never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
    3 module Conjure.Rules.BubbleUp where
    5 import Conjure.Rules.Import
    8 rule_MergeNested :: Rule
    9 rule_MergeNested = "bubble-up-merge-nested" `namedRule` theRule where
   10     theRule (WithLocals (WithLocals body (DefinednessConstraints locals1)) (DefinednessConstraints locals2)) =
   11         return
   12             ( "Merging nested bubbles"
   13             , return $ WithLocals body (DefinednessConstraints (locals1 ++ locals2))
   14             )
   15     theRule (WithLocals (WithLocals body (AuxiliaryVars locals1)) (AuxiliaryVars locals2)) =
   16         return
   17             ( "Merging nested bubbles"
   18             , return $ WithLocals body (AuxiliaryVars (locals1 ++ locals2))
   19             )
   20     theRule _ = na "rule_MergeNested"
   23 rule_ToAnd :: Rule
   24 rule_ToAnd = "bubble-to-and" `namedRule` theRule where
   25     theRule (WithLocals x (AuxiliaryVars [])) = return ("Empty bubble is no bubble", return x)
   26     theRule (WithLocals x (DefinednessConstraints [])) = return ("Empty bubble is no bubble", return x)
   27     theRule (WithLocals x (DefinednessConstraints cons))
   28         | let isTrueCons (Constant (ConstantBool True)) = True
   29               isTrueCons _ = False
   30         , all isTrueCons cons
   31         = return ("Trivially defined", return x)
   32     theRule (WithLocals x (DefinednessConstraints cons))
   33         | let isFalseCons (Constant (ConstantBool False)) = True
   34               isFalseCons _ = False
   35         , any isFalseCons cons
   36         , length cons > 1
   37         = return ( "Trivially undefined"
   38                  , return (WithLocals x (DefinednessConstraints [Constant (ConstantBool False)]))
   39                  )
   40     theRule (WithLocals x (DefinednessConstraints locals@(_:_))) = do
   41         TypeBool <- typeOf x
   42         let out = make opAnd $ fromList (x:locals)
   43         return
   44             ( "Converting a bubble into a conjunction."
   45             , return out
   46             )
   47     theRule _ = na "rule_BubbleToAnd"
   50 rule_ToMultiply_HeadOfIntComprehension :: Rule
   51 rule_ToMultiply_HeadOfIntComprehension = "bubble-to-multiply-HeadOfIntComprehension" `namedRule` theRule where
   52     theRule p = do
   53         (_, _, mk, Comprehension (WithLocals x (DefinednessConstraints cons)) gocs) <- match opReducer p
   54         TypeInt _ <- typeOf x
   55         let conjunct = make opAnd (fromList cons)
   56         let x' = [essence| &x * toInt(&conjunct) |]
   57         let out = mk $ Comprehension x' gocs
   58         return
   59             ( "Converting a bubble into a multiplication."
   60             , return out
   61             )
   64 rule_NotBoolYet :: Rule
   65 rule_NotBoolYet = "bubble-up-NotBoolYet" `namedRule` theRule where
   66     theRule WithLocals{}
   67         = na "rule_NotBoolYet WithLocals"
   69     theRule [essence| catchUndef(&x, &_) |]
   70         | WithLocals _ (DefinednessConstraints _) <- x
   71         = na "rule_NotBoolYet WithLocals"
   74     -- if anything in a comprehension is undefined, the whole comprehension is undefined
   75     -- this is for the non-bool case.
   76     theRule (Comprehension (WithLocals body (DefinednessConstraints locals@(_:_))) gensOrConds) = do
   78         ty <- typeOf body
   79         case ty of
   80             TypeBool -> na "rule_NotBoolYet"
   81             _        -> return ()
   83         forM_ gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of
   84             Generator GenDomainHasRepr{} -> return ()
   85             Generator {}                 -> na "rule_NotBoolYet"        -- no other generators, only GenDomainHasRepr
   86             Condition {}                 -> return ()
   87             ComprehensionLetting {}      -> na "rule_NotBoolYet"        -- no lettings
   89         let localsLifted =
   90                 [ make opAnd $ Comprehension c gensOrConds
   91                 | c <- locals
   92                 ]
   94         return
   95             ( "Bubbling up (through comprehension), not reached a relational context yet."
   96             , return $ WithLocals (Comprehension body gensOrConds) (DefinednessConstraints localsLifted)
   97             )
   99     theRule (Comprehension x gensOrConds) = do
  100         let (gensOrConds', Any changed) = mconcat
  101                 [ case goc of
  102                     Generator (GenInExpr pat (WithLocals y (DefinednessConstraints cons)))
  103                         -> (Generator (GenInExpr pat y) : map Condition cons, Any True)
  104                     _ -> ([goc], Any False)
  105                 | goc <- gensOrConds
  106                 ]
  107         unless changed (na "rule_NotBoolYet")
  108         return
  109             ( "Bubbling up, attached to a generator inside a comprehension"
  110             , return $ Comprehension x gensOrConds'
  111             )
  113     theRule p = do
  114         let
  115             f x@(WithLocals y (DefinednessConstraints locals@(_:_))) = do
  116                 ty <- typeOf y
  117                 case ty of
  118                     TypeBool ->                return x         -- do not bubble-up if it is attached to a bool
  119                     _        -> tell locals >> return y
  120             f x = return x
  121         (p', collected) <- runWriterT (descendM f p)
  122         when (null collected) $
  123             na "rule_NotBoolYet doesn't have any bubbly children"
  124         return
  125             ( "Bubbling up, not reached a relational context yet."
  126             , return $ WithLocals p' (DefinednessConstraints collected)
  127             )
  130 rule_ConditionInsideGeneratorDomain :: Rule
  131 rule_ConditionInsideGeneratorDomain = "bubble-up-ConditionInsideGeneratorDomain" `namedRule` theRule where
  133     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  134         (gocBefore, (goc', newConditions), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of
  135             Generator (GenDomainHasRepr pat domain@DomainInt{}) -> do
  136                 let
  137                     f (WithLocals x (DefinednessConstraints cons)) = do
  138                         tell cons
  139                         f x
  140                     f x = return x
  141                 (domain', newConditions) <- runWriterT (transformBiM f domain)
  142                 let goc' = Generator (GenDomainHasRepr pat domain')
  143                 if null newConditions
  144                     then na "rule_ConditionInsideGeneratorDomain"
  145                     else return (goc', newConditions)
  146             _ -> na "rule_ConditionInsideGeneratorDomain"
  147         return
  148             ( "Bubbling up definedness constraints inside a generator domain."
  149             , return $ Comprehension body
  150                         $  gocBefore
  151                         ++ [goc']
  152                         ++ map Condition newConditions
  153                         ++ gocAfter
  154             )
  155     theRule _ = na "rule_ConditionInsideGeneratorDomain"
  158 rule_LiftVars :: Rule
  159 rule_LiftVars = "bubble-up-LiftVars" `namedRule` theRule where
  161     theRule [essence| catchUndef(&x, &ifUndefVal) |]
  162         | WithLocals body (DefinednessConstraints cons) <- x = do
  163             let ifDef = make opAnd (fromList cons)
  164             return
  165                 ( ""
  166                 , return [essence| [ catchUndef(&body, &ifUndefVal)
  167                                    , &ifUndefVal
  168                                    ; int(0..1)
  169                                    ] [ toInt(!&ifDef) ]
  170                          |]
  171                 )
  173     theRule (Comprehension (WithLocals body locals) gensOrConds)
  174         | and [ case goc of
  175                     Condition{} -> True
  176                     ComprehensionLetting{} -> True
  177                     _ -> False
  178               | goc <- gensOrConds
  179               ]                                                 -- if gensOrConds do not contain generators
  180         = return
  181             ( "Bubbling up when a comprehension doesn't contain any generators."
  182             , return $ WithLocals (Comprehension body gensOrConds) locals
  183             )
  185     theRule (Comprehension (WithLocals body (AuxiliaryVars locals@(_:_))) gensOrConds) = do
  187         let decls = [ (nm,dom) | Declaration (FindOrGiven LocalFind nm dom) <- locals ]
  188         let cons  = concat [ xs | SuchThat xs <- locals ]
  190         -- TODO: what to do with the conditions?
  191         -- should we `dontCare unless condition`?
  192         -- discard for now
  193         (_conditions, generators) <- fmap mconcat $ forM gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of
  194             Condition{} -> return ([goc], [])
  195             ComprehensionLetting{} -> return ([], [goc])
  196             Generator (GenDomainHasRepr _ _) -> return ([], [goc])
  197             _ -> na "rule_LiftVars"
  199         let patRefs = [ Reference patName Nothing | Generator (GenDomainHasRepr patName _domain) <- generators ]
  200         let indexDomains = [domain | Generator (GenDomainHasRepr _patName domain) <- generators ]
  202         let upd (Reference nm _) | nm `elem` map fst decls
  203                 = let r = Reference nm Nothing
  204                   in  make opMatrixIndexing r patRefs
  205             upd r = r
  207         let declsLifted =
  208                 [ Declaration (FindOrGiven LocalFind nm domLifted)
  209                 | (nm, dom) <- decls
  210                 , let domLifted = foldr (\ i j -> DomainMatrix (forgetRepr i) j ) dom indexDomains
  211                 ]
  213         let consLifted =
  214                 [ make opAnd $ Comprehension c generators
  215                 | c <- transformBi upd cons
  216                 ]
  218         return
  219             ( "Bubbling up auxiliary variables through a comprehension."
  220             , return $ WithLocals (Comprehension (transform upd body) (transformBi upd gensOrConds))
  221                                   (AuxiliaryVars (declsLifted ++ [SuchThat consLifted]))
  222             )
  223     theRule WithLocals{} = na "rule_LiftVars"
  224     theRule Reference{} = na "rule_LiftVars"
  226     -- special handling of AuxiliaryVars-bubbles on the rhs of an implication
  227     theRule p
  228         | Just (a, WithLocals b (AuxiliaryVars locals@(_:_))) <- match opImply p
  229         = do
  230         let
  231             decls = [ l | l@(Declaration (FindOrGiven LocalFind _ _)) <- locals ]
  233             cons  = make opAnd $ fromList $ concat [ xs | SuchThat xs <- locals ]
  235             dontCares = make opAnd $ fromList [ make opDontCare (Reference nm Nothing)
  236                                               | Declaration (FindOrGiven LocalFind nm _) <- locals
  237                                               ]
  239             p' = [essence| and([ &a -> (&b /\ &cons)
  240                                , !&a -> &dontCares
  241                                ])
  242                          |]
  244         return
  245             ( "Bubbling up auxiliary variables, rhs of imply."
  246             , return $ WithLocals p' (AuxiliaryVars decls)
  247             )
  249     theRule p = do
  250         let
  251             f (WithLocals y (AuxiliaryVars locals@(_:_))) = do
  252                 tell locals
  253                 return y
  254             f x = return x
  255         (p', collected) <- runWriterT (descendM f p)
  256         when (null collected) $
  257             na "rule_LiftVars doesn't have any bubbly children"
  258         return
  259             ( "Bubbling up auxiliary variables."
  260             , return $ WithLocals p' (AuxiliaryVars collected)
  261             )