never executed always true always false
    1 module Conjure.Process.Enumerate
    2     ( EnumerateDomain
    3     , enumerateDomain
    4     , enumerateInConstant
    5     , EnumerateDomainNoIO(..)
    6     ) where
    8 import Conjure.Prelude
    9 import Conjure.Bug
   10 import Conjure.UserError
   11 import Conjure.Language.AdHoc
   12 import Conjure.Language.AbstractLiteral
   13 import Conjure.Language.Constant
   14 import Conjure.Language.Type
   15 import Conjure.Language.Domain
   16 import Conjure.Language.Pretty
   17 import Conjure.Language.Definition
   18 import Conjure.Language.NameGen
   20 import Conjure.UI.IO
   21 import Conjure.UI as UI ( UI(..), OutputFormat(..) )
   22 import {-# SOURCE #-} Conjure.UI.MainHelper
   24 -- temporary
   25 import System.IO.Temp ( withSystemTempDirectory )
   27 -- pipes
   28 import qualified Pipes
   31 -- | This class is only to track where `enumerateDomain` might get called.
   32 --   It is essentially MonadIO, but doesn't allow arbitrary IO.
   33 class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadUserError m) => EnumerateDomain m where liftIO' :: IO a -> m a
   34 instance EnumerateDomain IO where liftIO' = id
   35 instance EnumerateDomain m => EnumerateDomain (IdentityT m) where liftIO' = lift . liftIO'
   36 instance EnumerateDomain m => EnumerateDomain (MaybeT m) where liftIO' = lift . liftIO'
   37 instance EnumerateDomain m => EnumerateDomain (ExceptT m) where liftIO' = lift . liftIO'
   38 instance EnumerateDomain m => EnumerateDomain (ReaderT r m) where liftIO' = lift . liftIO'
   39 instance (EnumerateDomain m, Monoid w) => EnumerateDomain (WriterT w m) where liftIO' = lift . liftIO'
   40 instance EnumerateDomain m => EnumerateDomain (StateT st m) where liftIO' = lift . liftIO'
   41 instance EnumerateDomain m => EnumerateDomain (Pipes.Proxy a b c d m) where liftIO' = lift . liftIO'
   42 instance EnumerateDomain m => EnumerateDomain (NameGenM m) where liftIO' = lift . liftIO'
   43 instance (EnumerateDomain m, MonadFail m) => EnumerateDomain (UserErrorT m) where liftIO' = lift . liftIO'
   45 -- | Use this if you don't want to allow a (EnumerateDomain m => m a) computation actually do IO.
   46 data EnumerateDomainNoIO a = Done a | TriedIO | Failed Doc
   47     deriving (Show)
   49 instance Eq a => Eq (EnumerateDomainNoIO a) where
   50      (Done a) == (Done b) = a ==b
   51      TriedIO == TriedIO = True
   52      (Failed _) == (Failed _) = True
   53      _ == _ = False
   56 instance Functor EnumerateDomainNoIO where
   57     fmap _ (Failed msg) = Failed msg
   58     fmap _ TriedIO      = TriedIO
   59     fmap f (Done x)     = Done (f x)
   61 instance Applicative EnumerateDomainNoIO where
   62     pure = Done
   63     (<*>) = ap
   65 instance Monad EnumerateDomainNoIO where
   66     Failed msg >>= _ = Failed msg
   67     TriedIO    >>= _ = TriedIO
   68     Done x     >>= f = f x
   70 instance MonadFailDoc EnumerateDomainNoIO where
   71     failDoc = Failed
   72 instance MonadFail EnumerateDomainNoIO where
   73     fail = Failed . stringToDoc 
   75 instance MonadUserError EnumerateDomainNoIO where
   76     userErr docs = Failed (vcat $ "User error:" : docs)
   78 instance NameGen EnumerateDomainNoIO where
   79     nextName _ = failDoc "nextName{EnumerateDomainNoIO}"
   80     exportNameGenState = failDoc "exportNameGenState{EnumerateDomainNoIO}"
   81     importNameGenState _ = failDoc "importNameGenState{EnumerateDomainNoIO}"
   83 instance EnumerateDomain EnumerateDomainNoIO where liftIO' _ = TriedIO
   85 enumerateDomainMax :: Int
   86 enumerateDomainMax = 10000
   88 minionTimelimit :: Int
   89 minionTimelimit = 60
   91 savilerowTimelimit :: Int
   92 savilerowTimelimit = 60 * 1000
   94 enumerateDomain :: (MonadFailDoc m, EnumerateDomain m) => Domain () Constant -> m [Constant]
   96 enumerateDomain d | not (null [ () | ConstantUndefined{} <- universeBi d ]) =
   97     bug $ vcat [ "called enumerateDomain with a domain that has undefinedness values in it."
   98                , pretty d
   99                ]
  101 enumerateDomain DomainBool = return [ConstantBool False, ConstantBool True]
  102 enumerateDomain (DomainInt _ []) = failDoc "enumerateDomain: infinite domain"
  103 enumerateDomain (DomainInt _ rs) = concatMapM enumerateRange rs
  104 enumerateDomain (DomainUnnamed _ (ConstantInt t n)) = return (map (ConstantInt t) [1..n])
  105 enumerateDomain (DomainEnum _dName (Just rs) _mp) = concatMapM enumerateRange rs
  106 enumerateDomain (DomainTuple ds) = do
  107     inners <- mapM enumerateDomain ds
  108     return $ map (ConstantAbstract . AbsLitTuple) (sequence inners)
  109 enumerateDomain (DomainMatrix (DomainInt t indexDom) innerDom) = do
  110     inners <- enumerateDomain innerDom
  111     indexInts <- rangesInts indexDom
  112     return
  113         [ ConstantAbstract (AbsLitMatrix (DomainInt t indexDom) vals)
  114         | vals <- replicateM (length indexInts) inners
  115         ]
  117 -- the sledgehammer approach
  118 enumerateDomain d = liftIO' $ withSystemTempDirectory ("conjure-enumerateDomain-" ++ show (hash d)) $ \ tmpDir -> do
  119     let model = Model { mLanguage = LanguageVersion "Essence" [1,0]
  120                       , mStatements = [Declaration (FindOrGiven Find "x" (fmap Constant d))]
  121                       , mInfo = def
  122                       }
  123     let essenceFile = tmpDir </> "out.essence"
  124     let outDir = tmpDir </> "outDir"
  125     writeModel 120 Plain (Just essenceFile) model
  126     let
  127         solve :: IO ()
  128         solve = let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in ignoreLogs $ runNameGen () $ mainWithArgs Solve
  129             { UI.essence                    = essenceFile
  130             , validateSolutionsOpt          = False
  131             , outputDirectory               = outDir
  132             , savilerowOptions              =
  133                 [ "-O0"
  134                 , "-preprocess"    , "None"
  135                 , "-timelimit"     , show savilerowTimelimit
  136                 ]
  137             , solverOptions                 =
  138                 [ "-cpulimit"      , show minionTimelimit
  139                 ]
  140             , solver                        = "minion"
  141             , graphSolver                   = False
  142             , cgroups                       = False
  143             , nbSolutions                   = show enumerateDomainMax
  144             , copySolutions                 = False
  145             , solutionsInOneFile            = False
  146             , runsolverCPUTimeLimit         = Nothing
  147             , runsolverWallTimeLimit        = Nothing
  148             , runsolverMemoryLimit          = Nothing
  149             , logLevel                      = LogNone
  150             -- default values for the rest
  151             , essenceParams                 = []
  152             , numberingStart                = 1
  153             , smartFilenames                = False
  154             , verboseTrail                  = False
  155             , rewritesTrail                 = False
  156             , logRuleFails                  = False
  157             , logRuleSuccesses              = False
  158             , logRuleAttempts               = False
  159             , logChoices                    = False
  160             , portfolio                     = Nothing
  161             , strategyQ                     = "f"
  162             , strategyA                     = "c"
  163             , representations               = Nothing
  164             , representationsFinds          = Nothing
  165             , representationsGivens         = Nothing
  166             , representationsAuxiliaries    = Nothing
  167             , representationsQuantifieds    = Nothing
  168             , representationsCuts           = Nothing
  169             , channelling                   = False
  170             , representationLevels          = True
  171             , followModel                   = ""
  172             , useExistingModels             = []
  173             , seed                          = Nothing
  174             , limitModels                   = Nothing
  175             , limitTime                     = Nothing
  176             , outputFormat                  = UI.Plain
  177             , lineWidth                     = 120
  178             , responses                     = ""
  179             , responsesRepresentation       = ""
  180             , generateStreamliners          = ""
  181             }
  182     -- catching the (SR timeout) error, and raising a user error
  183     catch solve $ \ (e :: SomeException) -> userErr1 $ vcat
  184         [ "Enumerate domain: too many."
  185         , "When working on domain:" <++> pretty d
  186         , "Exception:" <++> pretty (show e)
  187         ]
  188     solutions   <- filter (".solution" `isSuffixOf`) <$> getDirectoryContents outDir
  189     when (length solutions >= enumerateDomainMax) $ userErr1 $ vcat
  190         [ "Enumerate domain: too many."
  191         , "Gave up after" <+> pretty (length solutions) <+> "solutions."
  192         , "When working on domain:" <++> pretty d
  193         ]
  194     enumeration <- fmap concat $ forM solutions $ \ solutionFile -> do
  195         Model _ decls _ <- readModelFromFile (outDir </> solutionFile)
  196         let (enumeration, errs) = mconcat
  197                 [ case decl of
  198                     Declaration (Letting "x" x) | Just c <- e2c x -> ([c], [])
  199                     _ -> ([], [decl])
  200                 | decl <- decls ]
  201         if null errs
  202             then return enumeration
  203             else failDoc $ vcat $ "enumerateDomain, not Constants!"
  204                              : ("When working on domain:" <++> pretty d)
  205                              :  map pretty errs
  206                              ++ map (pretty . show) errs
  207     removeDirectoryIfExists outDir
  208     removeDirectoryIfExists tmpDir
  209     return enumeration
  212 enumerateRange :: MonadFailDoc m => Range Constant -> m [Constant]
  213 enumerateRange (RangeSingle x) = return [x]
  214 enumerateRange (RangeBounded (ConstantInt t x) (ConstantInt _ y)) = return $ ConstantInt t <$> [x..y]
  215 enumerateRange RangeBounded{} = failDoc "enumerateRange RangeBounded"
  216 enumerateRange RangeOpen{} = failDoc "enumerateRange RangeOpen"
  217 enumerateRange RangeLowerBounded{} = failDoc "enumerateRange RangeLowerBounded"
  218 enumerateRange RangeUpperBounded{} = failDoc "enumerateRange RangeUpperBounded"
  220 enumerateInConstant :: MonadFailDoc m => Constant -> m [Constant]
  221 enumerateInConstant constant = case constant of
  222     ConstantAbstract (AbsLitMatrix _  xs) -> return xs
  223     ConstantAbstract (AbsLitSet       xs) -> return xs
  224     ConstantAbstract (AbsLitMSet      xs) -> return xs
  225     ConstantAbstract (AbsLitFunction  xs) -> return [ ConstantAbstract (AbsLitTuple [i,j]) | (i,j) <- xs ]
  226     ConstantAbstract (AbsLitSequence  xs) -> return [ ConstantAbstract (AbsLitTuple [i,j])
  227                                                     | (i',j) <- zip allNats xs
  228                                                     , let i = fromInt i'
  229                                                     ]
  230     ConstantAbstract (AbsLitRelation  xs) -> return $ map (ConstantAbstract . AbsLitTuple) xs
  231     ConstantAbstract (AbsLitPartition xs) -> return $ map (ConstantAbstract . AbsLitSet) xs
  232     TypedConstant c _                     -> enumerateInConstant c
  233     _ -> failDoc $ vcat [ "enumerateInConstant"
  234                      , "constant:" <+> pretty constant
  235                      ]