitrary(..), choose, oneof, vectorOf, sized )
   46 -- containers
   47 import Data.Set as S ( Set, empty, toList, union )
   49 -- syb
   50 import Data.Data ( toConstr, constrIndex )
   53 data Domain r x
   54     = DomainAny Text Type
   55     | DomainBool
   56     | DomainIntE x
   57     | DomainInt IntTag [Range x]
   58     | DomainEnum
   59         Name
   60         (Maybe [Range x])           -- subset of values for this domain
   61                                     -- Nothing *only* when GivenDomainDefnEnum and not LettingDomainDefnEnum
   62         (Maybe [(Name, Integer)])   -- the mapping to integers, if available
   63     | DomainUnnamed Name x
   64     | DomainTuple [Domain r x]
   65     | DomainRecord [(Name, Domain r x)]
   66     | DomainVariant [(Name, Domain r x)]
   67     | DomainMatrix (Domain () x) (Domain r x)
   68     | DomainSet       r (SetAttr x) (Domain r x)
   69     | DomainMSet      r (MSetAttr x) (Domain r x)
   70     | DomainFunction  r (FunctionAttr x) (Domain r x) (Domain r x)
   71     | DomainSequence  r (SequenceAttr x) (Domain r x)
   72     | DomainRelation  r (RelationAttr x) [Domain r x]
   73     | DomainPartition r (PartitionAttr x) (Domain r x)
   74     | DomainOp Name [Domain r x]
   75     | DomainReference Name (Maybe (Domain r x))
   76     | DomainMetaVar String
   77     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
   79 instance (VarSymBreakingDescription x, ToJSON r) => VarSymBreakingDescription (Domain r x) where
   80     varSymBreakingDescription domain = toJSON $ fmap varSymBreakingDescription domain
   82 mkDomainBool :: Domain () x
   83 mkDomainBool = DomainBool
   85 mkDomainInt :: [Range x] -> Domain () x
   86 mkDomainInt = DomainInt TagInt
   88 mkDomainIntB :: x -> x -> Domain () x
   89 mkDomainIntB l u = DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded l u]
   91 mkDomainIntBTagged :: IntTag -> x -> x -> Domain () x
   92 mkDomainIntBTagged t l u = DomainInt t [RangeBounded l u]
   94 mkDomainAny :: Doc -> Type -> Domain r x
   95 mkDomainAny reason = DomainAny (stringToText $ show reason)
   97 instance (Serialize r, Serialize x) => Serialize (Domain r x)
   98 instance (Hashable  r, Hashable  x) => Hashable  (Domain r x)
   99 instance (ToJSON    r, ToJSON    x) => ToJSON    (Domain r x) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  100 instance (FromJSON  r, FromJSON  x) => FromJSON  (Domain r x) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  102 instance Arbitrary x => Arbitrary (Domain r x) where
  103     arbitrary = sized f
  104         where
  105             f 0 = oneof [ return DomainBool
  106                         , DomainInt TagInt <$> arbitrary
  107                         -- , DomainEnum <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
  108                         ]
  109             f s = do
  110                 arity <- choose (2 :: Int, 10)
  111                 DomainTuple <$> vectorOf arity (f (div s 10))
  112     shrink DomainBool = []
  113     shrink (DomainInt _ []) = [DomainBool]
  114     shrink (DomainInt t [r]) = DomainBool : DomainInt t [] : [DomainInt t [r'] | r' <- shrink r]
  115     shrink (DomainInt t rs) = [DomainInt t (init rs)]
  116     shrink _ = []
  119 typeOfDomain ::
  120     MonadFailDoc m =>
  121     Pretty r =>
  122     TypeOf x =>
  123     Pretty x =>
  124     (?typeCheckerMode :: TypeCheckerMode) =>
  125     Domain r x -> m Type
  126 typeOfDomain (DomainAny _ ty)          = return ty
  127 typeOfDomain DomainBool                = return TypeBool
  128 typeOfDomain d@(DomainIntE x)          = do
  129     ty <- typeOf x
  130     case ty of
  131         TypeInt TagInt                -> return ()       -- pre recoverDomainInt
  132         TypeList     (TypeInt TagInt) -> return ()
  133         TypeMatrix _ (TypeInt TagInt) -> return ()
  134         TypeSet      (TypeInt TagInt) -> return ()
  135         _ -> failDoc $ vcat [ "Expected an integer, but got:" <++> pretty ty
  136                          , "In domain:" <+> pretty d
  137                          ]
  138     return (TypeInt TagInt)
  139 typeOfDomain d@(DomainInt t rs)        = do
  140     forM_ rs $ \ r -> forM_ r $ \ x -> do
  141         ty <- typeOf x
  142         case ty of
  143             TypeInt{} -> return ()
  144             _ -> failDoc $ vcat [ "Expected an integer, but got:" <++> pretty ty
  145                              , "For:" <+> pretty x
  146                              , "In domain:" <+> pretty d
  147                              ]
  148     return (TypeInt t)
  149 typeOfDomain (DomainEnum    defn _ _ ) = return (TypeEnum defn)
  150 typeOfDomain (DomainUnnamed defn _   ) = return (TypeUnnamed defn)
  151 typeOfDomain (DomainTuple         xs ) = TypeTuple      <$> mapM typeOfDomain xs
  152 typeOfDomain (DomainRecord        xs ) = TypeRecord     <$> sequence [ do t <- typeOfDomain d ; return (n, t)
  153                                                                      | (n,d) <- xs ]
  154 typeOfDomain (DomainVariant       xs ) = TypeVariant    <$> sequence [ do t <- typeOfDomain d ; return (n, t)
  155                                                                      | (n,d) <- xs ]
  156 typeOfDomain (DomainMatrix ind inn   ) = TypeMatrix     <$> typeOfDomain ind <*> typeOfDomain inn
  157 typeOfDomain (DomainSet       _ _ x  ) = TypeSet        <$> typeOfDomain x
  158 typeOfDomain (DomainMSet      _ _ x  ) = TypeMSet       <$> typeOfDomain x
  159 typeOfDomain (DomainFunction  _ _ x y) = TypeFunction   <$> typeOfDomain x <*> typeOfDomain y
  160 typeOfDomain (DomainSequence  _ _ x  ) = TypeSequence   <$> typeOfDomain x
  161 typeOfDomain (DomainRelation  _ _ xs ) = TypeRelation   <$> mapM typeOfDomain xs
  162 typeOfDomain (DomainPartition _ _ x  ) = TypePartition  <$> typeOfDomain x
  163 typeOfDomain p@(DomainOp _ ds) = do
  164     ts <- mapM typeOfDomain ds
  165     if typesUnify ts
  166         then return (mostDefined ts)
  167         else failDoc ("Type error in" <+> pretty p)
  168 typeOfDomain (DomainReference _ (Just d)) = typeOfDomain d
  169 typeOfDomain (DomainReference nm Nothing) = bug $ "typeOfDomain: DomainReference" <+> pretty nm
  170 typeOfDomain (DomainMetaVar nm) = bug $ "typeOfDomain: DomainMetaVar &" <> pretty nm
  172 forgetRepr :: Domain r x -> Domain () x
  173 forgetRepr = defRepr
  175 defRepr :: Default r2 => Domain r x -> Domain r2 x
  176 defRepr = changeRepr def
  178 changeRepr :: r2 -> Domain r x -> Domain r2 x
  179 changeRepr rep = go
  180     where
  181         go (DomainAny t ty) = DomainAny t ty
  182         go DomainBool = DomainBool
  183         go (DomainIntE x) = DomainIntE x
  184         go (DomainInt t rs) = DomainInt t rs
  185         go (DomainEnum defn rs mp) = DomainEnum defn rs mp
  186         go (DomainUnnamed defn s) = DomainUnnamed defn s
  187         go (DomainTuple ds) = DomainTuple (map go ds)
  188         go (DomainRecord xs) = DomainRecord (map (second go) xs)
  189         go (DomainVariant xs) = DomainVariant (map (second go) xs)
  190         go (DomainMatrix index inner) = DomainMatrix index (go inner)
  191         go (DomainSet _   attr d) =
  192             DomainSet rep attr (go d)
  193         go (DomainMSet _   attr d) =
  194             DomainMSet rep attr (go d)
  195         go (DomainFunction _   attr d1 d2) =
  196             DomainFunction rep attr (go d1) (go d2)
  197         go (DomainSequence _   attr d) =
  198             DomainSequence rep attr (go d)
  199         go (DomainRelation _   attr ds) =
  200             DomainRelation rep attr (map go ds)
  201         go (DomainPartition _   attr d) =
  202             DomainPartition rep attr (go d)
  203         go (DomainOp op ds) = DomainOp op (map go ds)
  204         go (DomainReference x r) = DomainReference x (fmap go r)
  205         go (DomainMetaVar x) = DomainMetaVar x
  208 data Tree a = Tree { rootLabel :: a, subForest :: [Tree a] }
  209     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  211 instance Serialize a => Serialize (Tree a)
  212 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (Tree a)
  213 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (Tree a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  214 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (Tree a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  216 -- | This is to be used when defining `Conjure.Representations.Internal.mkOutName`.
  217 --   Reason is to avoid sharing variables for parts of the same decision variable with differing representations.
  218 --   Example case:
  219 --      (1) find x : set {A} of (int(a..b) , set {B} of int(c..d))
  220 --      (2) find x : set {A} of (int(a..b) , set {C} of int(c..d))
  221 --      Here x_1's should not be shared!
  222 --      If they are, the channelling and symmetry breaking constraints will clash and solutions will be lost.
  223 reprTreeEncoded :: Domain HasRepresentation x -> Text
  224 reprTreeEncoded = mconcat . enc1 . reprTree
  225     where
  226         enc1 (Tree lbl sub) =
  227             maybe
  228                 (bug "reprTreeEncoded: top-most representation is Nothing")
  229                 representationToShortText
  230                 lbl
  231             : concatMap enc sub
  232         enc (Tree lbl sub) =
  233             maybe [] representationConstrIndex lbl
  234             ++ concatMap enc sub
  236 reprTree :: Domain r x -> Tree (Maybe r)
  237 reprTree DomainAny{}     = Tree Nothing []
  238 reprTree DomainBool{}    = Tree Nothing []
  239 reprTree DomainIntE{}    = Tree Nothing []
  240 reprTree DomainInt{}     = Tree Nothing []
  241 reprTree DomainEnum{}    = Tree Nothing []
  242 reprTree DomainUnnamed{} = Tree Nothing []
  243 reprTree (DomainTuple  as ) = Tree Nothing (map reprTree as)
  244 reprTree (DomainRecord as ) = Tree Nothing (map (reprTree . snd) as)
  245 reprTree (DomainVariant as) = Tree Nothing (map (reprTree . snd) as)
  246 reprTree (DomainMatrix _ a) = Tree Nothing [reprTree a]
  247 reprTree (DomainSet       r _ a  ) = Tree (Just r) [reprTree a]
  248 reprTree (DomainMSet      r _ a  ) = Tree (Just r) [reprTree a]
  249 reprTree (DomainFunction  r _ a b) = Tree (Just r) [reprTree a, reprTree b]
  250 reprTree (DomainSequence  r _ a  ) = Tree (Just r) [reprTree a]
  251 reprTree (DomainRelation  r _ as ) = Tree (Just r) (map reprTree as)
  252 reprTree (DomainPartition r _ a  ) = Tree (Just r) [reprTree a]
  253 reprTree DomainOp{}        = Tree Nothing []
  254 reprTree DomainReference{} = Tree Nothing []
  255 reprTree DomainMetaVar{}   = Tree Nothing []
  257 reprAtTopLevel :: Domain r x -> Maybe r
  258 reprAtTopLevel = rootLabel . reprTree
  260 applyReprTree :: (MonadFailDoc m, Pretty x, Pretty r2, Default r) => Domain r2 x -> Tree (Maybe r) -> m (Domain r x)
  261 applyReprTree dom@DomainBool{}    (Tree Nothing []) = return (defRepr dom)
  262 applyReprTree dom@DomainInt{}     (Tree Nothing []) = return (defRepr dom)
  263 applyReprTree dom@DomainIntE{}    (Tree Nothing []) = return (defRepr dom)
  264 applyReprTree dom@DomainEnum{}    (Tree Nothing []) = return (defRepr dom)
  265 applyReprTree dom@DomainUnnamed{} (Tree Nothing []) = return (defRepr dom)
  266 applyReprTree (DomainTuple as  ) (Tree Nothing asRepr) =
  267     DomainTuple <$> zipWithM applyReprTree as asRepr
  268 applyReprTree (DomainRecord as ) (Tree Nothing asRepr) =
  269     DomainRecord  . zip (map fst as) <$> zipWithM applyReprTree (map snd as) asRepr
  270 applyReprTree (DomainVariant as) (Tree Nothing asRepr) =
  271     DomainVariant . zip (map fst as) <$> zipWithM applyReprTree (map snd as) asRepr
  272 applyReprTree (DomainMatrix b a) (Tree Nothing [aRepr]) = DomainMatrix b <$> applyReprTree a aRepr
  273 applyReprTree (DomainSet       _ attr a  ) (Tree (Just r) [aRepr]) = DomainSet r attr <$> applyReprTree a aRepr
  274 applyReprTree (DomainMSet      _ attr a  ) (Tree (Just r) [aRepr]) = DomainMSet r attr <$> applyReprTree a aRepr
  275 applyReprTree (DomainFunction  _ attr a b) (Tree (Just r) [aRepr, bRepr]) = DomainFunction r attr <$> applyReprTree a aRepr <*> applyReprTree b bRepr
  276 applyReprTree (DomainSequence  _ attr a  ) (Tree (Just r) [aRepr]) = DomainSequence r attr <$> applyReprTree a aRepr
  277 applyReprTree (DomainRelation  _ attr as ) (Tree (Just r) asRepr) = DomainRelation r attr <$> zipWithM applyReprTree as asRepr
  278 applyReprTree (DomainPartition _ attr a  ) (Tree (Just r) [aRepr]) = DomainPartition r attr <$> applyReprTree a aRepr
  279 applyReprTree dom@DomainOp{}        (Tree Nothing []) = return (defRepr dom)
  280 applyReprTree dom@DomainReference{} (Tree Nothing []) = return (defRepr dom)
  281 applyReprTree dom@DomainMetaVar{}   (Tree Nothing []) = return (defRepr dom)
  282 applyReprTree dom _ = failDoc $ "applyReprTree:" <++> pretty dom
  284 isPrimitiveDomain :: Domain r x -> Bool
  285 isPrimitiveDomain DomainBool{} = True
  286 isPrimitiveDomain DomainIntE{} = True
  287 isPrimitiveDomain DomainInt{} = True
  288 isPrimitiveDomain (DomainMatrix index inner) = and [isPrimitiveDomain index, isPrimitiveDomain inner]
  289 isPrimitiveDomain _ = False
  291 getIndices :: Domain r x -> ([Domain () x], Domain r x)
  292 getIndices (DomainMatrix index inner) = first (index:) (getIndices inner)
  293 getIndices d = ([], d)
  295 domainCanIndexMatrix :: Domain r x -> Bool
  296 domainCanIndexMatrix (DomainReference _ (Just d)) = domainCanIndexMatrix d
  297 domainCanIndexMatrix DomainBool{} = True
  298 domainCanIndexMatrix DomainInt {} = True
  299 domainCanIndexMatrix DomainIntE{} = True
  300 domainCanIndexMatrix DomainEnum{} = True
  301 domainCanIndexMatrix _            = False
  303 expandDomainReference :: Data r => Data x => Domain r x -> Domain r x
  304 expandDomainReference (DomainReference _ (Just d)) = expandDomainReference d
  305 expandDomainReference d = descend expandDomainReference d
  308 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  309 -- attribute-as-constraint handling --------------------------------------------
  310 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  312 data AttrName
  313     = AttrName_size
  314     | AttrName_minSize
  315     | AttrName_maxSize
  316     | AttrName_minOccur
  317     | AttrName_maxOccur
  318     | AttrName_numParts
  319     | AttrName_minNumParts
  320     | AttrName_maxNumParts
  321     | AttrName_partSize
  322     | AttrName_minPartSize
  323     | AttrName_maxPartSize
  324     | AttrName_total
  325     | AttrName_injective
  326     | AttrName_surjective
  327     | AttrName_bijective
  328     | AttrName_regular
  329     -- bin rel ones
  330     | AttrName_reflexive
  331     | AttrName_irreflexive
  332     | AttrName_coreflexive
  333     | AttrName_symmetric
  334     | AttrName_antiSymmetric
  335     | AttrName_aSymmetric
  336     | AttrName_transitive
  337     | AttrName_leftTotal
  338     | AttrName_rightTotal
  339     | AttrName_connex
  340     | AttrName_Euclidean
  341     | AttrName_serial
  342     | AttrName_equivalence
  343     | AttrName_partialOrder
  344     | AttrName_linearOrder
  345     | AttrName_weakOrder
  346     | AttrName_preOrder
  347     | AttrName_strictPartialOrder
  348     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
  350 instance Serialize AttrName
  351 instance Hashable  AttrName
  352 instance ToJSON    AttrName where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  353 instance FromJSON  AttrName where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  355 instance Pretty AttrName where
  356     pretty AttrName_size = "size"
  357     pretty AttrName_minSize = "minSize"
  358     pretty AttrName_maxSize = "maxSize"
  359     pretty AttrName_minOccur = "minOccur"
  360     pretty AttrName_maxOccur = "maxOccur"
  361     pretty AttrName_numParts = "numParts"
  362     pretty AttrName_minNumParts = "minNumParts"
  363     pretty AttrName_maxNumParts = "maxNumParts"
  364     pretty AttrName_partSize = "partSize"
  365     pretty AttrName_minPartSize = "minPartSize"
  366     pretty AttrName_maxPartSize = "maxPartSize"
  367     pretty AttrName_total = "total"
  368     pretty AttrName_injective = "injective"
  369     pretty AttrName_surjective = "surjective"
  370     pretty AttrName_bijective = "bijective"
  371     pretty AttrName_regular = "regular"
  372     pretty AttrName_reflexive = "reflexive"
  373     pretty AttrName_irreflexive = "irreflexive"
  374     pretty AttrName_coreflexive = "coreflexive"
  375     pretty AttrName_symmetric = "symmetric"
  376     pretty AttrName_antiSymmetric = "antiSymmetric"
  377     pretty AttrName_aSymmetric = "aSymmetric"
  378     pretty AttrName_transitive = "transitive"
  379     pretty AttrName_leftTotal = "leftTotal"
  380     pretty AttrName_rightTotal = "rightTotal"
  381     pretty AttrName_connex = "connex"
  382     pretty AttrName_Euclidean = "Euclidean"
  383     pretty AttrName_serial = "serial"
  384     pretty AttrName_equivalence = "equivalence"
  385     pretty AttrName_partialOrder = "partialOrder"
  386     pretty AttrName_linearOrder = "linearOrder"
  387     pretty AttrName_weakOrder = "weakOrder"
  388     pretty AttrName_preOrder = "preOrder"
  389     pretty AttrName_strictPartialOrder = "strictPartialOrder"
  391 instance IsString AttrName where
  392     fromString "size" = AttrName_size
  393     fromString "minSize" = AttrName_minSize
  394     fromString "maxSize" = AttrName_maxSize
  395     fromString "minOccur" = AttrName_minOccur
  396     fromString "maxOccur" = AttrName_maxOccur
  397     fromString "numParts" = AttrName_numParts
  398     fromString "minNumParts" = AttrName_minNumParts
  399     fromString "maxNumParts" = AttrName_maxNumParts
  400     fromString "partSize" = AttrName_partSize
  401     fromString "minPartSize" = AttrName_minPartSize
  402     fromString "maxPartSize" = AttrName_maxPartSize
  403     fromString "total" = AttrName_total
  404     fromString "injective" = AttrName_injective
  405     fromString "surjective" = AttrName_surjective
  406     fromString "bijective" = AttrName_bijective
  407     fromString "regular" = AttrName_regular
  408     fromString "reflexive" = AttrName_reflexive
  409     fromString "irreflexive" = AttrName_irreflexive
  410     fromString "coreflexive" = AttrName_coreflexive
  411     fromString "symmetric" = AttrName_symmetric
  412     fromString "antiSymmetric" = AttrName_antiSymmetric
  413     fromString "aSymmetric" = AttrName_aSymmetric
  414     fromString "transitive" = AttrName_transitive
  415     fromString "connex" = AttrName_connex
  416     fromString "leftTotal" = AttrName_leftTotal
  417     fromString "rightTotal" = AttrName_rightTotal
  418     fromString "Euclidean" = AttrName_Euclidean
  419     fromString "serial" = AttrName_serial
  420     fromString "equivalence" = AttrName_equivalence
  421     fromString "partialOrder" = AttrName_partialOrder
  422     fromString "linearOrder" = AttrName_linearOrder
  423     fromString "weakOrder" = AttrName_weakOrder
  424     fromString "preOrder" = AttrName_preOrder
  425     fromString s = bug $ "fromString{AttrName}:" <+> pretty s
  427 binRelNames :: [String]
  428 binRelNames = [ "reflexive", "irreflexive", "coreflexive"
  429               , "symmetric", "antiSymmetric", "aSymmetric"
  430               , "transitive", "total", "leftTotal", "rightTotal", "connex", "Euclidean"
  431               , "serial", "equivalence", "weakOrder", "preOrder", "partialOrder", "strictPartialOrder", "linearOrder"
  432               ]
  435 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  436 -- attribute definitions -------------------------------------------------------
  437 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  439 data SetAttr a = SetAttr (SizeAttr a)
  440     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  441 instance Serialize a => Serialize (SetAttr a)
  442 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (SetAttr a)
  443 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (SetAttr a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  444 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (SetAttr a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  445 instance Default (SetAttr a) where def = SetAttr def
  446 instance Pretty a => Pretty (SetAttr a) where
  447     pretty (SetAttr SizeAttr_None) = prEmpty
  448     pretty (SetAttr a) = prParens (pretty a)
  451 data SizeAttr a
  452     = SizeAttr_None
  453     | SizeAttr_Size a
  454     | SizeAttr_MinSize a
  455     | SizeAttr_MaxSize a
  456     | SizeAttr_MinMaxSize a a
  457     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  458 instance Serialize a => Serialize (SizeAttr a)
  459 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (SizeAttr a)
  460 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (SizeAttr a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  461 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (SizeAttr a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  462 instance Default (SizeAttr a) where def = SizeAttr_None
  463 instance Pretty a => Pretty (SizeAttr a) where
  464     pretty SizeAttr_None = prEmpty
  465     pretty (SizeAttr_Size       x  ) = "size"    <+> pretty x
  466     pretty (SizeAttr_MinSize    x  ) = "minSize" <+> pretty x
  467     pretty (SizeAttr_MaxSize    x  ) = "maxSize" <+> pretty x
  468     pretty (SizeAttr_MinMaxSize x y) = "minSize" <+> pretty x <> ", maxSize" <+> pretty y
  471 getMaxFrom_SizeAttr :: MonadFailDoc m => SizeAttr a -> m a
  472 getMaxFrom_SizeAttr (SizeAttr_Size n) = return n
  473 getMaxFrom_SizeAttr (SizeAttr_MaxSize n) = return n
  474 getMaxFrom_SizeAttr (SizeAttr_MinMaxSize _ n) = return n
  475 getMaxFrom_SizeAttr _ = failDoc "getMaxFrom_SizeAttr"
  477 intersectSizeAttr :: SizeAttr a -> SizeAttr a -> SizeAttr a
  478 intersectSizeAttr SizeAttr_None s = s
  479 intersectSizeAttr s@SizeAttr_Size{} _ = s
  480 intersectSizeAttr _ s@SizeAttr_Size{} = s
  481 intersectSizeAttr s _ = s
  483 data MSetAttr a = MSetAttr (SizeAttr a) (OccurAttr a)
  484     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  485 instance Serialize a => Serialize (MSetAttr a)
  486 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (MSetAttr a)
  487 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (MSetAttr a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  488 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (MSetAttr a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  489 instance Default (MSetAttr a) where def = MSetAttr def def
  490 instance Pretty a => Pretty (MSetAttr a) where
  491     pretty (MSetAttr a b) =
  492         let inside = filter ((""/=) . show) [ pretty a
  493                                         , pretty b
  494                                         ]
  495         in  if null inside
  496                 then prEmpty
  497                 else prettyList prParens "," inside
  500 data OccurAttr a
  501     = OccurAttr_None
  502     | OccurAttr_MinOccur a
  503     | OccurAttr_MaxOccur a
  504     | OccurAttr_MinMaxOccur a a
  505     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  506 instance Serialize a => Serialize (OccurAttr a)
  507 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (OccurAttr a)
  508 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (OccurAttr a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  509 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (OccurAttr a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  510 instance Default (OccurAttr a) where def = OccurAttr_None
  511 instance Pretty a => Pretty (OccurAttr a) where
  512     pretty OccurAttr_None = prEmpty
  513     pretty (OccurAttr_MinOccur    x  ) = "minOccur" <+> pretty x
  514     pretty (OccurAttr_MaxOccur    x  ) = "maxOccur" <+> pretty x
  515     pretty (OccurAttr_MinMaxOccur x y) = "minOccur" <+> pretty x <> ", maxOccur" <+> pretty y
  518 getMaxFrom_OccurAttr :: MonadFailDoc m => OccurAttr a -> m a
  519 getMaxFrom_OccurAttr (OccurAttr_MaxOccur n) = return n
  520 getMaxFrom_OccurAttr (OccurAttr_MinMaxOccur _ n) = return n
  521 getMaxFrom_OccurAttr _ = failDoc "getMaxFrom_OccurAttr"
  524 data FunctionAttr x
  525     = FunctionAttr (SizeAttr x) PartialityAttr JectivityAttr
  526     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  527 instance Serialize a => Serialize (FunctionAttr a)
  528 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (FunctionAttr a)
  529 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (FunctionAttr a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  530 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (FunctionAttr a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  531 instance Default (FunctionAttr a) where def = FunctionAttr def def def
  532 instance Pretty a => Pretty (FunctionAttr a) where
  533     pretty (FunctionAttr a b c) =
  534         let inside = filter ((""/=) . show) [pretty a, pretty b, pretty c]
  535         in  if null inside
  536                 then prEmpty
  537                 else prettyList prParens "," inside
  540 data PartialityAttr
  541     = PartialityAttr_Partial
  542     | PartialityAttr_Total
  543     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
  544 instance Serialize PartialityAttr
  545 instance Hashable  PartialityAttr
  546 instance ToJSON    PartialityAttr where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  547 instance FromJSON  PartialityAttr where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  548 instance Default   PartialityAttr where def = PartialityAttr_Partial
  549 instance Pretty    PartialityAttr where
  550     pretty PartialityAttr_Partial = prEmpty -- partial is the default
  551     pretty PartialityAttr_Total = "total"
  554 data JectivityAttr
  555     = JectivityAttr_None
  556     | JectivityAttr_Injective
  557     | JectivityAttr_Surjective
  558     | JectivityAttr_Bijective
  559     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
  560 instance Serialize JectivityAttr
  561 instance Hashable  JectivityAttr
  562 instance ToJSON    JectivityAttr where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  563 instance FromJSON  JectivityAttr where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  564 instance Default   JectivityAttr where def = JectivityAttr_None
  565 instance Pretty    JectivityAttr where
  566     pretty JectivityAttr_None = prEmpty
  567     pretty JectivityAttr_Injective = "injective"
  568     pretty JectivityAttr_Surjective = "surjective"
  569     pretty JectivityAttr_Bijective = "bijective"
  572 data SequenceAttr x
  573     = SequenceAttr (SizeAttr x) JectivityAttr
  574     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  575 instance Serialize a => Serialize (SequenceAttr a)
  576 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (SequenceAttr a)
  577 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (SequenceAttr a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  578 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (SequenceAttr a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  579 instance Default (SequenceAttr a) where def = SequenceAttr def def
  580 instance Pretty a => Pretty (SequenceAttr a) where
  581     pretty (SequenceAttr a b) =
  582         let inside = filter ((""/=) . show) [pretty a, pretty b]
  583         in  if null inside
  584                 then prEmpty
  585                 else prettyList prParens "," inside
  588 data RelationAttr a = RelationAttr (SizeAttr a) BinaryRelationAttrs
  589     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  590 instance Serialize a => Serialize (RelationAttr a)
  591 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (RelationAttr a)
  592 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (RelationAttr a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  593 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (RelationAttr a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  594 instance Default (RelationAttr a) where def = RelationAttr def def
  595 instance Pretty a => Pretty (RelationAttr a) where
  596     pretty (RelationAttr a b) =
  597         let inside = filter ((""/=) . show) [pretty a, pretty b]
  598         in  if null inside
  599                 then prEmpty
  600                 else prettyList prParens "," inside
  603 data BinaryRelationAttrs = BinaryRelationAttrs (S.Set BinaryRelationAttr)
  604     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
  605 instance Serialize BinaryRelationAttrs
  606 instance Hashable  BinaryRelationAttrs where hashWithSalt salt (BinaryRelationAttrs a) = hashWithSalt salt (S.toList a)
  607 instance ToJSON    BinaryRelationAttrs where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  608 instance FromJSON  BinaryRelationAttrs where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  609 instance Default   BinaryRelationAttrs where def = BinaryRelationAttrs S.empty
  610 instance Pretty BinaryRelationAttrs where
  611     pretty (BinaryRelationAttrs attrs) = prettyList id "," (S.toList attrs)
  612 instance Semigroup BinaryRelationAttrs where
  613     (<>) (BinaryRelationAttrs a) (BinaryRelationAttrs b) = BinaryRelationAttrs (S.union a b)
  614 instance Monoid BinaryRelationAttrs where
  615     mempty = BinaryRelationAttrs def
  619 data BinaryRelationAttr
  620     = BinRelAttr_Reflexive
  621     | BinRelAttr_Irreflexive
  622     | BinRelAttr_Coreflexive
  623     | BinRelAttr_Symmetric
  624     | BinRelAttr_AntiSymmetric
  625     | BinRelAttr_ASymmetric
  626     | BinRelAttr_Transitive
  627     | BinRelAttr_Total
  628     | BinRelAttr_LeftTotal
  629     | BinRelAttr_RightTotal
  630     | BinRelAttr_Connex
  631     | BinRelAttr_Euclidean
  632     | BinRelAttr_Serial
  633     | BinRelAttr_Equivalence
  634     | BinRelAttr_PartialOrder
  635     | BinRelAttr_LinearOrder
  636     | BinRelAttr_WeakOrder
  637     | BinRelAttr_PreOrder
  638     | BinRelAttr_StrictPartialOrder
  639     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Bounded, Enum)
  641 instance Serialize BinaryRelationAttr
  642 instance Hashable  BinaryRelationAttr
  643 instance ToJSON    BinaryRelationAttr where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  644 instance FromJSON  BinaryRelationAttr where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  645 instance Pretty BinaryRelationAttr where
  646     pretty BinRelAttr_Reflexive          = "reflexive"
  647     pretty BinRelAttr_Irreflexive        = "irreflexive"
  648     pretty BinRelAttr_Coreflexive        = "coreflexive"
  649     pretty BinRelAttr_Symmetric          = "symmetric"
  650     pretty BinRelAttr_AntiSymmetric      = "antiSymmetric"
  651     pretty BinRelAttr_ASymmetric         = "aSymmetric"
  652     pretty BinRelAttr_Transitive         = "transitive"
  653     pretty BinRelAttr_Total              = "total"
  654     pretty BinRelAttr_LeftTotal          = "leftTotal"
  655     pretty BinRelAttr_RightTotal         = "rightTotal"
  656     pretty BinRelAttr_Connex             = "connex"
  657     pretty BinRelAttr_Euclidean          = "Euclidean"
  658     pretty BinRelAttr_Serial             = "serial"
  659     pretty BinRelAttr_Equivalence        = "equivalence"
  660     pretty BinRelAttr_PartialOrder       = "partialOrder"
  661     pretty BinRelAttr_LinearOrder        = "linearOrder"
  662     pretty BinRelAttr_WeakOrder          = "weakOrder"
  663     pretty BinRelAttr_PreOrder           = "preOrder"
  664     pretty BinRelAttr_StrictPartialOrder = "strictPartialOrder"
  667 readBinRel :: MonadFailDoc m => AttrName -> m BinaryRelationAttr
  668 readBinRel AttrName_reflexive          = return BinRelAttr_Reflexive
  669 readBinRel AttrName_irreflexive        = return BinRelAttr_Irreflexive
  670 readBinRel AttrName_coreflexive        = return BinRelAttr_Coreflexive
  671 readBinRel AttrName_symmetric          = return BinRelAttr_Symmetric
  672 readBinRel AttrName_antiSymmetric      = return BinRelAttr_AntiSymmetric
  673 readBinRel AttrName_aSymmetric         = return BinRelAttr_ASymmetric
  674 readBinRel AttrName_transitive         = return BinRelAttr_Transitive
  675 readBinRel AttrName_total              = return BinRelAttr_Total
  676 readBinRel AttrName_leftTotal          = return BinRelAttr_LeftTotal
  677 readBinRel AttrName_rightTotal         = return BinRelAttr_RightTotal
  678 readBinRel AttrName_connex             = return BinRelAttr_Connex
  679 readBinRel AttrName_Euclidean          = return BinRelAttr_Euclidean
  680 readBinRel AttrName_serial             = return BinRelAttr_Serial
  681 readBinRel AttrName_equivalence        = return BinRelAttr_Equivalence
  682 readBinRel AttrName_partialOrder       = return BinRelAttr_PartialOrder
  683 readBinRel AttrName_strictPartialOrder = return BinRelAttr_StrictPartialOrder
  684 readBinRel AttrName_linearOrder        = return BinRelAttr_LinearOrder
  685 readBinRel AttrName_weakOrder          = return BinRelAttr_WeakOrder
  686 readBinRel AttrName_preOrder           = return BinRelAttr_PreOrder
  687 readBinRel a = failDoc $ "Not a binary relation attribute:" <+> pretty a
  689 binRelToAttrName :: BinaryRelationAttr -> AttrName
  690 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_Reflexive          = AttrName_reflexive
  691 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_Irreflexive        = AttrName_irreflexive
  692 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_Coreflexive        = AttrName_coreflexive
  693 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_Symmetric          = AttrName_symmetric
  694 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_AntiSymmetric      = AttrName_antiSymmetric
  695 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_ASymmetric         = AttrName_aSymmetric
  696 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_Transitive         = AttrName_transitive
  697 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_Total              = AttrName_total
  698 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_LeftTotal          = AttrName_leftTotal
  699 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_RightTotal         = AttrName_rightTotal
  700 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_Connex             = AttrName_connex
  701 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_Euclidean          = AttrName_Euclidean
  702 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_Serial             = AttrName_serial
  703 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_Equivalence        = AttrName_equivalence
  704 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_PartialOrder       = AttrName_partialOrder
  705 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_LinearOrder        = AttrName_linearOrder
  706 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_WeakOrder          = AttrName_weakOrder
  707 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_PreOrder           = AttrName_preOrder
  708 binRelToAttrName BinRelAttr_StrictPartialOrder = AttrName_strictPartialOrder
  713 data PartitionAttr a = PartitionAttr
  714     { partsNum          :: SizeAttr a
  715     , partsSize         :: SizeAttr a
  716     , isRegular         :: Bool
  717     }
  718     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  719 instance Serialize a => Serialize (PartitionAttr a)
  720 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (PartitionAttr a)
  721 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (PartitionAttr a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  722 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (PartitionAttr a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  723 instance Default (PartitionAttr a) where def = PartitionAttr def def False
  724 instance Pretty a => Pretty (PartitionAttr a) where
  725     pretty (PartitionAttr a b c) =
  726         let inside = filter ((""/=) . show) [ prettyNum a
  727                                         , prettySize b
  728                                         , prettyReg c
  729                                         ]
  731             prettyNum SizeAttr_None = prEmpty
  732             prettyNum (SizeAttr_Size       x  ) = "numParts"    <+> pretty x
  733             prettyNum (SizeAttr_MinSize    x  ) = "minNumParts" <+> pretty x
  734             prettyNum (SizeAttr_MaxSize    x  ) = "maxNumParts" <+> pretty x
  735             prettyNum (SizeAttr_MinMaxSize x y) = "minNumParts" <+> pretty x <> ", maxNumParts" <+> pretty y
  737             prettySize SizeAttr_None = prEmpty
  738             prettySize (SizeAttr_Size       x  ) = "partSize"    <+> pretty x
  739             prettySize (SizeAttr_MinSize    x  ) = "minPartSize" <+> pretty x
  740             prettySize (SizeAttr_MaxSize    x  ) = "maxPartSize" <+> pretty x
  741             prettySize (SizeAttr_MinMaxSize x y) = "minPartSize" <+> pretty x <> ", maxPartSize" <+> pretty y
  743             prettyReg False = prEmpty
  744             prettyReg True  = "regular"
  746         in  if null inside
  747                 then prEmpty
  748                 else prettyList prParens "," inside
  751 data DomainAttributes a = DomainAttributes [DomainAttribute a]
  752     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  754 instance Serialize a => Serialize (DomainAttributes a)
  755 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (DomainAttributes a)
  756 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (DomainAttributes a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  757 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (DomainAttributes a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  759 instance Default (DomainAttributes a) where
  760     def = DomainAttributes []
  763 data DomainAttribute a
  764     = DAName Name
  765     | DANameValue Name a
  766     | DADotDot
  767     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  769 instance Serialize a => Serialize (DomainAttribute a)
  770 instance Hashable  a => Hashable  (DomainAttribute a)
  771 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON    (DomainAttribute a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  772 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON  (DomainAttribute a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  775 data Range a
  776     = RangeOpen
  777     | RangeSingle a
  778     | RangeLowerBounded a
  779     | RangeUpperBounded a
  780     | RangeBounded a a
  781     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
  783 instance Serialize a => Serialize (Range a)
  784 instance Hashable  a => Hashable (Range a)
  785 instance ToJSON    a => ToJSON (Range a) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  786 instance FromJSON  a => FromJSON (Range a) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  788 instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Range a) where
  789     arbitrary = oneof
  790         [ return RangeOpen
  791         , RangeSingle <$> arbitrary
  792         , RangeLowerBounded <$> arbitrary
  793         , RangeUpperBounded <$> arbitrary
  794         , RangeBounded <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
  795         ]
  797 rangesInts :: (MonadFailDoc m, ExpressionLike c) => [Range c] -> m [Integer]
  798 rangesInts = fmap (sortNub . concat) . mapM rangeInts
  799     where
  800         rangeInts (RangeSingle x) = return <$> intOut "rangeInts 1" x
  801         rangeInts (RangeBounded x y) = do x' <- intOut "rangeInts 2" x
  802                                           y' <- intOut "rangeInts 3" y
  803                                           return [x' .. y']
  804         rangeInts _ = failDoc "Infinite range (or not an integer range)"
  806 expandRanges :: ExpressionLike c => [Range c] -> [Range c]
  807 expandRanges [RangeBounded a b] = [RangeBounded a b]
  808 expandRanges r =
  809     case rangesInts r of
  810         Nothing -> r
  811         Just [] -> []
  812         Just is ->
  813             if [ minimum is .. maximum is ] == is
  814                 then [RangeBounded (fromInt (minimum is)) (fromInt (maximum is))]
  815                 else map (RangeSingle . fromInt) is
  818 data HasRepresentation
  819     = NoRepresentation
  821     | Set_Occurrence
  822     | Set_Explicit
  823     | Set_ExplicitVarSizeWithFlags
  824     | Set_ExplicitVarSizeWithMarker
  825     | Set_ExplicitVarSizeWithDummy
  827     | MSet_Occurrence
  828     | MSet_ExplicitWithFlags
  829     | MSet_ExplicitWithRepetition
  831     | Function_1D
  832     | Function_1DPartial
  833     | Function_ND
  834     | Function_NDPartial
  835     | Function_NDPartialDummy
  836     | Function_AsRelation HasRepresentation                     -- carries: representation for the inner relation
  838     | Sequence_ExplicitBounded
  840     | Relation_AsMatrix
  841     | Relation_AsSet HasRepresentation                          -- carries: representation for the inner set
  843     | Partition_AsSet HasRepresentation HasRepresentation       -- carries: representations for the inner sets
  844     | Partition_Occurrence
  846     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
  848 instance Serialize HasRepresentation
  849 instance Hashable  HasRepresentation
  850 instance ToJSON    HasRepresentation where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
  851 instance FromJSON  HasRepresentation where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
  853 instance Default HasRepresentation where
  854     def = NoRepresentation
  856 representationConstrIndex :: HasRepresentation -> [Text]
  857 representationConstrIndex r = oneLevel r : concatMap representationConstrIndex (children r)
  858     where
  859         oneLevel :: HasRepresentation -> Text
  860         oneLevel = stringToText . ("R"++) . show . constrIndex . toConstr
  862 instance (Pretty r, Pretty a) => Pretty (Domain r a) where
  864     pretty DomainAny{} = "?"
  866     pretty DomainBool = "bool"
  868     pretty (DomainIntE x) = "int" <> prParens (pretty x)
  870     -- print them like integers even when they are tagged
  871     -- pretty (DomainInt (TagEnum nm) _) = pretty nm
  872     -- pretty (DomainInt (TagUnnamed nm) _) = pretty nm
  874     pretty (DomainInt _ []) = "int"
  875     pretty (DomainInt _ ranges) = "int" <> prettyList prParens "," ranges
  877     pretty (DomainEnum name (Just ranges) _) = pretty name <> prettyList prParens "," ranges
  878     pretty (DomainEnum name _             _) = pretty name
  880     pretty (DomainUnnamed name _) = pretty name
  882     pretty (DomainTuple inners)
  883         = (if length inners < 2 then "tuple" else prEmpty)
  884         <+> prettyList prParens "," inners
  886     pretty (DomainRecord xs) = "record" <+> prettyList prBraces ","
  887         [ pretty nm <+> ":" <++> pretty d | (nm, d) <- xs ]
  889     pretty (DomainVariant xs) = "variant" <+> prettyList prBraces ","
  890         [ pretty nm <+> ":" <++> pretty d | (nm, d) <- xs ]
  892     pretty (DomainMatrix index innerNested)
  893         = "matrix indexed by" <+> prettyList prBrackets "," indices
  894                               <+> "of" <++> pretty inner
  895         where
  896             (indices,inner) = first (index:) $ collect innerNested
  897             collect (DomainMatrix i j) = first (i:) $ collect j
  898             collect x = ([],x)
  900     pretty (DomainSet r attrs inner) =
  901         "set" <+> prettyAttrs r attrs <+> "of" <++> pretty inner
  903     pretty (DomainMSet r attrs inner) =
  904         "mset" <+> prettyAttrs r attrs <+> "of" <++> pretty inner
  906     pretty (DomainFunction r attrs innerFrom innerTo) =
  907         "function" <+> prettyAttrs r attrs <++> pretty innerFrom <++> "-->" <++> pretty innerTo
  909     pretty (DomainSequence r attrs inner) =
  910         "sequence" <+> prettyAttrs r attrs <+> "of" <++> pretty inner
  912     pretty (DomainRelation r attrs inners)
  913         = "relation" <+> prettyAttrs r attrs <+> "of" <++> prettyList prParens " *" inners
  915     pretty (DomainPartition r attrs inner)
  916         = "partition" <+> prettyAttrs r attrs <+> "from" <++> pretty inner
  918     pretty d@DomainOp{} = pretty (show d)
  920     pretty (DomainReference x _) = pretty x
  922     pretty (DomainMetaVar x) = "&" <> pretty x
  925 prettyAttrs :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => a -> b -> Doc
  926 prettyAttrs a bs =
  927     let prettya = pretty a
  928     in  if show prettya == "()"
  929             then pretty bs
  930             else prBraces prettya <+> pretty bs
  932 instance Pretty a => Pretty (DomainAttributes a) where
  933     pretty (DomainAttributes []) = prEmpty
  934     pretty (DomainAttributes attrs) = prettyList prParens "," attrs
  936 instance Pretty a => Pretty (DomainAttribute a) where
  937     pretty (DAName name) = pretty name
  938     pretty (DANameValue name value) = pretty name <+> pretty value
  939     pretty DADotDot = ".."
  941 instance Pretty a => Pretty (Range a) where
  942     pretty RangeOpen = ".."
  943     pretty (RangeSingle x) = pretty x
  944     pretty (RangeLowerBounded x) = pretty x <> ".."
  945     pretty (RangeUpperBounded x) = ".." <> pretty x
  946     pretty (RangeBounded x y) | show (pretty x) == show (pretty y) = pretty x
  947     pretty (RangeBounded x y) = pretty x <> ".." <> pretty y
  949 instance Pretty HasRepresentation where
  950     pretty NoRepresentation = "∅"
  951     pretty r = pretty (representationToFullText r)
  953 textToRepresentation :: Text -> [HasRepresentation] -> Maybe HasRepresentation
  954 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "Occurrence"                 = return Set_Occurrence
  955 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "Explicit"                   = return Set_Explicit
  956 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "ExplicitVarSizeWithFlags"   = return Set_ExplicitVarSizeWithFlags
  957 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "ExplicitVarSizeWithMarker"  = return Set_ExplicitVarSizeWithMarker
  958 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "ExplicitVarSizeWithDummy"   = return Set_ExplicitVarSizeWithDummy
  959 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "MOccurrence"                = return MSet_Occurrence
  960 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "ExplicitWithFlags"          = return MSet_ExplicitWithFlags
  961 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "ExplicitWithRepetition"     = return MSet_ExplicitWithRepetition
  962 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "Function1D"                 = return Function_1D
  963 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "Function1DPartial"          = return Function_1DPartial
  964 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "FunctionND"                 = return Function_ND
  965 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "FunctionNDPartial"          = return Function_NDPartial
  966 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "FunctionNDPartialDummy"     = return Function_NDPartialDummy
  967 textToRepresentation t [repr]         | t == "FunctionAsRelation"         = return (Function_AsRelation repr)
  968 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "ExplicitBounded"            = return Sequence_ExplicitBounded
  969 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "RelationAsMatrix"           = return Relation_AsMatrix
  970 textToRepresentation t [repr]         | t == "RelationAsSet"              = return (Relation_AsSet repr)
  971 textToRepresentation t [repr1, repr2] | t == "PartitionAsSet"             = return (Partition_AsSet repr1 repr2)
  972 textToRepresentation t []             | t == "PartitionOccurrence"        = return Partition_Occurrence
  973 textToRepresentation _ _ = Nothing
  975 representationToShortText :: HasRepresentation -> Text
  976 representationToShortText Set_Occurrence                 = "Occurrence"
  977 representationToShortText Set_Explicit                   = "Explicit"
  978 representationToShortText Set_ExplicitVarSizeWithFlags   = "ExplicitVarSizeWithFlags"
  979 representationToShortText Set_ExplicitVarSizeWithMarker  = "ExplicitVarSizeWithMarker"
  980 representationToShortText Set_ExplicitVarSizeWithDummy   = "ExplicitVarSizeWithDummy"
  981 representationToShortText MSet_Occurrence                = "MOccurrence"
  982 representationToShortText MSet_ExplicitWithFlags         = "ExplicitWithFlags"
  983 representationToShortText MSet_ExplicitWithRepetition    = "ExplicitWithRepetition"
  984 representationToShortText Function_1D                    = "Function1D"
  985 representationToShortText Function_1DPartial             = "Function1DPartial"
  986 representationToShortText Function_ND                    = "FunctionND"
  987 representationToShortText Function_NDPartial             = "FunctionNDPartial"
  988 representationToShortText Function_NDPartialDummy        = "FunctionNDPartialDummy"
  989 representationToShortText Function_AsRelation{}          = "FunctionAsRelation"
  990 representationToShortText Sequence_ExplicitBounded       = "ExplicitBounded"
  991 representationToShortText Relation_AsMatrix              = "RelationAsMatrix"
  992 representationToShortText Relation_AsSet{}               = "RelationAsSet"
  993 representationToShortText Partition_AsSet{}              = "PartitionAsSet"
  994 representationToShortText Partition_Occurrence           = "PartitionOccurrence"
  995 representationToShortText r = bug ("representationToShortText:" <+> pretty (show r))
  997 representationToFullText :: HasRepresentation -> Text
  998 representationToFullText (Function_AsRelation repr)     = mconcat [ "FunctionAsRelation"
  999                                                                   , "["
 1000                                                                   , representationToFullText repr
 1001                                                                   , "]"
 1002                                                                   ]
 1003 representationToFullText (Relation_AsSet repr)          = mconcat [ "RelationAsSet"
 1004                                                                   , "["
 1005                                                                   , representationToFullText repr
 1006                                                                   , "]"
 1007                                                                   ]
 1008 representationToFullText (Partition_AsSet repr1 repr2)  = mconcat [ "PartitionAsSet"
 1009                                                                   , "["
 1010                                                                   , representationToFullText repr1
 1011                                                                   , ","
 1012                                                                   , representationToFullText repr2
 1013                                                                   , "]"
 1014                                                                   ]
 1015 representationToFullText r = representationToShortText r
 1018 normaliseDomain :: (Ord c, ExpressionLike c) => (c -> c) -> Domain r c -> Domain r c
 1019 normaliseDomain _norm DomainBool                  = DomainBool
 1020 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainInt t rs           ) = DomainInt t $ sort $ map (normaliseRange norm) (expandRanges rs)
 1021 normaliseDomain _norm (DomainEnum n Nothing   mp) = DomainEnum n Nothing mp
 1022 normaliseDomain _norm (DomainEnum n (Just rs) mp) = DomainEnum n (Just $ sort rs) mp
 1023 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainUnnamed n x        ) = DomainUnnamed n (norm x)
 1024 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainRecord           doms     ) = DomainRecord  [ (n, normaliseDomain norm d)
 1025                                                                          | (n, d) <- doms ]
 1026 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainVariant          doms     ) = DomainVariant [ (n, normaliseDomain norm d)
 1027                                                                          | (n, d) <- doms ]
 1028 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainTuple            doms     ) = DomainTuple $ map (normaliseDomain norm) doms
 1029 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainMatrix           dom1 dom2) = DomainMatrix      (normaliseDomain norm dom1)
 1030                                                                              (normaliseDomain norm dom2)
 1031 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainSet       r attr dom      ) = DomainSet       r (fmap norm attr)
 1032                                                                              (normaliseDomain norm dom)
 1033 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainMSet      r attr dom      ) = DomainMSet      r (fmap norm attr)
 1034                                                                              (normaliseDomain norm dom)
 1035 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainFunction  r attr dom1 dom2) = DomainFunction  r (fmap norm attr)
 1036                                                                              (normaliseDomain norm dom1)
 1037                                                                              (normaliseDomain norm dom2)
 1038 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainSequence  r attr dom      ) = DomainSequence  r (fmap norm attr)
 1039                                                                              (normaliseDomain norm dom)
 1040 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainRelation  r attr doms     ) = DomainRelation  r (fmap norm attr)
 1041                                                                              (map (normaliseDomain norm) doms)
 1042 normaliseDomain  norm (DomainPartition r attr dom      ) = DomainPartition r (fmap norm attr)
 1043                                                                              (normaliseDomain norm dom)
 1044 normaliseDomain _norm d = d
 1046 normaliseRange :: (c -> c) -> Range c -> Range c
 1047 normaliseRange _norm RangeOpen             = RangeOpen
 1048 normaliseRange  norm (RangeSingle x)       = RangeBounded (norm x) (norm x)
 1049 normaliseRange  norm (RangeLowerBounded x) = RangeLowerBounded (norm x)
 1050 normaliseRange  norm (RangeUpperBounded x) = RangeUpperBounded (norm x)
 1051 normaliseRange  norm (RangeBounded x y)    = RangeBounded (norm x) (norm y)
 1053 innerDomainOf :: (MonadFailDoc m, Show x) => Domain () x -> m (Domain () x)
 1054 innerDomainOf (DomainMatrix _ t) = return t
 1055 innerDomainOf (DomainSet _ _ t) = return t
 1056 innerDomainOf (DomainMSet _ _ t) = return t
 1057 innerDomainOf (DomainFunction _ _ a b) = return (DomainTuple [a,b])
 1058 innerDomainOf (DomainRelation _ _ ts) = return (DomainTuple ts)
 1059 innerDomainOf (DomainPartition _ _ t) = return (DomainSet () def t)
 1060 innerDomainOf t = failDoc ("innerDomainOf:" <+> pretty (show t))
 1062 singletonDomainInt :: (Eq x, CanBeAnAlias x) => Domain r x -> Maybe x
 1063 singletonDomainInt (DomainInt _ [RangeSingle a]) = Just a
 1064 singletonDomainInt (DomainInt _ [RangeBounded a b]) =
 1065     let
 1066         followAlias (isAlias -> Just x) = followAlias x
 1067         followAlias x = x
 1068     in
 1069         if followAlias a == followAlias b
 1070             then Just a
 1071             else Nothing
 1072 singletonDomainInt _ = Nothing
 1074 matrixNumDimsD :: Domain r x -> Int
 1075 matrixNumDimsD (DomainMatrix _ t) = 1 + matrixNumDimsD t
 1076 matrixNumDimsD _ = 0