never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
    3 module Conjure.Rules.Vertical.Function.Function1DPartial where
    5 import Conjure.Rules.Import
    8 rule_Comprehension :: Rule
    9 rule_Comprehension = "function-comprehension{Function1DPartial}" `namedRule` theRule where
   10     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
   11         (gocBefore, (pat, func), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of
   12             Generator (GenInExpr pat@Single{} expr) -> return (pat, matchDefs [opToSet,opToMSet,opToRelation] expr)
   13             _ -> na "rule_Comprehension"
   14         Function_1DPartial         <- representationOf func
   15         TypeFunction{ }            <- typeOf func
   16         DomainFunction _ _ index _ <- domainOf func
   17         [flags,values]             <- downX1 func
   18         let upd val old = lambdaToFunction pat old val
   19         return
   20             ( "Mapping over a function, Function1DPartial representation"
   21             , do
   22                 (jPat, j) <- quantifiedVar
   23                 let valuesIndexed = [essence| (&j, &values[&j]) |]
   24                 let flagsIndexed  = [essence|      &flags [&j]  |]
   25                 return $ Comprehension (upd valuesIndexed body)
   26                     $  gocBefore
   27                     ++ [ Generator (GenDomainNoRepr jPat (forgetRepr index))
   28                        , Condition [essence| &flagsIndexed |]
   29                        ]
   30                     ++ transformBi (upd valuesIndexed) gocAfter
   31             )
   32     theRule _ = na "rule_Comprehension"
   35 rule_PowerSet_Comprehension :: Rule
   36 rule_PowerSet_Comprehension = "function-powerSet-comprehension{Function1DPartial}" `namedRule` theRule where
   37     theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
   38         (gocBefore, (setPat, setPatNum, expr), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of
   39             Generator (GenInExpr setPat@(AbsPatSet pats) expr) -> return (setPat, length pats, expr)
   40             _ -> na "rule_PowerSet_Comprehension"
   41         func                       <- match opPowerSet expr
   42         TypeFunction{}             <- typeOf func
   43         Function_1DPartial         <- representationOf func
   44         DomainFunction _ _ index _ <- domainOf func
   45         [flags,values]             <- downX1 func
   46         let upd val old = lambdaToFunction setPat old val
   47         return
   48             ( "Vertical rule for set-comprehension, Explicit representation"
   49             , do
   50                 outPats <- replicateM setPatNum quantifiedVar
   51                 let val = AbstractLiteral $ AbsLitSet [ [essence| (&flags[&j], &values[&j]) |] | (_,j) <- outPats ]
   52                 return $ Comprehension (upd val body) $ concat
   53                         [ gocBefore
   54                         , concat
   55                             [ [ Generator (GenDomainNoRepr pat index) ]
   56                             | (pat,_) <- take 1 outPats
   57                             ]
   58                         , concat
   59                             [ [ Generator (GenDomainNoRepr pat index)
   60                               , Condition [essence| &patX > &beforeX |]
   61                               ]
   62                             | ((_, beforeX), (pat, patX)) <- zip outPats (tail outPats)
   63                             ]
   64                         , transformBi (upd val) gocAfter
   65                         ]
   66             )
   67     theRule _ = na "rule_PowerSet_Comprehension"
   70 rule_Image_NotABool :: Rule
   71 rule_Image_NotABool = "function-image{Function1DPartial}-not-a-bool" `namedRule` theRule where
   72     theRule [essence| image(&f,&x) |] = do
   73         Function_1DPartial  <- representationOf f
   74         TypeFunction _ tyTo <- typeOf f
   75         case tyTo of
   76             TypeBool -> na "function ? --> bool"
   77             _        -> return ()
   78         [flags,values] <- downX1 f
   79         return
   80             ( "Function image, Function1DPartial representation, not-a-bool"
   81             , return [essence| { &values[&x]
   82                                @ such that &flags[&x]
   83                                }
   84                              |]
   85             )
   86     theRule _ = na "rule_Image_NotABool"
   89 rule_Image_Bool :: Rule
   90 rule_Image_Bool = "function-image{Function1DPartial}-bool" `namedRule` theRule where
   91     theRule p = do
   92         let
   93             imageChild ch@[essence| image(&f,&x) |] = do
   94                 Function_1DPartial  <- representationOf f
   95                 TypeFunction _ tyTo <- typeOf f
   96                 case tyTo of
   97                     TypeBool -> do
   98                         [flags,values] <- downX1 f
   99                         tell $ return [essence| &flags[&x] |]
  100                         return [essence| { &values[&x] @ such that &flags[&x] } |]
  101                     _ -> return ch
  102             imageChild ch = return ch
  103         topMost <- asks isTopMostZ
  104         (p', flags) <-
  105             if topMost
  106                 then -- this term sits at the topmost level, requires special treatment
  107                     runWriterT (imageChild p)
  108                 else
  109                     runWriterT (descendM imageChild p)
  110         case flags of
  111             [] -> na "rule_Image_Bool"
  112             _  -> do
  113                 -- let flagsCombined = make opAnd $ fromList flags
  114                 return
  115                     ( "Function image, Function1DPartial representation, bool"
  116                     , return p'
  117                     )
  120 rule_InDefined :: Rule
  121 rule_InDefined = "function-in-defined{Function1DPartial}" `namedRule` theRule where
  122     theRule [essence| &x in defined(&f) |] = do
  123         TypeFunction{}      <- typeOf f
  124         Function_1DPartial  <- representationOf f
  125         [flags,_values]     <- downX1 f
  126         return
  127             ( "Function in defined, Function1DPartial representation"
  128             , return [essence| &flags[&x] |]
  129             )
  130     theRule _ = na "rule_InDefined"
  133 rule_DefinedEqDefined :: Rule
  134 rule_DefinedEqDefined = "set-subsetEq" `namedRule` theRule where
  135     theRule [essence| defined(&x) = defined(&y) |] = do
  136         TypeFunction{}     <- typeOf x
  137         Function_1DPartial <- representationOf x
  138         [xFlags,_]         <- downX1 x
  139         TypeFunction{}     <- typeOf y
  140         Function_1DPartial <- representationOf y
  141         [yFlags,_]         <- downX1 y
  142         DomainFunction _ _ xIndex _ <- domainOf x
  143         DomainFunction _ _ yIndex _ <- domainOf y
  144         unless (xIndex == yIndex) (na "rule_DefinedEqDefined")
  145         return
  146             ( "Horizontal rule for set subsetEq"
  147             , do
  148                  (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
  149                  return [essence| forAll &iPat : &xIndex . &xFlags[&i] = &yFlags[&i] |]
  150             )
  151     theRule _ = na "rule_DefinedEqDefined"