never executed always true always false
1 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
3 module Conjure.UI.ParameterGenerator ( parameterGenerator ) where
5 import Conjure.Prelude
6 import Conjure.Bug
7 import Conjure.Language
8 import Conjure.Language.CategoryOf ( categoryOf, Category(..) )
9 import Conjure.Language.NameResolution ( resolveNames )
10 import Conjure.Language.Instantiate ( trySimplify )
11 import Conjure.Process.Enumerate ( EnumerateDomain )
12 import Conjure.Language.Expression.DomainSizeOf ( domainSizeOf )
14 -- text
15 import Data.Text ( pack )
18 -- | This doesn't do anything to do with correcting categories at the moment, it should.
19 -- An example:
20 -- given n : int(1..10)
21 -- given s : set (size n) of int(1..10)
22 -- Should output:
23 -- find n : int(1..10)
24 -- find s : set (minSize 1, maxSize 10) of int(1..10)
25 -- such that n = |s|
26 -- (Just dropping wrong category stuff from attribute list isn't acceptable, because mset.)
27 parameterGenerator ::
28 MonadLog m =>
29 MonadFailDoc m =>
30 MonadUserError m =>
31 EnumerateDomain m =>
32 NameGen m =>
33 (?typeCheckerMode :: TypeCheckerMode) =>
34 Integer -> -- MININT
35 Integer -> -- MAXINT
36 Model -> m ( ( Model -- generator model
37 , Model ) -- repair model
38 , [(Name, String)] -- classification for each given
39 )
40 parameterGenerator minIntValue maxIntValue model =
41 runStateAsWriterT $ runNameGen () (resolveNames model) >>= core >>= evaluateBounds2
42 where
43 core m = do
44 out <- forM (mStatements m) $ \ st -> case st of
45 Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nm dom) -> do
46 (dom', genDecls, genCons, repairCons) <- pgOnDomain (Reference nm Nothing) nm dom
47 let repairDecls = [ Declaration (FindOrGiven Find ("repaired_" `mappend` genDeclNm) genDeclDom)
48 | Declaration (FindOrGiven Given genDeclNm genDeclDom) <- genDecls
49 ]
50 let repairObjectiveParts =
51 [ [essence| |&b-&a| |]
52 | Declaration (FindOrGiven Given genDeclNm _) <- genDecls
53 , let a = Reference genDeclNm Nothing
54 , let b = Reference ("repaired_" `mappend` genDeclNm) Nothing
55 ]
56 let prependRepair (Reference n _) = Reference ("repaired_" `mappend` n) Nothing
57 prependRepair x = x
58 return ( genDecls
59 ++ [ Declaration (FindOrGiven Find nm dom') ]
60 ++ [ SuchThat genCons | not (null genCons) ]
61 , genDecls
62 ++ repairDecls
63 ++ [SuchThat (map (transform prependRepair) repairCons) | not (null repairCons)]
64 , repairObjectiveParts
65 )
66 Declaration (FindOrGiven Find _ _ ) -> return ([], [], [])
67 Declaration (Letting _ _) -> return ([st], [], [])
68 Declaration {} -> return ([st], [], [])
69 SearchOrder {} -> return ([], [], [])
70 SearchHeuristic {} -> return ([], [], [])
71 Where xs -> do
72 xs' <- mapM (transformM fixQuantified) xs
73 return ([SuchThat xs'], [], [])
74 Objective {} -> return ([], [], [])
75 SuchThat {} -> return ([], [], [])
77 let (generatorStmts, repairStmts, repairObjectiveParts) = mconcat out
79 return ( m { mStatements = generatorStmts }
80 , m { mStatements = repairStmts
81 ++ [Objective Minimising (make opSum (fromList repairObjectiveParts))] }
82 )
84 evaluateBounds2 (m1, m2) = do
85 m1' <- evaluateBounds m1
86 m2' <- evaluateBounds m2
87 return (inlineLettings m1', inlineLettings m2')
89 evaluateBounds m = do
90 let symbols = [("MININT", fromInt minIntValue), ("MAXINT", fromInt maxIntValue)]
91 let eval = transformBiM (trySimplify symbols)
92 stmtsEvaluated <- mapM eval (mStatements m)
93 return m { mStatements = stmtsEvaluated }
96 inlineLettings :: Model -> Model
97 inlineLettings model =
98 let
99 inline p@(Reference nm _) = do
100 x <- gets (lookup nm)
101 return (fromMaybe p x)
102 inline p = return p
104 statements = catMaybes
105 $ flip evalState []
106 $ forM (mStatements model)
107 $ \ st ->
108 case st of
109 Declaration (Letting nm x) -> modify ((nm,x) :) >> return Nothing
110 _ -> Just <$> transformBiM inline st
111 in
112 model { mStatements = statements }
115 fixQuantified ::
116 MonadUserError m =>
117 NameGen m =>
118 Expression ->
119 m Expression
120 fixQuantified (Comprehension body gocs) = do
121 gocs' <- forM gocs $ \ goc -> case goc of
122 Generator (GenDomainNoRepr (Single pat) domain) -> do
123 let go x d =
124 case d of
125 DomainInt t ranges -> do
126 boundsAndCons <- forM ranges $ \ range ->
127 case range of
128 RangeSingle s -> do
129 (fr', frCons) <-
130 if categoryOf s < CatParameter
131 then return (s, [])
132 else do
133 bound <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr s
134 return (bound, return [essence| &x = &s |])
135 (to', _) <-
136 if categoryOf s < CatParameter
137 then return (s, [])
138 else do
139 bound <- upperBoundOfIntExpr s
140 return (bound, [])
141 return ([fr'], [to'], frCons)
142 RangeBounded fr to -> do
143 (fr', frCons) <-
144 if categoryOf fr < CatParameter
145 then return (fr, [])
146 else do
147 bound <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr fr
148 return (bound, return [essence| &x >= &fr |])
149 (to', toCons) <-
150 if categoryOf to < CatParameter
151 then return (to, [])
152 else do
153 bound <- upperBoundOfIntExpr to
154 return (bound, return [essence| &x <= &to |])
155 return ([fr'], [to'], frCons ++ toCons)
156 _ -> userErr1 $ vcat [ "Open ranges are not supported:" <+> pretty range
157 , "In domain:" <+> pretty d
158 ]
159 let (froms, tos, cons) = mconcat boundsAndCons
160 let fr' = make opMin $ fromList froms
161 let to' = make opMax $ fromList tos
162 return (DomainInt t [RangeBounded fr' to'], cons)
163 DomainFunction r attr innerFr innerTo -> do
164 (jPat, j) <- quantifiedVar
165 (innerFr', consFr) <- go [essence| &j[1] |] innerFr
166 (innerTo', consTo) <- go [essence| &j[2] |] innerTo
167 let innerCons = make opAnd $ fromList $ consFr ++ consTo
168 return ( DomainFunction r attr innerFr' innerTo'
169 , return [essence| forAll &jPat in &x . &innerCons |]
170 )
171 _ -> return (d, [])
173 let patX = Reference pat Nothing
174 (dom', cons) <- go patX (expandDomainReference domain)
175 return $ [Generator (GenDomainNoRepr (Single pat) dom')]
176 ++ map Condition cons
177 _ -> return [goc]
178 return (Comprehension body (concat gocs'))
179 fixQuantified x = return x
182 pgOnDomain ::
183 MonadUserError m =>
184 NameGen m =>
185 MonadState [(Name, String)] m =>
186 Expression -> -- how do we refer to this top level variable
187 Name -> -- its name
188 Domain () Expression -> -- its domain
189 m ( Domain () Expression -- its modified domain for the find version
190 , [Statement] -- statements that define the necessary givens
191 , [Expression] -- constraints for the generator model
192 , [Expression] -- constraints for the repair model
193 )
194 pgOnDomain x nm (expandDomainReference -> dom) =
196 case dom of
198 DomainBool -> return4 dom [] [] []
200 DomainInt t _ -> do
201 lbX <- minOfIntDomain dom
202 ubX <- maxOfIntDomain dom
203 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr lbX
204 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr ubX
206 let nmMin = nm `mappend` "_min"
207 sawTell [(nmMin, "i")]
208 let rmin = Reference nmMin Nothing
210 let nmMax = nm `mappend` "_max"
211 sawTell [(nmMax, "i")]
212 let rmax = Reference nmMax Nothing
214 return4
215 (DomainInt t [RangeBounded lb ub])
216 [ Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmMin
217 (DomainInt t [RangeBounded lb ub]))
218 , Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmMax
219 -- (DomainInt t [RangeBounded 0 [essence| min([5, (&ub - &lb) / 2]) |]]))
220 (DomainInt t [RangeBounded lb ub]))
221 ]
222 ( [ [essence| &x >= &rmin |]
223 , [essence| &x <= &rmax |]
224 ] ++
225 [ [essence| &x >= &lbX |]
226 | lb /= lbX
227 ] ++
228 [ [essence| &x <= &ubX |]
229 | ub /= ubX
230 ] )
231 ( [ [essence| &rmin <= &rmax |]
232 ] )
234 DomainRecord ds -> do
235 inners <- forM ds $ \ (nmRec, domRec) -> do
236 let iE = Reference nmRec Nothing
237 let ref = [essence| &x[&iE] |]
238 pgOnDomain ref (nm `mappend` (Name $ pack $ "_" ++ show (pretty nmRec))) domRec
239 return4
240 (DomainRecord (zip (map fst ds) (map fst4 inners)))
241 (concatMap snd4 inners)
242 (concatMap thd4 inners)
243 (concatMap fourth4 inners)
245 DomainTuple ds -> do
246 inners <- forM (zip [1..] ds) $ \ (i, d) -> do
247 let iE = fromInt i
248 let ref = [essence| &x[&iE] |]
249 pgOnDomain ref (nm `mappend` (Name $ pack $ "_tuple" ++ show i)) d
250 return4
251 (DomainTuple (map fst4 inners))
252 (concatMap snd4 inners)
253 (concatMap thd4 inners)
254 (concatMap fourth4 inners)
256 DomainMatrix indexDomain innerDomain | categoryOf indexDomain <= CatConstant -> do
257 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
258 let liftCons c = [essence| forAll &iPat : &indexDomain . &c |]
259 let ref = [essence| &x[&i] |]
260 (innerDomain', declInner, consInner, repairStmts) <- pgOnDomain ref (nm `mappend` "_inner") innerDomain
261 return4
262 (DomainMatrix indexDomain innerDomain')
263 declInner
264 (map liftCons consInner)
265 repairStmts
267 DomainSequence r attr innerDomain -> do
269 let nmCardMin = nm `mappend` "_cardMin"
270 sawTell [(nmCardMin, "i")]
271 let cardMin = Reference nmCardMin Nothing
273 let nmCardMax = nm `mappend` "_cardMax"
274 sawTell [(nmCardMax, "i")]
275 let cardMax = Reference nmCardMax Nothing
277 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
278 let liftCons c = [essence| forAll &iPat in &x . &c |]
279 (domInner, declInner, consInner, repairStmts) <- pgOnDomain [essence| &i[2] |] (nm `mappend` "_inner") innerDomain
281 (attrOut, sizeLb, sizeUb, cardDomain) <-
282 case attr of
283 SequenceAttr size jectivity -> do
284 (sizeOut, lb, ub, cardDomain) <-
285 case size of
286 SizeAttr_None ->
287 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize maxInt, Nothing, Nothing
288 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded minInt maxInt]
289 )
290 SizeAttr_Size a -> do
291 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
292 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
293 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb ub, Just a, Just a
294 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb ub]
295 )
296 SizeAttr_MinSize a -> do
297 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
298 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb maxInt, Just a, Nothing
299 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb maxInt]
300 )
301 SizeAttr_MaxSize a -> do
302 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
303 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize ub, Nothing, Just a
304 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 0 ub]
305 )
306 SizeAttr_MinMaxSize a b -> do
307 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
308 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr b
309 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb ub, Just a, Just b
310 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb ub]
311 )
312 return (SequenceAttr sizeOut jectivity, lb, ub, cardDomain)
314 let
315 newDecl =
316 [ Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmCardMin cardDomain)
317 , Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmCardMax cardDomain)
318 ]
320 let
321 cardinalityCons = return $ return
322 [essence|
323 |&x| >= &cardMin /\
324 |&x| <= &cardMax
325 |]
327 sizeLbCons =
328 case sizeLb of
329 Nothing -> return []
330 Just bound -> return $ return [essence| |&x| >= &bound |]
332 sizeUbCons =
333 case sizeUb of
334 Nothing -> return []
335 Just bound -> return $ return [essence| |&x| <= &bound |]
337 newCons <- concat <$> sequence [cardinalityCons, sizeLbCons, sizeUbCons]
339 return4
340 (DomainSequence r attrOut domInner)
341 (newDecl ++ declInner)
342 (newCons ++ map liftCons consInner)
343 repairStmts
345 DomainSet r attr innerDomain -> do
347 let nmCardMin = nm `mappend` "_cardMin"
348 sawTell [(nmCardMin, "i")]
349 let cardMin = Reference nmCardMin Nothing
351 let nmCardMax = nm `mappend` "_cardMax"
352 sawTell [(nmCardMax, "i")]
353 let cardMax = Reference nmCardMax Nothing
355 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
356 let liftCons c = [essence| forAll &iPat in &x . &c |]
357 (domInner, declInner, consInner, repairStmts) <- pgOnDomain i (nm `mappend` "_inner") innerDomain
359 (attrOut, sizeLb, sizeUb, cardDomain) <-
360 case attr of
361 SetAttr size -> do
362 (sizeOut, lb, ub, cardDomain) <-
363 case size of
364 SizeAttr_None ->
365 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize maxInt, Nothing, Nothing
366 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded minInt maxInt]
367 )
368 SizeAttr_Size a -> do
369 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
370 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
371 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb ub, Just a, Just a
372 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb ub]
373 )
374 SizeAttr_MinSize a -> do
375 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
376 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb maxInt, Just a, Nothing
377 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb maxInt]
378 )
379 SizeAttr_MaxSize a -> do
380 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
381 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize ub, Nothing, Just a
382 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 0 ub]
383 )
384 SizeAttr_MinMaxSize a b -> do
385 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
386 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr b
387 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb ub, Just a, Just b
388 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb ub]
389 )
390 return (SetAttr sizeOut, lb, ub, cardDomain)
392 let
393 newDecl =
394 [ Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmCardMin cardDomain)
395 , Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmCardMax cardDomain)
396 ]
398 let
399 cardinalityCons = return $ return
400 [essence|
401 |&x| >= &cardMin /\
402 |&x| <= &cardMax
403 |]
405 sizeLbCons =
406 case sizeLb of
407 Nothing -> return []
408 Just bound -> return $ return [essence| |&x| >= &bound |]
410 sizeUbCons =
411 case sizeUb of
412 Nothing -> return []
413 Just bound -> return $ return [essence| |&x| <= &bound |]
415 newCons <- concat <$> sequence [cardinalityCons, sizeLbCons, sizeUbCons]
417 return4
418 (DomainSet r attrOut domInner)
419 (newDecl ++ declInner)
420 (newCons ++ map liftCons consInner)
421 repairStmts
423 DomainMSet r attr innerDomain -> do
425 let nmCardMin = nm `mappend` "_cardMin"
426 sawTell [(nmCardMin, "i")]
427 let cardMin = Reference nmCardMin Nothing
429 let nmCardMax = nm `mappend` "_cardMax"
430 sawTell [(nmCardMax, "i")]
431 let cardMax = Reference nmCardMax Nothing
433 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
434 let liftCons c = [essence| forAll &iPat in &x . &c |]
435 (domInner, declInner, consInner, repairStmts) <- pgOnDomain i (nm `mappend` "_inner") innerDomain
437 (attrOut, sizeLb, sizeUb, cardDomain, occurLb, occurUb) <-
438 case attr of
439 MSetAttr sizeAttr occurAttr -> do
440 (sizeAttrOut, sizeLb, sizeUb, cardDomain) <-
441 case sizeAttr of
442 SizeAttr_None ->
443 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize maxInt, Nothing, Nothing
444 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded minInt maxInt]
445 )
446 SizeAttr_Size a -> do
447 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
448 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
449 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb ub, Just a, Just a
450 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb ub]
451 )
452 SizeAttr_MinSize a -> do
453 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
454 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb maxInt, Just a, Nothing
455 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb maxInt]
456 )
457 SizeAttr_MaxSize a -> do
458 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
459 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize ub, Nothing, Just a
460 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 0 ub]
461 )
462 SizeAttr_MinMaxSize a b -> do
463 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
464 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr b
465 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb ub, Just a, Just b
466 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb ub]
467 )
468 (occurAttrOut, occurLb, occurUb) <-
469 case occurAttr of
470 OccurAttr_None ->
471 return (OccurAttr_MaxOccur maxInt, Nothing, Nothing)
472 OccurAttr_MinOccur a -> do
473 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
474 return (OccurAttr_MinMaxOccur lb maxInt, Just a, Nothing)
475 OccurAttr_MaxOccur a -> do
476 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
477 return (OccurAttr_MaxOccur ub, Nothing, Just a)
478 OccurAttr_MinMaxOccur a b -> do
479 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
480 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr b
481 return (OccurAttr_MinMaxOccur lb ub, Just a, Just b)
482 return (MSetAttr sizeAttrOut occurAttrOut, sizeLb, sizeUb, cardDomain, occurLb, occurUb)
484 let
485 newDecl =
486 [ Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmCardMin cardDomain)
487 , Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmCardMax cardDomain)
488 ]
490 let
491 cardinalityCons = return $ return
492 [essence|
493 |&x| >= &cardMin /\
494 |&x| <= &cardMax
495 |]
497 sizeLbCons =
498 case sizeLb of
499 Nothing -> return []
500 Just bound -> return $ return [essence| |&x| >= &bound |]
502 sizeUbCons =
503 case sizeUb of
504 Nothing -> return []
505 Just bound -> return $ return [essence| |&x| <= &bound |]
507 occurLbCons =
508 case occurLb of
509 Nothing -> return []
510 Just bound -> return $ return $ liftCons [essence| freq(&x, &i) >= &bound |]
512 occurUbCons =
513 case occurUb of
514 Nothing -> return []
515 Just bound -> return $ return $ liftCons [essence| freq(&x, &i) <= &bound |]
517 newCons <- concat <$> sequence [cardinalityCons, sizeLbCons, sizeUbCons, occurLbCons, occurUbCons]
519 return4
520 (DomainMSet r attrOut domInner)
521 (newDecl ++ declInner)
522 (newCons ++ map liftCons consInner)
523 repairStmts
525 DomainFunction r attr innerDomainFr innerDomainTo -> do
527 let nmCardMin = nm `mappend` "_cardMin"
528 sawTell [(nmCardMin, "i")]
529 let cardMin = Reference nmCardMin Nothing
531 let nmCardMax = nm `mappend` "_cardMax"
532 sawTell [(nmCardMax, "i")]
533 let cardMax = Reference nmCardMax Nothing
535 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
536 let liftCons c = [essence| forAll &iPat in &x . &c |]
537 (domFr, declFr, consFr, repairStmtsFr) <- pgOnDomain [essence| &i[1] |] (nm `mappend` "_defined") innerDomainFr
538 (domTo, declTo, consTo, repairStmtsTo) <- pgOnDomain [essence| &i[2] |] (nm `mappend` "_range") innerDomainTo
540 -- drop total, post constraint instead
541 (attrOut, sizeLb, sizeUb, cardDomain) <-
542 case attr of
543 FunctionAttr size PartialityAttr_Partial jectivity -> do
544 (sizeOut, lb, ub, cardDomain) <-
545 case size of
546 SizeAttr_None -> do
547 mdomSize <- runExceptT $ domainSizeOf innerDomainFr
548 case mdomSize of
549 Left{} ->
550 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize maxInt, Nothing, Nothing
551 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded minInt maxInt]
552 )
553 Right domSize -> do
554 domSizeUpp <- upperBoundOfIntExpr domSize
555 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize maxInt, Nothing, Nothing
556 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 0 domSizeUpp]
557 )
558 SizeAttr_Size a -> do
559 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
560 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
561 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb ub, Just a, Just a
562 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb ub]
563 )
564 SizeAttr_MinSize a -> do
565 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
566 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb maxInt, Just a, Nothing
567 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb maxInt]
568 )
569 SizeAttr_MaxSize a -> do
570 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
571 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize ub, Nothing, Just a
572 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 0 ub]
573 )
574 SizeAttr_MinMaxSize a b -> do
575 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
576 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr b
577 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb ub, Just a, Just b
578 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb ub]
579 )
580 return (FunctionAttr sizeOut PartialityAttr_Partial jectivity, lb, ub, cardDomain)
581 FunctionAttr _size PartialityAttr_Total jectivity -> do
582 return (FunctionAttr SizeAttr_None PartialityAttr_Partial jectivity, Nothing, Nothing, bug "cardDomain not needed")
584 let isTotal = case attr of
585 FunctionAttr _ PartialityAttr_Total _ -> True
586 _ -> False
587 isPartial = not isTotal
589 let
590 newDecl | isTotal = []
591 | otherwise =
592 [ Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmCardMin cardDomain)
593 , Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmCardMax cardDomain)
594 ]
596 let
597 cardinalityCons | isTotal = return []
598 | otherwise = return $ return
599 [essence|
600 |&x| >= &cardMin /\
601 |&x| <= &cardMax
602 |]
604 totalityCons | isPartial = return []
605 | otherwise = do
607 let
608 go d = case d of
609 DomainInt{} -> do
610 dMin <- minOfIntDomain d
611 dMax <- maxOfIntDomain d
612 return (\ k -> [essence| (&k >= &dMin /\ &k <= &dMax) |] )
613 DomainTuple ds -> do
614 makers <- mapM go ds
615 return $ \ k -> make opAnd $ fromList
616 [ mk [essence| &k[&nExpr] |]
617 | (mk, n) <- zip makers [1..]
618 , let nExpr = fromInt n
619 ]
620 DomainSet _ _ inner -> do
621 (jPat, j) <- quantifiedVar
622 maker <- go inner
623 let innerCons = maker j
624 return $ \ k -> [essence| forAll &jPat in &k . &innerCons |]
625 DomainMSet _ _ inner -> do
626 (jPat, j) <- quantifiedVar
627 maker <- go inner
628 let innerCons = maker j
629 return $ \ k -> [essence| forAll &jPat in &k . &innerCons |]
630 _ -> bug $ "Unhandled domain (in function defined):" <+> vcat [pretty d, pretty (show d)]
632 mkCondition <- go innerDomainFr
634 let iCondition = mkCondition i
636 return $ return [essence|
637 forAll &iPat : &domFr .
638 &iCondition
639 <->
640 &i in defined(&x)
641 |]
643 sizeLbCons =
644 case sizeLb of
645 Nothing -> return []
646 Just bound -> return $ return [essence| |&x| >= &bound |]
648 sizeUbCons =
649 case sizeUb of
650 Nothing -> return []
651 Just bound -> return $ return [essence| |&x| <= &bound |]
653 -- only for bool domains (innerDomainTo)
654 let nmPercentageMax = nm `mappend` "_percentage_max"
655 let nmPercentageMin = nm `mappend` "_percentage_min"
656 let refPercentageMax = Reference nmPercentageMax Nothing
657 let refPercentageMin = Reference nmPercentageMin Nothing
658 sawTell [(nmPercentageMax, "i")]
659 sawTell [(nmPercentageMin, "i")]
661 let isToBool = case innerDomainTo of
662 DomainBool -> True
663 _ -> False
665 let declToBool =
666 [ Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmPercentageMin (DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 0 100]))
667 , Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmPercentageMax (DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 0 100]))
668 ]
669 let consToBool = make opAnd $ fromList
670 [ [essence| sum([ toInt(&i[2]) | &iPat <- &x ]) <= &refPercentageMax * |defined(&x)| / 100 |]
671 , [essence| sum([ toInt(&i[2]) | &iPat <- &x ]) >= &refPercentageMin * |defined(&x)| / 100 |]
672 ]
674 newCons <- concat <$> sequence [cardinalityCons, totalityCons, sizeLbCons, sizeUbCons]
675 let innerCons = concat $ concat
676 [ [consFr | isPartial ] -- only if the function is not total
677 , [consTo]
678 ]
680 let
681 appendToReferences suffix (Reference n _) = Reference (n `mappend` suffix) Nothing
682 appendToReferences _ n = n
684 let
686 definedBoundCons n d =
687 case d of
688 DomainInt{} -> do
689 let
690 defined_max = Reference (n `mappend` "_max") Nothing
691 defined_min = Reference (n `mappend` "_min") Nothing
692 defined_maxBound <- transform (appendToReferences "_max") <$> maxOfIntDomain d
693 defined_minBound <- transform (appendToReferences "_min") <$> minOfIntDomain d
694 return [ [essence| &defined_min >= &defined_minBound |]
695 , [essence| &defined_max <= &defined_maxBound |]
696 ]
697 DomainTuple ds ->
698 concatForM (zip allNats ds) $ \ (n', d') ->
699 definedBoundCons
700 (mconcat [n, "_tuple", Name (stringToText $ show n')])
701 d'
702 _ -> return []
704 definedGtCard =
705 case innerDomainFr of
706 DomainTuple ds ->
707 let
708 defined_min n =
709 Reference
710 (mconcat [nm, "_defined_tuple", Name (stringToText $ show n), "_min"])
711 Nothing
712 defined_max n =
713 Reference
714 (mconcat [nm, "_defined_tuple", Name (stringToText $ show n), "_max"])
715 Nothing
716 one n = let minn = defined_min n
717 maxn = defined_max n
718 in [essence| &maxn - &minn + 1 |]
719 multiplied = make opProduct $ fromList $ map one [1..length ds]
720 in
721 [essence| &multiplied >= &cardMax |]
722 _ ->
723 let
724 defined_max = Reference (nm `mappend` "_defined_max") Nothing
725 defined_min = Reference (nm `mappend` "_defined_min") Nothing
726 in
727 [essence| &defined_max - &defined_min + 1 >= &cardMax |]
729 definedBoundCons' <- definedBoundCons (nm `mappend` "_defined") innerDomainFr
731 let repairCons = [ [essence| &cardMin <= &cardMax |] | isPartial ]
732 ++ [ definedGtCard | isPartial ]
733 ++ concat [ definedBoundCons' | isPartial ]
734 ++ [ [essence| &refPercentageMax >= &refPercentageMin |] | isToBool ]
736 return4
737 (DomainFunction r attrOut domFr domTo)
738 (newDecl ++ concat [ declFr | isPartial ] ++ declTo ++ concat [ declToBool | isToBool ])
739 (newCons ++ map liftCons innerCons ++ concat [[consToBool] | isToBool ])
740 (repairCons ++ concat [ repairStmtsFr | isPartial ] ++ repairStmtsTo)
742 DomainRelation r attr innerDomains -> do
744 let nmCardMin = nm `mappend` "_cardMin"
745 sawTell [(nmCardMin, "i")]
746 let cardMin = Reference nmCardMin Nothing
748 let nmCardMax = nm `mappend` "_cardMax"
749 sawTell [(nmCardMax, "i")]
750 let cardMax = Reference nmCardMax Nothing
752 (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar
753 let liftCons c = [essence| forAll &iPat in &x . &c |]
755 inners <- forM (zip [1..] innerDomains) $ \ (n, d) -> do
756 let nE = fromInt n
757 let ref = [essence| &i[&nE] |]
758 (d', decl, cons, repairStmts) <- pgOnDomain ref (nm `mappend` (Name $ pack $ "_relation" ++ show n)) d
759 return (d', decl, map liftCons cons, repairStmts)
761 let maxIntN = maxIntTimes (genericLength innerDomains)
763 (attrOut, sizeLb, sizeUb, cardDomain) <-
764 case attr of
765 RelationAttr size binRelAttr -> do
766 (sizeOut, lb, ub, cardDomain) <-
767 case size of
768 SizeAttr_None ->
769 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize maxIntN, Nothing, Nothing
770 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded minInt maxIntN]
771 )
772 SizeAttr_Size a -> do
773 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
774 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
775 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb ub, Just a, Just a
776 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb ub]
777 )
778 SizeAttr_MinSize a -> do
779 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
780 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb maxIntN, Just a, Nothing
781 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb maxIntN]
782 )
783 SizeAttr_MaxSize a -> do
784 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
785 return ( SizeAttr_MaxSize ub, Nothing, Just a
786 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 0 ub]
787 )
788 SizeAttr_MinMaxSize a b -> do
789 lb <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
790 ub <- upperBoundOfIntExpr b
791 return ( SizeAttr_MinMaxSize lb ub, Just a, Just b
792 , DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded lb ub]
793 )
794 return (RelationAttr sizeOut binRelAttr, lb, ub, cardDomain)
796 let
797 newDecl =
798 [ Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmCardMin cardDomain)
799 , Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nmCardMax cardDomain)
800 ]
802 let
803 cardinalityCons = return $ return
804 [essence|
805 |&x| >= &cardMin /\
806 |&x| <= &cardMax
807 |]
809 sizeLbCons =
810 case sizeLb of
811 Nothing -> return []
812 Just bound -> return $ return [essence| |&x| >= &bound |]
814 sizeUbCons =
815 case sizeUb of
816 Nothing -> return []
817 Just bound -> return $ return [essence| |&x| <= &bound |]
819 newCons <- concat <$> sequence [cardinalityCons, sizeLbCons, sizeUbCons]
821 return4
822 (DomainRelation r attrOut (map fst4 inners))
823 (newDecl ++ concatMap snd4 inners)
824 (newCons ++ concatMap thd4 inners)
825 (concatMap fourth4 inners)
827 _ -> userErr1 $ "Unhandled domain:" <++> vcat [ pretty dom
828 , pretty (show dom)
829 ]
832 -- helper functions
834 return4 :: Monad m => a -> b -> c -> d -> m (a,b,c,d)
835 return4 x y z w = return (x,y,z,w)
837 minInt :: Expression
838 minInt = Reference "MININT" Nothing
840 maxInt :: Expression
841 maxInt = Reference "MAXINT" Nothing
843 maxIntTimes :: Integer -> Expression
844 maxIntTimes n = let m = fromInt n in [essence| &maxInt ** &m |]
847 minOfIntDomain :: MonadUserError m => Domain () Expression -> m Expression
848 minOfIntDomain (DomainInt _ rs) = do
849 xs <- sortNub <$> mapM minOfIntRange rs
850 case xs of
851 [] -> return minInt
852 [x] -> return x
853 _ -> return $ make opMin $ fromList xs
854 minOfIntDomain d = userErr1 $ "Expected integer domain, but got:" <++> vcat [pretty d, pretty (show d)]
856 minOfIntRange :: Monad m => Range Expression -> m Expression
857 minOfIntRange (RangeSingle lb) = return lb
858 minOfIntRange (RangeLowerBounded lb) = return lb
859 minOfIntRange (RangeBounded lb _) = return lb
860 minOfIntRange _ = return minInt
862 lowerBoundOfIntExpr :: MonadUserError m => Expression -> m Expression
863 lowerBoundOfIntExpr x@Constant{} = return x
864 lowerBoundOfIntExpr x | x == minInt = return minInt
865 lowerBoundOfIntExpr x | x == maxInt = return maxInt
866 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Reference _ (Just (DeclNoRepr Given _ dom _))) = minOfIntDomain dom
867 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Reference _ (Just (Alias x))) = lowerBoundOfIntExpr x
868 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Reference _ _) = return minInt
869 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpMinus (OpMinus a b))) = do
870 aLower <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr a
871 bUpper <- upperBoundOfIntExpr b
872 return $ make opMinus aLower bUpper
873 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpSum (OpSum x))) | Just xs <- listOut x = do
874 bounds <- mapM lowerBoundOfIntExpr xs
875 return $ make opSum $ fromList bounds
876 -- TODO: check for negatives
877 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpProduct (OpProduct x))) | Just xs <- listOut x = do
878 bounds <- mapM lowerBoundOfIntExpr xs
879 return $ make opProduct $ fromList bounds
880 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpMin (OpMin x))) | Just xs <- listOut x = do
881 bounds <- mapM lowerBoundOfIntExpr xs
882 return $ make opMin $ fromList bounds
883 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpMin (OpMin (Comprehension body gocs)))) = do
884 body' <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr body
885 return $ make opMin $ Comprehension body' gocs
886 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpMax (OpMax x))) | Just xs <- listOut x = do
887 bounds <- mapM lowerBoundOfIntExpr xs
888 return $ make opMin $ fromList bounds
889 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpMax (OpMax (Comprehension body gocs)))) = do
890 body' <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr body
891 return $ make opMin $ Comprehension body' gocs
892 lowerBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpNegate (OpNegate x))) = do
893 bound <- upperBoundOfIntExpr x
894 return (make opNegate bound)
895 lowerBoundOfIntExpr x = userErr1 $ "Cannot compute lower bound of integer expression:" <++> vcat [pretty x, pretty (show x)]
898 maxOfIntDomain :: MonadUserError m => Domain () Expression -> m Expression
899 maxOfIntDomain (DomainInt _ rs) = do
900 xs <- sortNub <$> mapM maxOfIntRange rs
901 case xs of
902 [] -> return maxInt
903 [x] -> return x
904 _ -> return $ make opMax $ fromList xs
905 maxOfIntDomain d = userErr1 $ "Expected integer domain, but got:" <++> pretty d
907 maxOfIntRange :: Monad m => Range Expression -> m Expression
908 maxOfIntRange (RangeSingle ub) = return ub
909 maxOfIntRange (RangeUpperBounded ub) = return ub
910 maxOfIntRange (RangeBounded _ ub) = return ub
911 maxOfIntRange _ = return maxInt
913 upperBoundOfIntExpr :: MonadUserError m => Expression -> m Expression
914 upperBoundOfIntExpr x@Constant{} = return x
915 upperBoundOfIntExpr x | x == minInt = return minInt
916 upperBoundOfIntExpr x | x == maxInt = return maxInt
917 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Reference _ (Just (DeclNoRepr Given _ dom _))) = maxOfIntDomain dom
918 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Reference _ (Just (Alias x))) = upperBoundOfIntExpr x
919 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Reference _ _) = return maxInt
920 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpMinus (OpMinus a b))) = do
921 aUpper <- upperBoundOfIntExpr a
922 bLower <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr b
923 return $ make opMinus aUpper bLower
924 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpSum (OpSum x))) | Just xs <- listOut x = do
925 bounds <- mapM upperBoundOfIntExpr xs
926 return $ make opSum $ fromList bounds
927 -- TODO: check for negatives
928 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpProduct (OpProduct x))) | Just xs <- listOut x = do
929 bounds <- mapM upperBoundOfIntExpr xs
930 return $ make opProduct $ fromList bounds
931 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpMin (OpMin x))) | Just xs <- listOut x = do
932 bounds <- mapM upperBoundOfIntExpr xs
933 return $ make opMax $ fromList bounds
934 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpMin (OpMin (Comprehension body gocs)))) = do
935 body' <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr body
936 return $ make opMax $ Comprehension body' gocs
937 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpMax (OpMax x))) | Just xs <- listOut x = do
938 bounds <- mapM upperBoundOfIntExpr xs
939 return $ make opMax $ fromList bounds
940 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpMax (OpMax (Comprehension body gocs)))) = do
941 body' <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr body
942 return $ make opMax $ Comprehension body' gocs
943 upperBoundOfIntExpr (Op (MkOpNegate (OpNegate x))) = do
944 bound <- lowerBoundOfIntExpr x
945 return (make opNegate bound)
946 upperBoundOfIntExpr x = userErr1 $ "Cannot compute upper bound of integer expression:" <++> vcat [pretty x, pretty (show x)]