never executed always true always false
    1 module Conjure.UI.ValidateSolution ( validateSolution ) where
    3 -- conjure
    4 import Conjure.Bug
    5 import Conjure.Prelude
    6 import Conjure.UserError
    7 import Conjure.Language.Definition
    8 import Conjure.Language.Domain
    9 import Conjure.Language.Pretty
   10 import Conjure.Language.Type
   11 import Conjure.Language.TypeOf
   12 import Conjure.Language.Instantiate
   13 import Conjure.Process.Enumerate ( EnumerateDomain )
   14 import Conjure.Process.ValidateConstantForDomain ( validateConstantForDomain )
   17 validateSolution ::
   18     MonadFailDoc m =>
   19     NameGen m =>
   20     EnumerateDomain m =>
   21     (?typeCheckerMode :: TypeCheckerMode) =>
   22     Model ->      -- essence model
   23     Model ->      -- essence param
   24     Model ->      -- essence solution
   25     m ()
   26 validateSolution essenceModel essenceParam essenceSolution = flip evalStateT [] $
   27   forM_ (mStatements essenceModel) $ \ st -> do
   28     mapM_ introduceRecordFields (universeBi st :: [Domain () Expression])
   29     case st of
   30         Declaration (FindOrGiven Given nm dom) ->
   31             case [ val | Declaration (Letting nm2 val) <- mStatements essenceParam, nm == nm2 ] of
   32                 [val] -> do
   33                     valC                  <- gets id >>= flip instantiateExpression val
   34                     valC_typed            <- case valC of
   35                                                 TypedConstant c tyc -> do
   36                                                     ty <- typeOfDomain dom
   37                                                     return $ TypedConstant c (mostDefined [ty, tyc])
   38                                                 _ -> return valC
   39                     DomainInConstant domC <- gets id >>= flip instantiateExpression (Domain dom)
   40                     failToUserError $ validateConstantForDomain nm valC domC
   41                     modify ((nm, Constant valC_typed) :)
   42                 []    -> userErr1 $ vcat [ "No value for" <+> pretty nm <+> "in the parameter file."
   43                                          , "Its domain:" <++> pretty dom
   44                                          ]
   45                 vals  -> userErr1 $ vcat [ "Multiple values for" <+> pretty nm <+> "in the parameter file."
   46                                          , "Its domain:" <++> pretty dom
   47                                          , "Values:" <++> vcat (map pretty vals)
   48                                          ]
   49         Declaration (FindOrGiven Find nm dom) ->
   50             case [ val | Declaration (Letting nm2 val) <- mStatements essenceSolution, nm == nm2 ] of
   51                 [val] -> do
   52                     valC                  <- gets id >>= flip instantiateExpression val
   53                     valC_typed            <- case valC of
   54                                                 TypedConstant c tyc -> do
   55                                                     ty <- typeOfDomain dom
   56                                                     return $ TypedConstant c (mostDefined [ty, tyc])
   57                                                 _ -> return valC
   58                     DomainInConstant domC <- gets id >>= flip instantiateExpression (Domain dom)
   59                     failToUserError $ validateConstantForDomain nm valC domC
   60                     modify ((nm, Constant valC_typed) :)
   61                 []    -> userErr1 $ vcat [ "No value for" <+> pretty nm <+> "in the solution file."
   62                                          , "Its domain:" <++> pretty dom
   63                                          ]
   64                 vals  -> userErr1 $ vcat [ "Multiple values for" <+> pretty nm <+> "in the solution file."
   65                                          , "Its domain:" <++> pretty dom
   66                                          , "Values:" <++> vcat (map pretty vals)
   67                                          ]
   68         Declaration (FindOrGiven Quantified _ _) ->
   69             userErr1 $ vcat
   70                 [ "A quantified declaration at the top level."
   71                 , "This should never happen."
   72                 , "Statement:" <+> pretty st
   73                 ]
   74         Declaration (FindOrGiven LocalFind _ _) ->
   75             userErr1 $ vcat
   76                 [ "A local decision variable at the top level."
   77                 , "This should never happen."
   78                 , "Statement:" <+> pretty st
   79                 ]
   80         Declaration (FindOrGiven CutFind _ _) ->
   81             userErr1 $ vcat
   82                 [ "A 'cut' decision variable at the top level."
   83                 , "This should never happen."
   84                 , "Statement:" <+> pretty st
   85                 ]
   86         Declaration (Letting nm val) -> modify ((nm, val) :)
   87         Declaration (GivenDomainDefnEnum nm@(Name nmText)) ->
   88             case [ val | Declaration (LettingDomainDefnEnum nm2 val) <- mStatements essenceParam, nm == nm2 ] of
   89                 [val] -> do
   90                     let domain = mkDomainIntBTagged (TagEnum nmText) 1 (fromInt (genericLength val))
   91                     let values = [ (n, Constant (ConstantInt (TagEnum nmText) i))
   92                                  | (n, i) <- zip val allNats
   93                                  ]
   94                     modify (((nm, Domain domain) : values) ++)
   95                 []    -> userErr1 $ vcat [ "No value for enum domain" <+> pretty nm <+> "in the parameter file."
   96                                          ]
   97                 vals  -> userErr1 $ vcat [ "Multiple values for enum domain" <+> pretty nm <+> "in the parameter file."
   98                                          , "Values:" <++> vcat (map (prettyList prBraces ",") vals)
   99                                          ]
  100         Declaration GivenDomainDefnEnum{} ->
  101             bug "validateSolution GivenDomainDefnEnum, some other type of Name"
  102         Declaration (LettingDomainDefnEnum nm@(Name nmText) val) -> do
  103                     let domain = mkDomainIntBTagged (TagEnum nmText) 1 (fromInt (genericLength val))
  104                     let values = [ (n, Constant (ConstantInt (TagEnum nmText) i))
  105                                  | (n, i) <- zip val allNats
  106                                  ]
  107                     modify (((nm, Domain domain) : values) ++)
  108         Declaration (LettingDomainDefnEnum{}) ->
  109             bug "validateSolution LettingDomainDefnEnum, some other type of Name"
  110         Declaration (LettingDomainDefnUnnamed nm@(Name nmText) _) ->
  111             case [ nms | Declaration (LettingDomainDefnEnum nm2 nms) <- mStatements essenceSolution , nm == nm2 ] of
  112                 [nms] -> do
  113                     let domain = mkDomainIntBTagged (TagUnnamed nmText) 1 (fromInt (genericLength nms))
  114                     let values = [ (n, Constant (ConstantInt (TagUnnamed nmText) i))
  115                                  | (i,n) <- zip allNats nms
  116                                  ]
  117                     modify (((nm, Domain domain) : values) ++)
  118                 []    -> userErr1 $ vcat [ "No value for unnamed domain" <+> pretty nm <+> "in the solution file."
  119                                          ]
  120                 vals  -> userErr1 $ vcat [ "Multiple values for unnamed domain" <+> pretty nm <+> "in the solution file."
  121                                          , "Values:" <++> vcat (map (prettyList prBraces ",") vals)
  122                                          ]
  123         Declaration (LettingDomainDefnUnnamed{}) ->
  124             bug "validateSolution LettingDomainDefnUnnamed, some other type of Name"
  125         SearchOrder{} -> return ()
  126         SearchHeuristic{} -> return ()
  127         Where xs -> do
  128             vals     <- gets id
  129             forM_ xs $ \ x -> do
  130                 constant <- instantiateExpression vals x
  131                 case constant of
  132                     ConstantBool True -> return ()
  133                     _ -> userErr1 $ "Invalid." <++> vcat [ "Statement evaluates to:" <+> pretty constant
  134                                                          , "Original statement was:" <+> pretty x
  135                                                          , "Relevant values:" <++> vcat
  136                                                              [ "letting" <+> pretty nm <+> "be" <+> pretty val
  137                                                              | (nm, val) <- vals
  138                                                              , nm `elem` (universeBi x :: [Name])
  139                                                              ]
  140                                                          ]
  141         Objective{} -> return ()
  142         SuchThat xs -> do
  143             vals     <- gets id
  144             forM_ xs $ \ x -> do
  145                 constant <- instantiateExpression vals x
  146                 case constant of
  147                     ConstantBool True -> return ()
  148                     _ -> userErr1 $ "Invalid." <++> vcat [ "Statement evaluates to:" <+> pretty constant
  149                                                          , "Original statement was:" <+> pretty x
  150                                                          , "Relevant values:" <++> vcat
  151                                                              [ "letting" <+> pretty nm <+> "be" <+> pretty val
  152                                                              | (nm, val) <- vals
  153                                                              , nm `elem` (universeBi x :: [Name])
  154                                                              ]
  155                                                          ]
  158 introduceRecordFields ::
  159     MonadFailDoc m =>
  160     MonadState [(Name, Expression)] m =>
  161     Pretty r =>
  162     Pretty x =>
  163     TypeOf x =>
  164     (?typeCheckerMode :: TypeCheckerMode) =>
  165     Domain r x -> m ()
  166 introduceRecordFields (DomainRecord inners) =
  167     forM_ inners $ \ (n, d) -> do
  168         t <- typeOfDomain d
  169         modify ((n, Constant (ConstantField n t)) :)
  170 introduceRecordFields (DomainVariant inners) =
  171     forM_ inners $ \ (n, d) -> do
  172         t <- typeOfDomain d
  173         modify ((n, Constant (ConstantField n t)) :)
  174 introduceRecordFields _ = return ()