never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
    5 module Conjure.UI.SolveStats (mkSolveStats, SolveStats (..), SolveStatus (..)) where
    7 import Conjure.Bug
    8 import Conjure.Prelude
    9 import Conjure.UI (UI (..), versionLine)
   10 import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as M -- unordered-containers
   11 import Data.Text qualified as T (isInfixOf, null, unlines) -- text
   12 import Data.Time (UTCTime, getCurrentTime) -- time
   13 import Network.HostName (getHostName) -- hostname
   14 import Shelly (run) -- shelly
   16 data SolveStats = SolveStats
   17   { status :: SolveStatus,
   18     totalTime :: Maybe Double,
   19     savilerowInfo :: M.HashMap String String,
   20     runsolverInfo :: M.HashMap String String,
   21     essence :: FilePath,
   22     essenceParams :: [FilePath],
   23     useExistingModels :: [FilePath],
   24     savilerowOptions :: [String],
   25     solverOptions :: [String],
   26     solver :: String,
   27     computer :: String,
   28     timestamp :: UTCTime,
   29     conjureVersion :: String,
   30     savilerowVersion :: String,
   31     savilerowLogs :: SavileRowLogs
   32   }
   33   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
   35 instance Hashable SolveStats
   37 instance ToJSON SolveStats where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
   39 instance FromJSON SolveStats where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
   41 -- OK: solved, can be sat or unsat.
   42 -- Invalid: instance is not valid.
   43 -- TimeOut/MemOut: what they sound like.
   44 -- Error: could be a bug, but could also be to do with a very large encoding.
   45 data SolveStatus = OK | Invalid | TimeOut | MemOut | Error
   46   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
   48 instance Hashable SolveStatus
   50 instance ToJSON SolveStatus where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
   52 instance FromJSON SolveStatus where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
   54 data SavileRowLogs = SavileRowLogs
   55   { exitCode :: Int,
   56     stderr :: Maybe [String],
   57     stdout :: Maybe [String]
   58   }
   59   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
   61 instance Hashable SavileRowLogs
   63 instance ToJSON SavileRowLogs where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
   65 instance FromJSON SavileRowLogs where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
   67 mkSolveStats :: UI -> (Int, Text, Text) -> String -> String -> IO SolveStats
   68 mkSolveStats Solve {..} (exitCodeSR, stdoutSR, stderrSR) savilerowInfoText runsolverInfoText = do
   69   let combinedSR = T.unlines [stdoutSR, stderrSR]
   71       savilerowInfo = M.fromList [(k, v) | [k, v] <- map (splitOn ":") (lines savilerowInfoText)]
   73       runsolverInfo = M.fromList [(k, v) | [k, v] <- map (splitOn "=") (lines runsolverInfoText)]
   75       status
   76         | or
   77             [ T.isInfixOf msg combinedSR
   78               | msg <-
   79                   [ "type error: undefined identifier",
   80                     "MiniZinc error: Memory violation detected", -- minizinc
   81                     "Check failed: ParseFlatzincFile",
   82                     "parse error: unexpected end-of-file after parsing number of clauses", -- kissat
   83                     "error: Cannot open file",
   84                     "kissat: error: can not read", -- kissat
   85                     "kissat: fatal error: maximum arena capacity", -- kissat
   86                     "Error: syntax error, unexpected ]]", -- cplex
   87                     "*** Check failure stack trace: ***", -- or-tools
   88                     "Error: evaluation error: Index set mismatch.",
   89                     "Savile Row killed by: java.lang.AssertionError",
   90                     "java.lang.ClassCastException",
   91                     "ERROR: File not found", -- savilerow
   92                     "ERROR: Failed when writing SAT encoding to file." -- savilerow
   93                   ]
   94             ] =
   95             Error
   96         | or
   97             [ T.isInfixOf msg combinedSR
   98               | msg <-
   99                   [ "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError",
  100                     "ERROR: Out of Memory",
  101                     "Maximum memory exceeded" -- for when runsolver prints this message but won't set MEMOUT=true for some reason
  102                   ]
  103             ] =
  104             MemOut
  105         | or
  106             [ T.isInfixOf msg combinedSR
  107               | msg <-
  108                   [ "Savile Row timed out.",
  109                     "time out: time limit reached",
  110                     "Received SIGTERM or SIGINT, killing child" -- for when runsolver prints this message but won't set MEMOUT=true or TIMEOUT=true for some reason
  111                   ]
  112             ] =
  113             TimeOut
  114         | T.isInfixOf "ERROR: In statement: where false" combinedSR = Invalid
  115         | M.lookup "MEMOUT" runsolverInfo == Just "true" = MemOut
  116         | M.lookup "TIMEOUT" runsolverInfo == Just "true" = TimeOut
  117         | M.lookup "SavileRowTimeOut" savilerowInfo == Just "1" = TimeOut
  118         | M.lookup "SavileRowClauseOut" savilerowInfo == Just "1" = TimeOut
  119         | M.lookup "SolverTimeOut" savilerowInfo == Just "1" = TimeOut
  120         | exitCodeSR /= 0 = Error
  121         | otherwise = OK
  123       totalTime
  124         | Just srTotalTime <- M.lookup "SavileRowTotalTime" savilerowInfo >>= readMay,
  125           Just solverTotalTime <- M.lookup "SolverTotalTime" savilerowInfo >>= readMay =
  126             Just (srTotalTime + solverTotalTime)
  127         | otherwise = Nothing
  129   computer <- getHostName
  130   timestamp <- getCurrentTime
  131   let conjureVersion = versionLine
  132   savilerowVersion <- head . lines . textToString <$> sh (run "savilerow" ["-help"])
  133   let savilerowLogs =
  134         SavileRowLogs
  135           { exitCode = exitCodeSR,
  136             stdout = if T.null stdoutSR then Nothing else Just (lines (textToString stdoutSR)),
  137             stderr = if T.null stderrSR then Nothing else Just (lines (textToString stderrSR))
  138           }
  139   return SolveStats {..}
  140 mkSolveStats _ _ _ _ = bug "mkSolveStats"