never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    5 -- This module is where the syntax tree is mapped to the model. This is also the
    6 -- stage at which all errrors are reported.
    7 -- This has three main parts
    8 -- Syntax checking:
    9 --      When it comes to missing tokens these should usually be handled by the
   10 --      low level token validation functions, however in some special cases
   11 --      where the tokens are manipulated manually the checks need to be added
   12 -- Type checking:
   13 --      Type check operators and build up the symbol table.
   14 -- Metadata additions:
   15 --      this includeds things like marking tokens for documentation, as well as
   16 --      setting up structural regions such as quantigied expressions
   18 module Conjure.Language.Validator where
   20 import Conjure.Bug (bug)
   21 import Conjure.Language.AST.Reformer (HighLevelTree, flattenSeq, makeTree)
   22 import Conjure.Language.AST.Syntax as S
   23 import Conjure.Language.Attributes
   24 import Conjure.Language.CategoryOf (Category (CatConstant, CatDecision, CatParameter))
   25 import Conjure.Language.Definition hiding (Typed)
   26 import Conjure.Language.Domain
   27 import Conjure.Language.Domain.AddAttributes (allSupportedAttributes)
   28 import Conjure.Language.Expression qualified as D
   29   ( Expression (Typed),
   30   )
   31 import Conjure.Language.Expression.Op
   32   ( Op (..),
   33     OpAttributeAsConstraint (OpAttributeAsConstraint),
   34     OpIndexing (OpIndexing),
   35     OpPowerSet (..),
   36     OpRelationProj (OpRelationProj),
   37     OpSlicing (..),
   38     OpType (..),
   39     mkBinOp,
   40     mkOp,
   41   )
   42 import Conjure.Language.Lexemes
   43 import Conjure.Language.Lexer (ETok (ETok, lexeme), sourcePos0, sourcePosAfter, tokenSourcePos, tokenStartOffset, totalLength, trueLength)
   44 import Conjure.Language.Pretty
   45 import Conjure.Language.Type
   46 import Conjure.Prelude
   47 import Control.Monad (mapAndUnzipM)
   48 import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (Writer)
   49 import Data.List (splitAt)
   50 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
   51 import Data.Map.Strict qualified as M
   52 import Data.Sequence (Seq (..), ViewR (..), viewr)
   53 import Data.Set qualified as S
   54 import Data.Text (append, pack, unpack)
   55 import Data.Text qualified as T
   56 import Text.Megaparsec (SourcePos, mkPos, unPos)
   57 import Text.Megaparsec.Pos (SourcePos (..))
   59 data TagType
   60   = TtType
   61   | TtNumber
   62   | TtBool
   63   | TtDomain
   64   | TtEnum
   65   | TtEnumMember
   66   | TtRecord
   67   | TtRecordMember
   68   | TtUserFunction
   69   | TtFunction
   70   | TtAttribute
   71   | TtAAC
   72   | TtVariable
   73   | TtKeyword
   74   | TtQuantifier
   75   | TtSubKeyword
   76   | TtOperator
   77   | TtLocal
   78   | TtOther Text
   79   deriving (Show)
   81 data TaggedToken
   82   = TaggedToken TagType ETok
   83   deriving (Show)
   85 class WithRegion a where
   86   getRegion :: (WithRegion a) => a -> DiagnosticRegion
   88 instance WithRegion (DiagnosticRegion, a) where
   89   getRegion (r, _) = r
   91 instance WithRegion DiagnosticRegion where
   92   getRegion = id
   94 instance WithRegion LToken where
   95   getRegion = symbolRegion
   97 instance WithRegion SToken where
   98   getRegion = symbolRegion
  100 type RegionTagged a = (DiagnosticRegion, a)
  102 unregion :: RegionTagged a -> a
  103 unregion (_, a) = a
  105 data Typed a = Typed Type a
  106   deriving (Show)
  108 instance Functor Typed where
  109   fmap f (Typed k a) = Typed k (f a)
  111 simple :: Type -> Kind
  112 simple = Kind $ ValueType CatConstant
  114 withCat :: Category -> Type -> Kind
  115 withCat = Kind . ValueType
  117 data Kind = Kind Class Type
  118   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
  120 instance Pretty Kind where
  121   -- pretty (Kind MemberType t) = "Member of " <> pretty t
  122   pretty (Kind DomainType t) = "domain `" <> pretty t <> "`"
  123   pretty (Kind (ValueType _) t) = pretty t
  125 data Class = DomainType | ValueType Category
  126   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
  128 instance Pretty Class where
  129   pretty c = case c of
  130     DomainType -> "Domain"
  131     ValueType _ -> "Value"
  133 untype :: Typed a -> a
  134 untype (Typed _ a) = a
  136 typeOf_ :: Typed a -> Type
  137 typeOf_ (Typed t _) = t
  139 untypeAs :: Type -> Typed a -> ValidatorS a
  140 untypeAs r ((Typed t a)) =
  141   if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in typeUnify r t
  142     then return a
  143     else contextTypeError (TypeError r t) >> return a
  145 type TypeCheck a = Typed a -> ValidatorS ()
  147 exactly :: Type -> TypeCheck a
  148 exactly t r = void $ untypeAs t r
  150 typeAs :: Type -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Typed a)
  151 typeAs t (Just a) = Just $ Typed t a
  152 typeAs _ Nothing = Nothing
  154 (?=>) :: ValidatorS (Typed a) -> TypeCheck a -> ValidatorS a
  155 v ?=> t = v >>= (\a -> t a >> return (untype a))
  157 castAny :: Validator a -> Validator (Typed a)
  158 castAny a = typeAs TypeAny <$> a
  160 tInt :: Type
  161 tInt = TypeInt TagInt
  163 typeSplit :: Typed a -> (Type, a)
  164 typeSplit (Typed t v) = (t, v)
  166 getTypeList :: [Typed a] -> [(Type, a)]
  167 getTypeList = map typeSplit
  169 data ErrorType
  170   = TokenError LToken
  171   | SyntaxError Text
  172   | WithReplacements ErrorType [Text]
  173   | SemanticError Text
  174   | CustomError Text
  175   | SkippedTokens
  176   | MissingArgsError Int Int
  177   | UnexpectedArg
  178   | TypeError Type Type -- Expected, got
  179   | ComplexTypeError Text Type -- Expected, got
  180   | CategoryError Category Text
  181   | KindError Class Class
  182   | InternalError -- Used to explicitly tag invalid pattern matches
  183   | InternalErrorS Text -- Used for giving detail to bug messages
  184   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
  186 data WarningType
  187   = UnclassifiedWarning Text
  188   | AmbiguousTypeWarning
  189   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
  191 data InfoType = UnclassifiedInfo Text deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
  193 data Diagnostic = Error ErrorType | Warning WarningType | Info InfoType
  194   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
  196 data ValidatorDiagnostic = ValidatorDiagnostic DiagnosticRegion Diagnostic
  197   deriving (Show)
  199 isError :: ValidatorDiagnostic -> Bool
  200 isError (ValidatorDiagnostic _ (Error _)) = True
  201 isError _ = False
  203 data RegionType
  204   = Definition Text Kind
  205   | LiteralDecl Kind
  206   | Ref Text Kind DiagnosticRegion
  207   | Structural StructuralType
  208   | Documentation DocType Text
  209   deriving (Show)
  211 data DocType = OperatorD | FunctionD | KeywordD | TypeD | AttributeD
  212   deriving (Show)
  214 data StructuralType
  215   = SSuchThat
  216   | SGiven
  217   | SFind
  218   | SLetting
  219   | SWhere
  220   | SBranching
  221   | SGoal Text
  222   | SEnum Text
  223   | SQuantification Text Kind
  224   | SComprehension Kind
  225   | SGuard
  226   | SGen
  227   | SBody
  228   deriving (Show)
  230 data RegionInfo = RegionInfo
  231   { rRegion :: DiagnosticRegion,
  232     rSubRegion :: Maybe DiagnosticRegion,
  233     rRegionType :: RegionType,
  234     rChildren :: [RegionInfo],
  235     rTable :: SymbolTable
  236   }
  237   deriving (Show)
  239 mkDeclaration :: DiagnosticRegion -> Text -> Kind -> RegionInfo
  240 mkDeclaration r n t = RegionInfo r (Just r) (Definition n t) [] M.empty
  242 mkLiteral :: DiagnosticRegion -> Text -> Typed a -> RegionInfo
  243 mkLiteral r _ (Typed t _) = RegionInfo r (Just r) (LiteralDecl (simple t)) [] M.empty
  245 putReference :: DiagnosticRegion -> Text -> Kind -> DiagnosticRegion -> ValidatorS ()
  246 putReference r n t ref = addRegion (RegionInfo r Nothing (Ref n t ref) [] M.empty)
  248 holdDeclarations :: ValidatorS a -> ValidatorS (a, [RegionInfo])
  249 holdDeclarations f = do
  250   prev <- gets regionInfo
  251   modify (\s -> s {regionInfo = []})
  252   res <- f
  253   decls <- gets regionInfo
  254   modify (\s -> s {regionInfo = prev})
  255   return (res, decls)
  257 wrapRegion :: (HighLevelTree a, HighLevelTree b) => a -> b -> StructuralType -> ValidatorS n -> ValidatorS n
  258 wrapRegion regMain regSel = wrapRegion' (symbolRegion regMain) (symbolRegion regSel)
  260 wrapRegion' :: DiagnosticRegion -> DiagnosticRegion -> StructuralType -> ValidatorS n -> ValidatorS n
  261 wrapRegion' regMain regSel ty f = do
  262   (res, ds) <- holdDeclarations f
  263   let rMain = regMain
  264   let rSel = Just regSel
  265   st <- gets symbolTable
  266   let new = RegionInfo rMain rSel (Structural ty) ds st
  267   unless (null ds) $ addRegion new
  268   return res
  270 -- injectRegion :: DiagnosticRegion -> DiagnosticRegion -> ()
  272 putDocs :: (HighLevelTree a) => DocType -> Text -> a -> ValidatorS ()
  273 putDocs t nm r = addRegion $ RegionInfo {rRegion = symbolRegion r, rSubRegion = Nothing, rRegionType = Documentation t nm, rChildren = [], rTable = M.empty}
  275 -- Infix symbol validation and tagging
  276 isA :: SToken -> TagType -> ValidatorS ()
  277 isA = flagSToken
  279 isA' :: LToken -> TagType -> ValidatorS ()
  280 isA' a b = validateSymbol a >> flagToken a b
  282 are :: [LToken] -> TagType -> ValidatorS ()
  283 are a b = mapM_ (`isA'` b) a
  285 flagToken :: LToken -> TagType -> ValidatorS ()
  286 flagToken (RealToken s) c = flagSToken s c
  287 flagToken _ _ = return ()
  289 flagSToken :: SToken -> TagType -> ValidatorS ()
  290 flagSToken (StrictToken _ t) c = modify (\x@ValidatorState {symbolCategories = sc} -> x {symbolCategories = M.insert t (TaggedToken c t) sc})
  292 tagWithType :: NameNode -> Kind -> ValidatorS ()
  293 tagWithType (NameNode (NameNodeS lt)) (Kind (ValueType _) ty) = flagSToken lt $ case ty of
  294   TypeEnum _ -> TtEnum
  295   TypeInt (TagEnum _) -> TtEnumMember
  296   TypeInt (TagUnnamed _) -> TtEnumMember
  297   TypeUnnamed _ -> TtEnum
  298   TypeVariant _ -> TtRecord
  299   TypeVariantMember {} -> TtRecordMember
  300   TypeRecord _ -> TtRecord
  301   TypeRecordMember {} -> TtRecordMember
  302   TypeFunction _ _ -> TtFunction
  303   TypeSequence _ -> TtFunction
  304   TypeRelation _ -> TtFunction
  305   _ -> TtVariable
  306 tagWithType (NameNode (NameNodeS lt)) (Kind DomainType (TypeEnum {})) = flagSToken lt TtEnum
  307 tagWithType (NameNode (NameNodeS lt)) (Kind DomainType (TypeRecord {})) = flagSToken lt TtRecord
  308 tagWithType (NameNode (NameNodeS lt)) (Kind DomainType (TypeVariant {})) = flagSToken lt TtRecord
  309 tagWithType (NameNode (NameNodeS lt)) (Kind DomainType _) = flagSToken lt TtDomain
  310 tagWithType _ _ = pure ()
  312 data ValidatorState = ValidatorState
  313   { typeChecking :: Bool,
  314     regionInfo :: [RegionInfo],
  315     symbolTable :: SymbolTable,
  316     symbolCategories :: Map ETok TaggedToken,
  317     currentContext :: DiagnosticRegion,
  318     filePath :: Maybe Text,
  319     categoryLimit :: (Category, Text) -- Category,Context (e.g domain)
  320   }
  321   deriving (Show)
  323 -- instance Default ValidatorState where
  324 --     def = ValidatorState {
  325 --         typeChecking = True,
  326 --         regionInfo=[],
  327 --         symbolCategories=M.empty,
  328 --         symbolTable=M.empty
  329 --         }
  331 initialState :: (HighLevelTree a) => a -> Maybe Text -> ValidatorState
  332 initialState r path =
  333   ValidatorState
  334     { typeChecking = True,
  335       regionInfo = [],
  336       symbolCategories = M.empty,
  337       symbolTable = M.empty,
  338       currentContext = symbolRegion r,
  339       filePath = path,
  340       categoryLimit = (CatDecision, "root")
  341     }
  343 type SymbolTable = (Map Text SymbolTableValue)
  345 type SymbolTableValue = (DiagnosticRegion, Bool, Kind)
  347 -- instance Show SymbolTableValue where
  348 --     show (SType t) = show $ pretty t
  349 --     show (SDomain d) = show $ pretty d
  350 newtype ValidatorT r w a = ValidatorT (StateT r (Writer [w]) a)
  351   deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor, MonadState r, MonadWriter [w])
  353 -- synonym wrapped in maybe to allow errors to propagate
  354 type Validator a = ValidatorT ValidatorState ValidatorDiagnostic (Maybe a)
  356 -- Non maybe version used in outward facing applications/ lists
  357 type ValidatorS a = ValidatorT ValidatorState ValidatorDiagnostic a
  359 -- addEnumDefns ::  [Text] -> SymbolTable -> SymbolTable
  360 -- addEnumDefns names (SymbolTable enums) = SymbolTable $ enums ++  map (\m -> (m,"Enum")) names
  361 -- instance  MonadFail (ValidatorT ValidatorState ValidatorDiagnostic a) where
  362 --     fail = return . fallback . T.pack
  364 modifySymbolTable :: (SymbolTable -> SymbolTable) -> ValidatorS ()
  365 modifySymbolTable f = modify (\x -> x {symbolTable = f . symbolTable $ x})
  367 getSymbol :: Text -> ValidatorS (Maybe SymbolTableValue)
  368 getSymbol n = M.lookup n <$> getSymbolTable
  370 putSymbol :: (Name, SymbolTableValue) -> ValidatorS Bool
  371 putSymbol (Name name, t) = do
  372   x <- getSymbol name
  373   modifySymbolTable (M.insert name t)
  374   case x of
  375     Nothing -> return False
  376     Just _ -> return True
  377 putSymbol _ = return False -- skip types for meta and machine vars
  379 addRegion :: RegionInfo -> ValidatorS ()
  380 addRegion r = modify (\x -> x {regionInfo = r : regionInfo x})
  382 makeEnumDomain :: Name -> Maybe [Range Expression] -> Domain () Expression
  383 makeEnumDomain n es = DomainEnum n es Nothing
  385 makeUnnamedDomain :: Name -> Domain () ()
  386 makeUnnamedDomain n = DomainUnnamed n ()
  388 getSymbolTable :: ValidatorS SymbolTable
  389 getSymbolTable = symbolTable <$> get
  391 getContext :: ValidatorS DiagnosticRegion
  392 getContext = currentContext <$> get
  394 setContext :: DiagnosticRegion -> ValidatorS ()
  395 setContext r = modify (\p -> p {currentContext = r})
  397 setContextFrom :: (HighLevelTree a) => a -> ValidatorS ()
  398 setContextFrom a = setContext $ symbolRegion a
  400 -- strict :: Validator a -> ValidatorS a
  401 -- strict a = do res <- a; return res
  403 deState :: ((a, r), n) -> (a, n, r)
  404 deState ((a, r), n) = (a, n, r)
  406 runValidator :: ValidatorT r w a -> r -> (a, [w], r)
  407 runValidator (ValidatorT r) d = deState $ runWriter (runStateT r d)
  409 isSyntacticallyValid :: (HighLevelTree a) => (a -> ValidatorS b) -> a -> Bool
  410 isSyntacticallyValid v s = case runValidator (v s) (initialState s Nothing) {typeChecking = False} of
  411   (_, vds, _) -> not $ any isError vds
  413 todoTypeAny :: Maybe a -> Maybe (Typed a)
  414 todoTypeAny = typeAs TypeAny
  416 setCategoryLimit :: (Category, Text) -> ValidatorS a -> ValidatorS a
  417 setCategoryLimit c f = do
  418   tmp <- gets categoryLimit
  419   modify (\s -> s {categoryLimit = c})
  420   res <- f
  421   modify (\s -> s {categoryLimit = tmp})
  422   return res
  424 checkCategory :: Kind -> ValidatorS ()
  425 checkCategory (Kind (ValueType category) _) = do
  426   (refCat, context) <- gets categoryLimit
  427   unless (refCat >= category) $ contextTypeError $ CategoryError category context
  428 checkCategory (Kind DomainType _) = return ()
  430 validateModel :: ProgramTree -> ValidatorS Model
  431 validateModel model = do
  432   langVersion <- validateLanguageVersion $ langVersionInfo model
  433   sts <- validateProgramTree (statements model)
  434   return $ Model (fromMaybe def langVersion) sts def
  436 validateProgramTree :: [StatementNode] -> ValidatorS [Statement]
  437 validateProgramTree sts = do
  438   q <- validateArray validateStatement sts
  439   return $ concat q
  441 validateLanguageVersion :: Maybe LangVersionNode -> Validator LanguageVersion
  442 validateLanguageVersion Nothing = return $ pure $ LanguageVersion "Essence" [1, 3]
  443 validateLanguageVersion (Just lv@(LangVersionNode l1 n v)) = do
  444   setContextFrom lv
  445   l1 `isA` TtKeyword
  446   name <- validateIdentifier n
  447   checkLanguageName name
  448   nums <- catMaybes <$> validateSequence_ getNum v
  449   return
  450     . pure
  451     $ LanguageVersion
  452       (Name name)
  453       (if null nums then [1, 3] else nums)
  454   where
  455     getNum :: SToken -> Validator Int
  456     getNum c = do
  457       c' <- validateSToken c
  458       case c' of
  459         (LIntLiteral x) -> return . pure $ fromInteger x
  460         _ -> invalid $ c <!> InternalError
  461     checkLanguageName nm
  462       | T.toLower nm == "essence" = pure ()
  463       | T.toLower nm == "essence'" = do
  464           raiseError (symbolRegion lv /!\ UnclassifiedWarning "Essence prime file detected, type checking is off")
  465           modify (\s -> s {typeChecking = False})
  466       | otherwise = raiseError $ symbolRegion n <!> SyntaxError "Not a valid language name"
  468 validateStatement :: StatementNode -> ValidatorS [Statement]
  469 validateStatement (DeclarationStatement dsn) = validateDeclarationStatement dsn
  470 validateStatement (BranchingStatement bsn) = validateBranchingStatement bsn
  471 validateStatement (SuchThatStatement stsn) = validateSuchThatStatement stsn
  472 validateStatement (WhereStatement wsn) = validateWhereStatement wsn
  473 validateStatement (ObjectiveStatement osn) = validateObjectiveStatement osn
  474 validateStatement (HeuristicStatement lt exp) = validateHeuristicStatement lt exp
  475 validateStatement (UnexpectedToken lt) = [] <$ invalid (lt <!> TokenError lt) -- TODO address as part of skip token refactor
  477 validateHeuristicStatement :: SToken -> ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS [Statement]
  478 validateHeuristicStatement lt exp = do
  479   let validHeuristics = ["static", "sdf", "conflict", "srf", "ldf", "wdeg", "domoverwdeg"]
  480   lt `isA` TtKeyword
  481   h <- case exp of
  482     IdentifierNode nn@(NameNodeS (StrictToken _ (ETok {lexeme = (LIdentifier nm)}))) -> do
  483       if nm `elem` validHeuristics
  484         then return $ pure [SearchHeuristic (Name nm)]
  485         else invalid $ symbolRegion nn <!> SemanticError (T.concat ["Invalid heuristic ", nm, " Expected one of: ", pack $ show validHeuristics])
  486     _ -> invalid $ symbolRegion exp <!> SemanticError "Only identifiers are allowed as heuristics"
  487   return $ fromMaybe [] h
  489 tCondition :: TypeCheck a
  490 tCondition (Typed TypeAny _) = pure ()
  491 tCondition (Typed TypeBool _) = pure ()
  492 tCondition (Typed (TypeMatrix _ TypeBool) _) = pure ()
  493 tCondition (Typed (TypeList TypeBool) _) = pure ()
  494 tCondition t = contextTypeError $ ComplexTypeError "Bool or [Bool]" $ typeOf_ t
  496 validateWhereStatement :: WhereStatementNode -> ValidatorS [Statement]
  497 validateWhereStatement w@(WhereStatementNode l1 exprs) = wrapRegion w w SWhere $ do
  498   l1 `isA` TtKeyword
  499   ws <- Where <$> validateSequence_ (\x -> do setContextFrom x; validateExpression x ?=> tCondition) exprs
  500   return [ws]
  502 validateObjectiveStatement :: ObjectiveStatementNode -> ValidatorS [Statement]
  503 validateObjectiveStatement o@(ObjectiveMin lt en) = wrapRegion o o (SGoal "Minimising") $ do
  504   lt `isA` TtKeyword
  505   exp <- validateExpression en
  506   return [Objective Minimising $ untype exp]
  507 validateObjectiveStatement o@(ObjectiveMax lt en) = wrapRegion o o (SGoal "Maximising") $ do
  508   lt `isA` TtKeyword
  509   exp <- validateExpression en
  510   return [Objective Maximising $ untype exp]
  512 validateSuchThatStatement :: SuchThatStatementNode -> ValidatorS [Statement]
  513 validateSuchThatStatement s@(SuchThatStatementNode l1 l2 exprs) = wrapRegion s s SSuchThat $ do
  514   l1 `isA` TtKeyword
  515   l2 `isA'` TtKeyword
  516   putDocs KeywordD "such_that" (makeTree l1 `mappend` makeTree l2)
  517   exprs' <- validateSequence validateExpression exprs
  518   bools <- mapM (\(a, b) -> do setContext a; return b ?=> tCondition) exprs'
  519   let bool_exprs = bools
  520   return [SuchThat bool_exprs]
  522 validateBranchingStatement :: BranchingStatementNode -> ValidatorS [Statement]
  523 validateBranchingStatement b@(BranchingStatementNode l1 l2 sts) = wrapRegion b b SBranching $ do
  524   l1 `isA` TtKeyword
  525   l2 `isA'` TtKeyword
  526   putDocs KeywordD "branching_on" (makeTree l1 `mappend` makeTree l2)
  527   branchings <- catMaybes <$> validateList_ (f2n validateBranchingParts) sts
  528   return [SearchOrder branchings]
  529   where
  530     validateBranchingParts :: ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS SearchOrder
  531     validateBranchingParts (IdentifierNode nn) = do
  532       n <- tagNameAs TtVariable nn
  533       return $ BranchingOn n
  534     validateBranchingParts exp = do
  535       x <- validateExpression exp ?=> exactly TypeAny
  536       return $ Cut x
  538 validateDeclarationStatement :: DeclarationStatementNode -> ValidatorS [Statement]
  539 validateDeclarationStatement stmt = do
  540   stmt' <- case stmt of
  541     FindStatement l1 fs -> l1 `isA` TtKeyword >> putDocs KeywordD "find" l1 >> validateStatementSeq SFind validateFind fs
  542     GivenStatement l1 gs -> l1 `isA` TtKeyword >> putDocs KeywordD "given" l1 >> validateStatementSeq SGiven validateGiven gs
  543     LettingStatement l1 ls -> l1 `isA` TtKeyword >> putDocs KeywordD "letting" l1 >> validateStatementSeq SLetting validateLetting ls
  544   return $ Declaration <$> stmt'
  545   where
  546     validateStatementSeq s v l = wrapRegion stmt stmt s $ do
  547       decls <- validateSequence_ v l
  548       when (null decls) $ raiseError (symbolRegion stmt <!> SemanticError "Declaration without any members")
  549       return $ concat decls
  551 validateGiven :: GivenStatementNode -> ValidatorS [Declaration]
  552 validateGiven (GivenStatementNode idents l1 domain) =
  553   do
  554     checkSymbols [l1] -- Colon
  555     names <- validateSequence (validateNameAs TtVariable) idents
  556     (dType, dom) <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain domain
  557     let memberType = getDomainMembers dType
  558     let declarations = [mkDeclaration r n (withCat CatParameter memberType) | (r, Name n) <- names]
  559     mapM_ addRegion declarations
  560     mapM_ (\(r, x) -> putSymbol (x, (r, False, withCat CatParameter memberType))) names
  561     return $ [FindOrGiven Given nm dom | (_, nm) <- names]
  562 validateGiven (GivenEnumNode se l1 l2 l3) =
  563   do
  564     [l1, l2, l3] `are` TtKeyword -- new Type enum
  565     putDocs KeywordD "new_type_enum" [l1, l2, l3]
  566     names <- validateSequence (validateNameAs TtEnum) se
  567     let eType = Kind DomainType . TypeEnum
  568     mapM_ (\(r, x) -> putSymbol (x, (r, True, eType x))) names
  569     return $ [GivenDomainDefnEnum n | (_, n) <- names]
  571 validateFind :: FindStatementNode -> ValidatorS [Declaration]
  572 validateFind (FindStatementNode names colon domain) = do
  573   checkSymbols [colon] -- colon
  574   names' <- validateSequence (validateNameAs TtVariable) names
  575   (dType, dom) <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain domain
  576   let memberType = getDomainMembers dType
  577   mapM_ (\(r, x) -> putSymbol (x, (r, False, withCat CatDecision memberType))) names'
  578   mapM_ addRegion [mkDeclaration r n (withCat CatDecision memberType) | (r, Name n) <- names']
  579   return $ [FindOrGiven Find nm dom | (_, nm) <- names']
  581 validateLetting :: LettingStatementNode -> ValidatorS [Declaration]
  582 -- Letting [names] be
  583 validateLetting (LettingStatementNode names l1 assign) = do
  584   l1 `isA'` TtKeyword -- be
  585   validateLettingAssignment names assign
  587 validateLettingAssignment :: Sequence NameNode -> LettingAssignmentNode -> ValidatorS [Declaration]
  588 validateLettingAssignment names (LettingExpr en) = do
  589   expr <- validateExpression en
  590   setContextFrom en
  591   names' <- validateSequence (validateNameAs TtVariable) names
  592   let (t, e) = typeSplit expr
  593   let declarations = [mkDeclaration r n (simple t) | (r, Name n) <- names']
  594   mapM_ addRegion declarations
  595   mapM_ (\(r, x) -> putSymbol (x, (r, False, simple t))) names'
  596   return $ [Letting n e | (_, n) <- names']
  597 validateLettingAssignment names (LettingDomain lt dn) = do
  598   lt `isA` TtSubKeyword
  599   putDocs KeywordD "letting_domain" [lt]
  600   (tDomain, domain) <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dn
  601   names' <- validateSequence (validateNameAs TtDomain) names
  602   let declarations = [mkDeclaration r n (Kind DomainType tDomain) | (r, Name n) <- names']
  603   mapM_ addRegion declarations
  604   mapM_ (\(r, x) -> putSymbol (x, (r, False, Kind DomainType tDomain))) names'
  605   return $ [Letting n (Domain domain) | (_, n) <- names']
  606 validateLettingAssignment names (LettingEnum l1 l2 l3 enames) = do
  607   [l1, l2, l3] `are` TtKeyword
  608   putDocs KeywordD "new_type_enum" [l1, l2, l3]
  609   names' <- validateSequence (validateNameAs TtEnum) names
  610   memberNames <- validateList (validateNameAs TtEnumMember) enames
  611   let members = map snd memberNames
  612   -- let (members,memberDecls) = unzip . map (\(r,n)->(n,\t->mkDeclaration r n (Kind ValueType (TypeEnum t)))) $ memberNames
  613   sequence_
  614     [ wrapRegion' (catRegions [(r, ()), (symbolRegion enames, ())]) r (SEnum n) $ do
  615         let nameMap = zip memberNames ([1 ..] :: [Int])
  616         let dType = Kind DomainType $ TypeEnum name
  617         let tVal = TypeInt $ TagEnum n
  619         putReference r n dType r
  620         void $ putSymbol (Name n, (r, True, dType))
  621         mapM_
  622           ( \((r', x), _) -> do
  623               let n' = case x of Name nm -> nm; _ -> ""
  624               addRegion $ mkDeclaration r' n' (simple $ TypeInt (TagEnum n))
  625               putSymbol (x, (r, False, simple tVal))
  626           )
  627           nameMap
  628       | (r, name@(Name n)) <- names'
  629     ]
  630   return $ [LettingDomainDefnEnum n members | (_, n) <- names']
  631 validateLettingAssignment names (LettingUnnamed l1 l2 l3 l4 szExp) = do
  632   [l1, l2, l3, l4] `are` TtKeyword -- TODO keywords
  633   putDocs KeywordD "letting_unnamed" [l1, l2, l3, l4]
  634   names' <- validateSequence (validateNameAs TtEnum) names
  635   size <- do
  636     setContextFrom szExp
  637     validateExpression szExp ?=> exactly tInt
  638   let d = Kind DomainType . TypeUnnamed
  639   mapM_ addRegion [mkDeclaration r n (d $ Name n) | (r, Name n) <- names']
  640   mapM_ (\(r, x) -> putSymbol (x, (r, False, d x))) names'
  641   return $ [LettingDomainDefnUnnamed n size | (_, n) <- names']
  643 invalid :: ValidatorDiagnostic -> Validator a
  644 invalid err = do
  645   raiseError err
  646   return Nothing
  648 validateSToken :: SToken -> ValidatorS Lexeme
  649 validateSToken (StrictToken ss t) = do
  650   checkSymbols (map SkippedToken ss)
  651   return $ lexeme t
  653 validateSymbol :: LToken -> Validator Lexeme
  654 validateSymbol s =
  655   case s of
  656     RealToken st -> pure <$> validateSToken st
  657     _ -> invalid $ ValidatorDiagnostic (getRegion s) $ Error $ TokenError s
  659 -- [MissingTokenError ]
  660 getValueType :: Kind -> ValidatorS Type
  661 getValueType (Kind (ValueType _) t) = pure t
  662 getValueType (Kind k _) = do
  663   contextTypeError $ KindError (ValueType CatConstant) k
  664   return TypeAny
  666 getDomainType :: Kind -> ValidatorS Type
  667 getDomainType (Kind DomainType t) = pure t
  668 getDomainType (Kind k _) = do
  669   contextTypeError $ KindError DomainType k
  670   return TypeAny
  672 type TypedDomain = Typed (Domain () Expression)
  674 type DomainValidator = Validator TypedDomain
  676 validateDomainWithRepr :: DomainNode -> ValidatorS (Typed (Domain HasRepresentation Expression))
  677 validateDomainWithRepr dom = do
  678   (t, dom') <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom
  679   return . Typed t $ changeRepr NoRepresentation dom'
  681 validateDomain :: DomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  682 validateDomain dm = setCategoryLimit (CatParameter, "Domain") $ case dm of
  683   ParenDomainNode _ dom rt -> do checkSymbols [rt]; validateDomain dom
  684   MetaVarDomain lt -> do mv <- validateMetaVar lt; return . Typed TypeAny $ DomainMetaVar mv
  685   BoolDomainNode lt -> lt `isA` TtType >> (return . Typed TypeBool) DomainBool
  686   RangedIntDomainNode l1 rs -> do
  687     l1 `isA` TtType
  688     validateRangedInt rs
  689   RangedEnumNode nn ranges -> validateEnumRange nn ranges
  690   ShortTupleDomainNode lst -> validateTupleDomain lst
  691   TupleDomainNode l1 doms -> do
  692     l1 `isA` TtType
  693     putDocs TypeD "tuple" l1
  694     validateTupleDomain doms
  695   RecordDomainNode l1 ndom -> do
  696     l1 `isA` TtType
  697     putDocs TypeD "record" l1
  698     validateRecordDomain ndom
  699   VariantDomainNode l1 ndom -> do
  700     l1 `isA` TtType
  701     putDocs TypeD "variant" l1
  702     validateVariantDomain ndom
  703   MatrixDomainNode l1 m_ib idoms l2 dom -> do
  704     l1 `isA` TtType
  705     putDocs TypeD "matrix" l1
  706     l2 `isA'` TtSubKeyword
  707     validateIndexedByNode m_ib
  708     validateMatrixDomain idoms dom
  709   SetDomainNode l1 attrs l2 dom -> do
  710     l1 `isA` TtType
  711     putDocs TypeD "set" l1
  712     l2 `isA'` TtSubKeyword
  713     validateSetDomain attrs dom
  714   MSetDomainNode l1 attrs l2 dom -> do
  715     l1 `isA` TtType
  716     putDocs TypeD "mset" l1
  717     l2 `isA'` TtSubKeyword
  718     validateMSetDomain attrs dom
  719   FunctionDomainNode l1 attrs dom1 l2 dom2 -> do
  720     l1 `isA` TtType
  721     putDocs TypeD "function" l1
  722     l2 `isA'` TtOperator
  723     validateFunctionDomain attrs dom1 dom2
  724   SequenceDomainNode l1 attrs l2 dom -> do
  725     l1 `isA` TtType
  726     putDocs TypeD "sequence" l1
  727     l2 `isA'` TtSubKeyword
  728     validateSequenceDomain attrs dom
  729   RelationDomainNode l1 attrs l2 doms -> do
  730     l1 `isA` TtType
  731     putDocs TypeD "relation" l1
  732     l2 `isA'` TtSubKeyword
  733     validateRelationDomain attrs doms
  734   PartitionDomainNode l1 attrs l2 dom -> do
  735     l1 `isA` TtType
  736     putDocs TypeD "partition" l1
  737     l2 `isA'` TtSubKeyword
  738     validatePartitionDomain attrs dom
  739   MissingDomainNode lt -> do raiseError $ lt <!> TokenError lt; return $ fallback "Missing Domain"
  740   where
  741     validateRangedInt :: Maybe (ListNode RangeNode) -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  742     validateRangedInt (Just (ListNode _ (Seq [SeqElem a _]) _)) = do
  743       d <- case a of
  744         SingleRangeNode en -> do
  745           (t, e) <- typeSplit <$> validateExpression en
  746           case t of
  747             TypeInt TagInt -> return $ DomainInt TagInt [RangeSingle e]
  748             TypeMatrix _ _ -> return $ DomainIntE e
  749             TypeList _ -> return $ DomainIntE e
  750             TypeSet _ -> return $ DomainIntE e
  751             _ -> DomainIntE e <$ raiseTypeError (symbolRegion en <!> ComplexTypeError "Set/List of int or Int" t)
  752         _ -> do
  753           r <- validateRange tInt a
  754           return $ DomainInt TagInt [r]
  755       return $ Typed tInt d
  756     validateRangedInt (Just ranges) = do
  757       ranges' <- catMaybes <$> validateList_ (f2n (validateRange tInt)) ranges
  758       return . Typed tInt $ DomainInt TagInt ranges'
  759     validateRangedInt Nothing = return . Typed tInt $ DomainInt TagInt []
  760     validateEnumRange :: NameNodeS -> Maybe (ListNode RangeNode) -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  761     validateEnumRange name@(NameNodeS n) ranges = do
  762       flagSToken n TtEnum
  763       setContextFrom name
  764       name' <- validateIdentifierS name
  765       _ <- resolveReference (symbolRegion name, Name name')
  766       a <- getSymbol name'
  767       case a of
  768         Just (_, True, t) -> do
  769           t' <- getDomainType t
  770           rs <- case ranges of
  771             Just rs -> pure . catMaybes <$> validateList_ (f2n $ validateRange (getDomainMembers t')) rs
  772             Nothing -> return Nothing
  773           return $ Typed t' $ DomainEnum (Name name') rs Nothing
  774         Just (_, False, t) -> do
  775           t' <- getDomainType t
  776           case ranges of
  777             Nothing -> return . Typed t' $ DomainReference (Name name') Nothing
  778             Just rs -> do
  779               void $ validateList_ (f2n (validateRange TypeAny)) rs
  780               raiseError (symbolRegion name <!> SemanticError "range not supported on non enum ranges")
  781               return . Typed t' $ DomainReference (Name name') Nothing
  782         Nothing -> return $ fallback "unknown symbol"
  784     validateTupleDomain :: ListNode DomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  785     validateTupleDomain doms = do
  786       (ts, ds) <- unzip . map typeSplit <$> validateList_ validateDomain doms
  787       return $ Typed (TypeTuple ts) (DomainTuple ds)
  788     validateRecordDomain :: ListNode NamedDomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  789     validateRecordDomain namedDoms = do
  790       lst <- validateList (f2n validateNamedDomainInVariant) namedDoms
  791       let lst' = mapMaybe (\(r, m) -> (\x -> (r, x)) <$> m) lst
  792       let (ts, ds) = unzip $ map (\(r, (x, typeSplit -> (t, d))) -> ((x, t), (r, (x, d)))) lst'
  793       -- push members
  794       let t n = Kind (ValueType CatConstant) $ TypeRecordMember n ts
  795       mapM_ (\(r, (a, _)) -> putSymbol (a, (r, False, t a))) ds
  796       return $ Typed (TypeRecord ts) (DomainRecord (unregion <$> ds))
  797     validateVariantDomain :: ListNode NamedDomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  798     validateVariantDomain namedDoms = do
  799       lst <- validateList (f2n validateNamedDomainInVariant) namedDoms
  800       let lst' = mapMaybe (\(r, m) -> (\x -> (r, x)) <$> m) lst
  801       let (ts, ds) = unzip $ map (\(r, (x, typeSplit -> (t, d))) -> ((x, t), (r, (x, d)))) lst'
  802       -- push members
  803       let t n = Kind (ValueType CatConstant) $ TypeVariantMember n ts
  804       mapM_ (\(r, (a, _)) -> putSymbol (a, (r, False, t a))) ds
  805       return $ Typed (TypeVariant ts) (DomainVariant (unregion <$> ds))
  806     validateMatrixDomain :: ListNode DomainNode -> DomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  807     validateMatrixDomain indexes dom = do
  808       idoms <- validateList_ validateDomain indexes
  809       dom' <- validateDomain dom
  810       return $ foldr acc dom' idoms
  811       where
  812         acc :: TypedDomain -> TypedDomain -> TypedDomain
  813         acc (Typed t d) (Typed t' d') = Typed (TypeMatrix t t') (DomainMatrix d d')
  815     validateSetDomain :: Maybe (ListNode AttributeNode) -> DomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  816     validateSetDomain attrs dom = do
  817       let repr = ()
  818       attrs' <- case attrs of
  819         Just a -> validateSetAttributes a
  820         Nothing -> return def
  821       (t, dom') <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom
  822       return . Typed (TypeSet t) $ DomainSet repr attrs' dom'
  824     validateMSetDomain :: Maybe (ListNode AttributeNode) -> DomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  825     validateMSetDomain attrs dom = do
  826       let repr = ()
  827       attrs' <- case attrs of
  828         Just a -> validateMSetAttributes a
  829         Nothing -> return def
  830       (t, dom') <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom
  831       return . Typed (TypeMSet t) $ DomainMSet repr attrs' dom'
  832     validateFunctionDomain :: Maybe (ListNode AttributeNode) -> DomainNode -> DomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  833     validateFunctionDomain attrs dom1 dom2 = do
  834       let _repr = Just () -- placeholder if this gets implemented in future
  835       attrs' <- case attrs of
  836         Just a -> validateFuncAttributes a
  837         Nothing -> return def
  838       (t1, d1) <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom1
  839       (t2, d2) <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom2
  840       let dType = Typed $ TypeFunction t1 t2
  841       return . dType $ DomainFunction () attrs' d1 d2
  843     -- attrs <- validateAttributes
  844     validateSequenceDomain :: Maybe (ListNode AttributeNode) -> DomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  845     validateSequenceDomain attrs dom = do
  846       let repr = ()
  847       attrs' <- case attrs of
  848         Just a -> validateSeqAttributes a
  849         Nothing -> return def
  850       (t, dom') <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom
  851       return . Typed (TypeSequence t) $ DomainSequence repr attrs' dom'
  852     validateRelationDomain :: Maybe (ListNode AttributeNode) -> ListNode DomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  853     validateRelationDomain attrs doms = do
  854       let repr = ()
  855       attrs' <- case attrs of
  856         Just a -> validateRelationAttributes a
  857         Nothing -> return def
  859       (ts, doms') <- unzip . map typeSplit <$> validateList_ validateDomain doms
  860       return . Typed (TypeRelation ts) $ DomainRelation repr attrs' doms'
  861     validatePartitionDomain :: Maybe (ListNode AttributeNode) -> DomainNode -> ValidatorS TypedDomain
  862     validatePartitionDomain attrs dom = do
  863       let repr = ()
  864       attrs' <- case attrs of
  865         Just a -> validatePartitionAttributes a
  866         Nothing -> return def
  867       (t, dom') <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom
  868       return . Typed (TypePartition t) $ DomainPartition repr attrs' dom'
  870 validateIndexedByNode :: Maybe IndexedByNode -> ValidatorS ()
  871 validateIndexedByNode Nothing = return ()
  872 validateIndexedByNode (Just (IndexedByNode a b)) = [a, b] `are` TtSubKeyword
  874 todo :: Text -> Validator a
  875 todo s = invalid $ ValidatorDiagnostic global $ Error $ InternalErrorS (append "Not Implemented: " s)
  877 validateSizeAttributes :: [(Lexeme, Maybe Expression)] -> ValidatorS (SizeAttr Expression)
  878 validateSizeAttributes attrs = do
  879   let sizeAttrs = [L_size, L_minSize, L_maxSize]
  880   let filtered = sort $ filter (\x -> fst x `elem` sizeAttrs) attrs
  881   case filtered of
  882     [] -> return SizeAttr_None
  883     [(L_size, Just a)] -> return $ SizeAttr_Size a
  884     [(L_minSize, Just a)] -> return (SizeAttr_MinSize a)
  885     [(L_maxSize, Just a)] -> return (SizeAttr_MaxSize a)
  886     [(L_minSize, Just a), (L_maxSize, Just b)] -> return (SizeAttr_MinMaxSize a b)
  887     as -> return . def <* contextError $ SemanticError $ pack $ "Incompatible attributes size:" ++ show as
  889 validatePartSizeAttributes :: [(Lexeme, Maybe Expression)] -> ValidatorS (SizeAttr Expression)
  890 validatePartSizeAttributes attrs = do
  891   let sizeAttrs = [L_partSize, L_minPartSize, L_maxPartSize]
  892   let filtered = sort $ filter (\x -> fst x `elem` sizeAttrs) attrs
  893   case filtered of
  894     [] -> return SizeAttr_None
  895     [(L_partSize, Just a)] -> return (SizeAttr_Size a)
  896     [(L_minPartSize, Just a)] -> return (SizeAttr_MinSize a)
  897     [(L_maxPartSize, Just a)] -> return (SizeAttr_MaxSize a)
  898     [(L_minPartSize, Just a), (L_maxPartSize, Just b)] -> return (SizeAttr_MinMaxSize a b)
  899     as -> return . def <* contextError $ SemanticError $ pack $ "Incompatible attributes partitionSize :" ++ show as
  901 validateNumPartAttributes :: [(Lexeme, Maybe Expression)] -> ValidatorS (SizeAttr Expression)
  902 validateNumPartAttributes attrs = do
  903   let sizeAttrs = [L_numParts, L_maxNumParts, L_minNumParts]
  904   let filtered = sort $ filter (\x -> fst x `elem` sizeAttrs) attrs
  905   case filtered of
  906     [] -> return SizeAttr_None
  907     [(L_numParts, Just a)] -> return (SizeAttr_Size a)
  908     [(L_minNumParts, Just a)] -> return (SizeAttr_MinSize a)
  909     [(L_maxNumParts, Just a)] -> return (SizeAttr_MaxSize a)
  910     [(L_minNumParts, Just a), (L_maxNumParts, Just b)] -> return (SizeAttr_MinMaxSize a b)
  911     as -> return . def <* contextError $ SemanticError $ pack $ "Incompatible attributes partitionSize :" ++ show as
  913 validateJectivityAttributes :: [(Lexeme, Maybe Expression)] -> ValidatorS JectivityAttr
  914 validateJectivityAttributes attrs = do
  915   let sizeAttrs = [L_injective, L_surjective, L_bijective]
  916   let filtered = sort $ filter (\x -> fst x `elem` sizeAttrs) attrs
  917   case filtered of
  918     [] -> return JectivityAttr_None
  919     [(L_injective, _)] -> return JectivityAttr_Injective
  920     [(L_surjective, _)] -> return JectivityAttr_Surjective
  921     [(L_bijective, _)] -> return JectivityAttr_Bijective
  922     [(L_injective, _), (L_surjective, _)] -> do
  923       contextInfo $ UnclassifiedInfo "Inj and Sur can be combined to bijective"
  924       return JectivityAttr_Bijective
  925     as -> do
  926       void . contextError $ SemanticError $ pack $ "Incompatible attributes jectivity" ++ show as
  927       return def
  929 validateSetAttributes :: ListNode AttributeNode -> ValidatorS (SetAttr Expression)
  930 validateSetAttributes atts = do
  931   setContextFrom atts
  932   attrs <- catMaybes <$> validateList_ (validateAttributeNode setValidAttrs) atts
  933   size <- validateSizeAttributes attrs
  934   return $ SetAttr size
  936 validateMSetAttributes :: ListNode AttributeNode -> ValidatorS (MSetAttr Expression)
  937 validateMSetAttributes atts = do
  938   setContextFrom atts
  939   attrs <- catMaybes <$> validateList_ (validateAttributeNode msetValidAttrs) atts
  940   size <- validateSizeAttributes attrs
  941   occurs <- validateOccursAttrs attrs
  942   return $ MSetAttr size occurs
  943   where
  944     validateOccursAttrs attrs = do
  945       let sizeAttrs = [L_minOccur, L_maxOccur]
  946       let filtered = sort $ filter (\x -> fst x `elem` sizeAttrs) attrs
  947       case filtered of
  948         [] -> return OccurAttr_None
  949         [(L_minOccur, Just a)] -> return (OccurAttr_MinOccur a)
  950         [(L_maxOccur, Just a)] -> return (OccurAttr_MaxOccur a)
  951         [(L_minOccur, Just a), (L_maxOccur, Just b)] -> return (OccurAttr_MinMaxOccur a b)
  952         as -> do void . contextError $ SemanticError $ pack $ "Bad args to occurs" ++ show as; return def
  954 validateFuncAttributes :: ListNode AttributeNode -> ValidatorS (FunctionAttr Expression)
  955 validateFuncAttributes atts = do
  956   attrs <- catMaybes <$> validateList_ (validateAttributeNode funAttrs) atts
  957   size <- validateSizeAttributes attrs
  958   let parts = if L_total `elem` map fst attrs then PartialityAttr_Total else PartialityAttr_Partial
  959   jectivity <- validateJectivityAttributes attrs
  960   return (FunctionAttr size parts jectivity)
  962 validateSeqAttributes :: ListNode AttributeNode -> ValidatorS (SequenceAttr Expression)
  963 validateSeqAttributes atts = do
  964   attrs <- catMaybes <$> validateList_ (validateAttributeNode seqAttrs) atts
  965   size <- validateSizeAttributes attrs
  966   jectivity <- validateJectivityAttributes attrs
  967   return $ SequenceAttr size jectivity
  969 validateRelationAttributes :: ListNode AttributeNode -> ValidatorS (RelationAttr Expression)
  970 validateRelationAttributes atts = do
  971   setContextFrom atts
  972   attrs <- catMaybes <$> validateList_ (validateAttributeNode relAttrs) atts
  973   size <- validateSizeAttributes attrs
  974   others <- catMaybes <$> validateArray validateBinaryRel (filter (\x -> fst x `elem` map fst binRelAttrs) attrs)
  975   return $ RelationAttr size (BinaryRelationAttrs $ S.fromList others)
  976   where
  977     validateBinaryRel :: (Lexeme, Maybe Expression) -> Validator BinaryRelationAttr
  978     validateBinaryRel (l, _) = case lexemeToBinRel l of
  979       Just b -> return . pure $ b
  980       Nothing -> contextError $ InternalErrorS $ pack $ "Not found (bin rel) " ++ show l
  982 validatePartitionAttributes :: ListNode AttributeNode -> ValidatorS (PartitionAttr Expression)
  983 validatePartitionAttributes atts = do
  984   attrs <- catMaybes <$> validateList_ (validateAttributeNode partitionAttrs) atts
  985   -- guard size attrs and complete as this is default
  986   size <- validateNumPartAttributes attrs
  987   partSize <- validatePartSizeAttributes attrs
  988   let regular = L_regular `elem` map fst attrs
  989   return $ PartitionAttr size partSize regular
  991 validateAttributeNode :: Map Lexeme Bool -> AttributeNode -> Validator (Lexeme, Maybe Expression)
  992 validateAttributeNode vs (NamedAttributeNode t Nothing) = do
  993   flagSToken t TtAttribute
  994   name <- validateSToken t
  995   putDocs AttributeD (T.pack $ show name) t
  996   case M.lookup name vs of
  997     Nothing -> invalid $ t <!> CustomError "Not a valid attribute in this context"
  998     Just True -> invalid $ t <!> CustomError "Argument required"
  999     Just False -> return . pure $ (name, Nothing)
 1000 validateAttributeNode vs (NamedAttributeNode t (Just e)) = do
 1001   flagSToken t TtAttribute
 1002   setContextFrom e
 1003   expr <- validateExpression e ?=> exactly tInt
 1004   name <- validateSToken t
 1005   putDocs AttributeD (T.pack $ show name) t
 1006   case M.lookup name vs of
 1007     Nothing -> invalid $ t <!> CustomError "Not a valid attribute in this context"
 1008     Just False -> invalid $ t <!> SemanticError "attribute %name% does not take an argument"
 1009     Just True -> return . pure $ (\x -> (name, Just x)) expr
 1011 validateNamedDomainInVariant :: NamedDomainNode -> ValidatorS (Name, TypedDomain)
 1012 validateNamedDomainInVariant (NameDomainNode name m_dom) = do
 1013   name' <- validateNameAs TtRecordMember name
 1014   domain' <- case m_dom of
 1015     Nothing -> return . Typed tInt $ DomainInt TagInt [RangeSingle 0]
 1016     Just (l, d) -> do l `isA'` TtOperator; validateDomain d
 1017   return (name', domain')
 1019 validateNamedDomainInRecord :: NamedDomainNode -> ValidatorS (Name, TypedDomain)
 1020 validateNamedDomainInRecord (NameDomainNode name m_dom) = do
 1021   name' <- validateNameAs TtRecordMember name
 1022   domain' <- case m_dom of
 1023     Just (l, d) -> l `isA'` TtOperator >> validateDomain d
 1024     Nothing -> do
 1025       raiseError $ symbolRegion name <!> SemanticError "Dataless not allowed in record"
 1026       return (fallback "Dataless RecordMemeber")
 1027   return (name', domain')
 1029 validateRange :: Type -> RangeNode -> ValidatorS (Range Expression)
 1030 validateRange t range = case range of
 1031   SingleRangeNode en -> do ex <- validateExpression en ?=> exactly t; return $ RangeSingle ex
 1032   OpenRangeNode dots -> do dots `isA` TtOther "Ellips"; return RangeOpen
 1033   RightUnboundedRangeNode e1 dots -> do dots `isA` TtOther "Ellips"; ex <- validateExpression e1 ?=> exactly t; return $ RangeLowerBounded ex
 1034   LeftUnboundedRangeNode dots e1 -> do dots `isA` TtOther "Ellips"; ex <- validateExpression e1 ?=> exactly t; return $ RangeUpperBounded ex
 1035   BoundedRangeNode e1 dots e2 -> do
 1036     dots `isA` TtOther "Ellips"
 1037     e1' <- validateExpression e1 ?=> exactly t
 1038     e2' <- validateExpression e2 ?=> exactly t
 1039     return $ RangeBounded e1' e2'
 1041 validateArrowPair :: ArrowPairNode -> Validator (RegionTagged (Typed Expression), RegionTagged (Typed Expression))
 1042 validateArrowPair (ArrowPairNode e1 s e2) = do
 1043   s `isA'` TtOperator
 1044   e1' <- validateExpression e1
 1045   e2' <- validateExpression e2
 1046   return . pure $ (\a b -> ((symbolRegion e1, a), (symbolRegion e2, b))) e1' e2'
 1048 validateExpression :: ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1049 validateExpression expr = do
 1050   setContextFrom expr
 1051   res <- case expr of
 1052     Literal ln -> validateLiteral ln
 1053     IdentifierNode nn -> validateIdentifierExpr nn
 1054     MetaVarExpr tok -> do
 1055       x <- validateMetaVar tok
 1056       return $ Typed TypeAny $ ExpressionMetaVar x
 1057     QuantificationExpr qen -> validateQuantificationExpression qen
 1058     OperatorExpressionNode oen -> validateOperatorExpression oen
 1059     DomainExpression dex -> validateDomainExpression dex
 1060     ParenExpression (ParenExpressionNode l1 exp l2) -> checkSymbols [l1, l2] >> validateExpression exp
 1061     AbsExpression (ParenExpressionNode l1 exp l2) -> do
 1062       [l1, l2] `are` TtOperator
 1063       (kExp, exp') <- validateFlexibleExpression exp
 1064       typeCheckAbs kExp
 1065       return . Typed tInt $ mkOp TwoBarOp [exp']
 1066     FunctionalApplicationNode lt ln -> validateFunctionApplication lt ln
 1067     AttributeAsConstriant lt exprs -> validateAttributeAsConstraint lt exprs
 1068     SpecialCase scn -> validateSpecialCase scn
 1069     MissingExpressionNode lt -> do raiseError (lt <!> TokenError lt); return (fallback "Missing expression")
 1070   setContextFrom expr
 1071   return res
 1072   where
 1073     typeCheckAbs :: Kind -> ValidatorS ()
 1074     typeCheckAbs (Kind DomainType _) = pure ()
 1075     typeCheckAbs (Kind ValueType {} t) = case t of
 1076       TypeAny -> return ()
 1077       TypeInt _ -> return ()
 1078       TypeList {} -> return ()
 1079       TypeSet {} -> return ()
 1080       TypeMSet {} -> return ()
 1081       TypeFunction {} -> return ()
 1082       TypeSequence {} -> return ()
 1083       TypeRelation {} -> return ()
 1084       TypePartition {} -> return ()
 1085       _ -> contextTypeError $ ComplexTypeError "Int or collection" t
 1087 validateFlexibleExpression :: ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Kind, Expression)
 1088 validateFlexibleExpression (IdentifierNode name) = do
 1089   n <- validateIdentifierS name
 1090   setContextFrom name
 1091   t <- resolveReference (symbolRegion name, Name n)
 1092   tagWithType (NameNode name) t
 1093   return (t, Reference (Name n) Nothing)
 1094 validateFlexibleExpression (DomainExpression den) = do
 1095   (dType, d) <- typeSplit <$> validateDomainExpression den
 1096   return (Kind DomainType dType, d)
 1097 validateFlexibleExpression en = do
 1098   (t, expr) <- typeSplit <$> validateExpression en
 1099   return (simple t, expr)
 1101 validateAttributeAsConstraint :: SToken -> ListNode ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1102 validateAttributeAsConstraint l1 exprs = do
 1103   es <- map untype <$> validateList_ validateExpression exprs
 1104   do
 1105     flagSToken l1 TtAAC
 1106     lx <- validateSToken l1
 1107     let n = lookup (Name (lexemeText lx)) allSupportedAttributes
 1108     r <- case (n, es) of
 1109       (Just 1, [e, v]) -> return . pure . Typed TypeBool $ aacBuilder e lx (Just v)
 1110       (Just 1, _) -> invalid $ l1 <!> SemanticError (pack $ "Expected 2 args to " ++ show lx ++ "got" ++ show (length es))
 1111       (Just 0, [e]) -> return . pure . Typed TypeBool $ aacBuilder e lx Nothing
 1112       (Just 0, _) -> invalid $ l1 <!> SemanticError (pack $ "Expected 1 arg to " ++ show lx ++ "got" ++ show (length es))
 1113       (_, _) -> invalid $ l1 <!> InternalErrorS "Bad AAC"
 1114     return $ fromMaybe (fallback "bad AAC") r
 1115   where
 1116     aacBuilder e lx y = Op $ MkOpAttributeAsConstraint $ OpAttributeAsConstraint e (fromString (lexemeFace lx)) y
 1118 validateSpecialCase :: SpecialCaseNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1119 validateSpecialCase (ExprWithDecls l1 ex l2 sts l3) = do
 1120   mapM_ validateSToken [l1, l2, l3]
 1121   scoped $ do
 1122     conds <- validateProgramTree sts
 1123     let decls =
 1124           [ Declaration (FindOrGiven LocalFind nm dom)
 1125             | Declaration (FindOrGiven Find nm dom) <- conds
 1126           ]
 1127     let cons =
 1128           concat
 1129             [ xs
 1130               | SuchThat xs <- conds
 1131             ]
 1132     let locals =
 1133           if null decls
 1134             then DefinednessConstraints cons
 1135             else AuxiliaryVars (decls ++ [SuchThat cons])
 1136     (t, expr) <- typeSplit <$> validateExpression ex
 1137     return . Typed t $ WithLocals expr locals
 1139 translateQnName :: Lexeme -> OpType
 1140 translateQnName qnName = case qnName of
 1141   L_ForAll -> FunctionOp L_fAnd
 1142   L_Exists -> FunctionOp L_fOr
 1143   L_Sum -> FunctionOp L_Sum
 1144   L_Product -> FunctionOp L_Product
 1145   _ -> FunctionOp qnName
 1147 validateQuantificationExpression :: QuantificationExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1148 validateQuantificationExpression q@(QuantificationExpressionNode name pats over m_guard dot expr) =
 1149   do
 1150     setContextFrom q
 1151     dot `isA'` TtKeyword
 1152     scoped $ do
 1153       flagSToken name TtQuantifier
 1154       name' <- validateSToken name
 1155       (over', genDec) <- holdDeclarations $ wrapRegion pats pats SGen $ validateQuantificationOver pats over
 1156       (g', gDec) <- case m_guard of
 1157         Nothing -> return ([], [])
 1158         Just qg ->
 1159           holdDeclarations
 1160             $ wrapRegion qg qg SGuard
 1161             $ validateQuantificationGuard m_guard
 1162       setContextFrom expr
 1163       let (iType, rType) = case name' of
 1164             L_ForAll -> (tCondition, TypeBool)
 1165             L_Exists -> (tCondition, TypeBool)
 1166             L_Sum -> (exactly tInt, tInt)
 1167             L_Product -> (exactly tInt, tInt)
 1168             _ -> bug $ pretty ("Unkown quantifier " ++ show name')
 1169       (body, bDecl) <-
 1170         holdDeclarations
 1171           $ wrapRegion expr expr SBody
 1172           $ validateExpression expr
 1173           ?=> iType
 1174       let qBody = Comprehension body (over' ++ g')
 1175       let result = Typed rType (mkOp (translateQnName name') [qBody])
 1176       putDocs KeywordD (T.pack $ show name') name
 1177       wrapRegion q q (SQuantification (lexemeText name') (simple rType)) (mapM_ addRegion (gDec ++ genDec ++ bDecl))
 1178       return result
 1179   where
 1180     validateQuantificationGuard :: Maybe QuanticationGuard -> ValidatorS [GeneratorOrCondition]
 1181     validateQuantificationGuard Nothing = return []
 1182     validateQuantificationGuard (Just (QuanticationGuard l1 exp)) = do
 1183       l1 `isA` TtOther "Comma"
 1184       expr' <- validateExpression exp ?=> exactly TypeBool
 1185       return [Condition expr']
 1186     validateQuantificationOver :: Sequence AbstractPatternNode -> QuantificationOverNode -> ValidatorS [GeneratorOrCondition]
 1187     validateQuantificationOver lpats (QuantifiedSubsetOfNode lt en) = do
 1188       lt `isA` TtKeyword
 1189       putDocs KeywordD "powerset_projection" lt
 1190       ps <- sequenceElems lpats
 1191       exp <- validateExpression en
 1192       let (t, e) = typeSplit exp
 1193       void $ unifyTypesFailing (TypeSet TypeAny) (symbolRegion en, exp)
 1194       let pt = t
 1195       apats <- unifyPatterns pt ps
 1196       return [Generator $ GenInExpr pat (Op $ MkOpPowerSet $ OpPowerSet e) | pat <- apats]
 1197     -- x in exp
 1198     validateQuantificationOver lpats (QuantifiedMemberOfNode lt en) = do
 1199       lt `isA` TtKeyword
 1200       ps <- sequenceElems lpats
 1201       exp <- validateExpression en
 1202       let (t, e) = typeSplit exp
 1203       pt <- projectionType (symbolRegion en) t
 1204       apats <- unifyPatterns pt ps
 1205       return [Generator $ GenInExpr pat e | pat <- apats]
 1206     -- x : domain
 1207     validateQuantificationOver lpats (QuantifiedDomainNode (OverDomainNode l1 dom)) = do
 1208       l1 `isA'` TtOther "Colon in comprehension"
 1209       ps <- sequenceElems lpats
 1210       (dType, dom') <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom
 1211       pt <- projectionTypeDomain (symbolRegion dom) dType
 1212       apats <- unifyPatterns pt ps
 1213       return [Generator $ GenDomainNoRepr pat dom' | pat <- apats]
 1215 validateMetaVar :: SToken -> ValidatorS String
 1216 validateMetaVar tok = do
 1217   lx <- validateSToken tok
 1218   case lx of
 1219     LMetaVar s -> return $ unpack s
 1220     _ -> bug $ "Bad MetaVar" <+> pretty (show lx)
 1222 validateDomainExpression :: DomainExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1223 validateDomainExpression (DomainExpressionNode l1 dom l2) = do
 1224   [l1, l2] `are` TtOther "Backtick"
 1225   (tdom, dom') <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom
 1226   return . Typed tdom $ Domain dom'
 1228 validateFunctionApplication :: SToken -> ListNode ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1229 validateFunctionApplication name args = do
 1230   args' <- validateList validateFlexibleExpression args
 1231   flagSToken name TtFunction
 1232   name' <- validateSToken name
 1233   putDocs FunctionD (lexemeText name') name
 1234   setContextFrom args
 1235   validateFuncOp name' args'
 1237 validateIdentifierExpr :: NameNodeS -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1238 validateIdentifierExpr name = do
 1239   n <- validateIdentifierS name
 1240   setContextFrom name
 1241   t <- resolveReference (symbolRegion name, Name n)
 1242   checkCategory t
 1243   tagWithType (NameNode name) t
 1244   t' <- getValueType t
 1245   return . Typed t' $ Reference (Name n) Nothing
 1247 validateOperatorExpression :: OperatorExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1248 validateOperatorExpression (PrefixOpNode lt expr) = do
 1249   flagSToken lt TtOperator
 1250   op <- validateSToken lt
 1251   setContextFrom expr
 1252   let refT = case op of
 1253         L_Minus -> tInt
 1254         L_ExclamationMark -> TypeBool
 1255         _ -> bug . pretty $ "Unknown prefix op " ++ show op
 1256   putDocs OperatorD (T.pack $ "pre_" ++ show op) lt
 1257   expr' <- validateExpression expr ?=> exactly refT
 1258   return . Typed refT $ mkOp (PrefixOp op) [expr']
 1259 -- lookup symbol
 1260 validateOperatorExpression (BinaryOpNode lexp op rexp) = do
 1261   (lType, lExpr) <- validateFlexibleExpression lexp
 1262   (rType, rExpr) <- validateFlexibleExpression rexp
 1263   flagSToken op TtOperator
 1264   op' <- validateSToken op
 1266   let resultValidator = binOpType op'
 1267   resultType <- resultValidator (symbolRegion lexp, lType) (symbolRegion rexp, rType)
 1268   addRegion
 1269     ( RegionInfo
 1270         { rRegion = symbolRegion op,
 1271           rSubRegion = Nothing,
 1272           rRegionType = Documentation OperatorD (T.pack $ show op'),
 1273           rChildren = [],
 1274           rTable = M.empty
 1275         }
 1276     )
 1277   return . Typed resultType $ mkBinOp (pack $ lexemeFace op') lExpr rExpr
 1278 validateOperatorExpression (PostfixOpNode expr pon) = do
 1279   postFixOp <- validatePostfixOp pon
 1280   postFixOp expr
 1282 validatePostfixOp :: PostfixOpNode -> ValidatorS (ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression))
 1283 validatePostfixOp (OpFactorial lt) = do
 1284   lt `isA` TtOperator
 1285   putDocs OperatorD "post_factorial" lt
 1286   setContextFrom lt
 1287   return $ \exp -> do
 1288     v <- validateExpression exp ?=> exactly tInt
 1289     return $ Typed tInt $ mkOp FactorialOp [v]
 1290 validatePostfixOp (ApplicationNode args) = return $ \exp -> do
 1291   let reg = symbolRegion exp
 1292   (t, e) <- typeSplit <$> validateExpression exp
 1293   case t of
 1294     TypeFunction _ _ -> do
 1295       args' <- validateList (validateExpression >=> \(Typed t' e') -> return (simple t', e')) args
 1296       validateFuncOp L_image ((reg, (simple t, e)) : args')
 1297     TypeSequence _ -> do
 1298       args' <- validateList (validateExpression >=> \(Typed t' e') -> return (simple t', e')) args
 1299       validateFuncOp L_image ((reg, (simple t, e)) : args')
 1300     _ -> do
 1301       as <- catMaybes <$> listElems args
 1302       args' <- mapM validateProjectionArgs as
 1303       let ys = args' -- [if underscore == v then Nothing else Just (r,Typed t v)| x@(r,(Kind ValueType t,v)) <- args']
 1304       iType <- case t of
 1305         TypeRelation ts -> checkProjectionArgs ts ys
 1306         _ -> do
 1307           raiseTypeError $ symbolRegion exp <!> ComplexTypeError "Relation or function" t
 1308           let ts = map (maybe TypeAny (typeOf_ . snd)) ys
 1309           return $ TypeRelation ts
 1310       let op = Op $ MkOpRelationProj $ OpRelationProj e (map (untype . snd <$>) ys)
 1311       let resType = if any null ys then iType else TypeBool
 1312       return . Typed resType $ op
 1313   where
 1314     validateProjectionArgs :: ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Maybe (RegionTagged (Typed Expression)))
 1315     validateProjectionArgs (IdentifierNode (NameNodeS ((StrictToken _ (lexeme -> l))))) | l == LIdentifier "_" = return Nothing
 1316     validateProjectionArgs e = validateExpression e >>= \x -> return . pure $ (symbolRegion e, x)
 1318     checkProjectionArgs :: [Type] -> [Maybe (RegionTagged (Typed Expression))] -> ValidatorS Type
 1319     checkProjectionArgs ref bind = do
 1320       unless (length ref == length bind)
 1321         $ raiseError
 1322         $ symbolRegion args
 1323         <!> SemanticError "Member size mismatch for relation"
 1324       let pairs = zip ref bind
 1325       let (free, bound) = partition (null . snd) pairs
 1326       mapM_
 1327         ( \(t, x) -> case x of
 1328             Nothing -> pure ()
 1329             Just v -> void $ unifyTypes t v
 1330         )
 1331         bound
 1332       let freeTypes = map fst free
 1333       return $ if null freeTypes then TypeBool else TypeRelation freeTypes
 1334 validatePostfixOp (IndexedNode ln) = do
 1335   res <- catMaybes <$> listElems ln
 1336   return $ \exp -> do
 1337     e <- validateExpression exp
 1338     foldM validateIndexingOrSlicing e res
 1339 validatePostfixOp (ExplicitDomain l1 l2 dom l3) = do
 1340   l1 `isA` TtOther "Colon in expr"
 1341   l2 `isA` TtOther "BackTick"
 1342   l3 `isA'` TtOther "BackTick"
 1343   (getDomainMembers -> t, _) <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom
 1344   return $ \exp -> do
 1345     e <- validateExpression exp ?=> exactly t
 1346     return . Typed t $ D.Typed e t
 1348 validateIndexingOrSlicing :: Typed Expression -> RangeNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1349 validateIndexingOrSlicing (Typed t exp) (SingleRangeNode r) = do
 1350   setContextFrom r
 1351   (vType, e) <- case t of
 1352     TypeRecord ts -> validateRecordMemberIndex ts r
 1353     TypeVariant ts -> validateRecordMemberIndex ts r
 1354     _ -> do
 1355       t' <- getIndexingType t
 1356       e <- validateExpression r ?=> exactly t'
 1357       setContextFrom r
 1358       vType <- getIndexedType t (Typed t' e)
 1359       return (vType, e)
 1360   return . Typed vType $ Op $ MkOpIndexing (OpIndexing exp e)
 1361 validateIndexingOrSlicing exp range = do
 1362   let (mType, m) = typeSplit exp
 1363   setContextFrom range
 1364   sType <- getSlicingType mType
 1365   r' <- validateRange sType range
 1366   let (i, j) = case r' of
 1367         RangeOpen -> (Nothing, Nothing)
 1368         RangeLowerBounded ex -> (Just ex, Nothing)
 1369         RangeUpperBounded ex -> (Nothing, Just ex)
 1370         RangeBounded exl exr -> (Just exl, Just exr)
 1371         RangeSingle ex -> (Just ex, Just ex) -- This never gets hit in a well formed program
 1372   return $ Typed mType $ Op $ MkOpSlicing (OpSlicing m i j)
 1374 validateRecordMemberIndex :: [(Name, Type)] -> ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Type, Expression)
 1375 validateRecordMemberIndex ns (IdentifierNode nn) = do
 1376   n <- tagNameAs TtRecordMember nn
 1377   let t = lookup n ns
 1378   ty <- case t of
 1379     Just ty -> return ty
 1380     Nothing -> do
 1381       raiseError
 1382         $ symbolRegion nn
 1383         <!> WithReplacements
 1384           (SemanticError "Expected member of record/variant ")
 1385           [x | (Name x, _) <- ns]
 1386       return TypeAny
 1387   return (ty, Reference n Nothing)
 1388 validateRecordMemberIndex ns (MissingExpressionNode nn) = do
 1389   raiseError
 1390     $ symbolRegion nn
 1391     <!> WithReplacements
 1392       (SemanticError "Expected member of record/variant ")
 1393       [x | (Name x, _) <- ns]
 1394   return (TypeAny, fallback "bad Index")
 1395 validateRecordMemberIndex ns en = do
 1396   g <- validateExpression en
 1397   let msg =
 1398         T.concat
 1399           [ "Expected one of ",
 1400             T.intercalate "," [x | (Name x, _) <- ns],
 1401             " "
 1402           ]
 1403   raiseTypeError $ symbolRegion en <!> ComplexTypeError msg (typeOf_ g)
 1404   return (TypeAny, untype g)
 1406 getSlicingType :: Type -> ValidatorS Type
 1407 getSlicingType TypeAny = return TypeAny
 1408 getSlicingType (TypeMatrix i _) = return i
 1409 getSlicingType (TypeSequence _) = return tInt
 1410 getSlicingType t = do
 1411   contextTypeError (CustomError . pack $ "Type " ++ show (pretty t) ++ " does not support slicing")
 1412   return TypeAny
 1414 getIndexingType :: Type -> ValidatorS Type
 1415 getIndexingType TypeAny = return TypeAny
 1416 getIndexingType (TypeMatrix i _) = return $ getDomainMembers i
 1417 getIndexingType (TypeSequence _) = return tInt
 1418 getIndexingType (TypeList _) = return tInt
 1419 getIndexingType (TypeTuple _) = return tInt
 1420 getIndexingType t = do
 1421   contextTypeError (CustomError . pack $ "Type " ++ show (pretty t) ++ " does not support indexing")
 1422   return TypeAny
 1424 getIndexedType :: Type -> Typed Expression -> ValidatorS Type
 1425 getIndexedType (TypeMatrix _ ms) _ = return ms
 1426 getIndexedType (TypeSequence t) _ = return t
 1427 getIndexedType (TypeTuple ts) ex = case intOut "Index" (untype ex) of
 1428   Left _ -> do
 1429     contextTypeError (CustomError "Non constant value indexing tuple")
 1430     return TypeAny
 1431   Right v | v <= 0 || v > toInteger (length ts) -> do
 1432     contextTypeError . CustomError . pack $ "Tuple index " ++ show v ++ " out of bounds"
 1433     return TypeAny
 1434   Right v -> return $ ts `at` (fromInteger v - 1)
 1435 getIndexedType (TypeRecord _) (Typed _ _) = bug "Index type called on record, should be handled by special case"
 1436 getIndexedType (TypeVariant _) _ = bug "Index type called on variant, should be handled by special case"
 1437 getIndexedType _ _ = return TypeAny
 1439 validateLiteral :: LiteralNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1440 validateLiteral litNode = case litNode of
 1441   IntLiteral lt -> validateIntLiteral lt >>= \x -> return $ Typed tInt $ Constant x
 1442   BoolLiteral lt -> validateBoolLiteral lt >>= \x -> return $ Typed TypeBool $ Constant x
 1443   MatrixLiteral mln -> validateMatrixLiteral mln
 1444   TupleLiteralNode (LongTuple lt xs) -> do
 1445     lt `isA` TtType
 1446     validateLiteral (TupleLiteralNodeShort (ShortTuple xs))
 1447   TupleLiteralNodeShort (ShortTuple xs) -> do
 1448     es <- validateExprList_ xs
 1449     makeTupleLiteral es
 1450   RecordLiteral lt ln -> lt `isA` TtType >> validateRecordLiteral ln
 1451   VariantLiteral lt ln -> lt `isA` TtType >> validateVariantLiteral ln
 1452   SetLiteral ls -> validateSetLiteral ls
 1453   MSetLiteral lt ls -> lt `isA` TtType >> validateMSetLiteral ls
 1454   FunctionLiteral lt ln -> lt `isA` TtType >> validateFunctionLiteral ln
 1455   SequenceLiteral lt ln -> lt `isA` TtType >> validateSequenceLiteral ln
 1456   RelationLiteral lt ln -> lt `isA` TtType >> validateRelationLiteral ln
 1457   PartitionLiteral lt ln -> lt `isA` TtType >> validatePartitionLiteral ln
 1459 validateSequenceLiteral :: ListNode ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1460 validateSequenceLiteral x = do
 1461   (t, ss) <- typeSplit <$> (sameType =<< validateExprList x)
 1462   let lType = TypeSequence t
 1463   return . Typed lType $ mkAbstractLiteral $ AbsLitSequence ss
 1465 validateRelationLiteral :: ListNode RelationElemNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1466 validateRelationLiteral ln = do
 1467   ms <- validateList validateRelationMember ln
 1468   (t, xs) <- typeSplit <$> sameType ms
 1469   setContextFrom ln
 1470   return . Typed t $ mkAbstractLiteral $ AbsLitRelation xs
 1471   where
 1472     validateRelationMember :: RelationElemNode -> ValidatorS (Typed [Expression])
 1473     validateRelationMember x = case x of
 1474       RelationElemNodeLabeled (LongTuple lt xs) -> lt `isA` TtType >> validateRelationMember (RelationElemNodeShort $ ShortTuple xs)
 1475       RelationElemNodeShort (ShortTuple xs) -> do
 1476         es <- validateExprList_ xs
 1477         let (ts, vs) = unzip $ typeSplit <$> es
 1478         return $ Typed (TypeRelation ts) vs
 1480 validatePartitionLiteral :: ListNode PartitionElemNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1481 validatePartitionLiteral ln = do
 1482   members <- validateList validatePartitionElem ln
 1483   (t, xs) <- typeSplit <$> sameType members
 1484   let eType = TypePartition t
 1485   return $ Typed eType (mkAbstractLiteral $ AbsLitPartition xs)
 1486   where
 1487     validatePartitionElem :: PartitionElemNode -> ValidatorS (Typed [Expression])
 1488     validatePartitionElem (PartitionElemNode exprs) = do
 1489       xs <- validateExprList exprs
 1490       sameType xs
 1492 validateRecordLiteral :: ListNode RecordMemberNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1493 validateRecordLiteral ln = do
 1494   members <- catMaybes <$> listElems ln
 1495   case members of
 1496     [] -> return $ Typed (TypeRecord []) (mk []) -- REVIEW: should empty records be allowed?
 1497     xs -> do
 1498       (ns, unzip . map typeSplit -> (ts, es)) <- mapAndUnzipM validateRecordMember xs
 1499       let t = TypeRecord $ zip ns ts
 1500       return $ Typed t $ mk (zip ns es)
 1501   where
 1502     mk = mkAbstractLiteral . AbsLitRecord
 1504 validateVariantLiteral :: ListNode RecordMemberNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1505 validateVariantLiteral ln = do
 1506   members <- catMaybes <$> validateList_ (f2n validateRecordMember) ln
 1507   res <- case members of
 1508     [] -> invalid $ symbolRegion ln <!> SemanticError "Variants must contain exactly one member"
 1509     [(n, Typed t v)] -> return . pure . Typed (TypeVariant [(n, t)]) $ AbstractLiteral $ AbsLitVariant Nothing n v
 1510     _ : _ -> invalid $ symbolRegion ln <!> SyntaxError "Variants must contain exactly one member" -- tag subsequent members as unexpected
 1511   return $ fromMaybe (fallback "bad variant") res
 1513 validateRecordMember :: RecordMemberNode -> ValidatorS (Name, Typed Expression)
 1514 validateRecordMember (RecordMemberNode name lEq expr) = do
 1515   lEq `isA'` TtKeyword
 1516   name' <- validateName name
 1517   expr' <- validateExpression expr
 1518   return (name', expr')
 1520 validateFunctionLiteral :: ListNode ArrowPairNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1521 validateFunctionLiteral ln = do
 1522   pairs <- catMaybes <$> validateList_ validateArrowPair ln
 1523   let (pl, pr) = unzip pairs
 1524   (lhType, ls) <- typeSplit <$> sameType pl
 1525   (rhType, rs) <- typeSplit <$> sameType pr
 1526   let fType = TypeFunction lhType rhType
 1527   return . Typed fType $ mkAbstractLiteral $ AbsLitFunction $ zip ls rs
 1529 validateSetLiteral :: ListNode ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1530 validateSetLiteral ls = do
 1531   xs <- validateList validateExpression ls
 1532   (t, es) <- typeSplit <$> sameType xs
 1533   return . Typed (TypeSet t) $ mkAbstractLiteral $ AbsLitSet es
 1535 validateMSetLiteral :: ListNode ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1536 validateMSetLiteral ls = do
 1537   xs <- validateList validateExpression ls
 1538   (t, es) <- typeSplit <$> sameType xs
 1539   let eType = TypeMSet t
 1540   let result = mkAbstractLiteral $ AbsLitMSet es
 1541   return $ Typed eType result
 1543 validateMatrixLiteral :: MatrixLiteralNode -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1544 -- Matrix proper
 1545 validateMatrixLiteral (MatrixLiteralNode l1 se m_dom Nothing l2) = do
 1546   [l1, l2] `are` TtOther "SquareBrackets"
 1547   matElems <- validateSequence validateExpression se
 1548   (t, es) <- typeSplit <$> sameType matElems
 1549   let defaultDomain :: TypedDomain = Typed tInt (mkDomainIntB 1 (fromInt $ genericLength matElems))
 1550   dom <- fromMaybe defaultDomain <$> validateOverDomain m_dom
 1551   let lit = AbsLitMatrix (untype dom) es
 1552   return $ Typed (TypeMatrix tInt t) $ mkAbstractLiteral lit
 1553   where
 1554     validateOverDomain :: Maybe OverDomainNode -> Validator TypedDomain
 1555     validateOverDomain Nothing = return Nothing
 1556     validateOverDomain (Just (OverDomainNode l3 dom)) = do l3 `isA'` TtOther "Semicolon in matrix"; pure <$> validateDomain dom
 1558 -- Matrix as comprehension
 1559 validateMatrixLiteral m@(MatrixLiteralNode l1 se m_dom (Just comp) l2) = do
 1560   [l1, l2] `are` TtOther "SquareBrackets"
 1561   case m_dom of
 1562     Nothing -> return ()
 1563     Just p@(OverDomainNode l3 dom) -> do
 1564       l3 `isA'` TtOther "Semicolon in matrix"
 1565       void $ validateDomain dom
 1566       raiseError $ symbolRegion p <!> SemanticError "Index domains are not supported in comprehensions"
 1567   scoped
 1568     $ do
 1569       -- check gens and put locals into scope
 1570       (gens, dGens) <- holdDeclarations $ validateComprehension comp
 1571       -- now validate expression(s)
 1572       (es, dBody) <-
 1573         holdDeclarations
 1574           $ wrapRegion se se SBody
 1575           $ validateSequence validateExpression se
 1576       r <- case es of
 1577         [] -> return $ fallback "missing" <$ raiseError $ symbolRegion se <!> SemanticError "MissingExpression"
 1578         ((_, x) : xs) -> flagExtraExpressions xs >> return x
 1579       let bodyType = typeOf_ r
 1580       wrapRegion m se (SComprehension (simple $ TypeList bodyType)) (mapM_ addRegion (dGens ++ dBody))
 1581       return . Typed (TypeList bodyType) $ Comprehension (untype r) gens
 1582   where
 1583     flagExtraExpressions :: [RegionTagged a] -> ValidatorS ()
 1584     flagExtraExpressions [] = pure ()
 1585     flagExtraExpressions xs = raiseError $ catRegions xs <!> SemanticError "Comprehensension may have only one expression before |"
 1587 validateComprehension :: ComprehensionNode -> ValidatorS [GeneratorOrCondition]
 1588 validateComprehension (ComprehensionNode l1 body) = do
 1589   l1 `isA` TtKeyword
 1590   concat <$> validateSequence_ validateComprehensionBody body
 1592 validateComprehensionBody :: ComprehensionBodyNode -> ValidatorS [GeneratorOrCondition]
 1593 -- guard
 1594 validateComprehensionBody (CompBodyCondition en) = wrapRegion en en SGuard $ do
 1595   e <- validateExpression en ?=> exactly TypeBool
 1596   return [Condition e]
 1597 -- x in dom
 1598 validateComprehensionBody c@(CompBodyDomain apn l1 dom) = wrapRegion c apn SGen $ do
 1599   l1 `isA` TtKeyword
 1600   putDocs KeywordD "expr_in_domain_projection" l1
 1601   (td, domain) <- typeSplit <$> validateDomain dom
 1602   td' <- projectionTypeDomain (symbolRegion dom) td
 1603   pats <- validateSequence_ (flip unifyPattern td' . Just) apn
 1604   return $ [Generator (GenDomainNoRepr pat domain) | pat <- pats]
 1606 -- x <- expr
 1607 validateComprehensionBody c@(CompBodyGenExpr apn lt en) = wrapRegion c apn SGen $ do
 1608   lt `isA` TtKeyword
 1609   putDocs KeywordD "expr_projection" lt
 1610   e <- validateExpression en
 1611   let (t, exp) = typeSplit e
 1612   t' <- projectionType (symbolRegion en) t
 1613   pats <- validateSequence_ (flip unifyPattern t' . Just) apn
 1614   return $ [Generator (GenInExpr pat exp) | pat <- pats]
 1615 -- letting x be
 1616 validateComprehensionBody c@(CompBodyLettingNode l1 nn l2 en) = wrapRegion c nn SLetting $ do
 1617   l1 `isA` TtKeyword
 1618   l2 `isA'` TtKeyword
 1619   (t, expr) <- typeSplit <$> validateExpression en
 1620   pat <- unifyPattern (Just nn) t
 1621   return [ComprehensionLetting pat expr]
 1623 projectionType :: DiagnosticRegion -> Type -> ValidatorS Type
 1624 projectionType r t = case t of
 1625   TypeAny -> return TypeAny
 1626   TypeTuple _ -> return t
 1627   TypeMatrix _ ty -> return ty
 1628   TypeList ty -> return ty
 1629   TypeSet ty -> return ty
 1630   TypeMSet ty -> return ty
 1631   TypeSequence ty -> return $ TypeTuple [tInt, ty]
 1632   TypeRelation ts -> return $ TypeTuple ts
 1633   TypePartition ty -> return $ TypeSet ty
 1634   TypeFunction fr to -> return $ TypeTuple [fr, to]
 1635   _ -> raiseTypeError (r <!> SemanticError (pack $ "Expression of type " ++ show (pretty t) ++ " cannot be projected in a comprehension")) >> return TypeAny
 1637 projectionTypeDomain :: DiagnosticRegion -> Type -> ValidatorS Type
 1638 projectionTypeDomain _ t = case t of -- TODO check and do properly
 1639   TypeAny -> return TypeAny
 1640   TypeEnum (Name n) -> return $ TypeInt $ TagEnum n
 1641   TypeUnnamed (Name n) -> return $ TypeInt $ TagUnnamed n
 1642   _ -> return t
 1644 --   _ -> (raiseTypeError $ r <!> SemanticError  (pack $ "Domain of type " ++ (show $pretty t) ++ " cannot be projected in a comprehension")) >> return TypeAny
 1645 mkAbstractLiteral :: AbstractLiteral Expression -> Expression
 1646 mkAbstractLiteral x = case e2c (AbstractLiteral x) of
 1647   Nothing -> AbstractLiteral x
 1648   Just c -> Constant c
 1650 enforceConstraint :: Maybe Bool -> String -> ValidatorS ()
 1651 enforceConstraint p msg = case p of
 1652   Just True -> return ()
 1653   _ -> void (contextError (CustomError $ pack msg))
 1655 checkSymbols :: [LToken] -> ValidatorS ()
 1656 checkSymbols = mapM_ validateSymbol
 1658 -- Raise a non structural error (i.e type error)
 1659 raiseError :: ValidatorDiagnostic -> ValidatorS ()
 1660 raiseError e = tell [e]
 1662 raiseTypeError :: ValidatorDiagnostic -> ValidatorS ()
 1663 raiseTypeError e = do
 1664   tc <- gets typeChecking
 1665   when tc $ raiseError e
 1667 makeTupleLiteral :: [Typed Expression] -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 1668 makeTupleLiteral members = do
 1669   let memberTypes = unzip $ map typeSplit members
 1670   let eType = TypeTuple (fst memberTypes)
 1671   return . Typed eType . mkAbstractLiteral . AbsLitTuple $ snd memberTypes
 1673 validateIntLiteral :: SToken -> ValidatorS Constant
 1674 validateIntLiteral t = do
 1675   flagSToken t TtNumber
 1676   l <- validateSToken t
 1677   case l of
 1678     (LIntLiteral x) -> return $ ConstantInt TagInt x
 1679     _ -> error "Bad int literal"
 1681 validateBoolLiteral :: SToken -> ValidatorS Constant
 1682 validateBoolLiteral t = do
 1683   flagSToken t TtBool
 1684   l <- validateSToken t
 1685   case l of
 1686     L_true -> return $ ConstantBool True
 1687     L_false -> return $ ConstantBool False
 1688     _ -> error "Bad bool literal"
 1690 validateNameList :: Sequence NameNode -> ValidatorS [RegionTagged Name]
 1691 validateNameList = validateSequence validateName
 1693 validateNameList_ :: Sequence NameNode -> ValidatorS [Name]
 1694 validateNameList_ = validateSequence_ validateName
 1696 validateIdentifierS :: NameNodeS -> ValidatorS Text
 1697 validateIdentifierS (NameNodeS iden) = do
 1698   q <- validateSToken iden
 1699   case q of
 1700     (LIdentifier x) -> checkName x >> return x
 1701     _ -> bug $ "Name wasn't a name:" <+> pretty (show q)
 1702   where
 1703     checkName :: Text -> Validator Text
 1704     checkName "" = invalid $ iden <!> SemanticError "Empty names not allowed"
 1705     checkName "\"\"" = invalid $ iden <!> SemanticError "Empty names not allowed"
 1706     checkName x = return . pure $ x
 1708 validateIdentifier :: NameNode -> ValidatorS Text
 1709 validateIdentifier (NameNode nns) = validateIdentifierS nns
 1710 validateIdentifier (MissingNameNode iden) = do
 1711   _ <- validateSymbol iden
 1712   return " <Missing name>"
 1714 validateName :: NameNode -> ValidatorS Name
 1715 validateName name = do
 1716   n <- validateIdentifier name
 1717   return (Name n)
 1719 validateNameAs :: TagType -> NameNode -> ValidatorS Name
 1720 validateNameAs f (NameNode n) = tagNameAs f n
 1721 validateNameAs _ name = validateName name
 1723 tagNameAs :: TagType -> NameNodeS -> ValidatorS Name
 1724 tagNameAs f nn@(NameNodeS n) = flagSToken n f >> Name <$> validateIdentifier (NameNode nn)
 1726 listToSeq :: ListNode a -> ValidatorS (Sequence a)
 1727 listToSeq (ListNode l1 s l2) = checkSymbols [l1, l2] >> return s
 1729 -- visit a sequence, return a list of elements, nothing if missing
 1730 sequenceElems :: (HighLevelTree a) => Sequence a -> ValidatorS [Maybe a]
 1731 sequenceElems (Seq els) = mapM (validateSequenceElem_ validateIdentity) els
 1733 listElems :: (HighLevelTree a) => ListNode a -> ValidatorS [Maybe a]
 1734 listElems = sequenceElems <=< listToSeq
 1736 validateIdentity :: a -> Validator a
 1737 validateIdentity = return . pure
 1739 validateArray :: (a -> ValidatorS b) -> [a] -> ValidatorS [b]
 1740 validateArray = mapM
 1742 validateList :: (HighLevelTree a, Fallback b) => (a -> ValidatorS b) -> ListNode a -> ValidatorS [RegionTagged b]
 1743 validateList validator (ListNode st seq end) = do
 1744   _ <- validateSymbol st
 1745   _ <- validateSymbol end
 1746   validateSequence validator seq
 1748 validateList_ :: (HighLevelTree a, Fallback b) => (a -> ValidatorS b) -> ListNode a -> ValidatorS [b]
 1749 validateList_ validator (ListNode st seq end) = do
 1750   _ <- validateSymbol st
 1751   _ <- validateSymbol end
 1752   validateSequence_ validator seq
 1754 -- mapPrefixToOp :: Lexeme -> Text
 1755 -- mapPrefixToOp x = case x of
 1756 --     L_Minus -> "negate"
 1757 --     L_ExclamationMark -> "not"
 1758 --     _ -> pack $ lexemeFace x
 1760 validateSequence :: (HighLevelTree a, Fallback b) => (a -> ValidatorS b) -> Sequence a -> ValidatorS [RegionTagged b]
 1761 validateSequence f (Seq vals) = validateArray (validateSequenceElem f) vals
 1763 validateSequence_ :: (HighLevelTree a, Fallback b) => (a -> ValidatorS b) -> Sequence a -> ValidatorS [b]
 1764 validateSequence_ f s = do
 1765   q <- validateSequence f s
 1766   return . map snd $ q
 1768 validateSequenceElem :: (HighLevelTree a, Fallback b) => (a -> ValidatorS b) -> SeqElem a -> ValidatorS (RegionTagged b)
 1769 validateSequenceElem f (SeqElem i s) = do
 1770   case s of
 1771     Nothing -> pure ()
 1772     Just lt -> void $ validateSymbol lt
 1773   v <- f i
 1774   return (symbolRegion i, v)
 1775 validateSequenceElem _ (MissingSeqElem plc sepr) = do
 1776   checkSymbols [sepr]
 1777   raiseError $ symbolRegion plc <!> TokenError plc
 1778   return (symbolRegion plc, fallback "Missing elem")
 1780 validateSequenceElem_ :: (HighLevelTree a, Fallback b) => (a -> ValidatorS b) -> SeqElem a -> ValidatorS b
 1781 validateSequenceElem_ f (SeqElem i s) = do
 1782   case s of
 1783     Nothing -> pure ()
 1784     Just lt -> void $ validateSymbol lt
 1785   f i
 1786 validateSequenceElem_ _ (MissingSeqElem plc sepr) = do
 1787   checkSymbols [sepr]
 1788   raiseError $ symbolRegion plc <!> TokenError plc
 1789   return $ fallback "Missing Elem"
 1791 validateExprList :: ListNode ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS [RegionTagged (Typed Expression)]
 1792 validateExprList = validateList validateExpression
 1794 validateExprList_ :: ListNode ExpressionNode -> ValidatorS [Typed Expression]
 1795 validateExprList_ = validateList_ validateExpression
 1797 offsetPositionBy :: Int -> SourcePos -> SourcePos
 1798 offsetPositionBy amt sp@(SourcePos _ _ (unPos -> r)) = sp {sourceColumn = mkPos (amt + r)}
 1800 data DiagnosticRegion = DiagnosticRegion
 1801   { drSourcePos :: SourcePos,
 1802     drEndPos :: SourcePos,
 1803     drOffset :: Int,
 1804     drLength :: Int
 1805   }
 1806   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
 1808 global :: DiagnosticRegion
 1809 global = DiagnosticRegion sourcePos0 sourcePos0 0 0
 1811 -- getTokenRegion :: LToken -> DiagnosticRegion
 1812 -- getTokenRegion a =  do
 1813 --         let h =case a of
 1814 --               RealToken et -> et
 1815 --               MissingToken et -> et
 1816 --               SkippedToken et -> et
 1817 --         let start = tokenSourcePos h
 1818 --         let offset = tokenStart h
 1819 --         let tLength =case a of
 1820 --               RealToken _ -> trueLength h
 1821 --               MissingToken _ -> 1
 1822 --               SkippedToken _ -> trueLength h
 1823 --         DiagnosticRegion start (offsetPositionBy tLength start) offset tLength
 1825 symbolRegion :: (HighLevelTree a) => a -> DiagnosticRegion
 1826 symbolRegion a = case range of
 1827   (h :<| rst) -> do
 1828     let end = case viewr rst of
 1829           EmptyR -> h
 1830           _ :> et -> et
 1831     let start = tokenSourcePos h
 1832     let offset = tokenStartOffset h
 1833     let tLength = sum (totalLength <$> rst) + trueLength h
 1834     let en = sourcePosAfter end
 1835     DiagnosticRegion start en offset tLength
 1836   _ -> global
 1837   where
 1838     range :: Seq ETok = flattenSeq a
 1840 (<!>) :: (WithRegion a) => a -> ErrorType -> ValidatorDiagnostic
 1841 t <!> e = ValidatorDiagnostic (getRegion t) $ Error e
 1843 (/!\) :: (WithRegion a) => a -> WarningType -> ValidatorDiagnostic
 1844 t /!\ e = ValidatorDiagnostic (getRegion t) $ Warning e
 1846 (<?>) :: (WithRegion a) => a -> InfoType -> ValidatorDiagnostic
 1847 t <?> e = ValidatorDiagnostic (getRegion t) $ Info e
 1849 -- (<?!>) :: WithRegion a  => Maybe a -> ErrorType -> ValidatorDiagnostic
 1850 -- Nothing <?!> e =  ValidatorDiagnostic global $ Error e
 1851 -- Just t <?!> e =  t <!> e
 1853 contextError :: ErrorType -> Validator a
 1854 contextError e = do
 1855   q <- getContext
 1856   invalid $ ValidatorDiagnostic q $ Error e
 1858 contextTypeError :: ErrorType -> ValidatorS ()
 1859 contextTypeError e = do
 1860   q <- getContext
 1861   tc <- gets typeChecking
 1862   when tc $ raiseError $ ValidatorDiagnostic q $ Error e
 1864 contextInfo :: InfoType -> ValidatorS ()
 1865 contextInfo e = do
 1866   q <- getContext
 1867   tell [ValidatorDiagnostic q $ Info e]
 1868   return ()
 1870 -- getType :: (Pretty a ,TypeOf a) => a -> ValidatorS Type
 1871 -- getType a = do
 1872 --         tc <- gets typeChecking
 1873 --         (if tc then (do
 1874 --            let t = let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped  in typeOf a
 1875 --            case t of
 1876 --                Left err -> do
 1877 --                    void $ contextError (CustomError . pack $ "type err in :" ++ show (pretty a) ++ "err:" ++ show err)
 1878 --                    return  TypeAny
 1879 --                Right ty -> return ty) else return TypeAny)
 1881 -- assertType :: (Pretty a,TypeOf a) => Typed a -> Type -> Text -> ValidatorS ()
 1882 -- assertType v ref msg = do
 1883 --     let Typed t _ = v
 1884 --     tc <- gets typeChecking
 1885 --     unless (not tc || t == ref) $ void . contextError $ CustomError msg
 1887 resolveReference :: RegionTagged Name -> ValidatorS Kind
 1888 resolveReference (r, Name n) | n /= "" = do
 1889   c <- getSymbol n
 1890   case c of
 1891     Nothing -> raiseTypeError (r <!> CustomError (T.concat ["Symbol not found \"", n, "\""])) >> return (simple TypeAny)
 1892     Just (reg, _, t) -> do
 1893       putReference r n t reg
 1894       -- addRegion (RegionInfo {rRegion=r,rText=n, rType=Just t, rDeclaration=Ref reg})
 1895       return t
 1896 resolveReference _ = return $ simple TypeAny
 1898 sameType :: [RegionTagged (Typed a)] -> ValidatorS (Typed [a])
 1899 sameType [] = return $ Typed TypeAny []
 1900 sameType xs@(x : _) = do
 1901   let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped
 1902   let t = mostDefined $ map (typeOf_ . snd) xs
 1903   let t' = mostDefined [t, typeOf_ $ snd x] -- Do this again to set type to first elem if possible
 1904   xs' <- mapM (unifyTypes t') xs
 1905   return $ Typed t' xs'
 1907 typesUnifyS :: [Type] -> Bool
 1908 typesUnifyS = let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in typesUnify
 1910 mostDefinedS :: [Type] -> Type
 1911 mostDefinedS [] = TypeAny
 1912 mostDefinedS [x] = x
 1913 mostDefinedS (x : xs) =
 1914   let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped
 1915    in case mostDefined (xs ++ [x]) of
 1916         TypeAny -> x
 1917         t -> t
 1919 unifyTypes :: Type -> RegionTagged (Typed a) -> ValidatorS a
 1920 unifyTypes _ (r, Typed TypeAny a) = raiseError (r /!\ AmbiguousTypeWarning) >> return a
 1921 unifyTypes t (r, Typed t' a) = do
 1922   let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped
 1923   if typesUnify [t', t] then pure () else raiseTypeError $ r <!> TypeError t t'
 1924   return a
 1926 unifyTypesFailing :: Type -> RegionTagged (Typed a) -> Validator a
 1927 unifyTypesFailing _ (r, Typed TypeAny a) = raiseError (r /!\ AmbiguousTypeWarning) >> return (Just a)
 1928 unifyTypesFailing t (r, Typed t' a) = do
 1929   tc <- gets typeChecking
 1930   let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped
 1931   if not tc || typesUnify [t', t] then return $ Just a else invalid (r <!> TypeError t t')
 1933 scoped :: ValidatorS a -> ValidatorS a
 1934 scoped m = do
 1935   st <- gets symbolTable
 1936   res <- m
 1937   modifySymbolTable $ const st
 1938   return res
 1940 unifyPatterns :: Type -> [Maybe AbstractPatternNode] -> ValidatorS [AbstractPattern]
 1941 unifyPatterns t = mapM (`unifyPattern` t)
 1943 unifyPattern :: Maybe AbstractPatternNode -> Type -> ValidatorS AbstractPattern
 1944 unifyPattern (Just (AbstractIdentifier nn)) t = do
 1945   nm <- tagNameAs TtLocal nn
 1946   let n = case nm of
 1947         Name txt -> txt
 1948         NameMetaVar s -> T.pack s
 1949         _ -> bug "Bad name "
 1950   void $ putSymbol (Name n, (symbolRegion nn, False, simple t))
 1951   unless (n == "_") $ addRegion $ mkDeclaration (symbolRegion nn) n (simple t)
 1952   -- addRegion (RegionInfo (symbolRegion nn) (Just $ simple t) n Definition)
 1953   return $ Single $ Name n
 1954 unifyPattern (Just (AbstractMetaVar lt)) _ = do
 1955   s <- validateMetaVar lt
 1956   return $ AbstractPatternMetaVar s
 1957 unifyPattern (Just (AbstractPatternTuple m_lt ln)) t = do
 1958   sps <- listToSeq ln
 1959   ps <- sequenceElems sps
 1960   case m_lt of
 1961     Nothing -> void $ return ()
 1962     Just lt -> lt `isA'` TtType
 1963   memberTypes <- case t of
 1964     TypeAny -> return $ replicate (length ps) TypeAny
 1965     TypeTuple ts -> do
 1966       let dif = length ts - length ps
 1967       unless (dif <= 0) $ raiseError $ symbolRegion ln <!> (CustomError . T.pack $ "Missing " ++ show dif ++ " fields from projection tuple, if you dont want the value, use '_'")
 1968       return ts
 1969     _ -> replicate (length ps) TypeAny <$ raiseTypeError (symbolRegion ln <!> CustomError (T.concat ["Could not project ", prettyT t, " onto tuple pattern"]))
 1971   let (paired, unpaired) = splitAt (length memberTypes) ps
 1972   let q = zip paired memberTypes
 1973   aps <- mapM (uncurry unifyPattern) q
 1974   mapM_ (\x -> raiseError $ symbolRegion x <!> CustomError "Extraneous tuple field from projection") (catMaybes unpaired)
 1975   return $ AbsPatTuple aps
 1976 unifyPattern (Just (AbstractPatternMatrix ln)) t = do
 1977   sps <- listToSeq ln
 1978   ps <- sequenceElems sps
 1979   memberTypes <- case t of
 1980     TypeAny -> return $ repeat TypeAny
 1981     TypeList ty -> return $ repeat ty
 1982     TypeMatrix _ ty -> return $ repeat ty
 1983     _ -> repeat TypeAny <$ raiseTypeError (symbolRegion ln <!> CustomError (T.concat ["Could not project ", prettyT t, " onto list pattern"]))
 1985   let q = zip ps memberTypes
 1986   aps <- mapM (uncurry unifyPattern) q
 1987   return $ AbsPatMatrix aps
 1988 unifyPattern (Just (AbstractPatternSet ln)) t = do
 1989   sps <- listToSeq ln
 1990   ps <- sequenceElems sps
 1991   memberTypes <- case t of
 1992     TypeAny -> return $ repeat TypeAny
 1993     TypeSet ty -> return $ repeat ty
 1994     TypeMSet ty -> return $ repeat ty
 1995     _ -> repeat TypeAny <$ raiseTypeError (symbolRegion ln <!> CustomError (T.concat ["Could not project ", prettyT t, " onto set pattern"]))
 1996   let q = zip ps memberTypes
 1997   aps <- mapM (uncurry unifyPattern) q
 1998   return $ AbsPatSet aps
 1999 unifyPattern Nothing _ = return . Single $ fallback "No Pattern"
 2001 catRegions :: [RegionTagged a] -> DiagnosticRegion
 2002 catRegions [] = global
 2003 catRegions xs =
 2004   DiagnosticRegion
 2005     { drSourcePos = drSourcePos . fst $ head xs,
 2006       drEndPos = drEndPos . fst $ last xs,
 2007       drOffset = drOffset . fst $ head xs,
 2008       drLength = sum $ map (drLength . fst) xs
 2009     }
 2011 getMemberTypes :: Type -> ValidatorS [Type]
 2012 getMemberTypes t = case t of
 2013   TypeAny -> return $ repeat TypeAny
 2014   --   TypeUnnamed na ->
 2015   TypeTuple tys -> return tys
 2016   _ -> return $ repeat TypeAny
 2018 -- unifyAbstractPatternOverExpression :: AbstractPatternNode -> Expression -> Validator (Name,Type)
 2019 -- unifyAbstractPatternOverExpression pat exp = do
 2020 --     t <- typeOf exp
 2022 --     empty
 2024 getDomainMembers :: Type -> Type
 2025 getDomainMembers t = case t of
 2026   TypeAny -> t
 2027   TypeBool -> t
 2028   TypeInt it -> case it of
 2029     TagInt -> t
 2030     TagEnum _ -> error "Domain should use typeEnum instead"
 2031     TagUnnamed _ -> error "Domain should use typeUnamed instead"
 2032   TypeEnum n -> TypeInt . TagEnum $ case n of
 2033     Name txt -> txt
 2034     MachineName {} -> error "This should never be user specified"
 2035     NameMetaVar s -> pack s
 2036   TypeUnnamed n -> TypeInt . TagUnnamed $ case n of
 2037     Name txt -> txt
 2038     MachineName {} -> error "This should never be user specified"
 2039     NameMetaVar s -> pack s
 2040   TypeTuple tys -> TypeTuple $ map getDomainMembers tys
 2041   TypeRecord tys -> TypeRecord $ map (second getDomainMembers) tys
 2042   TypeVariant tys -> TypeVariant $ map (second getDomainMembers) tys
 2043   TypeList ty -> TypeList $ getDomainMembers ty
 2044   TypeMatrix ty ty' -> TypeMatrix ty $ getDomainMembers ty'
 2045   TypeSet ty -> TypeSet $ getDomainMembers ty
 2046   TypeMSet ty -> TypeMSet $ getDomainMembers ty
 2047   TypeFunction ty ty' -> TypeFunction (getDomainMembers ty) (getDomainMembers ty')
 2048   TypeSequence ty -> TypeSequence $ getDomainMembers ty
 2049   TypeRelation tys -> TypeRelation $ map getDomainMembers tys
 2050   TypePartition ty -> TypePartition $ getDomainMembers ty
 2051   _ -> bug $ "Unknown domain type" <+> pretty t
 2053 getDomainFromValue :: Type -> Type
 2054 getDomainFromValue t = case t of
 2055   TypeAny -> t
 2056   TypeBool -> t
 2057   TypeInt it -> case it of
 2058     TagInt -> t
 2059     TagEnum n -> TypeEnum (Name n)
 2060     TagUnnamed n -> TypeUnnamed (Name n)
 2061   TypeEnum _ -> t
 2062   TypeUnnamed _ -> t
 2063   TypeTuple tys -> TypeTuple $ map getDomainFromValue tys
 2064   TypeRecord tys -> TypeRecord $ map (second getDomainFromValue) tys
 2065   TypeVariant tys -> TypeVariant $ map (second getDomainFromValue) tys
 2066   TypeList ty -> TypeList $ getDomainFromValue ty
 2067   TypeMatrix ty ty' -> TypeMatrix ty $ getDomainFromValue ty'
 2068   TypeSet ty -> TypeSet $ getDomainFromValue ty
 2069   TypeMSet ty -> TypeMSet $ getDomainFromValue ty
 2070   TypeFunction ty ty' -> TypeFunction (getDomainFromValue ty) (getDomainFromValue ty')
 2071   TypeSequence ty -> TypeSequence $ getDomainFromValue ty
 2072   TypeRelation tys -> TypeRelation $ map getDomainFromValue tys
 2073   TypePartition ty -> TypePartition $ getDomainFromValue ty
 2074   _ -> bug $ "Unknown member type" <+> pretty t
 2076 data DomainTyped a = DomainTyped DomainType a
 2078 data DomainSize = Unkown | Infinite | Sized Int
 2080 data DomainType
 2081   = DomainTypeBool
 2082   | DomainTypeInt DomainSize
 2083   | DomainTypeTuple [DomainType]
 2085 f2n :: (a -> ValidatorS b) -> a -> Validator b
 2086 f2n f a = do
 2087   q <- f a
 2088   return $ Just q
 2090 class Fallback a where
 2091   fallback :: Text -> a
 2093 instance Fallback (Domain () Expression) where
 2094   fallback reason = DomainAny reason TypeAny
 2096 instance Fallback Expression where
 2097   fallback reason = Reference (Name reason) Nothing
 2099 instance (Fallback a) => Fallback (Typed a) where
 2100   fallback = Typed TypeAny . fallback
 2102 instance (Fallback a) => Fallback (Kind, a) where
 2103   fallback msg = (Kind (ValueType CatConstant) TypeAny, fallback msg)
 2105 instance Fallback (Maybe a) where
 2106   fallback = const Nothing
 2108 instance Fallback Name where
 2109   fallback = Name
 2111 instance Fallback [a] where
 2112   fallback :: Text -> [a]
 2113   fallback = const []
 2115 instance Fallback AbstractPattern where
 2116   fallback = Single . fallback
 2118 type FuncOpDec = Int
 2120 funcOpBuilder :: Lexeme -> [Arg] -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 2121 funcOpBuilder l = functionOps l (mkOp $ FunctionOp l)
 2123 -- functionOps l@L_fAnd = (validateArgList [isLogicalContainer],const TypeBool)
 2124 functionOps :: Lexeme -> ([Expression] -> Expression) -> [Arg] -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 2125 functionOps l = case l of
 2126   L_fAnd -> unFuncV isLogicalContainer (pure . const TypeBool)
 2127   L_fOr -> unFuncV isLogicalContainer (pure . const TypeBool)
 2128   L_fXor -> unFuncV isLogicalContainer (pure . const TypeBool)
 2129   L_Sum -> unFuncV sumArgs (pure . const tInt)
 2130   L_Product -> unFunc (valueOnly sumArgs) (pure . const tInt)
 2131   L_true -> unFuncV anyType (pure . const TypeBool)
 2132   L_toInt -> unFuncV (only TypeBool) (pure . const tInt)
 2133   L_makeTable -> unFuncV (only TypeBool) (pure . const TypeBool)
 2134   L_table -> biFuncV tableArgs (const2 TypeBool)
 2135   L_gcc -> triFunc (each3 $ valueOnly listInt) (const3 TypeBool)
 2136   L_atleast -> triFunc (each3 $ valueOnly listInt) (const3 TypeBool)
 2137   L_atmost -> triFunc (each3 $ valueOnly listInt) (const3 TypeBool)
 2138   L_defined -> unFuncV funcSeq (fmap TypeSet . funcDomain)
 2139   L_range -> unFuncV funcSeq (fmap TypeSet . funcRange)
 2140   L_restrict -> biFunc restrictArgs restrictTypes
 2141   L_allDiff -> unFuncV listOrMatrix (const $ pure TypeBool)
 2142   L_alldifferent_except -> biFuncV (indep listOrMatrix enumerable) (const2 TypeBool)
 2143   L_catchUndef -> biFuncV unifies (\a b -> pure $ mostDefinedS $ catMaybes [a, b])
 2144   L_dontCare -> unFunc anyType (const $ pure TypeBool)
 2145   L_toSet -> unFuncV toSetArgs typeToSet
 2146   L_toMSet -> unFuncV toMSetArgs typeToMSet
 2147   L_toRelation -> unFuncV func typeToRelation
 2148   L_max -> unFunc minMaxArgs minMaxType
 2149   L_min -> unFunc minMaxArgs minMaxType
 2150   L_image -> biFuncV imageArgs (const . funcRange)
 2151   L_transform -> biFuncV transformArgs (const id)
 2152   L_imageSet -> biFuncV imSetArgs (\a -> const $ TypeSet <$> funcRange a)
 2153   L_preImage -> biFuncV preImageArgs (\a -> const $ TypeSet <$> funcDomain a)
 2154   L_inverse -> biFuncV inverseArgs (const2 TypeBool)
 2155   L_freq -> biFuncV freqArgs (const2 tInt)
 2156   L_hist -> unFuncV histArgs histType
 2157   L_parts -> unFuncV part partsType
 2158   L_together -> biFuncV setPartArgs (const2 TypeBool)
 2159   L_apart -> biFuncV setPartArgs (const2 TypeBool)
 2160   L_party -> biFuncV partyArgs partyType
 2161   L_participants -> unFuncV part partInner
 2162   L_active -> biFuncV activeArgs (const2 TypeBool)
 2163   L_pred -> unFuncV enumerable enumerableType
 2164   L_succ -> unFuncV enumerable enumerableType
 2165   L_factorial -> unFuncV (only tInt) (const $ pure tInt)
 2166   L_powerSet -> unFuncV set powerSetType
 2167   L_concatenate -> unFuncV concatArgs concatType
 2168   L_flatten -> \b a -> case a of
 2169     [] -> unFuncV unaryFlattenArgs (flattenType Nothing) b a
 2170     [_] -> unFuncV unaryFlattenArgs (flattenType Nothing) b a
 2171     _ -> biFunc (valueOnly2 binaryFlattenArgs) (\v t -> flattenType (getNum v) (typeOnly t)) b a
 2172   _ -> bug $ pretty $ "Unkown functional operator " ++ show l
 2173   where
 2174     valueOnly :: (SArg -> Validator a) -> Arg -> Validator a
 2175     valueOnly f (r, (k, e)) = do
 2176       t <- getValueType k
 2177       f (r, Typed t e)
 2178     valueOnly2 :: (SArg -> SArg -> Validator a) -> Arg -> Arg -> Validator a
 2179     valueOnly2 f (r1, (k1, e1)) (r2, (k2, e2)) = do
 2180       t1 <- getValueType k1
 2181       t2 <- getValueType k2
 2182       f (r1, Typed t1 e1) (r2, Typed t2 e2)
 2183     typeOnly :: Maybe (Kind, Expression) -> Maybe Type
 2184     typeOnly (Just (Kind ValueType {} t, _)) = Just t
 2185     typeOnly _ = Nothing
 2186     unFuncV a t = unFunc (valueOnly a) (t . typeOnly)
 2187     biFuncV :: (SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()) -> (Maybe Type -> Maybe Type -> Maybe Type) -> ([Expression] -> Expression) -> [Arg] -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 2188     biFuncV a t = biFunc (valueOnly2 a) (\t1 t2 -> t (typeOnly t1) (typeOnly t2))
 2189     valid = return $ pure ()
 2190     const2 = const . const . pure
 2191     const3 = const . const . const . pure
 2192     getNum :: Maybe (Kind, Expression) -> Maybe Int
 2193     getNum (Just (_, x)) = case intOut "" x of
 2194       Nothing -> Nothing
 2195       Just n -> pure $ fromInteger n
 2196     getNum _ = Nothing
 2197     each3 f a b c = f a >> f b >> f c
 2198     anyType = const . return $ Just ()
 2200     indep :: (SArg -> Validator ()) -> (SArg -> Validator ()) -> (SArg -> SArg -> Validator ())
 2201     indep f1 f2 a b = do
 2202       v1 <- f1 a
 2203       v2 <- f2 b
 2204       if not . null $ catMaybes [v1, v2] then return $ pure () else return Nothing
 2205     binaryFlattenArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2206     binaryFlattenArgs (r1, d) b = do
 2207       off <- case intOut "" (untype d) of
 2208         Just (fromInteger -> a :: Integer) | a > 0 -> return $ Just a
 2209         _ -> invalid $ r1 <!> CustomError "1st arg must be a constant positive int"
 2210       let ref = map (const TypeList) [0 .. fromMaybe 1 off]
 2211       let ref' = foldr id TypeAny ref
 2212       r <- unifyTypesFailing ref' b
 2213       return $ if null off || null r then Nothing else Just ()
 2214     unaryFlattenArgs :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2215     unaryFlattenArgs (_, typeOf_ -> (TypeMatrix _ _)) = valid
 2216     unaryFlattenArgs (_, typeOf_ -> (TypeList _)) = valid
 2217     unaryFlattenArgs (_, typeOf_ -> TypeAny) = valid
 2218     unaryFlattenArgs (r, typeOf_ -> t) = invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "List or Matrix " t
 2220     concatType :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2221     concatType (Just (TypeMatrix _ (TypeList t))) = Just $ TypeList t
 2222     concatType (Just (TypeMatrix _ (TypeMatrix _ t))) = Just $ TypeList t
 2223     concatType (Just (TypeList (TypeList t))) = Just $ TypeList t
 2224     concatType (Just (TypeList (TypeMatrix _ t))) = Just $ TypeList t
 2225     concatType _ = Just $ TypeList TypeAny
 2226     concatArgs :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2227     concatArgs s@(r, _) = binaryFlattenArgs (r, Typed tInt $ Constant $ ConstantInt TagInt 1) s
 2228     tableArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2229     tableArgs (r1, typeOf_ -> t1) (r2, typeOf_ -> t2) = do
 2230       a <- case t1 of
 2231         t | isValidInner t -> valid
 2232         _ -> invalid $ r1 <!> ComplexTypeError "Matrix of Int/Enum" t1
 2233       b <- case t2 of
 2234         TypeAny -> valid
 2235         TypeList t | isValidInner t -> valid
 2236         TypeMatrix _ t | isValidInner t -> valid
 2237         _ -> invalid $ r2 <!> ComplexTypeError "Matrix of Matrix of Int/Enum" t2
 2239       return $ if null a || null b then Nothing else Just ()
 2240       where
 2241         isValidInner t = case t of
 2242           TypeAny -> True
 2243           TypeList TypeInt {} -> True
 2244           TypeList TypeAny -> True
 2245           TypeMatrix _ TypeInt {} -> True
 2246           TypeMatrix _ TypeAny -> True
 2247           _ -> False
 2249     toMSetArgs :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2250     toMSetArgs (r, typeOf_ -> a) = case a of
 2251       TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2252       TypeList _ -> return $ pure ()
 2253       TypeMatrix {} -> return $ pure ()
 2254       TypeMSet {} -> return $ pure ()
 2255       TypeSet {} -> return $ pure ()
 2256       TypeFunction {} -> return $ pure ()
 2257       TypeRelation {} -> return $ pure ()
 2258       _ -> invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "Matrix ,list,function,relation,mset,set " a
 2259     toSetArgs :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2260     toSetArgs (r, typeOf_ -> a) = case a of
 2261       TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2262       TypeList _ -> return $ pure ()
 2263       TypeMatrix {} -> return $ pure ()
 2264       TypeMSet {} -> return $ pure ()
 2265       TypeFunction {} -> return $ pure ()
 2266       TypeRelation {} -> return $ pure ()
 2267       _ -> invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "Matrix ,list,function,relation,mset " a
 2268     listOrMatrix :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2269     listOrMatrix (r, typeOf_ -> a) = case a of
 2270       TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2271       TypeList _ -> return $ pure ()
 2272       TypeMatrix {} -> return $ pure ()
 2273       _ -> invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "Matrix or list" a
 2274     freqArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2275     freqArgs (r1, a) (r2, b) = do
 2276       let tb = typeOf_ b
 2277       let (rt, ti) = case typeOf_ a of
 2278             TypeMatrix idx ms -> (TypeMatrix idx md, md) where md = mostDefinedS [tb, ms]
 2279             TypeMSet ms -> (TypeMSet md, md) where md = mostDefinedS [tb, ms]
 2280             _ -> (TypeMatrix tInt tb, tb)
 2281       a' <- unifyTypesFailing rt (r1, a)
 2282       b' <- unifyTypesFailing ti (r2, b)
 2283       return $ if null a' || null b' then Nothing else Just ()
 2285     unifies :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2286     unifies a b = do
 2287       let md = mostDefinedS $ map (typeOf_ . unregion) [a, b]
 2288       a' <- unifyTypesFailing md a
 2289       b' <- unifyTypesFailing md b
 2290       return $ if null a' || null b' then Nothing else Just ()
 2291     func :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2292     func (_, Typed (TypeFunction _ _) _) = valid
 2293     func (_, Typed TypeAny _) = valid
 2294     func (r, Typed t _) = invalid $ r <!> TypeError (TypeFunction TypeAny TypeAny) t
 2295     set :: SArg -> Validator Type
 2296     set (_, Typed (TypeSet t) _) = return $ pure t
 2297     set (_, Typed TypeAny _) = return $ pure TypeAny
 2298     set (r, Typed t _) = invalid $ r <!> TypeError (TypeSet TypeAny) t
 2300     powerSetType (Just ((TypeSet i))) = Just $ TypeSet (TypeSet i)
 2301     powerSetType _ = Just $ TypeSet $ TypeSet TypeAny
 2303     only t (r, typeOf_ -> t') = do setContext r; if t' == TypeAny || t == t' then return $ Just t else invalid $ r <!> TypeError t t'
 2305     listInt (r, typeOf_ -> t') = case t' of
 2306       TypeAny -> return $ Just t'
 2307       TypeList TypeInt {} -> return $ Just t'
 2308       TypeMatrix _ TypeInt {} -> return $ Just t'
 2309       _ -> invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "Matrix or list of int or enum" t'
 2310     partInner :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2311     partInner (Just (TypePartition a)) = Just $ TypeSet a
 2312     partInner _ = Just $ TypeSet TypeAny
 2314     restrictArgs :: Arg -> Arg -> Validator ()
 2315     restrictArgs (r1, (k, _)) (r2, (kd, _)) = do
 2316       setContext r1
 2317       funcType <- getValueType k
 2318       setContext r2
 2319       domType <- getDomainType kd
 2320       unifyTypesFailing (TypeFunction domType TypeAny) (r1, Typed funcType ())
 2322     restrictTypes :: Maybe (Kind, Expression) -> Maybe (Kind, Expression) -> Maybe Type
 2323     restrictTypes (fmap fst -> kv) (fmap fst -> kd) = Just $ TypeFunction from to
 2324       where
 2325         dType = case kd of
 2326           Just (Kind DomainType t) -> getDomainMembers t
 2327           _ -> TypeAny
 2328         from = case kv of
 2329           Just (Kind ValueType {} (TypeFunction fr _)) | typesUnifyS [dType, fr] -> mostDefinedS [dType, fr]
 2330           Just (Kind ValueType {} (TypeFunction fr _)) -> fr
 2331           _ -> mostDefinedS [TypeAny, dType]
 2332         to = case kv of
 2333           Just (Kind ValueType {} (TypeFunction _ to')) -> to'
 2334           _ -> TypeAny
 2336     imSetArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2337     imSetArgs (r1, a) (r2, b) = do
 2338       let t = case (typeOf_ a, typeOf_ b) of
 2339             (TypeFunction i _, tb) -> mostDefinedS [i, tb]
 2340             (TypeSequence _, _) -> tInt
 2341             (_, tb) -> tb
 2342       a' <- unifyTypesFailing (TypeFunction t TypeAny) (r1, a)
 2343       b' <- unifyTypesFailing t (r2, b)
 2344       return $ if null a' || null b' then Nothing else Just ()
 2345     preImageArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2346     preImageArgs _ _ = return $ Just ()
 2347     -- preImageArgs (r1, a) (r2, b) = do
 2348     --   let t = case (typeOf_ a, typeOf_ b) of
 2349     --         (TypeFunction _ i, tb) -> mostDefinedS [i, tb]
 2350     --         (TypeSequence i, _) -> i
 2351     --         (_, tb) -> tb
 2352     --   a' <- unifyTypesFailing (TypeFunction TypeAny t) (r1, a)
 2353     --   b' <- unifyTypesFailing t (r2, b)
 2354     --   return $ if null a' || null b' then Nothing else Just ()
 2356     partyArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2357     partyArgs (r1, a) (r2, b) = do
 2358       let t = case (typeOf_ a, typeOf_ b) of
 2359             (ta, TypePartition tb) -> mostDefinedS [ta, tb]
 2360             (ta, _) -> ta
 2361       a' <- unifyTypesFailing t (r1, a)
 2362       b' <- unifyTypesFailing (TypePartition t) (r2, b)
 2363       return $ if null a' || null b' then Nothing else Just ()
 2365     inverseArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2366     inverseArgs (r1, a) (r2, b) = do
 2367       let (fIn, fOut) = case (typeOf_ a, typeOf_ b) of
 2368             (TypeFunction fi fo, TypeFunction gi go) -> (mostDefinedS [fi, go], mostDefinedS [fo, gi])
 2369             (TypeFunction fi fo, _) -> (fi, fo)
 2370             (_, TypeFunction gi go) -> (gi, go)
 2371             _ -> (TypeAny, TypeAny)
 2372       a' <- unifyTypesFailing (TypeFunction fIn fOut) (r1, a)
 2373       b' <- unifyTypesFailing (TypeFunction fOut fIn) (r2, b)
 2374       return $ if null a' || null b' then Nothing else Just ()
 2375     setPartArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2376     setPartArgs (r1, a) (r2, b) = do
 2377       let t = case (typeOf_ a, typeOf_ b) of
 2378             (TypeSet st, TypePartition pt) -> mostDefinedS [st, pt]
 2379             (TypeSet st, _) -> st
 2380             (_, TypePartition ts) -> ts
 2381             _ -> TypeAny
 2382       a' <- unifyTypesFailing (TypeSet t) (r1, a)
 2383       b' <- unifyTypesFailing (TypePartition t) (r2, b)
 2384       return $ if null a' || null b' then Nothing else Just ()
 2386     partyType :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2387     partyType a b = do
 2388       let at' = fromMaybe TypeAny a
 2389       let bt = case b of
 2390             Just (TypePartition t) -> t
 2391             _ -> TypeAny
 2392       return $ TypeSet $ mostDefinedS [at', bt]
 2393     partsType :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2394     partsType (Just (TypePartition a)) = Just $ TypeSet $ TypeSet a
 2395     partsType (Just TypeAny) = Just $ TypeSet $ TypeSet TypeAny
 2396     partsType _ = Nothing
 2398     minMaxArgs :: Arg -> Validator ()
 2399     minMaxArgs (r, (Kind DomainType t, _)) =
 2400       case t of
 2401         TypeInt TagInt -> valid
 2402         TypeInt (TagEnum _) -> valid
 2403         TypeEnum {} -> valid
 2404         TypeAny -> valid
 2405         _ -> invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "Domain of int-like or matrix of int-like" t
 2406     minMaxArgs (r, (k, _)) = do
 2407       t <- getValueType k
 2408       inner <- case t of
 2409         TypeList tyInner -> return tyInner
 2410         TypeMatrix _ tyInner -> return tyInner
 2411         TypeSet tyInner -> return tyInner
 2412         TypeMSet tyInner -> return tyInner
 2413         TypeAny -> return TypeAny
 2414         _ -> TypeAny <$ invalid (r <!> ComplexTypeError "Domain of int-like or matrix of int-like" t)
 2415       case inner of
 2416         TypeInt TagInt -> valid
 2417         TypeInt (TagEnum _) -> valid
 2418         TypeEnum {} -> valid
 2419         TypeAny -> valid
 2420         _ -> invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "Domain of int-like or matrix of int-like" t
 2421     minMaxType :: Maybe (Kind, a) -> Maybe Type
 2422     minMaxType (Just (Kind DomainType t@(TypeInt {}), _)) = Just t
 2423     minMaxType (Just (Kind DomainType (TypeEnum (Name nm)), _)) = Just . TypeInt $ TagEnum nm
 2424     minMaxType (Just (Kind ValueType {} (TypeMatrix _ a), _)) = minMaxType (Just (Kind DomainType a, ()))
 2425     minMaxType (Just (Kind ValueType {} (TypeList a), _)) = minMaxType (Just (Kind DomainType a, ()))
 2426     minMaxType (Just (Kind ValueType {} (TypeSet a), _)) = minMaxType (Just (Kind DomainType a, ()))
 2427     minMaxType (Just (Kind ValueType {} (TypeMSet a), _)) = minMaxType (Just (Kind DomainType a, ()))
 2428     minMaxType _ = Just TypeAny
 2430     transformArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2431     transformArgs _ _ = return $ pure ()
 2432     activeArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2433     activeArgs (_, typeOf_ -> TypeAny) _ = valid
 2434     activeArgs (r, typeOf_ -> t@(TypeVariant _)) (r2, typeOf_ -> b) = checkRVMember (r, t) (r2, b)
 2435     activeArgs (r, typeOf_ -> t) _ = invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "Variant " t
 2437     typeToSet :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2438     typeToSet (Just t) = Just . TypeSet $ fromMaybe TypeAny (tMembers t)
 2439     typeToSet _ = Just $ TypeSet TypeAny
 2440     typeToMSet :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2441     typeToMSet (Just t) = Just . TypeMSet $ fromMaybe TypeAny (tMembers t)
 2442     typeToMSet _ = Just $ TypeMSet TypeAny
 2443     typeToRelation :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2444     typeToRelation (Just (TypeFunction i j)) = Just $ TypeRelation [i, j]
 2445     typeToRelation (Just TypeAny) = Just $ TypeRelation [TypeAny, TypeAny]
 2446     typeToRelation _ = Nothing
 2447     tMembers t = case t of
 2448       TypeAny -> Just TypeAny
 2449       TypeList ty -> Just ty
 2450       TypeMatrix _ i -> Just i
 2451       TypeSet ty -> Just ty
 2452       TypeMSet ty -> Just ty
 2453       TypeFunction i j -> Just $ TypeTuple [i, j]
 2454       TypeRelation tys -> Just $ TypeTuple tys
 2455       _ -> Nothing
 2457     imageArgs :: SArg -> SArg -> Validator ()
 2458     imageArgs (r1, typeOf_ -> t1) r2 = do
 2459       from <- case t1 of
 2460         TypeAny -> return $ Just TypeAny
 2461         TypeFunction a _ -> return $ Just a
 2462         TypeSequence _ -> return $ Just tInt
 2463         _ -> Nothing <$ raiseTypeError (r1 <!> ComplexTypeError "Function or Sequence" t1)
 2464       case from of
 2465         Just f -> unifyTypes f r2 >> return (pure ())
 2466         Nothing -> return Nothing
 2468     sumArgs :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2469     sumArgs (r, typeOf_ -> t') = do
 2470       t <- case t' of
 2471         TypeAny -> return TypeAny
 2472         TypeList t -> return t
 2473         TypeMatrix _ t -> return t
 2474         TypeSet t -> return t
 2475         TypeMSet t -> return t
 2476         _ -> TypeAny <$ raiseTypeError (r <!> ComplexTypeError "Matrix or Set" t')
 2478       case t of
 2479         TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2480         TypeInt TagInt -> return $ pure ()
 2481         _ -> Nothing <$ raiseTypeError (r <!> ComplexTypeError "Integer elements" t)
 2482     funcSeq :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2483     funcSeq (r, typeOf_ -> t') = case t' of
 2484       TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2485       TypeSequence _ -> return $ pure ()
 2486       TypeFunction _ _ -> return $ pure ()
 2487       _ -> invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "Function or Sequence" t'
 2488     funcDomain :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2489     funcDomain (Just (TypeFunction a _)) = Just a
 2490     funcDomain (Just (TypeSequence _)) = Just tInt
 2491     funcDomain _ = Just TypeAny
 2492     funcRange :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2493     funcRange (Just (TypeFunction _ b)) = Just b
 2494     funcRange (Just ((TypeSequence b))) = Just b
 2495     funcRange _ = Just TypeAny
 2496     part :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2497     part (r, typeOf_ -> t) = case t of
 2498       TypeAny -> valid
 2499       TypePartition _ -> return $ pure ()
 2500       _ -> invalid $ r <!> TypeError (TypePartition TypeAny) t
 2502     histArgs :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2503     histArgs (r, typeOf_ -> a) = case a of
 2504       TypeMSet _ -> return $ pure ()
 2505       TypeList _ -> return $ pure ()
 2506       TypeMatrix _ _ -> return $ pure ()
 2507       TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2508       _ -> invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "Matrix, List or MSet" a
 2509     histType :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2510     histType (Just ((TypeMSet a))) = Just $ TypeMatrix tInt $ TypeTuple [a, tInt]
 2511     histType (Just ((TypeMatrix _ a))) = Just $ TypeMatrix tInt $ TypeTuple [a, tInt]
 2512     histType (Just ((TypeList a))) = Just $ TypeMatrix tInt $ TypeTuple [a, tInt]
 2513     histType _ = Just $ TypeMatrix tInt $ TypeTuple [TypeAny, tInt]
 2514     enumerable :: SArg -> Validator ()
 2515     enumerable (r, typeOf_ -> t) = case t of
 2516       TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2517       TypeInt TagUnnamed {} -> invalid $ r <!> CustomError "Anonymous enums are not explictly enumerable"
 2518       TypeInt _ -> return $ pure ()
 2519       TypeEnum {} -> return $ pure ()
 2520       TypeBool -> return $ pure ()
 2521       _ -> invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "int enum or bool" t
 2522     enumerableType :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2523     enumerableType (Just t@(TypeInt TagInt)) = Just t
 2524     enumerableType (Just t@(TypeInt (TagEnum _))) = Just t
 2525     enumerableType (Just t@(TypeEnum {})) = Just t
 2526     enumerableType _ = Nothing
 2528 flattenType :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Type -> Maybe Type
 2529 flattenType (Just n) (Just a) | n < 0 = Just $ TypeList a
 2530 flattenType (Just n) (Just (TypeList m)) = flattenType (Just (n - 1)) (Just m)
 2531 flattenType (Just n) (Just (TypeMatrix _ m)) = flattenType (Just (n - 1)) (Just m)
 2532 flattenType Nothing (Just (TypeMatrix _ m)) = flattenType Nothing (Just m)
 2533 flattenType Nothing (Just (TypeList m)) = flattenType Nothing (Just m)
 2534 flattenType Nothing (Just t) = Just $ TypeList t
 2535 flattenType _ _ = Just $ TypeList TypeAny
 2537 validateFuncOp :: Lexeme -> [RegionTagged (Kind, Expression)] -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 2538 validateFuncOp l args = do
 2539   let b = funcOpBuilder l
 2540   b args
 2542 -- case argCheck of
 2543 --   Nothing -> return $ Typed  (r []) $ fallback "arg fail"
 2544 --   Just tys -> return $ Typed (r tys)(b $ map untype tys)
 2546 isOfType :: Type -> RegionTagged (Typed Expression) -> ValidatorS Bool
 2547 isOfType t (r, v) = setContext r >> return v ?=> exactly t >> return (typesUnifyS [t, typeOf_ v])
 2549 isLogicalContainer :: RegionTagged (Typed Expression) -> Validator ()
 2550 isLogicalContainer (r, Typed t _) = case t of
 2551   TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2552   TypeList TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2553   TypeList TypeBool -> return $ pure ()
 2554   TypeMatrix _ TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2555   TypeMatrix _ TypeBool -> return $ pure ()
 2556   TypeSet TypeAny -> return $ pure ()
 2557   TypeMSet TypeBool -> return $ pure ()
 2558   _ -> invalid $ r <!> ComplexTypeError "Collection of boolean" t
 2560 -- validateArgList :: [RegionTagged (Typed Expression) -> ValidatorS Bool] -> [RegionTagged (Typed Expression)] -> Validator [Typed Expression]
 2561 -- validateArgList ps args | length args < length ps = do invalid $ args <!> MissingArgsError (length ps)
 2562 -- validateArgList ps args = do
 2563 --     let ps' = ps ++ repeat argOverflow
 2564 --     xs <- zipWithM id ps' args
 2565 --     return (if and xs then  Just $ map unregion  args else Nothing)
 2567 -- argOverflow :: RegionTagged a -> ValidatorS Bool
 2568 -- argOverflow (region,_) = do
 2569 --     setContext region
 2570 --     void . contextError $ CustomError "Extra Args"
 2571 --     return False
 2572 type SArg = RegionTagged (Typed Expression)
 2574 type Arg = RegionTagged (Kind, Expression)
 2576 unFunc ::
 2577   (Arg -> Validator a) -> -- Arg validator
 2578   (Maybe (Kind, Expression) -> Maybe Type) -> -- typeEvaluator
 2579   ([Expression] -> Expression) -> -- mkOp or similar
 2580   [Arg] ->
 2581   ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 2582 unFunc argVal t f args = do
 2583   (v, ts) <- case args of
 2584     [] -> tooFewArgs 1 0 >> return (Nothing, Nothing)
 2585     [x] -> do
 2586       r <- argVal x
 2587       tc <- gets typeChecking
 2588       let result = case r of
 2589             Nothing | tc -> Nothing
 2590             _ -> Just [(snd . unregion) x]
 2591       return (result, Just $ unregion x)
 2592     (x : rs) -> do
 2593       tooManyArgs rs
 2594       r <- argVal x
 2595       let result = case r of
 2596             Nothing -> Nothing
 2597             Just _ -> Just [(snd . unregion) x]
 2598       return (result, Just $ unregion x)
 2599   let res = maybe (fallback "Arg Fail Unfunc") f v
 2600   return $ Typed (fromMaybe TypeAny $ t ts) res
 2602 biFunc :: (Arg -> Arg -> Validator a) -> (Maybe (Kind, Expression) -> Maybe (Kind, Expression) -> Maybe Type) -> ([Expression] -> Expression) -> [Arg] -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 2603 biFunc argVal t f args = do
 2604   (v, ts) <- case args of
 2605     [] -> tooFewArgs 2 0 >> return (Nothing, (Nothing, Nothing))
 2606     [x] -> tooFewArgs 2 1 >> return (Nothing, (Just $ unregion x, Nothing))
 2607     [x, y] -> do
 2608       r <- argVal x y
 2609       tc <- gets typeChecking
 2610       let result = case r of
 2611             Nothing | tc -> Nothing
 2612             _ -> Just $ map (snd . unregion) [x, y]
 2613       return (result, (Just (unregion x), Just (unregion y)))
 2614     (x : y : rs) -> do
 2615       tooManyArgs rs
 2616       r <- argVal x y
 2617       let result = case r of
 2618             Nothing -> Nothing
 2619             Just _ -> Just $ map (snd . unregion) [x, y]
 2620       return (result, (Just (unregion x), Just (unregion y)))
 2621   let res = maybe (fallback "Arg Fail BiFunct") f v
 2622   return $ Typed (fromMaybe TypeAny $ uncurry t ts) res
 2624 triFunc :: (Arg -> Arg -> Arg -> Validator a) -> (Maybe (Kind, Expression) -> Maybe (Kind, Expression) -> Maybe (Kind, Expression) -> Maybe Type) -> ([Expression] -> Expression) -> [Arg] -> ValidatorS (Typed Expression)
 2625 triFunc argVal t f args = do
 2626   (v, ts) <- case args of
 2627     [] -> tooFewArgs 3 0 >> return (Nothing, (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing))
 2628     [x] -> tooFewArgs 3 1 >> return (Nothing, (Just $ unregion x, Nothing, Nothing))
 2629     [x, y] -> tooFewArgs 3 2 >> return (Nothing, (Just $ unregion x, Just $ unregion y, Nothing))
 2630     [x, y, z] -> do
 2631       r <- argVal x y z
 2632       tc <- gets typeChecking
 2633       let result = case r of
 2634             Nothing | tc -> Nothing
 2635             _ -> Just $ map (snd . unregion) [x, y, z]
 2636       return (result, (Just (unregion x), Just (unregion y), Just (unregion z)))
 2637     (x : y : z : rs) -> do
 2638       tooManyArgs rs
 2639       r <- argVal x y z
 2640       let result = case r of
 2641             Nothing -> Nothing
 2642             Just _ -> Just $ map (snd . unregion) [x, y, z]
 2643       return (result, (Just (unregion x), Just (unregion y), Just (unregion z)))
 2644   let res = maybe (fallback "Arg Fail Tri") f v
 2645   return $ Typed (fromMaybe TypeAny $ uncurry3 t ts) res
 2646   where
 2647     uncurry3 fn (a, b, c) = fn a b c -- todo export from prelude
 2649 tooFewArgs :: Int -> Int -> ValidatorS ()
 2650 tooFewArgs n i = void . contextError $ MissingArgsError n i
 2652 tooManyArgs :: [RegionTagged a] -> ValidatorS ()
 2653 tooManyArgs = mapM_ (\x -> raiseError $ x <!> UnexpectedArg)
 2655 checkRVMember :: RegionTagged Type -> RegionTagged Type -> Validator ()
 2656 checkRVMember (_, TypeRecord ts) (_, TypeRecordMember nm _) | not . null $ lookup nm ts = return $ pure ()
 2657 checkRVMember (_, TypeRecord ts) (r2, r) = do
 2658   raiseTypeError $ r2 <!> TypeError (TypeRecordMember (Name "") ts) r
 2659   return Nothing
 2660 checkRVMember (_, TypeVariant ts) (_, TypeVariantMember nm _) | not . null $ lookup nm ts = return $ pure ()
 2661 checkRVMember (_, TypeVariant ts) (r2, r) = do
 2662   raiseTypeError $ r2 <!> TypeError (TypeVariantMember (Name "") ts) r
 2663   return Nothing
 2664 checkRVMember (r1, t) _ = do
 2665   raiseTypeError $ r1 <!> TypeError (TypeVariant []) t
 2666   return Nothing
 2668 type OpValidator = RegionTagged Kind -> RegionTagged Kind -> ValidatorS Type
 2670 type OpTyper = Kind -> Kind -> Type
 2672 sameToSameV :: (Type -> ValidatorS Type) -> (Type -> Type -> Type) -> OpValidator
 2673 sameToSameV tc t (rl, kl) (rr, kr) = do
 2674   setContext rl
 2675   lt <- getValueType kl
 2676   lt' <- tc lt
 2677   setContext rr
 2678   rt <- getValueType kr
 2679   rt' <- tc rt
 2680   let md = mostDefinedS [lt, rt]
 2681   _ <- unifyTypesFailing md (rl, Typed lt' ())
 2682   _ <- unifyTypesFailing md (rr, Typed rt' ())
 2683   return $ t lt' rt'
 2685 binOpType :: Lexeme -> OpValidator
 2686 binOpType l = case l of
 2687   L_Plus -> sameToSameV number same
 2688   L_Minus -> sameToSameV minusArgs same
 2689   L_Times -> sameToSameV number same
 2690   L_Div -> sameToSameV number same
 2691   L_Mod -> sameToSameV number same
 2692   L_Pow -> sameToSameV number same
 2693   L_Eq -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2694   L_Neq -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2695   L_Lt -> sameToSameV orderable cBool
 2696   L_Leq -> sameToSameV orderable cBool
 2697   L_Gt -> sameToSameV orderable cBool
 2698   L_Geq -> sameToSameV orderable cBool
 2699   L_in -> checkIn
 2700   L_And -> sameToSameV bools cBool
 2701   L_Or -> sameToSameV bools cBool
 2702   L_Imply -> sameToSameV bools cBool
 2703   L_Iff -> sameToSameV bools cBool -- b b b
 2704   L_subset -> sameToSameV setLike cBool -- set mset func rel
 2705   L_subsetEq -> sameToSameV setLike cBool
 2706   -- \^^^
 2707   L_supset -> sameToSameV setLike cBool
 2708   -- \^^^^
 2709   L_supsetEq -> sameToSameV setLike cBool
 2710   -- \^^
 2712   L_subsequence -> sameToSameV justSequence cBool -- seq - seq -bool
 2713   L_substring -> sameToSameV justSequence cBool -- seq - seq -bool
 2714   L_intersect -> sameToSameV setLike same
 2715   L_union -> sameToSameV setLike same
 2716   L_LexLt -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2717   L_LexLeq -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2718   L_LexGt -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2719   L_LexGeq -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2720   L_DotLt -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2721   L_DotLeq -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2722   L_DotGt -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2723   L_DotGeq -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2724   L_TildeLt -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2725   L_TildeLeq -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2726   L_TildeGt -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2727   L_TildeGeq -> sameToSameV pure cBool
 2728   _ -> bug $ "Unkown operator" <+> pretty (show l)
 2729   where
 2730     cBool = const . const TypeBool
 2731     same a b = mostDefinedS [a, b]
 2732     checkIn :: OpValidator
 2733     checkIn (r1, kl) (r2, kr) = do
 2734       setContext r1
 2735       lt <- getValueType kl
 2736       setContext r2
 2737       rt <- getValueType kr
 2738       case innerTypeOf rt of
 2739         Just t -> unifyTypes t (r1, Typed lt ())
 2740         Nothing -> unless (rt == TypeAny) $ raiseTypeError (r2 <!> ComplexTypeError (T.pack . show $ "Container of " <+> pretty lt) rt)
 2741       return TypeBool
 2743     number :: Type -> ValidatorS Type
 2744     number t = case t of
 2745       TypeInt TagInt -> return t
 2746       TypeInt TagEnum {} -> return t
 2747       TypeAny -> return t
 2748       _ -> TypeAny <$ contextTypeError (ComplexTypeError "Number or Enum" t)
 2749     minusArgs t = case t of
 2750       TypeInt TagInt -> return t
 2751       TypeSet _ -> return t
 2752       TypeMSet _ -> return t
 2753       TypeRelation _ -> return t
 2754       TypeFunction _ _ -> return t
 2755       _ -> TypeAny <$ contextTypeError (ComplexTypeError "Number / set/ mset / relation / function" t)
 2756     orderable t = case t of
 2757       TypeInt TagInt -> return t
 2758       TypeInt TagEnum {} -> return t
 2759       TypeBool -> return t
 2760       TypeAny -> return t
 2761       _ -> TypeAny <$ contextTypeError (ComplexTypeError "Number, Enum or Bool" t)
 2762     justSequence t = case t of
 2763       TypeAny -> return t
 2764       TypeSequence _ -> return t
 2765       _ -> TypeAny <$ contextTypeError (TypeError (TypeSequence TypeAny) t)
 2766     bools t = case t of
 2767       TypeAny -> return t
 2768       TypeBool -> return t
 2769       _ -> TypeAny <$ contextTypeError (TypeError TypeBool t)
 2770     setLike t = case t of
 2771       TypeAny -> return t
 2772       TypeMSet _ -> return t
 2773       TypeSet _ -> return t
 2774       TypeFunction _ _ -> return t
 2775       TypeRelation _ -> return t
 2776       _ -> TypeAny <$ contextTypeError (ComplexTypeError "Set MSet funcition or relation" t)