never executed always true always false
    1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
    4 module Conjure.Language.Expression.DomainSizeOf
    5     ( DomainSizeOf(..)
    6     , getMaxNumberOfElementsInContainer
    7     ) where
    9 -- conjure
   10 import Conjure.Prelude
   11 import Conjure.Bug
   12 import Conjure.Language.Definition
   13 import Conjure.Language.AdHoc
   14 import Conjure.Language.Domain
   15 import Conjure.Language.Expression.Op
   16 import Conjure.Language.Lenses
   17 import Conjure.Language.TH
   18 import Conjure.Language.Type
   20 import Conjure.Language.DomainSizeOf
   21 import Conjure.Language.Pretty
   24 instance DomainSizeOf Expression Expression where
   25     domainSizeOf (DomainReference _ (Just d)) = domainSizeOf d
   26     domainSizeOf DomainBool = return 2
   27     domainSizeOf (DomainInt _ [] ) = failDoc "domainSizeOf infinite integer domain"
   28     domainSizeOf (DomainInt _ [r]) = domainSizeOfRange r
   29     domainSizeOf (DomainInt _ rs ) = make opSum . fromList <$> mapM domainSizeOfRange rs
   30     domainSizeOf (DomainIntE x) = do
   31         let
   32             go (Reference _ (Just (Alias y))) = go y
   33             go (Comprehension _body gocs) = return $ make opSum $ Comprehension 1 gocs
   34             go y = bug ("not implemented: domainSizeOf.go:" <+> vcat [pretty y, pretty (show y)])
   35         go x
   36     domainSizeOf (DomainEnum n Nothing _) = return $
   37         let n' = n `mappend` "_EnumSize"
   38         in  Reference n' (Just (DeclHasRepr Given n' (DomainInt TagInt [])))
   39     domainSizeOf (DomainUnnamed _ x) = return x
   40     domainSizeOf (DomainTuple []) = return 1
   41     domainSizeOf (DomainTuple xs) = make opProduct . fromList <$> mapM domainSizeOf xs
   42     domainSizeOf (DomainRecord xs) = make opProduct . fromList <$> mapM (domainSizeOf . snd) xs
   43     domainSizeOf (DomainVariant xs) = make opSum . fromList <$> mapM (domainSizeOf . snd) xs
   44     domainSizeOf (DomainMatrix index inner) = make opPow <$> domainSizeOf inner <*> domainSizeOf index
   45     domainSizeOf (DomainSet _ (SetAttr sizeAttr) inner) = do
   46         innerSize <- domainSizeOf inner
   47         case sizeAttr of
   48             SizeAttr_None           -> return (make opPow 2 innerSize)
   49             SizeAttr_Size size      -> return (nchoosek (make opFactorial) innerSize size)
   50             SizeAttr_MinSize _      -> return (make opPow 2 innerSize)              -- TODO: can be better
   51             SizeAttr_MaxSize _      -> return (make opPow 2 innerSize)              -- TODO: can be better
   52             SizeAttr_MinMaxSize _ _ -> return (make opPow 2 innerSize)              -- TODO: can be better
   53     domainSizeOf (DomainMSet _ attrs inner) = do
   54         innerSize <- domainSizeOf inner
   55         let
   56             getMaxSize = case attrs of
   57                 MSetAttr (SizeAttr_Size x) _ -> return x
   58                 MSetAttr (SizeAttr_MaxSize x) _ -> return x
   59                 MSetAttr (SizeAttr_MinMaxSize _ x) _ -> return x
   60                 MSetAttr _ (OccurAttr_MaxOccur x) -> return (x * innerSize)
   61                 MSetAttr _ (OccurAttr_MinMaxOccur _ x) -> return (x * innerSize)
   62                 _ -> failDoc ("domainSizeOf.getMaxSize, mset not supported. attributes:" <+> pretty attrs)
   63             getMaxOccur = case attrs of
   64                 MSetAttr _ (OccurAttr_MaxOccur x) -> return x
   65                 MSetAttr _ (OccurAttr_MinMaxOccur _ x) -> return x
   66                 MSetAttr (SizeAttr_Size x) _ -> return (make opMin $ fromList [x, innerSize])
   67                 MSetAttr (SizeAttr_MaxSize x) _ -> return (make opMin $ fromList [x, innerSize])
   68                 MSetAttr (SizeAttr_MinMaxSize _ x) _ -> return (make opMin $ fromList [x, innerSize])
   69                 _ -> failDoc ("domainSizeOf.getMaxSize, mset not supported. attributes:" <+> pretty attrs)
   70         maxSize  <- getMaxSize
   71         maxOccur <- getMaxOccur
   72         return (make opPow maxOccur maxSize)
   73     domainSizeOf d@(DomainSequence _ (SequenceAttr sizeAttr jectivityAttr) innerTo) = do
   74         size <- case sizeAttr of
   75             SizeAttr_None           -> failDoc ("Infinite domain:" <+> pretty d)
   76             SizeAttr_Size s         -> return s
   77             SizeAttr_MinSize _      -> failDoc ("Infinite domain:" <+> pretty d)
   78             SizeAttr_MaxSize s      -> return s
   79             SizeAttr_MinMaxSize _ s -> return s
   80         domainSizeOf $ DomainFunction def (FunctionAttr sizeAttr PartialityAttr_Partial jectivityAttr)
   81             (DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 1 size]) innerTo
   82     domainSizeOf (DomainFunction _ (FunctionAttr sizeAttr _ _) innerFr innerTo) =
   83         domainSizeOf $ DomainRelation def (RelationAttr sizeAttr def) [innerFr, innerTo]
   84     domainSizeOf (DomainRelation _ (RelationAttr sizeAttr _binRelAttr) inners) =
   85         domainSizeOf (DomainSet def (SetAttr sizeAttr) (DomainTuple inners))
   86     domainSizeOf (DomainPartition _ a inner) =
   87         domainSizeOf $ DomainSet def (SetAttr (partsNum  a))
   88                       $ DomainSet def (SetAttr (partsSize a)) inner
   89     domainSizeOf d = bug ("not implemented: domainSizeOf:" <+> vcat [pretty d, pretty (show d)])
   92 domainSizeOfRange :: (Op a :< a, ExpressionLike a, Pretty a, MonadFailDoc m, Num a, Eq a) => Range a -> m a
   93 domainSizeOfRange RangeSingle{} = return 1
   94 domainSizeOfRange (RangeBounded 1 u) = return u
   95 domainSizeOfRange (RangeBounded l u) = return $ make opSum $ fromList [1, make opMinus u l]
   96 domainSizeOfRange r = failDoc ("domainSizeOf infinite range:" <+> pretty r)
   99 getMaxNumberOfElementsInContainer :: Domain () Expression -> Expression
  100 getMaxNumberOfElementsInContainer domain@(DomainSet _ (SetAttr sizeAttr) inner) =
  101     case (getMaxFrom_SizeAttr sizeAttr, domainSizeOf inner) of
  102         (Just n, _) -> n
  103         (_, Just n) -> n
  104         _           -> bug $ "getMaxNumberOfElementsInContainer, DomainSet:" <+> pretty domain
  105 getMaxNumberOfElementsInContainer domain@(DomainMSet _ (MSetAttr sizeAttr occurAttr) inner) =
  106     case (getMaxFrom_SizeAttr sizeAttr, getMaxFrom_OccurAttr occurAttr, domainSizeOf inner) of
  107         (Just n, _     , _     ) -> n
  108         (_     , Just o, Just n) -> [essence| &o * &n |]
  109         _                        -> bug $ "getMaxNumberOfElementsInContainer, DomainMSet:" <+> pretty domain
  110 getMaxNumberOfElementsInContainer domain@(DomainSequence _ (SequenceAttr sizeAttr _) _) =
  111     case getMaxFrom_SizeAttr sizeAttr of
  112         Just n -> n
  113         _      -> bug $ "getMaxNumberOfElementsInContainer, DomainSequence:" <+> pretty domain
  114 getMaxNumberOfElementsInContainer domain = bug $ "getMaxNumberOfElementsInContainer:" <+> pretty domain