never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
    3 module Conjure.Rules.Vertical.Tuple where
    5 import Conjure.Rules.Import
    8 rule_Tuple_Eq :: Rule
    9 rule_Tuple_Eq = "tuple-eq" `namedRule` theRule where
   10     theRule p = do
   11         (x,y)       <- match opEq p
   12         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf x        -- TODO: check if x and y have the same arity
   13         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf y
   14         xs          <- downX1 x
   15         ys          <- downX1 y
   16         return
   17             ( "Horizontal rule for tuple equality"
   18             , return $ make opAnd $ fromList $ zipWith (make opEq) xs ys
   19             )
   22 rule_Tuple_Neq :: Rule
   23 rule_Tuple_Neq = "tuple-neq" `namedRule` theRule where
   24     theRule p = do
   25         (x,y)       <- match opNeq p
   26         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf x        -- TODO: check if x and y have the same arity
   27         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf y
   28         xs          <- downX1 x
   29         ys          <- downX1 y
   30         return
   31             ( "Horizontal rule for tuple !="
   32             , return $ make opNot $ make opAnd $ fromList $ zipWith (make opEq) xs ys
   33             )
   36 rule_Tuple_Lt :: Rule
   37 rule_Tuple_Lt = "tuple-Lt" `namedRule` theRule where
   38     theRule p = do
   39         (x,y)       <- match opLt p
   40         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf x        -- TODO: check if x and y have the same arity
   41         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf y
   42         xs          <- downX1 x
   43         ys          <- downX1 y
   44         return
   45             ( "Horizontal rule for tuple <"
   46             , return $ decomposeLexLt p xs ys
   47             )
   50 rule_Tuple_Leq :: Rule
   51 rule_Tuple_Leq = "tuple-Leq" `namedRule` theRule where
   52     theRule p = do
   53         (x,y)       <- match opLeq p
   54         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf x        -- TODO: check if x and y have the same arity
   55         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf y
   56         xs          <- downX1 x
   57         ys          <- downX1 y
   58         return
   59             ( "Horizontal rule for tuple <="
   60             , return $ decomposeLexLeq p xs ys
   61             )
   64 rule_Tuple_TildeLt :: Rule
   65 rule_Tuple_TildeLt = "tuple-TildeLt" `namedRule` theRule where
   66     theRule p = do
   67         (x,y)       <- match opTildeLt p
   68         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf x        -- TODO: check if x and y have the same arity
   69         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf y
   70         xs          <- downX1 x
   71         ys          <- downX1 y
   72         return
   73             ( "Horizontal rule for tuple .<"
   74             , return $ decomposeLexTildeLt p xs ys
   75             )
   78 rule_Tuple_TildeLeq :: Rule
   79 rule_Tuple_TildeLeq = "tuple-TildeLeq" `namedRule` theRule where
   80     theRule p = do
   81         (x,y)       <- match opTildeLeq p
   82         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf x        -- TODO: check if x and y have the same arity
   83         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf y
   84         xs          <- downX1 x
   85         ys          <- downX1 y
   86         return
   87             ( "Horizontal rule for tuple .<="
   88             , return $ decomposeLexTildeLeq p xs ys
   89             )
   92 decomposeLexLt :: Expression -> [Expression] -> [Expression] -> Expression
   93 decomposeLexLt p = unroll
   94     where
   95         unroll [a]    [b]    = [essence| &a < &b |]
   96         unroll (a:as) (b:bs) = let rest = unroll as bs
   97                                in  [essence| (&a < &b) \/ ((&a = &b) /\ &rest) |]
   98         unroll _ _ = bug ("arity mismatch in:" <+> pretty p)
  100 decomposeLexLeq :: Expression -> [Expression] -> [Expression] -> Expression
  101 decomposeLexLeq p = unroll
  102     where
  103         unroll [a]    [b]    = [essence| &a <= &b |]
  104         unroll (a:as) (b:bs) = let rest = unroll as bs
  105                                in  [essence| (&a < &b) \/ ((&a = &b) /\ &rest) |]
  106         unroll _ _ = bug ("arity mismatch in:" <+> pretty p)
  109 decomposeLexDotLt :: Expression -> [Expression] -> [Expression] -> Expression
  110 decomposeLexDotLt p = unroll
  111     where
  112         unroll [a]    [b]    = [essence| &a .< &b |]
  113         unroll (a:as) (b:bs) = let rest = unroll as bs
  114                                in  [essence| (&a .< &b) \/ ((&a = &b) /\ &rest) |]
  115         unroll _ _ = bug ("arity mismatch in:" <+> pretty p)
  117 decomposeLexDotLeq :: Expression -> [Expression] -> [Expression] -> Expression
  118 decomposeLexDotLeq p = unroll
  119     where
  120         unroll [a]    [b]    = [essence| &a .<= &b |]
  121         unroll (a:as) (b:bs) = let rest = unroll as bs
  122                                in  [essence| (&a .< &b) \/ ((&a = &b) /\ &rest) |]
  123         unroll _ _ = bug ("arity mismatch in:" <+> pretty p)
  126 decomposeLexTildeLt :: Expression -> [Expression] -> [Expression] -> Expression
  127 decomposeLexTildeLt p = unroll
  128     where
  129         unroll [a]    [b]    = [essence| &a ~< &b |]
  130         unroll (a:as) (b:bs) = let rest = unroll as bs
  131                                in  [essence| (&a ~< &b) \/ ((&a = &b) /\ &rest) |]
  132         unroll _ _ = bug ("arity mismatch in:" <+> pretty p)
  134 decomposeLexTildeLeq :: Expression -> [Expression] -> [Expression] -> Expression
  135 decomposeLexTildeLeq p = unroll
  136     where
  137         unroll [a]    [b]    = [essence| &a ~<= &b |]
  138         unroll (a:as) (b:bs) = let rest = unroll as bs
  139                                in  [essence| (&a ~< &b) \/ ((&a = &b) /\ &rest) |]
  140         unroll _ _ = bug ("arity mismatch in:" <+> pretty p)
  143 rule_Tuple_Index :: Rule
  144 rule_Tuple_Index = "tuple-index" `namedRule` theRule where
  145     theRule p = do
  146         (t,i)       <- match opIndexing p
  147         TypeTuple{} <- typeOf t
  148         iInt        <- match constantInt i
  149         ts          <- downX1 t
  150         return
  151             ( "Tuple indexing on:" <+> pretty p
  152             , return $ atNote "Tuple indexing" ts (fromInteger (iInt-1))
  153             )