never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveTraversable, DeriveFoldable #-}
    3 module Conjure.Language.Expression.Op.Freq where
    5 import Conjure.Prelude
    6 import Conjure.Language.Expression.Op.Internal.Common
    8 import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON             -- aeson
    9 import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KM
   11 import qualified Data.Vector as V               -- vector
   14 data OpFreq x = OpFreq x x
   15     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Typeable, Generic)
   17 instance Serialize x => Serialize (OpFreq x)
   18 instance Hashable  x => Hashable  (OpFreq x)
   19 instance ToJSON    x => ToJSON    (OpFreq x) where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
   20 instance FromJSON  x => FromJSON  (OpFreq x) where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
   22 instance (TypeOf x, Pretty x) => TypeOf (OpFreq x) where
   23     typeOf p@(OpFreq m e) = do
   24         tyM <- typeOf m
   25         tyE <- typeOf e
   26         case tyM of
   27             TypeMatrix _ tyE'
   28                 | tyE `typeUnify` tyE' -> return $ TypeInt TagInt
   29                 | otherwise            -> raiseTypeError $ vcat
   30                     [ "The first argument of freq is expected to be a matrix or a multi-set."
   31                     , "We got:" <+> pretty tyM
   32                     , "In expression:" <+> pretty p
   33                     ]
   34             TypeMSet tyE'
   35                 | tyE `typeUnify` tyE' -> return $ TypeInt TagInt
   36                 | otherwise            -> raiseTypeError $ vcat
   37                     [ "The first argument of freq is expected to be a matrix or a multi-set."
   38                     , "We got:" <+> pretty tyM
   39                     , "In expression:" <+> pretty p
   40                     ]
   41             _ -> raiseTypeError $ vcat
   42                     [ "The first argument of freq is expected to be a matrix or a multi-set."
   43                     , "We got:" <+> pretty tyM
   44                     , "In expression:" <+> pretty p
   45                     ]
   47 instance SimplifyOp OpFreq x where
   48     simplifyOp _ = na "simplifyOp{OpFreq}"
   50 instance Pretty x => Pretty (OpFreq x) where
   51     prettyPrec _ (OpFreq a b) = "freq" <> prettyList prParens "," [a,b]
   53 instance VarSymBreakingDescription x => VarSymBreakingDescription (OpFreq x) where
   54     varSymBreakingDescription (OpFreq a b) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
   55         [ ("type", JSON.String "OpFreq")
   56         , ("children", JSON.Array $ V.fromList
   57             [ varSymBreakingDescription a
   58             , varSymBreakingDescription b
   59             ])
   60         ]