never executed always true always false
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
4 module Conjure.Language.Expression
5 ( Statement(..), SearchOrder(..), Objective(..)
6 , Declaration(..), FindOrGiven(..)
7 , Expression(..), ReferenceTo(..), Region(..), InBubble(..)
8 , AbstractLiteral(..)
9 , AbstractPattern(..)
10 , GeneratorOrCondition(..), Generator(..), generatorPat
11 , e2c
12 , quantifiedVar, quantifiedVarOverDomain, auxiliaryVar
13 , lambdaToFunction
14 , tupleLitIfNeeded
15 , patternToExpr
16 , emptyCollectionX
17 , nbUses
18 , isDomainExpr
19 ) where
21 -- conjure
22 import Conjure.Prelude
23 import Conjure.Bug
24 import Conjure.Language.Pretty
25 import Conjure.Language.AdHoc
27 import Conjure.Language.Name
28 import Conjure.Language.NameGen ( NameGen(..) )
29 import Conjure.Language.Constant
30 import Conjure.Language.AbstractLiteral
31 import Conjure.Language.Type
32 import Conjure.Language.Domain
33 import Conjure.Language.Expression.Op
35 import Conjure.Language.TypeOf
36 import Conjure.Language.RepresentationOf
38 -- aeson
39 import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
40 import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KM
42 import qualified Data.Vector as V -- vector
44 -- pretty
45 import Conjure.Language.Pretty as Pr ( cat )
48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 -- Statement -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 data Statement
53 = Declaration Declaration
54 | SearchOrder [SearchOrder]
55 | SearchHeuristic Name
56 | Where [Expression]
57 | Objective Objective Expression
58 | SuchThat [Expression]
59 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
61 instance Serialize Statement
62 instance Hashable Statement
63 instance ToJSON Statement where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
64 instance FromJSON Statement where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
66 instance SimpleJSON Statement where
67 toSimpleJSON st =
68 case st of
69 Declaration d -> toSimpleJSON d
70 _ -> noToSimpleJSON st
71 fromSimpleJSON = noFromSimpleJSON "Statement"
73 instance ToFromMiniZinc Statement where
74 toMiniZinc st =
75 case st of
76 Declaration d -> toMiniZinc d
77 _ -> noToMiniZinc st
79 instance Pretty Statement where
80 pretty (Declaration x) = pretty x
81 pretty (SearchOrder nms) = "branching on" <++> prettyList prBrackets "," nms
82 pretty (SearchHeuristic nm) = "heuristic" <+> pretty nm
83 pretty (Where xs) = "where" <++> vcat (punctuate "," $ map pretty xs)
84 pretty (Objective obj x) = pretty obj <++> pretty x
85 pretty (SuchThat xs) = "such that" <++> vcat (punctuate "," $ map pretty xs)
87 instance VarSymBreakingDescription Statement where
88 varSymBreakingDescription (Declaration x) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
89 [ ("type", JSON.String "Declaration")
90 , ("children", varSymBreakingDescription x)
91 ]
92 varSymBreakingDescription SearchOrder{} = JSON.Null
93 varSymBreakingDescription SearchHeuristic{} = JSON.Null
94 varSymBreakingDescription (Where xs) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
95 [ ("type", JSON.String "Where")
96 , ("symmetricChildren", JSON.Bool True)
97 , ("children", JSON.Array $ V.fromList $ map varSymBreakingDescription xs)
98 ]
99 varSymBreakingDescription (Objective obj x) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
100 [ ("type", JSON.String $ "Objective-" `mappend` stringToText (show obj))
101 , ("children", varSymBreakingDescription x)
102 ]
103 varSymBreakingDescription (SuchThat xs) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
104 [ ("type", JSON.String "SuchThat")
105 , ("symmetricChildren", JSON.Bool True)
106 , ("children", JSON.Array $ V.fromList $ map varSymBreakingDescription xs)
107 ]
110 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 -- SearchOrder ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 data SearchOrder = BranchingOn Name | Cut Expression
115 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
117 instance Serialize SearchOrder
118 instance Hashable SearchOrder
119 instance ToJSON SearchOrder where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
120 instance FromJSON SearchOrder where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
122 instance Pretty SearchOrder where
123 pretty (BranchingOn x) = pretty x
124 pretty (Cut x) = pretty x
127 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 -- Objective -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 data Objective = Minimising | Maximising
132 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
134 instance Serialize Objective
135 instance Hashable Objective
136 instance ToJSON Objective where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
137 instance FromJSON Objective where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
139 instance Pretty Objective where
140 pretty Minimising = "minimising"
141 pretty Maximising = "maximising"
144 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 -- Declaration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
146 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
148 data Declaration
149 = FindOrGiven FindOrGiven Name (Domain () Expression)
150 | Letting Name Expression
151 | GivenDomainDefnEnum Name
152 | LettingDomainDefnEnum Name [Name]
153 | LettingDomainDefnUnnamed Name Expression
154 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
156 instance Serialize Declaration
157 instance Hashable Declaration
158 instance ToJSON Declaration where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
159 instance FromJSON Declaration where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
161 instance SimpleJSON Declaration where
162 toSimpleJSON d =
163 case d of
164 Letting nm x -> do
165 x' <- toSimpleJSON x
166 return $ JSON.Object $ KM.fromList [(fromString (renderNormal nm), x')]
167 LettingDomainDefnEnum nm xs -> do
168 let xs' = map (fromString . renderNormal) xs
169 return $ JSON.Object $ KM.fromList [(fromString (renderNormal nm), JSON.Array (V.fromList xs'))]
170 _ -> noToSimpleJSON d
171 fromSimpleJSON = noFromSimpleJSON "Declaration"
173 instance ToFromMiniZinc Declaration where
174 toMiniZinc st =
175 case st of
176 Letting nm x -> do
177 x' <- toMiniZinc x
178 return $ MZNNamed [(nm, x')]
179 _ -> noToSimpleJSON st
181 -- this is only used in the instance below
182 type Prim = Either Bool (Either Integer Constant)
184 instance Pretty Declaration where
185 pretty (FindOrGiven forg nm d) = hang (pretty forg <+> pretty nm <> ":" ) 8 (pretty d)
186 pretty (Letting nm (Domain x)) = hang ("letting" <+> pretty nm <+> "be domain") 8 (pretty x)
187 pretty (Letting nm x) =
188 let
189 extract :: Constant -> Maybe [Constant]
190 extract (viewConstantMatrix -> Just (_, rows)) = Just rows
191 extract (viewConstantTuple -> Just rows ) = Just rows
192 extract (viewConstantSet -> Just rows ) = Just rows
193 extract (viewConstantMSet -> Just rows ) = Just rows
194 extract (viewConstantFunction -> Just rows ) = Just (map snd rows)
195 extract (viewConstantSequence -> Just rows ) = Just rows
196 extract _ = Nothing
198 isPrim :: Constant -> Maybe Prim
199 isPrim (ConstantBool val) = Just (Left val)
200 isPrim (ConstantInt _ val) = Just (Right (Left val))
201 isPrim val@ConstantEnum{} = Just (Right (Right val))
202 isPrim _ = Nothing
204 isPrim1DT :: Constant -> Maybe [Prim]
205 -- isPrim1DT p@(viewConstantMatrix -> Just{}) = isPrim1D p
206 -- isPrim1DT p@(viewConstantTuple -> Just{}) = isPrim1D p
207 -- isPrim1DT p@(viewConstantSet -> Just{}) = isPrim1D p
208 -- isPrim1DT p@(viewConstantMSet -> Just{}) = isPrim1D p
209 -- isPrim1DT p@(viewConstantFunction -> Just{}) = isPrim1D p
210 -- isPrim1DT p@(viewConstantSequence -> Just{}) = isPrim1D p
211 isPrim1DT _ = Nothing
213 isPrim1D :: Constant -> Maybe [Prim]
214 isPrim1D (extract -> Just cells) = mapM isPrim cells
215 isPrim1D _ = Nothing
217 isPrim2D :: Constant -> Maybe [[Prim]]
218 isPrim2D (extract -> Just rows) = mapM isPrim1D rows
219 isPrim2D (viewConstantRelation -> Just table) = mapM (mapM isPrim) table
220 isPrim2D (viewConstantPartition -> Just table) = mapM (mapM isPrim) table
221 isPrim2D _ = Nothing
223 isPrim3D :: Constant -> Maybe [[[Prim]]]
224 isPrim3D (extract -> Just table) = mapM isPrim2D table
225 isPrim3D _ = Nothing
227 showPrim :: Int -> Prim -> String
228 showPrim _ (Left True) = "T"
229 showPrim _ (Left False) = "_"
230 showPrim n (Right (Left i)) = padLeft n ' ' (show i)
231 showPrim n (Right (Right i)) = padRight n ' ' (show (pretty i))
233 maxIntWidth :: Data a => a -> Int
234 maxIntWidth primTable =
235 maximum (0 : [ length (show i) | i <- universeBi primTable :: [Integer] ]
236 ++ [ length (show (pretty i)) | i@ConstantEnum{} <- universeBi primTable ])
238 comment1D :: Int -> [Prim] -> String
239 comment1D width primTable =
240 unlines
241 [ "$ Visualisation for " ++ show (pretty nm)
242 , "$ " ++ unwords [ showPrim width cell | cell <- primTable ]
243 ]
245 comment2D :: Int -> [[Prim]] -> String
246 comment2D width primTable =
247 unlines
248 $ ( "$ Visualisation for " ++ show (pretty nm))
249 : [ "$ " ++ unwords [ showPrim width cell | cell <- row ]
250 | row <- primTable ]
252 comment3D :: Int -> [[[Prim]]] -> String
253 comment3D width primTable =
254 unlines
255 $ ( "$ Visualisation for " ++ show (pretty nm))
256 : concat [ [ "$ " ++ unwords [ showPrim width cell | cell <- row ]
257 | row <- table
258 ] ++ ["$ "]
259 | table <- primTable ]
261 modifierX =
262 case x of
263 Constant c -> modifierC c
264 _ -> id
266 modifierC c
267 | Just primTable <- isPrim1DT c
268 , not (null primTable) = \ s ->
269 vcat [s, pretty (comment1D (maxIntWidth primTable) primTable)]
270 modifierC c
271 | Just primTable <- isPrim2D c
272 , not (null (concat primTable)) = \ s ->
273 vcat [s, pretty (comment2D (maxIntWidth primTable) primTable)]
274 modifierC c
275 | Just primTable <- isPrim3D c
276 , not (null (concat (concat primTable))) = \ s ->
277 vcat [s, pretty (comment3D (maxIntWidth primTable) primTable)]
278 modifierC _ = id
280 in
281 modifierX $ hang ("letting" <+> pretty nm <+> "be") 8 (pretty x)
282 pretty (GivenDomainDefnEnum name) =
283 hang ("given" <+> pretty name) 8 "new type enum"
284 pretty (LettingDomainDefnEnum name values) =
285 hang ("letting" <+> pretty name <+> "be new type enum") 8
286 (prettyList prBraces "," values)
287 pretty (LettingDomainDefnUnnamed name size) =
288 hang ("letting" <+> pretty name <+> "be new type of size") 8 (pretty size)
290 instance VarSymBreakingDescription Declaration where
291 varSymBreakingDescription (FindOrGiven forg name domain) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
292 [ ("type", JSON.String "FindOrGiven")
293 , ("forg", toJSON forg)
294 , ("name", toJSON name)
295 , ("domain", toJSON domain)
296 ]
297 varSymBreakingDescription (Letting name x) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
298 [ ("type", JSON.String "Letting")
299 , ("name", toJSON name)
300 , ("value", toJSON x)
301 ]
302 varSymBreakingDescription (GivenDomainDefnEnum name) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
303 [ ("type", JSON.String "GivenDomainDefnEnum")
304 , ("name", toJSON name)
305 ]
306 varSymBreakingDescription (LettingDomainDefnEnum name xs) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
307 [ ("type", JSON.String "GivenDomainDefnEnum")
308 , ("name", toJSON name)
309 , ("values", JSON.Array $ V.fromList $ map toJSON xs)
310 ]
311 varSymBreakingDescription (LettingDomainDefnUnnamed name x) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
312 [ ("type", JSON.String "LettingDomainDefnUnnamed")
313 , ("name", toJSON name)
314 , ("value", toJSON x)
315 ]
318 data FindOrGiven = Find | Given | Quantified
319 | CutFind -- references to variables used in the definition of a cut
320 | LocalFind -- references to variables used inside WithLocals. i.e. auxiliaries.
321 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
323 instance Serialize FindOrGiven
324 instance Hashable FindOrGiven
325 instance ToJSON FindOrGiven where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
326 instance FromJSON FindOrGiven where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
328 instance Pretty FindOrGiven where
329 pretty Find = "find"
330 pretty Given = "given"
331 pretty Quantified = "quantified"
332 pretty CutFind = "find"
333 pretty LocalFind = "find"
336 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
337 -- Expression ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
338 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
340 data Expression
341 = Constant Constant
342 | AbstractLiteral (AbstractLiteral Expression)
343 | Domain (Domain () Expression)
344 | Reference Name (Maybe ReferenceTo)
345 | WithLocals Expression InBubble
346 | Comprehension Expression [GeneratorOrCondition]
347 | Typed Expression Type
348 | Op (Op Expression)
349 | ExpressionMetaVar String
350 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
352 instance Serialize Expression
353 instance Hashable Expression
354 instance ToJSON Expression where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
355 instance FromJSON Expression where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
357 instance SimpleJSON Expression where
358 toSimpleJSON x =
359 case x of
360 Reference nm _ -> return $ JSON.String $ stringToText $ show $ pretty nm
361 Constant c -> toSimpleJSON c
362 AbstractLiteral lit -> toSimpleJSON lit
363 Typed y _ -> toSimpleJSON y
364 Op (MkOpMinus (OpMinus a b)) -> do
365 a' <- toSimpleJSON a
366 b' <- toSimpleJSON b
367 case (a', b') of
368 (JSON.Number a'', JSON.Number b'') -> return (JSON.Number (a'' - b''))
369 _ -> noToSimpleJSON x
370 _ -> noToSimpleJSON x
371 fromSimpleJSON t x = Constant <$> fromSimpleJSON t x
373 instance ToFromMiniZinc Expression where
374 toMiniZinc x =
375 case x of
376 Constant c -> toMiniZinc c
377 AbstractLiteral lit -> toMiniZinc lit
378 Typed y _ -> toMiniZinc y
379 Op (MkOpMinus (OpMinus a b)) -> do
380 a' <- toMiniZinc a
381 b' <- toMiniZinc b
382 case (a', b') of
383 (MZNInt a'', MZNInt b'') -> return (MZNInt (a'' - b''))
384 _ -> noToMiniZinc x
385 _ -> noToMiniZinc x
387 viewIndexed :: Expression -> (Expression, [Doc])
388 viewIndexed (Op (MkOpIndexing (OpIndexing m i ))) =
389 let this = pretty i
390 in second (++ [this]) (viewIndexed m)
391 viewIndexed (Op (MkOpSlicing (OpSlicing m a b))) =
392 let this = maybe prEmpty pretty a <> ".." <> maybe prEmpty pretty b
393 in second (++ [this]) (viewIndexed m)
394 viewIndexed m = (m, [])
396 instance Pretty Expression where
398 prettyPrec _ (viewIndexed -> (m,is@(_:_))) = [pretty m, nest 4 (prettyList prBrackets "," is)]
400 -- mostly for debugging: print what a reference is pointing at
401 -- prettyPrec _ (Reference x Nothing) = pretty x <> "#`NOTHING`"
402 -- prettyPrec _ (Reference x (Just (DeclHasRepr _ _ dom))) = pretty x <> "#`" <> pretty dom <> "`"
403 -- prettyPrec _ (Reference x (Just r)) = pretty x <> "#`" <> pretty r <> "`"
405 prettyPrec _ (Constant x) = pretty x
406 prettyPrec _ (AbstractLiteral x) = pretty x
407 prettyPrec _ (Domain x) = "`" <> pretty x <> "`"
408 prettyPrec _ (Reference x _) = pretty x
409 prettyPrec _ (WithLocals x (AuxiliaryVars locals)) =
410 vcat
411 [ "{" <+> pretty x
412 , "@" <+> vcat (map pretty locals)
413 , "}"
414 ]
415 prettyPrec _ (WithLocals x (DefinednessConstraints locals)) =
416 vcat
417 [ "{" <+> pretty x
418 , "@" <+> pretty (SuchThat locals)
419 , "}"
420 ]
421 prettyPrec _ (Comprehension x is) = prBrackets $ pretty x <++> "|" <+> prettyList id "," is
422 prettyPrec _ (Typed x ty) = prParens $ pretty x <+> ":" <+> "`" <> pretty ty <> "`"
423 prettyPrec prec (Op op) = prettyPrec prec op
424 prettyPrec _ (ExpressionMetaVar x) = "&" <> pretty x
426 instance VarSymBreakingDescription Expression where
427 varSymBreakingDescription (Constant x) = toJSON x
428 varSymBreakingDescription (AbstractLiteral x) = varSymBreakingDescription x
429 varSymBreakingDescription (Domain domain) = varSymBreakingDescription domain
430 varSymBreakingDescription (Reference name _) = JSON.Object $ KM.singleton "Reference" (toJSON name)
431 varSymBreakingDescription (WithLocals h (AuxiliaryVars locs)) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
432 [ ("type", JSON.String "WithLocals")
433 , ("head", varSymBreakingDescription h)
434 , ("children", JSON.Array $ V.fromList $ map varSymBreakingDescription locs)
435 , ("symmetricChildren", JSON.Bool True)
436 ]
437 varSymBreakingDescription (WithLocals h (DefinednessConstraints locs)) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
438 [ ("type", JSON.String "WithLocals")
439 , ("head", varSymBreakingDescription h)
440 , ("children", JSON.Array $ V.fromList $ map varSymBreakingDescription locs)
441 , ("symmetricChildren", JSON.Bool True)
442 ]
443 varSymBreakingDescription (Comprehension h gocs) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
444 [ ("type", JSON.String "Comprehension")
445 , ("head", varSymBreakingDescription h)
446 , ("gocs", JSON.Array $ V.fromList $ map varSymBreakingDescription gocs)
447 ]
448 varSymBreakingDescription (Typed x _) = varSymBreakingDescription x
449 varSymBreakingDescription (Op op) = varSymBreakingDescription op
450 varSymBreakingDescription (ExpressionMetaVar s) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
451 [ ("type", JSON.String "ExpressionMetaVar")
452 , ("name", JSON.String (stringToText s))
453 ]
455 instance TypeOf Expression where
456 typeOf (Constant x) = typeOf x
457 typeOf (AbstractLiteral x) = typeOf x
458 typeOf (Domain x) = failDoc ("Expected an expression, but got a domain:" <++> pretty x)
459 typeOf (Reference nm Nothing) = failDoc ("Type error, identifier not bound:" <+> pretty nm)
460 typeOf (Reference nm (Just refTo)) =
461 case refTo of
462 Alias x -> typeOf x
463 InComprehension gen ->
464 let
465 lu pat ty = maybe
466 (bug $ vcat ["Type error, InComprehension:", pretty nm, pretty pat, pretty ty])
467 return
468 (lu' pat ty)
469 lu' (Single nm') ty | nm == nm' = Just ty
470 lu' (AbsPatTuple pats) (TypeTuple tys) = zipWith lu' pats tys |> catMaybes |> listToMaybe
471 lu' (AbsPatMatrix pats) (TypeMatrix _ ty ) = [lu' p ty | p <- pats] |> catMaybes |> listToMaybe
472 lu' (AbsPatSet pats) (TypeSet ty ) = [lu' p ty | p <- pats] |> catMaybes |> listToMaybe
473 lu' _ _ = Nothing
474 in
475 case gen of
476 GenDomainNoRepr pat domain -> typeOfDomain domain >>= lu pat
477 GenDomainHasRepr pat domain -> typeOfDomain domain >>= lu (Single pat)
478 GenInExpr pat expr ->
479 case project expr of
480 Just (d :: Domain () Expression) -> failDoc $ vcat
481 [ "Expected an expression, but got a domain:" <++> pretty d
482 , "In the generator of a comprehension or a quantified expression"
483 , "Consider using" <+> pretty pat <+> ":" <+> pretty expr
484 ]
485 Nothing -> do
486 tyExpr <- typeOf expr
487 case innerTypeOf tyExpr of
488 Just tyExprInner -> lu pat tyExprInner
489 Nothing -> failDoc $ vcat
490 [ "Type error in the generator of a comprehension or a quantified expression"
491 , "Consider using" <+> pretty pat <+> ":" <+> pretty expr
492 ]
493 DeclNoRepr _ _ dom _ -> typeOfDomain dom
494 DeclHasRepr _ _ dom -> typeOfDomain dom
495 RecordField _ ty -> return ty
496 VariantField _ ty -> return ty
497 typeOf p@(WithLocals h (DefinednessConstraints cs)) = do
498 forM_ cs $ \ c -> do
499 ty <- typeOf c
500 unless (typeUnify TypeBool ty) $ failDoc $ vcat
501 [ "Local constraint is not boolean."
502 , "Condition:" <+> pretty c
503 , "In:" <+> pretty p
504 ]
505 typeOf h
506 typeOf p@(WithLocals h (AuxiliaryVars stmts)) = do
507 forM_ stmts $ \ stmt ->
508 case stmt of
509 Declaration{} -> return () -- TODO: what other checks make sense?
510 SuchThat xs -> forM_ xs $ \ x -> do
511 ty <- typeOf x
512 case ty of
513 TypeBool{} -> return ()
514 _ -> failDoc $ vcat
515 [ "Inside a bubble, in a 'such that' statement:" <++> pretty x
516 , "Expected type `bool`, but got:" <++> pretty ty
517 ]
518 _ -> failDoc $ vcat
519 [ "Unexpected statement inside a bubble."
520 , "Expected type `find` or `such that`, but got:" <++> pretty stmt
521 , "The complete expression:" <+> pretty p
522 ]
523 typeOf h
524 typeOf p@(Comprehension x gensOrConds) = do
525 forM_ gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of
526 Generator{} -> return () -- TODO: do this properly
527 Condition c -> do
528 ty <- typeOf c
529 unless (typeUnify TypeBool ty) $ failDoc $ vcat
530 [ "Condition is not boolean."
531 , "Condition:" <+> pretty c
532 , "In:" <+> pretty p
533 ]
534 ComprehensionLetting{} -> return ()
535 TypeList <$> typeOf x
536 typeOf (Typed _ ty) = return ty
537 typeOf (Op op) = typeOf op
538 typeOf x@ExpressionMetaVar{} = bug ("typeOf:" <+> pretty x)
540 instance RepresentationOf Expression where
541 representationTreeOf (Reference _ (Just (DeclHasRepr _ _ dom))) = return (reprTree dom)
542 representationTreeOf (Op (MkOpIndexing (OpIndexing m i))) = do
543 iType <- typeOf i
544 case iType of
545 TypeBool{} -> return ()
546 TypeInt{} -> return ()
547 _ -> failDoc "representationOf, OpIndexing, not a bool or int index"
548 mTree <- representationTreeOf m
549 case mTree of
550 Tree _ [r] -> return r
551 _ -> failDoc "domainOf, OpIndexing, not a matrix"
552 representationTreeOf _ = failDoc "doesn't seem to have a representation"
554 instance Domain () Expression :< Expression where
555 inject = Domain
556 project (Domain x) = return x
557 project (Reference _ (Just (Alias x))) = project x
558 project x = failDoc ("projecting Domain out of Expression:" <+> pretty x)
560 instance Op Expression :< Expression where
561 inject = Op
562 project (Op x) = return x
563 project x = failDoc ("projecting Op out of Expression:" <+> pretty x)
565 instance Op Constant :< Constant where
566 inject x = bug ("injecting Op into a Constant:" <+> pretty x)
567 project x = failDoc ("projecting Op out of a Constant:" <+> pretty x)
569 instance CanBeAnAlias Expression where
570 isAlias (Reference _ (Just (Alias x))) = Just x
571 isAlias _ = Nothing
573 instance ReferenceContainer Expression where
574 fromName nm = Reference nm Nothing
575 nameOut (Reference nm _) = return nm
576 nameOut (Constant (ConstantField nm _)) = return nm
577 nameOut p = failDoc ("This expression isn't a 'name':" <+> pretty p)
579 instance ExpressionLike Expression where
580 fromInt = Constant . fromInt
581 fromIntWithTag i t = Constant $ fromIntWithTag i t
582 intOut doc (Constant c) = intOut ("intOut{Expression}" <+> doc) c
583 intOut doc x = failDoc $ vcat [ "Expecting a constant, but got:" <++> pretty x
584 , "Called from:" <+> doc
585 ]
587 fromBool = Constant . fromBool
588 boolOut (Constant c) = boolOut c
589 boolOut x = failDoc ("Expecting a constant, but got:" <++> pretty x)
591 -- fromList [x] = x -- TODO: what would break if I do this?
592 fromList xs = AbstractLiteral $ AbsLitMatrix (mkDomainIntB 1 (fromInt $ genericLength xs)) xs
593 listOut (AbstractLiteral (AbsLitMatrix _ xs)) = return xs
594 listOut (Constant (ConstantAbstract (AbsLitMatrix _ xs))) = return (map Constant xs)
595 listOut c = failDoc ("Expecting a matrix literal, but found:" <+> pretty c)
597 instance Num Expression where
598 x + y = Op $ MkOpSum $ OpSum $ fromList [x,y]
599 x - y = Op $ MkOpMinus $ OpMinus x y
600 x * y = Op $ MkOpProduct $ OpProduct $ fromList [x,y]
601 abs x = Op $ MkOpTwoBars $ OpTwoBars x
602 signum _ = bug "signum {Expression}"
603 fromInteger = fromInt . fromInteger
605 instance Integral Expression where
606 divMod a b = ( Op $ MkOpDiv $ OpDiv a b
607 , Op $ MkOpMod $ OpMod a b )
608 quotRem = divMod
609 toInteger = bug "toInteger {Expression}"
611 instance Real Expression where
612 toRational = bug "toRational {Expression}"
614 instance Enum Expression where
615 fromEnum = bug "fromEnum {Expression}"
616 toEnum = fromInt . fromIntegral
617 succ a = a + 1
618 pred a = a - 1
619 enumFrom x = x : enumFrom (succ x)
620 enumFromThen x n = x : enumFromThen (x+n) n
621 enumFromTo _x _y = bug "enumFromTo {Expression}"
622 enumFromThenTo _x _n _y = bug "enumFromThenTo {Expression}"
625 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
626 -- InBubble ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
627 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
629 data InBubble
630 = AuxiliaryVars [Statement] -- can only be a LocalFind or a SuchThat
631 -- the variable declarations are lifted to top level, eventually
632 | DefinednessConstraints [Expression] -- lifted to the closest relational context
633 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
635 instance Serialize InBubble
636 instance Hashable InBubble
637 instance ToJSON InBubble where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
638 instance FromJSON InBubble where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
641 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
642 -- some helper functions to do with Expressions ------------------------------------------------------------------------
643 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 -- | This is only for when you know the Expression you have is actually a Constant, but
646 -- is refusing to believe that it is one.
647 -- Remind it where it comes from!
648 -- (Srsly: Can be useful after parsing a solution file, for example.)
649 e2c :: MonadFailDoc m => Expression -> m Constant
650 e2c (Constant c) = return c
651 e2c (AbstractLiteral c) = ConstantAbstract <$> mapM e2c c
652 e2c (Op (MkOpNegate (OpNegate (Constant (ConstantInt t x))))) = return $ ConstantInt t $ negate x
653 e2c x = failDoc ("e2c, not a constant:" <+> pretty x)
655 -- | generate a fresh name for a quantified variable.
656 -- fst: the pattern to be used inside a generator
657 -- snd: the expression to be used everywhere else
658 quantifiedVar :: NameGen m => m (AbstractPattern, Expression)
659 quantifiedVar = do
660 nm <- nextName "q"
661 let pat = Single nm
662 ref = Reference nm Nothing
663 return (pat, ref)
665 -- | like `quantifiedVar`, but already name-resolved as a quantified variable over the given domain
666 quantifiedVarOverDomain :: NameGen m => Domain () Expression -> m (AbstractPattern, Expression)
667 quantifiedVarOverDomain domain = do
668 nm <- nextName "q"
669 let pat = Single nm
670 ref = Reference nm (Just (InComprehension (GenDomainNoRepr (Single nm) domain)))
671 return (pat, ref)
673 -- | generate a fresh name for an auxiliary variable.
674 -- fst: the name to be used when declaring the variable
675 -- snd: the expression to be used everywhere else
676 auxiliaryVar :: NameGen m => m (Name, Expression)
677 auxiliaryVar = do
678 -- Savile Row has a bug which is triggered when there are variables with names of the form aux*
679 nm <- nextName "conjure_aux"
680 let ref = Reference nm Nothing
681 return (nm, ref)
684 -- | pattern, template, argument, result
685 lambdaToFunction :: AbstractPattern -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
686 lambdaToFunction (Single nm) body = \ p ->
687 let
688 replacer :: Expression -> Expression
689 replacer (Reference n _) | n == nm = p
690 replacer x = x
691 in
692 transform replacer body
693 lambdaToFunction (AbsPatTuple ts) body = \ p ->
694 let
695 unroll :: [AbstractPattern] -> [Expression] -> Expression -> Expression
696 unroll [] [] b = b
697 unroll (pat:pats) (val:vals) b = unroll pats vals (lambdaToFunction pat b val)
698 unroll _ _ _ = bug "lambdaToFunction, AbsPatTuple, unroll"
700 ps :: [Expression]
701 ps = case p of
702 Constant (ConstantAbstract (AbsLitTuple xs)) -> map Constant xs
703 AbstractLiteral (AbsLitTuple xs) -> xs
704 _ -> [ Op (MkOpIndexing (OpIndexing p i))
705 | i' <- [ 1 .. genericLength ts ]
706 , let i = fromInt i'
707 ]
708 in
709 unroll ts ps body
710 lambdaToFunction (AbsPatMatrix ts) body = \ p ->
711 let
712 unroll :: [AbstractPattern] -> [Expression] -> Expression -> Expression
713 unroll [] [] b = b
714 unroll (pat:pats) (val:vals) b = unroll pats vals (lambdaToFunction pat b val)
715 unroll _ _ _ = bug "lambdaToFunction, AbsPatMatrix, unroll"
717 ps :: [Expression]
718 ps = case p of
719 Constant (ConstantAbstract (AbsLitMatrix _ xs)) -> map Constant xs
720 AbstractLiteral (AbsLitMatrix _ xs) -> xs
721 _ -> bug $ "lambdaToFunction, AbsPatMatrix" <++> vcat [pretty p, pretty (show p)]
722 in
723 unroll ts ps body
724 lambdaToFunction (AbsPatSet ts) body = \ p ->
725 let
726 unroll :: [AbstractPattern] -> [Expression] -> Expression -> Expression
727 unroll [] [] b = b
728 unroll (pat:pats) (val:vals) b = unroll pats vals (lambdaToFunction pat b val)
729 unroll _ _ _ = bug "lambdaToFunction, AbsPatSet, unroll"
731 ps :: [Expression]
732 ps = case p of
733 Constant (viewConstantSet -> Just xs) -> map Constant xs
734 AbstractLiteral (AbsLitSet xs) -> xs
735 _ -> bug $ "lambdaToFunction, AbsPatSet" <++> vcat [pretty p, pretty (show p)]
736 in
737 unroll ts ps body
738 lambdaToFunction p@AbstractPatternMetaVar{} _ = bug $ "Unsupported AbstractPattern, got" <+> pretty (show p)
741 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
742 -- ReferenceTo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
745 data ReferenceTo
746 = Alias Expression
747 | InComprehension Generator
748 | DeclNoRepr FindOrGiven Name (Domain () Expression)
749 Region -- the region of this reference
750 -- references with the same region identifier will get the same representation
751 | DeclHasRepr FindOrGiven Name (Domain HasRepresentation Expression)
752 | RecordField Name Type -- the type of the field with this name
753 | VariantField Name Type -- the type of the variant with this name
754 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
756 instance Serialize ReferenceTo
757 instance Hashable ReferenceTo
758 instance ToJSON ReferenceTo where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
759 instance FromJSON ReferenceTo where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
761 instance Pretty ReferenceTo where
762 pretty (Alias x) = "an alias for" <++> pretty x
763 pretty (InComprehension gen) = "a comprehension generator" <++> pretty gen
764 pretty (DeclNoRepr forg nm dom _) = "declaration of" <++> pretty forg <+> pretty nm <> ":" <+> pretty dom
765 pretty (DeclHasRepr forg nm dom ) = "declaration of" <++> pretty forg <+> pretty nm <> ":" <+> pretty dom
766 pretty (RecordField nm ty) = "record field" <++> prParens (pretty nm <+> ":" <+> pretty ty)
767 pretty (VariantField nm ty) = "variant field" <++> prParens (pretty nm <+> ":" <+> pretty ty)
769 data Region
770 = NoRegion
771 | Region Int
772 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
774 instance Serialize Region
775 instance Hashable Region
776 instance ToJSON Region where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
777 instance FromJSON Region where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
780 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
781 -- AbstractPattern -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
782 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
784 data AbstractPattern
785 = Single Name
786 | AbsPatTuple [AbstractPattern]
787 | AbsPatMatrix
788 -- (Domain () a) -- TODO: Should there be a domain here?
789 [AbstractPattern]
790 | AbsPatSet [AbstractPattern]
791 -- | AbsPatMSet [a]
792 -- | AbsPatFunction [(a, a)]
793 -- | AbsPatRelation [[a]]
794 -- | AbsPatPartition [[a]]
795 -- TODO: Consider introducing the above as abstract patterns...
796 | AbstractPatternMetaVar String
797 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
799 instance Serialize AbstractPattern
800 instance Hashable AbstractPattern
801 instance ToJSON AbstractPattern where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
802 instance FromJSON AbstractPattern where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
804 instance Pretty AbstractPattern where
805 pretty (Single nm) = pretty nm
806 pretty (AbsPatTuple xs) = (if length xs <= 1 then "tuple" else prEmpty) <>
807 prettyList prParens "," xs
808 pretty (AbsPatMatrix xs) = prettyList prBrackets "," xs
809 pretty (AbsPatSet xs) = prettyList prBraces "," xs
810 pretty (AbstractPatternMetaVar s) = "&" <> pretty s
812 instance VarSymBreakingDescription AbstractPattern where
813 varSymBreakingDescription (Single nm) = toJSON nm
814 varSymBreakingDescription (AbsPatTuple xs) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
815 [ ("type", JSON.String "AbsPatTuple")
816 , ("children", JSON.Array $ V.fromList $ map varSymBreakingDescription xs)
817 ]
818 varSymBreakingDescription (AbsPatMatrix xs) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
819 [ ("type", JSON.String "AbsPatMatrix")
820 , ("children", JSON.Array $ V.fromList $ map varSymBreakingDescription xs)
821 ]
822 varSymBreakingDescription (AbsPatSet xs) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
823 [ ("type", JSON.String "AbsPatSet")
824 , ("children", JSON.Array $ V.fromList $ map varSymBreakingDescription xs)
825 , ("symmetricChildren", JSON.Bool True)
826 ]
827 varSymBreakingDescription (AbstractPatternMetaVar s) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
828 [ ("type", JSON.String "AbstractPatternMetaVar")
829 , ("name", JSON.String (stringToText s))
830 ]
833 patternToExpr :: AbstractPattern -> Expression
834 patternToExpr (Single nm) = Reference nm Nothing
835 patternToExpr (AbsPatTuple ts) = AbstractLiteral $ AbsLitTuple $ map patternToExpr ts
836 patternToExpr (AbsPatMatrix ts) = AbstractLiteral $ AbsLitMatrix
837 (DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 1 (fromInt (genericLength ts))])
838 $ map patternToExpr ts
839 patternToExpr (AbsPatSet ts) = AbstractLiteral $ AbsLitSet $ map patternToExpr ts
840 patternToExpr AbstractPatternMetaVar{} = bug "patternToExpr"
842 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
843 -- Generator -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
844 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
846 data GeneratorOrCondition
847 = Generator Generator
848 | Condition Expression
849 | ComprehensionLetting AbstractPattern Expression
850 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
852 instance Pretty GeneratorOrCondition where
853 pretty (Generator x) = pretty x
854 pretty (Condition x) = pretty x
855 pretty (ComprehensionLetting n x) = "letting" <+> pretty n <+> "be" <+> pretty x
857 instance VarSymBreakingDescription GeneratorOrCondition where
858 varSymBreakingDescription (Generator x) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
859 [ ("type", JSON.String "Generator")
860 , ("child", varSymBreakingDescription x)
861 ]
862 varSymBreakingDescription (Condition x) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
863 [ ("type", JSON.String "Condition")
864 , ("child", varSymBreakingDescription x)
865 ]
866 varSymBreakingDescription (ComprehensionLetting n x) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
867 [ ("type", JSON.String "ComprehensionLetting")
868 , ("children", JSON.Array $ V.fromList [toJSON n, varSymBreakingDescription x])
869 ]
871 instance Serialize GeneratorOrCondition
872 instance Hashable GeneratorOrCondition
873 instance ToJSON GeneratorOrCondition where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
874 instance FromJSON GeneratorOrCondition where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
877 data Generator
878 = GenDomainNoRepr AbstractPattern (Domain () Expression)
879 | GenDomainHasRepr Name (Domain HasRepresentation Expression)
880 | GenInExpr AbstractPattern Expression
881 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
883 instance Pretty Generator where
884 pretty (GenDomainNoRepr pat x) = pretty pat <+> ":" <+> pretty x
885 pretty (GenDomainHasRepr pat x) = pretty pat <+> ":" <+> pretty x
886 pretty (GenInExpr pat x) = pretty pat <+> "<-" <+> pretty x
888 instance VarSymBreakingDescription Generator where
889 varSymBreakingDescription (GenDomainNoRepr pat x) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
890 [ ("type", JSON.String "GenDomainNoRepr")
891 , ("pattern", varSymBreakingDescription pat)
892 , ("generator", varSymBreakingDescription x)
893 ]
894 varSymBreakingDescription (GenDomainHasRepr pat x) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
895 [ ("type", JSON.String "GenDomainHasRepr")
896 , ("pattern", toJSON pat)
897 , ("generator", varSymBreakingDescription x)
898 ]
899 varSymBreakingDescription (GenInExpr pat x) = JSON.Object $ KM.fromList
900 [ ("type", JSON.String "GenInExpr")
901 , ("pattern", varSymBreakingDescription pat)
902 , ("generator", varSymBreakingDescription x)
903 ]
905 instance Serialize Generator
906 instance Hashable Generator
907 instance ToJSON Generator where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
908 instance FromJSON Generator where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
910 generatorPat :: Generator -> AbstractPattern
911 generatorPat (GenDomainNoRepr pat _) = pat
912 generatorPat (GenDomainHasRepr pat _) = Single pat
913 generatorPat (GenInExpr pat _) = pat
916 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
917 -- Misc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
918 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
920 tupleLitIfNeeded :: [Expression] -> Expression
921 tupleLitIfNeeded [] = bug "tupleLitIfNeeded []"
922 tupleLitIfNeeded [x] = x
923 tupleLitIfNeeded xs = AbstractLiteral (AbsLitTuple xs)
925 nbUses :: Data x => Name -> x -> Int
926 nbUses nm here = length [ () | Reference nm2 _ <- universeBi here, nm == nm2 ]
928 emptyCollectionX :: Expression -> Bool
929 emptyCollectionX (Constant x) = emptyCollection x
930 emptyCollectionX (AbstractLiteral x) = emptyCollectionAbsLit x
931 emptyCollectionX (Typed x _) = emptyCollectionX x
932 emptyCollectionX _ = False
935 isDomainExpr :: MonadFailDoc m => Expression -> m ()
936 isDomainExpr Domain{} = return ()
937 isDomainExpr x = na ("Not a domain expression: " <+> pretty x)