never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
    3 module Conjure.Rules.Horizontal.Sequence where
    5 import Conjure.Rules.Import
    8 rule_Comprehension_Literal :: Rule
    9 rule_Comprehension_Literal = "sequence-comprehension-literal" `namedRule` theRule where
   10     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
   11         (gofBefore, (pat, expr), gofAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ gof -> case gof of
   12             Generator (GenInExpr pat@Single{} expr) -> return (pat, matchDefs [opToSet,opToMSet,opToRelation] expr)
   13             _ -> na "rule_Comprehension_Literal"
   14         (TypeSequence t, elems) <- match sequenceLiteral expr
   15         let outLiteral = make matrixLiteral
   16                             (TypeMatrix (TypeInt TagInt) t)
   17                             (DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 1 (fromInt (genericLength elems))])
   18                             elems
   19         let upd val old = lambdaToFunction pat old val
   20         return
   21             ( "Comprehension on sequence literals"
   22             , do
   23                 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
   24                 let val = [essence| (&i, &outLiteral[&i]) |]
   25                 return $ Comprehension (upd val body)
   26                          $  gofBefore
   27                          ++ [Generator (GenDomainNoRepr iPat $ mkDomainIntB 1 (fromInt $ genericLength elems))]
   28                          ++ transformBi (upd val) gofAfter
   29             )
   30     theRule _ = na "rule_Comprehension_Literal"
   33 rule_Image_Literal_Bool :: Rule
   34 rule_Image_Literal_Bool = "sequence-image-literal-bool" `namedRule` theRule where
   35     theRule p = do
   36         (func, arg)                    <- match opImage p
   37         (TypeSequence TypeBool, elems) <- match sequenceLiteral func
   38         -- let argIsUndef = make opNot $ make opOr $ fromList
   39         --         [ [essence| &a = &arg |]
   40         --         | (a,_) <- elems
   41         --         ]
   42         return $
   43             if null elems
   44                 then
   45                     ( "Image of empty sequence literal"
   46                     , return [essence| false |]                          -- undefined is false.
   47                     )
   48                 else
   49                     ( "Image of sequence literal"
   50                     , return $ make opOr $ fromList
   51                           [ [essence| (&a = &arg) /\ &b |]              -- if this is ever true, the output is true.
   52                                                                         -- undefined is still false.
   53                           | (a',b) <- zip allNats elems
   54                           , let a = fromInt a'
   55                           ]
   56                     )
   59 rule_Image_Literal_Int :: Rule
   60 rule_Image_Literal_Int = "sequence-image-literal-int" `namedRule` theRule where
   61     theRule p = do
   62         (func, arg)                   <- match opImage p
   63         (TypeSequence (TypeInt _), elems) <- match sequenceLiteral func
   64         return
   65             ( "Image of sequence literal"
   66             , return $
   67                 let
   68                     val = make opSum $ fromList
   69                         -- if this is ever true, the output is the value of b.
   70                         [ [essence| toInt(&a = &arg) * &b |]
   71                         | (a',b) <- zip allNats elems
   72                         , let a = fromInt a'
   73                         ]
   74                     len = fromInt $ genericLength elems
   75                     argIsDef = [essence| &arg <= &len |]
   76                 in
   77                     WithLocals val (DefinednessConstraints [argIsDef])
   78             )
   81 rule_Eq_Literal :: Rule
   82 rule_Eq_Literal = "sequence-eq-literal" `namedRule` theRule where
   83     theRule p = do
   84         (x,y) <- match opEq p
   85         xTy <- typeOf x
   86         yTy <- typeOf y
   87         case (xTy, yTy) of
   88             (TypeSequence{}, _) -> return ()
   89             (_, TypeSequence{}) -> return ()
   90             _ -> na "rule_Eq_Literal"
   91         (other, vals) <- case ( match sequenceLiteral x, match matrixLiteral x
   92                               , match sequenceLiteral y, match matrixLiteral y) of
   93             (Just (_, vals), _                , _             , _                ) -> return (y, vals)
   94             (_             , Just (_, _, vals), _             , _                ) -> return (y, vals)
   95             (_             , _                , Just (_, vals), _                ) -> return (x, vals)
   96             (_             , _                , _             , Just (_, _, vals)) -> return (x, vals)
   97             _                 -> na "sequence not empty"
   98         return
   99             ( "Horizontal rule for sequence equality, one side empty"
  100             , do
  101                 let len = fromInt (genericLength vals)
  102                 return $ make opAnd $ fromList
  103                     $ [essence| |&other| = &len |]
  104                     : [ [essence| &other(&i) = &val |]
  105                       | (i_, val) <- zip allNats vals
  106                       , let i = fromInt i_
  107                       ]
  108             )
  111 rule_Eq :: Rule
  112 rule_Eq = "sequence-eq" `namedRule` theRule where
  113     theRule p = do
  114         (x,y)          <- match opEq p
  115         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf x
  116         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf y
  117         case (match sequenceLiteral x, match sequenceLiteral y) of
  118             (Just (_, []), _) -> na "Sequence{rule_Eq}: one side empty"
  119             (_, Just (_, [])) -> na "Sequence{rule_Eq}: one side empty"
  120             _            -> return ()
  121         return
  122             ( "Horizontal rule for sequence equality"
  123             , do
  124                  (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  125                  return
  126                      [essence|
  127                          (forAll &iPat in &x . &y(&i[1]) = &i[2])
  128                              /\
  129                          (forAll &iPat in &y . &x(&i[1]) = &i[2])
  130                              /\
  131                          defined(&x) = defined(&y)
  132                      |]
  133             )
  136 rule_Eq_Comprehension :: Rule
  137 rule_Eq_Comprehension = "sequence-eq-comprehension" `namedRule` theRule where
  138     theRule p = do
  139         (x, y@(Comprehension _ goc)) <- do
  140             (x,y) <- match opEq p
  141             case x of
  142                 Comprehension{} -> return (y, x)       -- swap if x is a Comprehension
  143                 _               -> return (x, y)
  144         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf x
  145         return
  146             ( "Horizontal rule for sequence equality, with a comprehension on the rhs"
  147             , do
  148                 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  149                 let cardinality = Comprehension 1 goc
  150                 return
  151                     [essence|
  152                         |&x| = sum(&cardinality) /\
  153                         and([ &y[&i[1]] = &i[2]
  154                             | &iPat <- &x
  155                             ])
  156                     |]
  157             )
  160 rule_Neq :: Rule
  161 rule_Neq = "sequence-neq" `namedRule` theRule where
  162     theRule [essence| &x != &y |] = do
  163         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf x
  164         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf y
  165         return
  166             ( "Horizontal rule for sequence dis-equality"
  167             , do
  168                  (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  169                  return
  170                      [essence|
  171                          (exists &iPat in &x . !(&i in &y))
  172                          \/
  173                          (exists &iPat in &y . !(&i in &x))
  174                      |]
  175             )
  176     theRule _ = na "rule_Neq"
  179 rule_SubsetEq :: Rule
  180 rule_SubsetEq = "sequence-subsetEq" `namedRule` theRule where
  181     theRule p = do
  182         (x,y)          <- match opSubsetEq p
  183         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf x
  184         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf y
  185         return
  186             ( "Horizontal rule for sequence subsetEq"
  187             , do
  188                  (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  189                  return
  190                      [essence|
  191                          (forAll &iPat in &x . &y(&i[1]) = &i[2])
  192                              /\
  193                          defined(&x) subsetEq defined(&y)
  194                      |]
  195             )
  198 rule_Subset :: Rule
  199 rule_Subset = "sequence-subset" `namedRule` theRule where
  200     theRule [essence| &a subset &b |] = do
  201         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf a
  202         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf b
  203         return
  204             ( "Horizontal rule for sequence subset"
  205             , return [essence| &a subsetEq &b /\ &a != &b |]
  206             )
  207     theRule _ = na "rule_Subset"
  210 rule_Supset :: Rule
  211 rule_Supset = "sequence-supset" `namedRule` theRule where
  212     theRule [essence| &a supset &b |] = do
  213         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf a
  214         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf b
  215         return
  216             ( "Horizontal rule for sequence supset"
  217             , return [essence| &b subset &a |]
  218             )
  219     theRule _ = na "rule_Supset"
  222 rule_SupsetEq :: Rule
  223 rule_SupsetEq = "sequence-subsetEq" `namedRule` theRule where
  224     theRule [essence| &a supsetEq &b |] = do
  225         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf a
  226         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf b
  227         return
  228             ( "Horizontal rule for sequence supsetEq"
  229             , return [essence| &b subsetEq &a |]
  230             )
  231     theRule _ = na "rule_SupsetEq"
  234 rule_Comprehension_PreImage :: Rule
  235 rule_Comprehension_PreImage = "sequence-preImage" `namedRule` theRule where
  236     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  237         (gofBefore, (pat, expr), gofAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ gof -> case gof of
  238             Generator (GenInExpr pat@Single{} expr) -> return (pat, expr)
  239             _ -> na "rule_Comprehension_PreImage"
  240         (func, img) <- match opPreImage expr
  241         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf func
  242         let upd val old = lambdaToFunction pat old val
  243         return
  244             ( "Mapping over the preImage of a sequence"
  245             , do
  246                 (jPat, j) <- quantifiedVar
  247                 let val = [essence| &j[1] |]
  248                 return $ Comprehension
  249                         (upd val body)
  250                         $  gofBefore
  251                         ++ [ Generator (GenInExpr jPat func)
  252                            , Condition [essence| &j[2] = &img |]
  253                            ]
  254                         ++ transformBi (upd val) gofAfter
  255             )
  256     theRule _ = na "rule_Comprehension_PreImage"
  259 rule_Card :: Rule
  260 rule_Card = "sequence-cardinality" `namedRule` theRule where
  261     theRule [essence| |&s| |] = do
  262         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf s
  263         dom <- domainOf s
  264         return
  265             ( "Horizontal rule for sequence cardinality."
  266             , case dom of
  267                 DomainSequence _ (SequenceAttr (SizeAttr_Size n) _) _
  268                     -> return n
  269                 DomainSequence _ (SequenceAttr _ jectivity) inner
  270                     | jectivity `elem` [JectivityAttr_Surjective, JectivityAttr_Bijective]
  271                     -> domainSizeOf inner
  272                 _ -> do
  273                     (iPat, _) <- quantifiedVar
  274                     return [essence| sum &iPat in &s . 1 |]
  275             )
  276     theRule _ = na "rule_Card"
  279 rule_Comprehension_Defined :: Rule
  280 rule_Comprehension_Defined = "sequence-defined" `namedRule` theRule where
  281     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  282         (gofBefore, (pat, expr), gofAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ gof -> case gof of
  283             Generator (GenInExpr pat@Single{} expr) -> return (pat, expr)
  284             _ -> na "rule_Comprehension_Defined"
  285         s                                            <- match opDefined expr
  286         DomainSequence _ (SequenceAttr sizeAttr _) _ <- domainOf s
  287         maxSize <- case sizeAttr of
  288                     SizeAttr_Size x -> return x
  289                     SizeAttr_MaxSize x -> return x
  290                     SizeAttr_MinMaxSize _ x -> return x
  291                     _ -> failDoc "rule_Comprehension_Defined maxSize"
  292         let upd val old = lambdaToFunction pat old val
  293         return
  294             ( "Mapping over defined(f)"
  295             , do
  296                 (jPat, j) <- quantifiedVar
  297                 let val = j
  298                 return $ Comprehension
  299                             (upd val body)
  300                             $  gofBefore
  301                             ++ [ Generator (GenDomainNoRepr jPat $ mkDomainIntB 1 maxSize)
  302                                , Condition [essence| &j <= |&s| |]
  303                                ]
  304                             ++ transformBi (upd val) gofAfter
  305             )
  306     theRule _ = na "rule_Comprehension_Defined"
  309 -- | TODO: This may allow repetitions.
  310 rule_Comprehension_Range :: Rule
  311 rule_Comprehension_Range = "sequence-range" `namedRule` theRule where
  312     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  313         (gofBefore, (pat, expr), gofAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ gof -> case gof of
  314             Generator (GenInExpr pat@Single{} expr) -> return (pat, expr)
  315             _ -> na "rule_Comprehension_PreImage"
  316         func <- match opRange expr
  317         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf func
  318         let upd val old = lambdaToFunction pat old val
  319         return
  320             ( "Mapping over range(f)"
  321             , do
  322                 (jPat, j) <- quantifiedVar
  323                 let val = [essence| &j[2] |]
  324                 return $ Comprehension
  325                             (upd val body)
  326                             $  gofBefore
  327                             ++ [ Generator (GenInExpr jPat func) ]
  328                             ++ transformBi (upd val) gofAfter
  329             )
  330     theRule _ = na "rule_Comprehension_Range"
  333 rule_In :: Rule
  334 rule_In = "sequence-in" `namedRule` theRule where
  335     theRule [essence| &x in &f |] = do
  336         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf f
  337         return
  338             ( "Sequence membership to sequence image."
  339             , return [essence| &f(&x[1]) = &x[2] |]
  340             )
  341     theRule _ = na "rule_In"
  344 rule_Restrict_Image :: Rule
  345 rule_Restrict_Image = "sequence-restrict-image" `namedRule` theRule where
  346     theRule p = do
  347         (func', arg) <- match opImage p
  348         (func , dom) <- match opRestrict func'
  349         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf func
  350         return
  351             ( "Sequence image on a restricted sequence."
  352             , do
  353                 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  354                 let bob = [essence| exists &iPat : &dom . &i = &arg |]
  355                 return $ WithLocals (make opImage func arg) (DefinednessConstraints [bob])
  356             )
  359 rule_Restrict_Comprehension :: Rule
  360 rule_Restrict_Comprehension = "sequence-restrict-comprehension" `namedRule` theRule where
  361     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  362         (gofBefore, (iPat, iPatName, expr), gofAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ gof -> case gof of
  363             Generator (GenInExpr iPat@(Single iPatName) expr) -> return (iPat, iPatName, expr)
  364             _ -> na "rule_Comprehension_PreImage"
  365         (func, dom) <- match opRestrict expr
  366         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf func
  367         return
  368             ( "Mapping over restrict(func, dom)"
  369             , do
  370                 (jPat, j) <- quantifiedVar
  371                 let i = Reference iPatName Nothing
  372                 return $ Comprehension body
  373                             $  gofBefore
  374                             ++ [ Generator (GenInExpr iPat func)
  375                                , Condition [essence| exists &jPat : &dom . &j = &i[1] |]
  376                                ]
  377                             ++ gofAfter
  378             )
  379     theRule _ = na "rule_Restrict_Comprehension"
  383 rule_Image_Bool :: Rule
  384 rule_Image_Bool = "sequence-image-bool" `namedRule` theRule where
  385     theRule Reference{} = na "rule_Image_Bool"
  386     theRule p = do
  387         let
  388             onChildren
  389                 :: MonadState (Maybe (Expression, Expression)) m
  390                 => Expression
  391                 -> m (Expression -> Expression)
  392             onChildren ch = do
  393                 let
  394                     try = do
  395                         (func, arg) <- match opImage ch
  396                         case match opRestrict func of
  397                             Nothing -> return ()
  398                             Just{}  -> na "rule_Image_Bool"         -- do not use this rule for restricted sequences
  399                         case match opTransform func of
  400                             Nothing -> na "rule_Image_Bool"          -- only use this rule for transformed sequences
  401                             Just{}  -> return ()
  402                         TypeSequence TypeBool <- typeOf func
  403                         return (func, arg)
  404                 case try of
  405                     Nothing -> return (const ch)        -- do not failDoc if a child is not of proper form
  406                     Just (func, arg) -> do              -- just return it back unchanged
  407                         seenBefore <- gets id
  408                         case seenBefore of
  409                             Nothing -> do
  410                                 modify $ const $ Just (func, arg)
  411                                 return id
  412                             Just{}  ->
  413                                 return (const ch)
  415         let (children_, gen) = uniplate p
  416         (genChildren, mFunc) <- runStateT (mapM onChildren children_) Nothing
  417         let
  418             mkP :: Expression -> Expression
  419             mkP new = gen $ fmap ($ new) genChildren
  420         (func, arg) <- maybe (na "rule_Image_Bool") return mFunc        -- Nothing signifies no relevant children
  421         return
  422             ( "Sequence image, bool."
  423             , do
  424                 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  425                 return $ mkP $ make opOr $ Comprehension [essence| &i[2] |]
  426                         [ Generator (GenInExpr iPat func)
  427                         , Condition [essence| &i[1] = &arg |]
  428                         ]
  429             )
  432 rule_Image_Int :: Rule
  433 rule_Image_Int = "sequence-image-int" `namedRule` theRule where
  434     theRule Reference{} = na "rule_Image_Int"
  435     theRule p = do
  436         let
  437             onChildren
  438                 :: MonadState (Maybe (Expression, Expression)) m
  439                 => Expression
  440                 -> m (Expression -> Expression)
  441             onChildren ch = do
  442                 let
  443                     try = do
  444                         (func, arg) <- match opImage ch
  445                         case match opRestrict func of
  446                             Nothing -> return ()
  447                             Just{}  -> na "rule_Image_Int"          -- do not use this rule for restricted sequences
  448                         case match opTransform func of
  449                             Nothing -> na "rule_Image_Int"          -- only use this rule for transformed sequences
  450                             Just{}  -> return ()
  451                         TypeSequence (TypeInt _) <- typeOf func
  452                         return (func, arg)
  453                 case try of
  454                     Nothing -> return (const ch)        -- do not failDoc if a child is not of proper form
  455                     Just (func, arg) -> do              -- just return it back unchanged
  456                         seenBefore <- gets id
  457                         case seenBefore of
  458                             Nothing -> do
  459                                 modify $ const $ Just (func, arg)
  460                                 return id
  461                             Just{}  ->
  462                                 return (const ch)
  464         let (children_, gen) = uniplate p
  465         (genChildren, mFunc) <- runStateT (mapM onChildren children_) Nothing
  466         let
  467             mkP :: Expression -> Expression
  468             mkP new = gen $ fmap ($ new) genChildren
  469         (func, arg) <- maybe (na "rule_Image_Int") return mFunc         -- Nothing signifies no relevant children
  470         return
  471             ( "Sequence image, int."
  472             , do
  473                 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  474                 let val = make opSum $ Comprehension [essence| &i[2] |]
  475                         [ Generator (GenInExpr iPat func)
  476                         , Condition [essence| &i[1] = &arg |]
  477                         ]
  478                     isDefined = [essence| &arg in defined(&func) |]
  479                 return $ mkP $ WithLocals val (DefinednessConstraints [isDefined])
  480             )
  483 rule_Comprehension_Image :: Rule
  484 rule_Comprehension_Image = "sequence-image-comprehension" `namedRule` theRule where
  485     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  486         (gofBefore, (pat, expr), gofAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ gof -> case gof of
  487             Generator (GenInExpr pat@Single{} expr) -> return (pat, expr)
  488             _ -> na "rule_Comprehension_Image"
  489         (mkModifier, expr2) <- match opModifier expr
  490         (func, arg) <- match opImage expr2
  491         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf func
  492         case match opRestrict func of
  493             Nothing -> return ()
  494             Just{}  -> na "rule_Image_Bool"         -- do not use this rule for restricted sequences
  495         let upd val old = lambdaToFunction pat old val
  496         return
  497             ( "Mapping over the image of a sequence"
  498             , do
  499                 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  500                 (jPat, j) <- quantifiedVar
  501                 return $ Comprehension
  502                         (upd j body)
  503                         $  gofBefore
  504                         ++ [ Generator (GenInExpr iPat (mkModifier func))
  505                            , Condition [essence| &i[1] = &arg |]
  506                            , Generator (GenInExpr jPat [essence| &i[2] |])
  507                            ]
  508                         ++ transformBi (upd j) gofAfter
  509             )
  510     theRule _ = na "rule_Comprehension_Image"
  513 rule_Substring :: Rule
  514 rule_Substring = "substring" `namedRule` theRule where
  515     theRule [essence| &a substring &b |] = do
  516         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf a
  517         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf b
  519         DomainSequence _ (SequenceAttr aSizeAttr _) _ <- domainOf a
  520         aMaxSize <- case aSizeAttr of
  521                     SizeAttr_Size x -> return x
  522                     SizeAttr_MaxSize x -> return x
  523                     SizeAttr_MinMaxSize _ x -> return x
  524                     _ -> failDoc "rule_Substring maxSize"
  526         DomainSequence _ (SequenceAttr bSizeAttr _) _ <- domainOf b
  527         bMaxSize <- case bSizeAttr of
  528                     SizeAttr_Size x -> return x
  529                     SizeAttr_MaxSize x -> return x
  530                     SizeAttr_MinMaxSize _ x -> return x
  531                     _ -> failDoc "rule_Substring maxSize"
  533         let maxSize = [essence| max([&aMaxSize, &bMaxSize]) |]
  535         return
  536             ( "Horizontal rule for substring on 2 sequences"
  537             , do
  538                 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  539                 (jPat, j) <- quantifiedVar
  540                 return $ make opOr $ Comprehension
  541                         (make opAnd $ Comprehension
  542                             [essence| &j[2] = image(&b, &i + &j[1]) |]
  543                             [ Generator (GenInExpr jPat a)
  544                             ]
  545                         )
  546                         [ Generator (GenDomainNoRepr iPat $ mkDomainIntB 0 [essence| &maxSize - 1 |])]
  547             )
  548     theRule _ = na "rule_Substring"
  551 rule_Subsequence :: Rule
  552 rule_Subsequence = "subsequence" `namedRule` theRule where
  553     theRule [essence| &a subsequence &b |] = do
  554         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf a
  555         TypeSequence{} <- typeOf b
  557         DomainSequence _ (SequenceAttr aSizeAttr _) _ <- domainOf a
  558         aMaxSize <- case aSizeAttr of
  559                     SizeAttr_Size x -> return x
  560                     SizeAttr_MaxSize x -> return x
  561                     SizeAttr_MinMaxSize _ x -> return x
  562                     _ -> failDoc "rule_Subsequence maxSize"
  564         DomainSequence _ (SequenceAttr bSizeAttr _) _ <- domainOf b
  565         bMaxSize <- case bSizeAttr of
  566                     SizeAttr_Size x -> return x
  567                     SizeAttr_MaxSize x -> return x
  568                     SizeAttr_MinMaxSize _ x -> return x
  569                     _ -> failDoc "rule_Subsequence maxSize"
  571         -- for each value in a, find an index into b such that these indices are in increasing order
  572         -- when there are multiple mappings that produce the same "a" (i.e. when there are duplicates in b)
  573         -- this is does not functionally define the aux variable
  574         return
  575             ( "Horizontal rule for subsequence on 2 sequences"
  576             , do
  577                 (auxName, aux) <- auxiliaryVar
  578                 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  579                 return $ WithLocals
  580                         [essence|
  581                             and([ &i[2] = image(&b, image(&aux, &i[1]))
  582                                 | &iPat <- &a
  583                                 ])
  584                         |]
  585                         (AuxiliaryVars
  586                             [ Declaration (FindOrGiven LocalFind auxName
  587                                     (DomainSequence def (SequenceAttr aSizeAttr def) (mkDomainIntB 1 bMaxSize)))
  588                             , SuchThat
  589                                 [ [essence| and([ image(&aux, &i-1) < image(&aux, &i)
  590                                                 | &iPat : int(2..&aMaxSize)
  591                                                 , &i <= |&aux|
  592                                                 ])
  593                                   |]
  594                                 , [essence| |&a| = |&aux|
  595                                   |]
  596                                 ]
  597                             ])
  598             )
  599     theRule _ = na "rule_Subsequence"