never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
    3 module Conjure.Rules.Transform (rules_Transform) where
    5 import Conjure.Rules.Import
    6 import Conjure.Rules.Vertical.Variant (onTagged)
    8 rules_Transform :: [Rule]
    9 rules_Transform =
   10   [ rule_Transform_Sequence_Literal,
   11     rule_Transform_Functorially,
   12     rule_Transform_Comprehension,
   13     rule_Transform_Product_Types,
   14     rule_Transform_Matrix,
   15     rule_Transform_Partition,
   16     rule_Transform_Sequence,
   17     rule_Transform_Sequence_Defined,
   18     rule_Transformed_Indexing,
   19     rule_Lift_Transformed_Indexing,
   20     rule_Transform_Indexing,
   21     rule_Transform_Unifying,
   22     rule_Transform_Variant_Literal,
   23     rule_Transform_Variant_Eq,
   24     rule_Transform_Variant_Neq,
   25     rule_Transform_Variant_Lt,
   26     rule_Transform_Variant_Leq,
   27     rule_Transformed_Variant_Index,
   28     rule_Transformed_Variant_Active
   29   ]
   31 rule_Transform_Functorially :: Rule
   32 rule_Transform_Functorially = "transform-functorially" `namedRule` theRule
   33   where
   34     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
   35       (gocBefore, (pat, x), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \goc -> case goc of
   36         Generator (GenInExpr (Single pat) expr) ->
   37           return (pat, matchDefs [opToSet, opToMSet] expr)
   38         _ -> na "rule_Transform_Functorially"
   39       (morphism, y) <- match opTransform x
   40       ty <- typeOf y
   41       inn <- morphing =<< typeOf morphism
   42       if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in ty `containsTypeFunctorially` inn
   43         then
   44           return
   45             ( "Horizontal rule for transform of functorially",
   46               do
   47                 (dPat, d) <- quantifiedVar
   48                 return
   49                   ( Comprehension body
   50                       $ gocBefore
   51                       ++ [Generator (GenInExpr dPat y)]
   52                       ++ ( ( ComprehensionLetting
   53                                (Single pat)
   54                                [essence|
   55                               transform(&morphism, &d) |]
   56                            )
   57                              : gocAfter
   58                          )
   59                   )
   60             )
   61         else na "rule_Transform_Functorially"
   62     theRule _ = na "rule_Transform_Functorially"
   64 rule_Transform_Comprehension :: Rule
   65 rule_Transform_Comprehension = "transform-comprehension" `namedRule` theRule
   66   where
   67     theRule x = do
   68       (morphism, cmp@(Comprehension body gensOrConds)) <- match opTransform x
   69       ty <- typeOf cmp
   70       inn <- morphing =<< typeOf morphism
   71       if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in ty `containsType` inn
   72         then
   73           return
   74             ( "Horizontal rule for transform comprehension",
   75               do
   76                 gox <- sequence (transformOverGenOrCond morphism <$> gensOrConds)
   77                 return
   78                   $ Comprehension
   79                     [essence| transform(&morphism, &body) |]
   80                     (join gox)
   81             )
   82         else na "rule_Transform_Comprehension"
   83     transformOverGenOrCond m (Generator g) = transformOverGenerator m g
   84     transformOverGenOrCond m (Condition e) =
   85       return [Condition [essence| transform(&m,&e) |]]
   86     transformOverGenOrCond m (ComprehensionLetting pat e) =
   87       return [ComprehensionLetting pat [essence| transform(&m,&e) |]]
   89     transformOverGenerator m (GenDomainHasRepr a d) = do
   90       (Single nm, n) <- quantifiedVarOverDomain $ forgetRepr d
   91       return
   92         [ Generator (GenDomainHasRepr nm d),
   93           ComprehensionLetting (Single a) [essence| transform(&m, &n) |]
   94         ]
   95     transformOverGenerator m (GenInExpr a e) =
   96       return [Generator (GenInExpr a [essence| transform(&m,&e) |])]
   97     transformOverGenerator m (GenDomainNoRepr absPat d) = do
   98       (rPat, ns) <- clonePattern absPat
   99       return
  100         $ [Generator (GenDomainNoRepr rPat d)]
  101         ++ ( ( \(pat, exp) ->
  102                  ComprehensionLetting (Single pat) [essence| transform(&m,&exp) |]
  103              )
  104                <$> ns
  105            )
  107     clonePattern (Single name) = do
  108       (nPat, n) <- quantifiedVar
  109       return (nPat, [(name, n)])
  110     clonePattern (AbsPatTuple pats) = do
  111       rec <- sequence (clonePattern <$> pats)
  112       return
  113         ( AbsPatTuple $ fst <$> rec,
  114           join $ snd <$> rec
  115         )
  116     clonePattern (AbsPatMatrix pats) = do
  117       rec <- sequence (clonePattern <$> pats)
  118       return
  119         ( AbsPatMatrix $ fst <$> rec,
  120           join $ snd <$> rec
  121         )
  122     clonePattern (AbsPatSet pats) = do
  123       rec <- sequence (clonePattern <$> pats)
  124       return
  125         ( AbsPatSet $ fst <$> rec,
  126           join $ snd <$> rec
  127         )
  128     clonePattern _ =
  129       bug "rule_Transform_Comprehension: clonePattern: unsupported Abstract Pattern"
  131 rule_Transform_Product_Types :: Rule
  132 rule_Transform_Product_Types = "transform-product-types" `namedRule` theRule
  133   where
  134     theRule [essence| transform(&morphism, &i) |] = do
  135       inn <- morphing =<< typeOf morphism
  136       ti <- typeOf i
  137       if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in ti `containsProductType` inn
  138         then case ti of
  139           (TypeTuple tint) -> do
  140             let tupleIndexTransform indx =
  141                   let indexexpr = Constant (ConstantInt TagInt indx)
  142                    in [essence| transform(&morphism, &i[&indexexpr]) |]
  143                 tupleExpression =
  144                   AbstractLiteral
  145                     $ AbsLitTuple
  146                     $ (tupleIndexTransform <$> [1 .. (fromIntegral $ length tint)])
  147             return
  148               ( "Horizontal rule for transform of tuple",
  149                 return tupleExpression
  150               )
  151           (TypeRecord namet) -> do
  152             let recordIndexTransform indx =
  153                   let indexexpr =
  154                         Reference (fst indx)
  155                           $ Just
  156                           $ RecordField (fst indx) (snd indx)
  157                    in (fst indx, [essence| transform(&morphism, &i[&indexexpr]) |])
  158                 recordExpression =
  159                   AbstractLiteral
  160                     $ AbsLitRecord
  161                     $ (recordIndexTransform <$> namet)
  162             return
  163               ( "Horizontal rule for transform of record",
  164                 return recordExpression
  165               )
  166           _ -> bug "rule_Transform_Product_Types this is a bug"
  167         else na "rule_Transform_Product_Types"
  168     theRule _ = na "rule_Transform_Product_Types"
  170 rule_Transform_Matrix :: Rule
  171 rule_Transform_Matrix = "transform-matrix" `namedRule` theRule
  172   where
  173     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  174       (gocBefore, (pat, exp), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \goc -> case goc of
  175         Generator (GenInExpr (Single pat) expr) -> return (pat, expr)
  176         _ -> na "rule_Transform_Matrix"
  177       (morphism, matexp) <- match opTransform exp
  178       DomainMatrix domIndx _ <- domainOf matexp
  179       ty <- typeOf matexp
  180       inn <- morphing =<< typeOf morphism
  181       if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in ty `containsType` inn
  182         then
  183           return
  184             ( "Horizontal rule for transform matrix in comprehension generator",
  185               do
  186                 (dPat, d) <- quantifiedVar
  187                 (Single mName, m) <- quantifiedVar
  188                 (Single iName, i) <- quantifiedVar
  189                 return
  190                   ( Comprehension body
  191                       $ gocBefore
  192                       ++ [Generator (GenDomainNoRepr dPat (forgetRepr domIndx))]
  193                       ++ [ComprehensionLetting (Single iName) [essence| transform(&morphism, &d) |]]
  194                       ++ [ComprehensionLetting (Single mName) [essence| &matexp[&i] |]]
  195                       ++ [ComprehensionLetting (Single pat) [essence| transform(&morphism, &m) |]]
  196                       ++ gocAfter
  197                   )
  198             )
  199         else na "rule_Transform_Matrix"
  200     theRule _ = na "rule_Transform_Matrix"
  202 rule_Transform_Partition :: Rule
  203 rule_Transform_Partition = "transform-partition" `namedRule` theRule
  204   where
  205     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  206       (gocBefore, (pat, x), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \goc -> case goc of
  207         Generator (GenInExpr (Single pat) expr) -> return (pat, expr)
  208         _ -> na "rule_Transform_Partition"
  209       z <- match opParts x
  210       (morphism, y) <- match opTransform z
  211       ty <- typeOf y
  212       case ty of TypePartition {} -> return (); _ -> na "only applies to partitions"
  213       inn <- morphing =<< typeOf morphism
  214       if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in ty `containsType` inn
  215         then do
  216           return
  217             ( "Horizontal rule for transform of partition",
  218               do
  219                 (dPat, d) <- quantifiedVar
  220                 return
  221                   ( Comprehension body
  222                       $ gocBefore
  223                       ++ [Generator (GenInExpr dPat [essence| parts(&y) |])]
  224                       ++ ((ComprehensionLetting (Single pat) [essence| transform(&morphism, &d) |]) : gocAfter)
  225                   )
  226             )
  227         else na "rule_Transform_Partition"
  228     theRule _ = na "rule_Transform_Partition"
  230 rule_Transform_Sequence :: Rule
  231 rule_Transform_Sequence = "transform-sequence" `namedRule` theRule
  232   where
  233     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  234       (gocBefore, (pat, x), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \goc -> case goc of
  235         Generator (GenInExpr (Single pat) expr) ->
  236           return (pat, matchDefs [opToSet, opToMSet] expr)
  237         _ -> na "rule_Transform_Sequence"
  238       (morphism, y) <- match opTransform x
  239       ty <- typeOf y
  240       case ty of TypeSequence {} -> return (); _ -> na "only applies to sequences"
  241       inn <- morphing =<< typeOf morphism
  242       if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in ty `containsType` inn
  243         then do
  244           return
  245             ( "Horizontal rule for transform of sequence",
  246               do
  247                 (dPat, d) <- quantifiedVar
  248                 return
  249                   ( Comprehension body
  250                       $ gocBefore
  251                       ++ [Generator (GenInExpr dPat y)]
  252                       ++ ( ( ComprehensionLetting
  253                                (Single pat)
  254                                [essence|
  255                    (&d[1], transform(&morphism, &d[2])) |]
  256                            )
  257                              : gocAfter
  258                          )
  259                   )
  260             )
  261         else na "rule_Transform_Sequence"
  262     theRule _ = na "rule_Transform_Sequence"
  264 rule_Transform_Sequence_Defined :: Rule
  265 rule_Transform_Sequence_Defined = "transform-sequence-defined" `namedRule` theRule
  266   where
  267     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  268       (gocBefore, (pat, x), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \goc -> case goc of
  269         Generator (GenInExpr pat@Single {} expr) ->
  270           return (pat, matchDefs [opToSet, opToMSet] expr)
  271         _ -> na "rule_Transform_Sequence_Defined"
  272       defi <- match opDefined x
  273       (morphism, y) <- match opTransform defi
  274       ty <- typeOf y
  275       case ty of TypeSequence {} -> return (); _ -> na "only applies to sequences"
  276       inn <- morphing =<< typeOf morphism
  277       if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in ty `containsType` inn
  278         then do
  279           return
  280             ( "Horizontal rule for transform of sequence defined",
  281               do
  282                 return
  283                   ( Comprehension body
  284                       $ gocBefore
  285                       ++ [Generator (GenInExpr pat [essence| defined(&y) |])]
  286                       ++ gocAfter
  287                   )
  288             )
  289         else na "rule_Transform_Sequence_Defined"
  290     theRule _ = na "rule_Transform_Sequence_Defined"
  292 rule_Transformed_Indexing :: Rule
  293 rule_Transformed_Indexing = "transformed-indexing" `namedRule` theRule
  294   where
  295     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  296       (gocBefore, (pat, exp), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \goc -> case goc of
  297         Generator (GenInExpr (Single pat) expr) -> return (pat, expr)
  298         _ -> na "rule_Transformed_Indexing"
  299       (matexp, indexer) <- match opIndexing exp
  300       (morphism, mat) <- match opTransform matexp
  301       ty <- typeOf mat
  302       inn <- morphing =<< typeOf morphism
  303       if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in ty `containsType` inn
  304         then do
  305           return
  306             ( "Horizontal rule for transformed indexing",
  307               do
  308                 (Single mName, m) <- quantifiedVar
  309                 return
  310                   ( Comprehension body
  311                       $ gocBefore
  312                       ++ [ComprehensionLetting (Single mName) [essence| &matexp[&indexer] |]]
  313                       ++ [ComprehensionLetting (Single pat) [essence| transform(&morphism, &m) |]]
  314                       ++ gocAfter
  315                   )
  316             )
  317         else na "rule_Transformed_Indexing"
  318     theRule _ = na "rule_Transformed_Indexing"
  320 rule_Lift_Transformed_Indexing :: Rule
  321 rule_Lift_Transformed_Indexing = "lift-transformed-indexing" `namedRule` theRule
  322   where
  323     matchIndexing ::
  324       (?typeCheckerMode :: TypeCheckerMode) =>
  325       Expression ->
  326       Maybe (Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression)
  327     matchIndexing exp = do
  328       (matexp, indexer) <- match opIndexing exp
  329       (morphism, mat) <- match opTransform matexp
  330       return (exp, morphism, mat, indexer)
  332     liftIndexing (exp, morphism, mat, indexer) = do
  333       (Single nm, m) <- quantifiedVar
  334       return
  335         ( (exp, [essence| transform(&morphism, &m) |]),
  336           ComprehensionLetting (Single nm) [essence| &mat[&indexer] |]
  337         )
  339     transformBody bdy [] = bdy
  340     transformBody bdy ((orig, repl) : rest) =
  341       let nbdy =
  342             transformBi
  343               ( \e ->
  344                   if e == orig
  345                     then repl
  346                     else e
  347               )
  348               bdy
  349        in transformBody nbdy rest
  351     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  352       let matched = catMaybes [matchIndexing exp | exp <- universeBi body]
  353       case matched of
  354         [] -> na "rule_Lift_Transformed_Indexing: nothing to lift"
  355         _ -> do
  356           replacements <- sequence (liftIndexing <$> matched)
  357           return
  358             ( "Horizontal rule for lift transformed indexing",
  359               return
  360                 ( Comprehension (transformBody body (fst <$> replacements))
  361                     $ gensOrConds
  362                     ++ (snd <$> replacements)
  363                 )
  364             )
  365     theRule _ = na "rule_Lift_Transformed_Indexing"
  367 rule_Transform_Indexing :: Rule
  368 rule_Transform_Indexing = "transform-indexing" `namedRule` theRule
  369   where
  370     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
  371       (gocBefore, (pat, expr), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \goc -> case goc of
  372         Generator (GenInExpr pat expr) -> return (pat, expr)
  373         _ -> na "rule_Transform_Indexing"
  374       (morphism, matexp) <- match opTransform expr
  375       (mat, indexer) <- match opIndexing matexp
  376       ty <- typeOf mat
  377       inn <- morphing =<< typeOf morphism
  378       if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in ty `containsType` inn
  379         then do
  380           return
  381             ( "Horizontal rule for transform indexing",
  382               do
  383                 (Single mName, m) <- quantifiedVar
  384                 (Single iName, i) <- quantifiedVar
  385                 return
  386                   ( Comprehension body
  387                       $ gocBefore
  388                       ++ [ComprehensionLetting (Single iName) [essence| transform(&morphism, &indexer) |]]
  389                       ++ [ComprehensionLetting (Single mName) [essence| &mat[&i] |]]
  390                       ++ [Generator (GenInExpr pat [essence| transform(&morphism, &m) |])]
  391                       ++ gocAfter
  392                   )
  393             )
  394         else na "rule_Transform_Indexing"
  395     theRule _ = na "rule_Transform_Indexing"
  397 rule_Transform_Unifying :: Rule
  398 rule_Transform_Unifying = "transform-unifying" `namedRule` theRule
  399   where
  400     theRule [essence| transform(&morphism, &i) |] = do
  401       inner <- morphing =<< typeOf morphism
  402       typeI <- typeOf i
  403       if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in typesUnify [inner, typeI]
  404         then
  405           return
  406             ( "Horizontal rule for transform unifying",
  407               return [essence| image(&morphism, &i) |]
  408             )
  409         else
  410           if let ?typeCheckerMode = StronglyTyped in typeI `containsType` inner
  411             then na "rule_Transform_Unifying"
  412             else
  413               return
  414                 ( "Horizontal rule for transform shortcut",
  415                   return i
  416                 )
  417     theRule _ = na "rule_Transform_Unifying"
  419 rule_Transform_Sequence_Literal :: Rule
  420 rule_Transform_Sequence_Literal = "transform-sequence-literal" `namedRule` theRule
  421   where
  422     theRule p = do
  423       _ <- match opTransform p
  424       let (x, rx) = matchManyTransforms p
  425       TypeSequence {} <- typeOf x
  426       (_, as) <- match sequenceLiteral x
  427       return
  428         ( "Horizontal rule for transform sequence literal",
  429           return $ AbstractLiteral $ AbsLitSequence $ rx <$> as
  430         )
  432 rule_Transform_Variant_Literal :: Rule
  433 rule_Transform_Variant_Literal = "transform-variant-literal" `namedRule` theRule
  434   where
  435     theRule p = do
  436       _ <- match opTransform p
  437       let (x, rx) = matchManyTransforms p
  438       case x of
  439         AbstractLiteral (AbsLitVariant d n a) ->
  440           return
  441             ( "Horizontal rule for transform variant literal",
  442               return $ AbstractLiteral $ AbsLitVariant d n $ rx a
  443             )
  444         _ -> na "rule_Transform_Variant_Literal"
  446 atLeastOneTransform :: (MonadFailDoc m) => (Expression, Expression) -> m ()
  447 atLeastOneTransform (l, r) = do
  448   case (match opTransform l, match opTransform r) of
  449     (Nothing, Nothing) -> na "no transforms on either side"
  450     _ -> return ()
  452 matchManyTransforms ::
  453   Expression ->
  454   (Expression, Expression -> Expression)
  455 matchManyTransforms exp =
  456   case match opTransform exp of
  457     Nothing -> (exp, id)
  458     Just (morphism, so) ->
  459       let (nexp, ntrans) = matchManyTransforms so
  460        in ( nexp,
  461             \x -> let nx = ntrans x in [essence| transform(&morphism, &nx) |]
  462           )
  464 rule_Transform_Variant_Eq :: Rule
  465 rule_Transform_Variant_Eq = "transform-variant-eq" `namedRule` theRule
  466   where
  467     theRule p = do
  468       (l, r) <- match opEq p
  469       atLeastOneTransform (l, r)
  470       let (x, rx) = matchManyTransforms l
  471       let (y, ry) = matchManyTransforms r
  472       TypeVariant {} <- typeOf x
  473       TypeVariant {} <- typeOf y
  474       (xWhich : xs) <- downX1 x
  475       (yWhich : ys) <- downX1 y
  476       return
  477         ( "Vertical rule for right transformed variant equality",
  478           return
  479             $ make opAnd
  480             $ fromList
  481               [ [essence| &xWhich = &yWhich |],
  482                 onTagged (make opEq) xWhich (rx <$> xs) (ry <$> ys)
  483               ]
  484         )
  486 rule_Transform_Variant_Neq :: Rule
  487 rule_Transform_Variant_Neq = "transform-variant-neq" `namedRule` theRule
  488   where
  489     theRule p = do
  490       (l, r) <- match opNeq p
  491       atLeastOneTransform (l, r)
  492       let (x, rx) = matchManyTransforms l
  493       let (y, ry) = matchManyTransforms r
  494       TypeVariant {} <- typeOf x
  495       TypeVariant {} <- typeOf y
  496       (xWhich : xs) <- downX1 x
  497       (yWhich : ys) <- downX1 y
  498       return
  499         ( "Vertical rule for right transformed variant nequality",
  500           return
  501             $ make opOr
  502             $ fromList
  503               [ [essence| &xWhich != &yWhich |],
  504                 make opAnd
  505                   $ fromList
  506                     [ [essence| &xWhich = &yWhich |],
  507                       onTagged (make opNeq) xWhich (rx <$> xs) (ry <$> ys)
  508                     ]
  509               ]
  510         )
  512 rule_Transform_Variant_Lt :: Rule
  513 rule_Transform_Variant_Lt = "transform-variant-lt" `namedRule` theRule
  514   where
  515     theRule p = do
  516       (l, r) <- match opLt p
  517       atLeastOneTransform (l, r)
  518       let (x, rx) = matchManyTransforms l
  519       let (y, ry) = matchManyTransforms r
  520       TypeVariant {} <- typeOf x
  521       TypeVariant {} <- typeOf y
  522       (xWhich : xs) <- downX1 x
  523       (yWhich : ys) <- downX1 y
  524       return
  525         ( "Vertical rule for right transformed variant less than",
  526           return
  527             $ make opOr
  528             $ fromList
  529               [ [essence| &xWhich < &yWhich |],
  530                 make opAnd
  531                   $ fromList
  532                     [ [essence| &xWhich = &yWhich |],
  533                       onTagged (make opLt) xWhich (rx <$> xs) (ry <$> ys)
  534                     ]
  535               ]
  536         )
  538 rule_Transform_Variant_Leq :: Rule
  539 rule_Transform_Variant_Leq = "transform-variant-leq" `namedRule` theRule
  540   where
  541     theRule p = do
  542       (l, r) <- match opLeq p
  543       atLeastOneTransform (l, r)
  544       let (x, rx) = matchManyTransforms l
  545       let (y, ry) = matchManyTransforms r
  546       TypeVariant {} <- typeOf x
  547       TypeVariant {} <- typeOf y
  548       (xWhich : xs) <- downX1 x
  549       (yWhich : ys) <- downX1 y
  550       return
  551         ( "Vertical rule for right transformed variant less than eq",
  552           return
  553             $ make opOr
  554             $ fromList
  555               [ [essence| &xWhich < &yWhich |],
  556                 make opAnd
  557                   $ fromList
  558                     [ [essence| &xWhich = &yWhich |],
  559                       onTagged (make opLeq) xWhich (rx <$> xs) (ry <$> ys)
  560                     ]
  561               ]
  562         )
  564 rule_Transformed_Variant_Index :: Rule
  565 rule_Transformed_Variant_Index = "transformed-variant-index" `namedRule` theRule
  566   where
  567     theRule p = do
  568       (l, arg) <- match opIndexing p
  569       atLeastOneTransform (l, l)
  570       let (x, rx) = matchManyTransforms l
  571       TypeVariant ds <- typeOf x
  572       (xWhich : xs) <- downX1 x
  573       name <- nameOut arg
  574       argInt <-
  575         case elemIndex name (map fst ds) of
  576           Nothing -> failDoc "Variant indexing, not a member of the type."
  577           Just argInt -> return argInt
  578       return
  579         ( "Variant indexing on:" <+> pretty p,
  580           return
  581             $ WithLocals
  582               (rx (atNote "Variant indexing" xs argInt))
  583               ( DefinednessConstraints
  584                   [ [essence| &xWhich = &argInt2 |]
  585                     | let argInt2 = fromInt (fromIntegral (argInt + 1))
  586                   ]
  587               )
  588         )
  590 rule_Transformed_Variant_Active :: Rule
  591 rule_Transformed_Variant_Active = "transformed-variant-active" `namedRule` theRule
  592   where
  593     theRule p = do
  594       (l, name) <- match opActive p
  595       atLeastOneTransform (l, l)
  596       let (x, _) = matchManyTransforms l
  597       TypeVariant ds <- typeOf x
  598       (xWhich : _) <- downX1 x
  599       argInt <- case elemIndex name (map fst ds) of
  600         Nothing -> failDoc "Variant indexing, not a member of the type."
  601         Just argInt -> return $ fromInt $ fromIntegral $ argInt + 1
  602       return
  603         ( "Variant active on:" <+> pretty p,
  604           return $ [essence| &xWhich = &argInt |]
  605         )