never executed always true always false
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-} -- stupid cmdargs
4 module Conjure.UI ( UI(..), OutputFormat(..), ui, versionLine ) where
6 -- conjure
7 import Conjure.Prelude
8 import Conjure.RepositoryVersion ( repositoryVersion )
9 import Paths_conjure_cp ( version )
11 -- base
12 import Data.Version ( showVersion )
14 -- cmdargs
15 import System.Console.CmdArgs hiding ( Default(..) )
18 data UI
19 = Modelling
20 { essence :: FilePath -- essence, mandatory
21 -- flags related to output
22 , outputDirectory :: FilePath
23 , numberingStart :: Int
24 , smartFilenames :: Bool
25 , responses :: String
26 , responsesRepresentation :: String
27 , estimateNumberOfModels :: Bool -- if set Conjure will calculate
28 -- a lower bound on the number of models,
29 -- instead of running the usual modelling mode
30 -- flags related to logging
31 , logLevel :: LogLevel
32 , verboseTrail :: Bool
33 , rewritesTrail :: Bool
34 , logRuleFails :: Bool
35 , logRuleSuccesses :: Bool
36 , logRuleAttempts :: Bool
37 , logChoices :: Bool
38 -- flags related to modelling decisions
39 , portfolio :: Maybe Int
40 , strategyQ :: String
41 , strategyA :: String
42 , representations :: Maybe String -- (def: strategyA)
43 , representationsFinds :: Maybe String -- (def: representations)
44 , representationsGivens :: Maybe String -- (def: s)
45 , representationsAuxiliaries :: Maybe String -- (def: representations)
46 , representationsQuantifieds :: Maybe String -- (def: representations)
47 , representationsCuts :: Maybe String -- (def: representations)
48 , channelling :: Bool
49 , representationLevels :: Bool -- (def: True)
50 , followModel :: FilePath -- this is a model to be followed
51 , seed :: Maybe Int
52 , limitModels :: Maybe Int
53 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
54 , savedChoices :: Maybe FilePath
55 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
56 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
57 -- streamlining
58 , generateStreamliners :: String
59 }
60 | TranslateParameter
61 { eprime :: FilePath -- eprime, mandatory
62 , essenceParam :: FilePath -- essence-param, mandatory
63 , eprimeParam :: Maybe FilePath -- eprime-param, optional
64 -- by default (essenceParam <-.> "eprime-param")
65 , logLevel :: LogLevel
66 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
67 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
68 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
69 }
70 | TranslateSolution
71 { eprime :: FilePath -- eprime, mandatory
72 , essenceParamO :: Maybe FilePath -- essence-param, optional
73 , eprimeSolution :: FilePath -- eprime-solution, mandatory
74 , essenceSolutionO :: Maybe FilePath -- essence-solution, optional
75 -- by default (eprimeSolution <-.> "solution")
76 , logLevel :: LogLevel
77 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
78 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
79 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
80 }
81 | ValidateSolution
82 { essence :: FilePath -- essence, mandatory
83 , essenceParamO :: Maybe FilePath -- essence-param, optional
84 , essenceSolution :: FilePath -- essence-solution, mandatory
85 -- by default (eprimeSolution <-.> "solution")
86 , logLevel :: LogLevel
87 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
88 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
89 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
90 }
91 | Solve
92 { essence :: FilePath -- essence, mandatory
93 , essenceParams :: [FilePath]
94 , validateSolutionsOpt :: Bool
95 -- flags related to output
96 , outputDirectory :: FilePath
97 , numberingStart :: Int
98 , smartFilenames :: Bool
99 , responses :: String
100 , responsesRepresentation :: String
101 , solutionsInOneFile :: Bool
102 , runsolverCPUTimeLimit :: Maybe Int
103 , runsolverWallTimeLimit :: Maybe Int
104 , runsolverMemoryLimit :: Maybe Int
105 -- flags related to logging
106 , logLevel :: LogLevel
107 , verboseTrail :: Bool
108 , rewritesTrail :: Bool
109 , logRuleFails :: Bool
110 , logRuleSuccesses :: Bool
111 , logRuleAttempts :: Bool
112 , logChoices :: Bool
113 -- flags related to modelling decisions
114 , portfolio :: Maybe Int
115 , strategyQ :: String
116 , strategyA :: String
117 , representations :: Maybe String
118 , representationsFinds :: Maybe String
119 , representationsGivens :: Maybe String
120 , representationsAuxiliaries :: Maybe String
121 , representationsQuantifieds :: Maybe String
122 , representationsCuts :: Maybe String
123 , channelling :: Bool
124 , representationLevels :: Bool -- (def: True)
125 , followModel :: FilePath -- this is a model to be followed
126 , seed :: Maybe Int
127 , limitModels :: Maybe Int
128 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
129 , useExistingModels :: [FilePath] -- [] by default, which means generate models
130 -- flags for SR and the selected solver
131 , savilerowOptions :: [String]
132 , solverOptions :: [String]
133 , solver :: String
134 , graphSolver :: Bool
135 , cgroups :: Bool
136 , nbSolutions :: String -- a number, or "all". by default 1
137 , copySolutions :: Bool
138 -- output
139 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
140 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
141 -- streamlining
142 , generateStreamliners :: String
143 }
144 | IDE
145 { essence :: FilePath -- Optional, will read from stdin if not provided
146 , logLevel :: LogLevel
147 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
148 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
149 , dumpDeclarations :: Bool
150 , dumpRepresentations :: Bool
151 }
152 | Pretty
153 { essence :: FilePath
154 , normaliseQuantified :: Bool
155 , removeUnused :: Bool
156 , logLevel :: LogLevel
157 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
158 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
159 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
160 }
161 | Diff
162 { file1 :: FilePath
163 , file2 :: FilePath
164 , logLevel :: LogLevel
165 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
166 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
167 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
168 }
169 | TypeCheck
170 { essence :: FilePath
171 , logLevel :: LogLevel
172 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
173 }
174 | Split
175 { essence :: FilePath
176 , outputDirectory :: FilePath
177 , logLevel :: LogLevel
178 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
179 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
180 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
181 }
182 | SymmetryDetection
183 { essence :: FilePath
184 , json :: FilePath
185 , logLevel :: LogLevel
186 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
187 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
188 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
189 }
190 | ParameterGenerator
191 { essence :: FilePath
192 , minInt :: Integer
193 , maxInt :: Integer
194 , logLevel :: LogLevel
195 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
196 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
197 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
198 }
199 | AutoIG
200 { essence :: FilePath
201 , outputFilepath :: FilePath
202 , generatorToIrace :: Bool
203 , removeAux :: Bool
204 , logLevel :: LogLevel
205 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
206 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
207 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
208 }
209 | Boost
210 { essence :: FilePath
211 , logLevel :: LogLevel
212 , logRuleSuccesses :: Bool
213 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
214 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
215 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
216 }
217 | Streamlining
218 { essence :: FilePath
219 , logLevel :: LogLevel
220 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
221 , outputFormat :: OutputFormat -- Essence by default
222 , lineWidth :: Int -- 120 by default
223 }
224 | LSP
225 { logLevel :: LogLevel
226 , limitTime :: Maybe Int
227 }
228 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
230 instance Serialize UI
231 instance Hashable UI
232 instance ToJSON UI where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
233 instance FromJSON UI where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
236 data OutputFormat = Plain | Binary | ASTJSON | JSON | JSONStream | MiniZinc
237 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
239 instance Serialize OutputFormat
240 instance Hashable OutputFormat
241 instance ToJSON OutputFormat where toJSON = genericToJSON jsonOptions
242 instance FromJSON OutputFormat where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions
244 instance Default OutputFormat where def = Plain
247 ui :: UI
248 ui = modes
249 [ Modelling
250 { essence
251 = def
252 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
253 &= argPos 0
254 , outputDirectory
255 = "conjure-output"
256 &= typDir
257 &= name "output-directory"
258 &= name "o"
259 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
260 &= explicit
261 &= help "Where to save generated models.\n\
262 \Default value: 'conjure-output'"
263 , numberingStart
264 = 1
265 &= name "numbering-start"
266 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
267 &= explicit
268 &= help "Starting value for output files.\n\
269 \Default value: 1"
270 , smartFilenames
271 = False
272 &= name "smart-filenames"
273 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
274 &= explicit
275 &= help "Use \"smart names\" for models.\n\
276 \Directs Conjure to use the answers when producing \
277 \a filename and to ignore the order of questions. \
278 \Only useful if 'f' is used for questions."
279 , responses
280 = ""
281 &= name "responses"
282 &= groupname "Model generation"
283 &= explicit
284 &= help "A comma separated list of integers.\n\
285 \If provided, these will be used as the answers during \
286 \interactive model generation instead of prompting the user."
287 , responsesRepresentation
288 = ""
289 &= name "responses-representation"
290 &= groupname "Model generation"
291 &= explicit
292 &= help "A comma separated list of variable name : integer pairs.\n\
293 \If provided, these will be used as the answers during \
294 \interactive model generation instead of prompting the user \
295 \for the variable representation questions.\n\
296 \See --dump-representations for a list of available representation options."
297 , estimateNumberOfModels
298 = False
299 &= name "estimate-number-of-models"
300 &= groupname "Model generation"
301 &= explicit
302 &= help "Calculate (a lower bound on) the number of models, \
303 \instead of running the usual modelling mode."
304 , logLevel
305 = def
306 &= name "log-level"
307 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
308 &= explicit
309 &= help "Log level."
310 , verboseTrail
311 = False
312 &= name "verbose-trail"
313 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
314 &= explicit
315 &= help "Generate verbose trails."
316 , rewritesTrail
317 = False
318 &= name "rewrites-trail"
319 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
320 &= explicit
321 &= help "Generate trails about the applied rewritings."
322 , logRuleFails
323 = False
324 &= name "log-rule-fails"
325 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
326 &= explicit
327 &= help "Generate logs for rule failures. (Caution: can be a lot!)"
328 , logRuleSuccesses
329 = False
330 &= name "log-rule-successes"
331 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
332 &= explicit
333 &= help "Generate logs for rule applications."
334 , logRuleAttempts
335 = False
336 &= name "log-rule-attempts"
337 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
338 &= explicit
339 &= help "Generate logs for rule attempts. (Caution: can be a lot!)"
340 , logChoices
341 = False
342 &= name "log-choices"
343 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
344 &= explicit
345 &= help "Store the choices in a way that can be reused by -al"
346 , portfolio
347 = Nothing
348 &= typ "PORTFOLIO"
349 &= name "portfolio"
350 &= groupname "Model generation"
351 &= explicit
352 &= help "Portfolio size. When it is set to N, Conjure will try to generate up to N models."
353 , strategyQ
354 = "f"
355 &= typ "STRATEGY"
356 &= name "strategy-q"
357 &= name "q"
358 &= groupname "Model generation"
359 &= explicit
360 &= help "Strategy for selecting the next question to answer. \
361 \Options: f (for first), i (for interactive), r (for random), x (for all). \
362 \Prepend a (for auto) to automatically skip \
363 \when there is only one option at any point.\n\
364 \Default value: f"
365 , strategyA
366 = "ai"
367 &= typ "STRATEGY"
368 &= name "strategy-a"
369 &= name "a"
370 &= groupname "Model generation"
371 &= explicit
372 &= help "Strategy for selecting an answer. Same options as strategy-q.\n\
373 \ c picks the most 'compact' option \
374 \at every decision point.\n\
375 \ s picks the 'sparsest' option \
376 \at every decision point: \
377 \useful for --representations-givens\n\
378 \Default value: ai"
379 , representations
380 = Nothing
381 &= typ "STRATEGY"
382 &= name "representations"
383 &= groupname "Model generation"
384 &= explicit
385 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation.\n\
386 \Default value: same as --strategy-a"
387 , representationsFinds
388 = Nothing
389 &= typ "STRATEGY"
390 &= name "representations-finds"
391 &= groupname "Model generation"
392 &= explicit
393 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation for a decision variable.\n\
394 \Default value: same as --representations"
395 , representationsGivens
396 = Nothing
397 &= typ "STRATEGY"
398 &= name "representations-givens"
399 &= groupname "Model generation"
400 &= explicit
401 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation for a parameter.\n\
402 \Default value: s (for sparse)"
403 , representationsAuxiliaries
404 = Nothing
405 &= typ "STRATEGY"
406 &= name "representations-auxiliaries"
407 &= groupname "Model generation"
408 &= explicit
409 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation for an auxiliary variable.\n\
410 \Default value: same as --representations"
411 , representationsQuantifieds
412 = Nothing
413 &= typ "STRATEGY"
414 &= name "representations-quantifieds"
415 &= groupname "Model generation"
416 &= explicit
417 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation for a quantified variable.\n\
418 \Default value: same as --representations"
419 , representationsCuts
420 = Nothing
421 &= typ "STRATEGY"
422 &= name "representations-cuts"
423 &= groupname "Model generation"
424 &= explicit
425 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation for cuts in 'branching on'.\n\
426 \Default value: same as --representations"
427 , channelling
428 = True
429 &= name "channelling"
430 &= groupname "Model generation"
431 &= explicit
432 &= help "Whether to produce channelled models \
433 \(true by default).\n"
434 , representationLevels
435 = True
436 &= name "representation-levels"
437 &= groupname "Model generation"
438 &= explicit
439 &= help "Whether to use built-in precedence levels when choosing representations. \
440 \Used to cut down the number of generated models.\n\
441 \Default: true"
442 , followModel
443 = ""
444 &= name "follow-model"
445 &= groupname "Model generation"
446 &= explicit
447 &= help "Provide a Conjure-generated Essence Prime model to be used as a guide during model generation. \
448 \Conjure will try to imitate the modelling decisions from this file."
449 , seed
450 = Nothing
451 &= name "seed"
452 &= groupname "Model generation"
453 &= explicit
454 &= help "Random number generator seed."
455 , limitModels
456 = Nothing
457 &= name "limit-models"
458 &= groupname "Model generation"
459 &= explicit
460 &= help "Maximum number of models to generate."
461 , limitTime
462 = Nothing
463 &= name "limit-time"
464 &= groupname "General"
465 &= explicit
466 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
467 , savedChoices
468 = def
469 &= typFile
470 &= name "choices"
471 &= groupname "Model generation"
472 &= explicit
473 &= help "Choices to use for -al, \
474 \either an eprime file (created by --log-choices), or a json file."
475 , outputFormat
476 = def
477 &= name "output-format"
478 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
479 &= explicit
480 &= typ "FORMAT"
481 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
482 \ plain: default\n\
483 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
484 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
485 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
486 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
487 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
488 , lineWidth
489 = 120
490 &= name "line-width"
491 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
492 &= explicit
493 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
494 , generateStreamliners
495 = ""
496 &= name "generate-streamliners"
497 &= groupname "Streamlining"
498 &= explicit
499 &= help "A comma separated list of integers.\n\
500 \If provided, the streamlining constraints that correspond to the given integers will be generated.\n\
501 \Run \"conjure streamlining ESSENCE_FILE\" to generate a list of all applicable streamliners."
502 } &= name "modelling"
503 &= explicit
504 &= help "The main act. Given a problem specification in Essence, \
505 \produce constraint programming models in Essence'."
506 &= auto
507 , TranslateParameter
508 { eprime
509 = def
510 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
511 &= name "eprime"
512 &= explicit
513 &= help "An Essence' model generated by Conjure."
514 , essenceParam
515 = def
516 &= typFile
517 &= name "essence-param"
518 &= explicit
519 &= help "An Essence parameter for the original problem specification."
520 , eprimeParam
521 = def
522 &= typFile
523 &= name "eprime-param"
524 &= explicit
525 &= help "An Essence' parameter matching the Essence' model.\n\
526 \Default is 'foo.eprime-param' \
527 \if the Essence parameter file is named 'foo.param'."
528 , logLevel
529 = def
530 &= name "log-level"
531 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
532 &= explicit
533 &= help "Log level."
534 , limitTime
535 = Nothing
536 &= name "limit-time"
537 &= groupname "General"
538 &= explicit
539 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
540 , outputFormat
541 = def
542 &= name "output-format"
543 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
544 &= explicit
545 &= typ "FORMAT"
546 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
547 \ plain: default\n\
548 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
549 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
550 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
551 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
552 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
553 , lineWidth
554 = 120
555 &= name "line-width"
556 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
557 &= explicit
558 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
559 } &= name "translate-parameter"
560 &= explicit
561 &= help "Refinement of Essence parameter files for a \
562 \particular Essence' model.\n\
563 \The model needs to be generated by Conjure."
564 , TranslateSolution
565 { eprime
566 = def
567 &= typFile
568 &= name "eprime"
569 &= explicit
570 &= help "An Essence' model generated by Conjure.\n\
571 \Mandatory."
572 , essenceParamO
573 = def
574 &= typFile
575 &= name "essence-param"
576 &= explicit
577 &= help "An Essence parameter for the original problem specification.\n\
578 \Mandatory."
579 , eprimeSolution
580 = def
581 &= typFile
582 &= name "eprime-solution"
583 &= explicit
584 &= help "An Essence' solution for the corresponding Essence' model."
585 , essenceSolutionO
586 = def
587 &= typFile
588 &= name "essence-solution"
589 &= explicit
590 &= help "An Essence solution for the original problem specification.\n\
591 \By default, its value is the value of --eprime-solution \
592 \with extensions replaced by '.solution'."
593 , logLevel
594 = def
595 &= name "log-level"
596 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
597 &= explicit
598 &= help "Log level."
599 , limitTime
600 = Nothing
601 &= name "limit-time"
602 &= groupname "General"
603 &= explicit
604 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
605 , outputFormat
606 = def
607 &= name "output-format"
608 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
609 &= explicit
610 &= typ "FORMAT"
611 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
612 \ plain: default\n\
613 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
614 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
615 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
616 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
617 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
618 , lineWidth
619 = 120
620 &= name "line-width"
621 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
622 &= explicit
623 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
624 } &= name "translate-solution"
625 &= explicit
626 &= help "Translation of solutions back to Essence."
627 , ValidateSolution
628 { essence
629 = def
630 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
631 &= name "essence"
632 &= explicit
633 &= help "Problem specification in Essence."
634 , essenceParamO
635 = def
636 &= typFile
637 &= name "param"
638 &= explicit
639 &= help "Essence parameter file."
640 , essenceSolution
641 = def
642 &= typFile
643 &= name "solution"
644 &= explicit
645 &= help "Essence solution."
646 , logLevel
647 = def
648 &= name "log-level"
649 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
650 &= explicit
651 &= help "Log level."
652 , limitTime
653 = Nothing
654 &= name "limit-time"
655 &= groupname "General"
656 &= explicit
657 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
658 , outputFormat
659 = def
660 &= name "output-format"
661 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
662 &= explicit
663 &= typ "FORMAT"
664 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
665 \ plain: default\n\
666 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
667 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
668 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
669 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
670 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
671 , lineWidth
672 = 120
673 &= name "line-width"
674 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
675 &= explicit
676 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
677 } &= name "validate-solution"
678 &= explicit
679 &= help "Validating a solution."
680 , Solve
681 { essence
682 = def
683 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
684 &= argPos 0
685 , essenceParams
686 = []
687 &= typ "PARAMETER_FILE(s)"
688 &= args
689 , validateSolutionsOpt
690 = False
691 &= name "validate-solutions"
692 &= groupname "General"
693 &= explicit
694 &= help "Enable solution validation."
695 , outputDirectory
696 = "conjure-output"
697 &= typDir
698 &= name "output-directory"
699 &= name "o"
700 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
701 &= explicit
702 &= help "Where to save generated models.\n\
703 \Default value: 'conjure-output'"
704 , numberingStart
705 = 1
706 &= name "numbering-start"
707 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
708 &= explicit
709 &= help "Starting value for output files.\n\
710 \Default value: 1"
711 , smartFilenames
712 = False
713 &= name "smart-filenames"
714 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
715 &= explicit
716 &= help "Use \"smart names\" for models.\n\
717 \Directs Conjure to use the answers when producing \
718 \a filename and to ignore the order of questions. \
719 \Only useful if 'f' is used for questions."
720 , responses
721 = ""
722 &= name "responses"
723 &= groupname "Model generation"
724 &= explicit
725 &= help "A comma separated list of integers.\n\
726 \If provided, these will be used as the answers during \
727 \interactive model generation instead of prompting the user."
728 , responsesRepresentation
729 = ""
730 &= name "responses-representation"
731 &= groupname "Model generation"
732 &= explicit
733 &= help "A comma separated list of variable name : integer pairs.\n\
734 \If provided, these will be used as the answers during \
735 \interactive model generation instead of prompting the user \
736 \for the variable representation questions.\n\
737 \See --dump-representations for a list of available representation options."
738 , solutionsInOneFile
739 = False
740 &= name "solutions-in-one-file"
741 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
742 &= explicit
743 &= help "Place all solutions in a single file instead of generating a separate file per solution.\n\
744 \Off by default."
745 , runsolverCPUTimeLimit
746 = def
747 &= name "runsolver-cpu-time-limit"
748 &= groupname "runsolver"
749 &= explicit
750 &= help "Use runsolver to limit total CPU time (in seconds)"
751 , runsolverWallTimeLimit
752 = def
753 &= name "runsolver-wall-time-limit"
754 &= groupname "runsolver"
755 &= explicit
756 &= help "Use runsolver to limit total elapsed time (in seconds)"
757 , runsolverMemoryLimit
758 = def
759 &= name "runsolver-memory-limit"
760 &= groupname "runsolver"
761 &= explicit
762 &= help "Use runsolver to limit total memory usage (Maximum RSS - in megabytes)."
763 , logLevel
764 = def
765 &= name "log-level"
766 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
767 &= explicit
768 &= help "Log level."
769 , verboseTrail
770 = False
771 &= name "verbose-trail"
772 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
773 &= explicit
774 &= help "Generate verbose trails."
775 , rewritesTrail
776 = False
777 &= name "rewrites-trail"
778 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
779 &= explicit
780 &= help "Generate trails about the applied rewritings."
781 , logRuleFails
782 = False
783 &= name "log-rule-fails"
784 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
785 &= explicit
786 &= help "Generate logs for rule failures. (Caution: can be a lot!)"
787 , logRuleSuccesses
788 = False
789 &= name "log-rule-successes"
790 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
791 &= explicit
792 &= help "Generate logs for rule applications."
793 , logRuleAttempts
794 = False
795 &= name "log-rule-attempts"
796 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
797 &= explicit
798 &= help "Generate logs for rule attempts. (Caution: can be a lot!)"
799 , logChoices
800 = False
801 &= name "log-choices"
802 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
803 &= explicit
804 &= help "Store the choices in a way that can be reused by -al"
805 , portfolio
806 = Nothing
807 &= typ "PORTFOLIO"
808 &= name "portfolio"
809 &= groupname "Model generation"
810 &= explicit
811 &= help "Portfolio size. When it is set to N, Conjure will try to generate up to N models."
812 , strategyQ
813 = "f"
814 &= typ "STRATEGY"
815 &= name "strategy-q"
816 &= name "q"
817 &= groupname "Model generation"
818 &= explicit
819 &= help "Strategy for selecting the next question to answer. \
820 \Options: f (for first), i (for interactive), r (for random), x (for all). \
821 \Prepend a (for auto) to automatically skip \
822 \when there is only one option at any point.\n\
823 \Default value: f"
824 , strategyA
825 = "c"
826 &= typ "STRATEGY"
827 &= name "strategy-a"
828 &= name "a"
829 &= groupname "Model generation"
830 &= explicit
831 &= help "Strategy for selecting an answer. Same options as strategy-q.\n\
832 \ c picks the most 'compact' option \
833 \at every decision point.\n\
834 \ s picks the 'sparsest' option \
835 \at every decision point: \
836 \useful for --representations-givens\n\
837 \Default value: c"
838 , representations
839 = Nothing
840 &= typ "STRATEGY"
841 &= name "representations"
842 &= groupname "Model generation"
843 &= explicit
844 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation.\n\
845 \Default value: same as --strategy-a"
846 , representationsFinds
847 = Nothing
848 &= typ "STRATEGY"
849 &= name "representations-finds"
850 &= groupname "Model generation"
851 &= explicit
852 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation for a decision variable.\n\
853 \Default value: same as --representations"
854 , representationsGivens
855 = Nothing
856 &= typ "STRATEGY"
857 &= name "representations-givens"
858 &= groupname "Model generation"
859 &= explicit
860 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation for a parameter.\n\
861 \Default value: s (for sparse)"
862 , representationsAuxiliaries
863 = Nothing
864 &= typ "STRATEGY"
865 &= name "representations-auxiliaries"
866 &= groupname "Model generation"
867 &= explicit
868 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation for an auxiliary variable.\n\
869 \Default value: same as --representations"
870 , representationsQuantifieds
871 = Nothing
872 &= typ "STRATEGY"
873 &= name "representations-quantifieds"
874 &= groupname "Model generation"
875 &= explicit
876 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation for a quantified variable.\n\
877 \Default value: same as --representations"
878 , representationsCuts
879 = Nothing
880 &= typ "STRATEGY"
881 &= name "representations-cuts"
882 &= groupname "Model generation"
883 &= explicit
884 &= help "Strategy for choosing a representation for cuts in 'branching on'.\n\
885 \Default value: same as --representations"
886 , channelling
887 = True
888 &= name "channelling"
889 &= groupname "Model generation"
890 &= explicit
891 &= help "Whether to produce channelled models \
892 \(true by default).\n"
893 , representationLevels
894 = True
895 &= name "representation-levels"
896 &= groupname "Model generation"
897 &= explicit
898 &= help "Whether to use built-in precedence levels when choosing representations. \
899 \Used to cut down the number of generated models.\n\
900 \Default: true"
901 , followModel
902 = ""
903 &= name "follow-model"
904 &= groupname "Model generation"
905 &= explicit
906 &= help "Provide a Conjure-generated Essence Prime model to be used as a guide during model generation. \
907 \Conjure will try to imitate the modelling decisions from this file."
908 , seed
909 = Nothing
910 &= name "seed"
911 &= groupname "Model generation"
912 &= explicit
913 &= help "Random number generator seed."
914 , limitModels
915 = Nothing
916 &= name "limit-models"
917 &= groupname "Model generation"
918 &= explicit
919 &= help "Maximum number of models to generate."
920 , limitTime
921 = Nothing
922 &= name "limit-time"
923 &= groupname "General"
924 &= explicit
925 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
926 , useExistingModels
927 = []
928 &= name "use-existing-models"
929 &= groupname "Model generation"
930 &= explicit
931 &= typFile
932 &= help "File names of Essence' models generated beforehand.\n\
933 \If given, Conjure skips the modelling phase and uses the existing models for solving.\n\
934 \The models should be inside the output directory (See -o)."
935 , savilerowOptions
936 = def
937 &= name "savilerow-options"
938 &= groupname "Options for other tools"
939 &= explicit
940 &= help "Options passed to Savile Row."
941 , solverOptions
942 = def
943 &= name "solver-options"
944 &= groupname "Options for other tools"
945 &= explicit
946 &= help "Options passed to the backend solver."
947 , solver
948 = "minion"
949 &= name "solver"
950 &= groupname "Options for other tools"
951 &= explicit
952 &= help "Backend solver. \
953 \Possible values:\n\
954 \ - minion (CP solver)\n\
955 \ - gecode (CP solver)\n\
956 \ - chuffed (CP solver)\n\
957 \ - or-tools (CP solver)\n\
958 \ - glucose (SAT solver)\n\
959 \ - glucose-syrup (SAT solver)\n\
960 \ - lingeling/plingeling/treengeling (SAT solver)\n\
961 \ - cadical (SAT solver)\n\
962 \ - kissat (SAT solver)\n\
963 \ - minisat (SAT solver)\n\
964 \ - bc_minisat_all (AllSAT solver, only works with --number-of-solutions=all)\n\
965 \ - nbc_minisat_all (AllSAT solver, only works with --number-of-solutions=all)\n\
966 \ - open-wbo (MaxSAT solver, only works with optimisation problems)\n\
967 \ - coin-or (MIP solver, implemented via MiniZinc)\n\
968 \ - cplex (MIP solver, implemented via MiniZinc)\n\
969 \ - boolector (SMT solver, supported logics: bv)\n\
970 \ - yices (SMT solver, supported logics: bv, lia, idl)\n\
971 \ - z3 (SMT solver, supported logics: bv, lia, nia, idl)\n\
972 \Default: minion\n\n\
973 \Default logic for SMT solvers is bitvector (bv).\n\
974 \Append a dash and the name of a logic to the solver name to choose a different logic. For example yices-idl."
975 , graphSolver
976 = False
977 &= name "graph-solver"
978 &= groupname "General"
979 &= explicit
980 &= help "Create input files for the Glasgow graph solver."
981 , cgroups
982 = False
983 &= name "cgroups"
984 &= groupname "General"
985 &= explicit
986 &= help "Setup and use cgroups when solving with Savile Row."
987 , nbSolutions
988 = "1"
989 &= name "number-of-solutions"
990 &= groupname "General"
991 &= explicit
992 &= help "Number of solutions to find; \
993 \\"all\" enumerates all solutions.\n\
994 \Default: 1"
995 , copySolutions
996 = True
997 &= name "copy-solutions"
998 &= groupname "General"
999 &= explicit
1000 &= help "Whether to place a copy of solution(s) next to the Essence file or not.\n\
1001 \Default: on"
1002 , outputFormat
1003 = def
1004 &= name "output-format"
1005 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1006 &= explicit
1007 &= typ "FORMAT"
1008 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
1009 \ plain: default\n\
1010 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
1011 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
1012 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
1013 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
1014 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
1015 , lineWidth
1016 = 120
1017 &= name "line-width"
1018 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1019 &= explicit
1020 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
1021 , generateStreamliners
1022 = ""
1023 &= name "generate-streamliners"
1024 &= groupname "Streamlining"
1025 &= explicit
1026 &= help "A comma separated list of integers.\n\
1027 \If provided, the streamlining constraints that correspond to the given integers will be generated.\n\
1028 \Run \"conjure streamlining ESSENCE_FILE\" to generate a list of all applicable streamliners."
1029 } &= name "solve"
1030 &= explicit
1031 &= help "A combined mode for convenience.\n\
1032 \Runs Conjure in modelling mode followed by \
1033 \parameter translation if required, \
1034 \then Savile Row + Minion to solve, and \
1035 \then solution translation."
1036 , IDE
1037 { essence
1038 = def
1039 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
1040 &= argPos 0
1041 , dumpDeclarations
1042 = False
1043 &= name "dump-declarations"
1044 &= groupname "IDE Features"
1045 &= explicit
1046 &= help "Print information about top level declarations."
1047 , dumpRepresentations
1048 = False
1049 &= name "dump-representations"
1050 &= groupname "IDE Features"
1051 &= explicit
1052 &= help "List the available representations for decision variables and parameters."
1053 , logLevel
1054 = def
1055 &= name "log-level"
1056 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1057 &= explicit
1058 &= help "Log level."
1059 , limitTime
1060 = Nothing
1061 &= name "limit-time"
1062 &= groupname "General"
1063 &= explicit
1064 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
1065 , lineWidth
1066 = 120
1067 &= name "line-width"
1068 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1069 &= explicit
1070 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
1071 } &= name "ide"
1072 &= explicit
1073 &= help "IDE support features for Conjure.\n\
1074 \Not intended for direct use."
1075 , Pretty
1076 { essence
1077 = def
1078 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
1079 &= argPos 0
1080 , logLevel
1081 = def
1082 &= name "log-level"
1083 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1084 &= explicit
1085 &= help "Log level."
1086 , normaliseQuantified
1087 = False
1088 &= name "normalise-quantified"
1089 &= explicit
1090 &= help "Normalise the names of quantified variables."
1091 , removeUnused
1092 = False
1093 &= name "remove-unused"
1094 &= explicit
1095 &= help "Remove unused declarations."
1096 , limitTime
1097 = Nothing
1098 &= name "limit-time"
1099 &= groupname "General"
1100 &= explicit
1101 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
1102 , outputFormat
1103 = def
1104 &= name "output-format"
1105 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1106 &= explicit
1107 &= typ "FORMAT"
1108 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
1109 \ plain: default\n\
1110 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
1111 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
1112 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
1113 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
1114 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
1115 , lineWidth
1116 = 120
1117 &= name "line-width"
1118 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1119 &= explicit
1120 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
1121 } &= name "pretty"
1122 &= explicit
1123 &= help "Pretty print as Essence file to stdout.\n\
1124 \This mode can be used to view a binary Essence file in textual form."
1125 , Diff
1126 { file1
1127 = def
1128 &= typFile
1129 &= argPos 0
1130 , file2
1131 = def
1132 &= typFile
1133 &= argPos 1
1134 , logLevel
1135 = def
1136 &= name "log-level"
1137 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1138 &= explicit
1139 &= help "Log level."
1140 , limitTime
1141 = Nothing
1142 &= name "limit-time"
1143 &= groupname "General"
1144 &= explicit
1145 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
1146 , outputFormat
1147 = def
1148 &= name "output-format"
1149 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1150 &= explicit
1151 &= typ "FORMAT"
1152 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
1153 \ plain: default\n\
1154 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
1155 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
1156 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
1157 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
1158 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
1159 , lineWidth
1160 = 120
1161 &= name "line-width"
1162 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1163 &= explicit
1164 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
1165 } &= name "diff"
1166 &= explicit
1167 &= help "Diff on two Essence files. Works on models, parameters, and solutions."
1168 , TypeCheck
1169 { essence
1170 = def
1171 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
1172 &= argPos 0
1173 , logLevel
1174 = def
1175 &= name "log-level"
1176 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1177 &= explicit
1178 &= help "Log level."
1179 , limitTime
1180 = Nothing
1181 &= name "limit-time"
1182 &= groupname "General"
1183 &= explicit
1184 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
1185 } &= name "type-check"
1186 &= explicit
1187 &= help "Type-checking a single Essence file."
1188 , Split
1189 { essence
1190 = def
1191 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
1192 &= argPos 0
1193 , outputDirectory
1194 = "conjure-output"
1195 &= typDir
1196 &= name "output-directory"
1197 &= name "o"
1198 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1199 &= explicit
1200 &= help "Where to save generated models.\n\
1201 \Default value: 'conjure-output'"
1202 , logLevel
1203 = def
1204 &= name "log-level"
1205 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1206 &= explicit
1207 &= help "Log level."
1208 , limitTime
1209 = Nothing
1210 &= name "limit-time"
1211 &= groupname "General"
1212 &= explicit
1213 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
1214 , outputFormat
1215 = def
1216 &= name "output-format"
1217 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1218 &= explicit
1219 &= typ "FORMAT"
1220 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
1221 \ plain: default\n\
1222 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
1223 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
1224 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
1225 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
1226 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
1227 , lineWidth
1228 = 120
1229 &= name "line-width"
1230 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1231 &= explicit
1232 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
1233 } &= name "split"
1234 &= explicit
1235 &= help "Split an Essence file to various smaller files. Useful for testing."
1236 , SymmetryDetection
1237 { essence
1238 = def
1239 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
1240 &= argPos 0
1241 , json
1242 = def
1243 &= typ "JSON_FILE"
1244 &= name "json"
1245 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1246 &= explicit
1247 &= help "Output JSON file.\n\
1248 \Default is 'foo.essence-json'\n\
1249 \if the Essence file is named 'foo.essence'"
1250 , logLevel
1251 = def
1252 &= name "log-level"
1253 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1254 &= explicit
1255 &= help "Log level."
1256 , limitTime
1257 = Nothing
1258 &= name "limit-time"
1259 &= groupname "General"
1260 &= explicit
1261 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
1262 , outputFormat
1263 = def
1264 &= name "output-format"
1265 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1266 &= explicit
1267 &= typ "FORMAT"
1268 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
1269 \ plain: default\n\
1270 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
1271 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
1272 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
1273 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
1274 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
1275 , lineWidth
1276 = 120
1277 &= name "line-width"
1278 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1279 &= explicit
1280 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
1281 } &= name "symmetry-detection"
1282 &= explicit
1283 &= help "Dump some JSON to be used as input to ferret for symmetry detection."
1284 , ParameterGenerator
1285 { essence
1286 = def
1287 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
1288 &= argPos 0
1289 , minInt
1290 = 0
1291 &= typ "INT"
1292 &= name "MININT"
1293 &= groupname "Integer bounds"
1294 &= explicit
1295 &= help "The minimum integer value for the parameter values.\nDefault: 0"
1296 , maxInt
1297 = 100
1298 &= typ "INT"
1299 &= name "MAXINT"
1300 &= groupname "Integer bounds"
1301 &= explicit
1302 &= help "The maximum integer value for the parameter values.\nDefault: 100"
1303 , logLevel
1304 = def
1305 &= name "log-level"
1306 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1307 &= explicit
1308 &= help "Log level."
1309 , limitTime
1310 = Nothing
1311 &= name "limit-time"
1312 &= groupname "General"
1313 &= explicit
1314 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
1315 , outputFormat
1316 = def
1317 &= name "output-format"
1318 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1319 &= explicit
1320 &= typ "FORMAT"
1321 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
1322 \ plain: default\n\
1323 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
1324 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
1325 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
1326 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
1327 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
1328 , lineWidth
1329 = 120
1330 &= name "line-width"
1331 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1332 &= explicit
1333 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
1334 } &= name "parameter-generator"
1335 &= explicit
1336 &= help "Generate an Essence model describing the instances of the problem class \
1337 \defined in the input Essence model.\n\
1338 \An error will be printed if the model has infinitely many instances."
1339 , AutoIG
1340 { essence
1341 = def
1342 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
1343 &= argPos 0
1344 , outputFilepath
1345 = def
1346 &= typ "OUTPUT_FILE"
1347 &= argPos 1
1348 , generatorToIrace
1349 = False
1350 &= name "generator-to-irace"
1351 &= explicit
1352 &= help "Convert the givens in a hand written generator model to irace syntax."
1353 , removeAux
1354 = False
1355 &= name "remove-aux"
1356 &= explicit
1357 &= help "Remove lettings whose name start with Aux"
1358 , logLevel
1359 = def
1360 &= name "log-level"
1361 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1362 &= explicit
1363 &= help "Log level."
1364 , limitTime
1365 = Nothing
1366 &= name "limit-time"
1367 &= groupname "General"
1368 &= explicit
1369 &= help "Limit in seconds of real time."
1370 , outputFormat
1371 = def
1372 &= name "output-format"
1373 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1374 &= explicit
1375 &= typ "FORMAT"
1376 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
1377 \ plain: default\n\
1378 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
1379 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
1380 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
1381 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
1382 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
1383 , lineWidth
1384 = 120
1385 &= name "line-width"
1386 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1387 &= explicit
1388 &= help "Line width for pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
1389 } &= name "autoig"
1390 &= explicit
1391 &= help "Functionality to support the AutoIG workflow."
1392 , Boost
1393 { essence
1394 = def
1395 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
1396 &= argPos 0
1397 , logLevel
1398 = def
1399 &= name "log-level"
1400 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1401 &= explicit
1402 &= help "Log level."
1403 , logRuleSuccesses
1404 = False
1405 &= name "log-rule-successes"
1406 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1407 &= explicit
1408 &= help "Generate logs for rule applications."
1409 , limitTime
1410 = Nothing
1411 &= name "limit-time"
1412 &= groupname "General"
1413 &= explicit
1414 &= help "Time limit in seconds (real time)."
1415 , outputFormat
1416 = def
1417 &= name "output-format"
1418 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1419 &= explicit
1420 &= typ "FORMAT"
1421 &= help "Format to use for output. All output formats can also be used for input.\n\
1422 \ plain: default\n\
1423 \ binary: a binary encoding\n\
1424 \ astjson: a JSON dump of the internal data structures, quite verbose\n\
1425 \ json: a simplified JSON format, only used for parameters and solutions\n\
1426 \ jsonstream: same as JSON, except in one special case. when multiple solutions are saved in a single file as json, this mode prints one solution per line\n\
1427 \ minizinc: minizinc format for data files, only used for solutions\n"
1428 , lineWidth
1429 = 120
1430 &= name "line-width"
1431 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1432 &= explicit
1433 &= help "Line width to use during pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
1434 } &= name "boost"
1435 &= explicit
1436 &= help "Strengthen an Essence model as described in \"Reformulating \
1437 \Essence Specifications for Robustness\",\n\
1438 \which aims to make search faster."
1439 , Streamlining
1440 { essence
1441 = def
1442 &= typ "ESSENCE_FILE"
1443 &= argPos 0
1444 , logLevel
1445 = def
1446 &= name "log-level"
1447 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1448 &= explicit
1449 &= help "Log level."
1450 , limitTime
1451 = Nothing
1452 &= name "limit-time"
1453 &= groupname "General"
1454 &= explicit
1455 &= help "Time limit in seconds (real time)."
1456 , outputFormat
1457 = def
1458 &= name "output-format"
1459 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1460 &= explicit
1461 &= typ "FORMAT"
1462 &= help "Conjure's output can be in multiple formats.\n\
1463 \ plain : The default\n\
1464 \ binary: A binary encoding of the Essence output.\n\
1465 \ It can be read back in by Conjure.\n\
1466 \ json : A json encoding of the Essence output.\n\
1467 \ It can be used by other tools integrating with Conjure\n\
1468 \ in order to avoid having to parse textual Essence."
1469 , lineWidth
1470 = 120
1471 &= name "line-width"
1472 &= groupname "Logging & Output"
1473 &= explicit
1474 &= help "Line width to use during pretty printing.\nDefault: 120"
1475 } &= name "streamlining"
1476 &= explicit
1477 &= help "Generate streamlined Essence models."
1478 , LSP {
1479 logLevel = def,
1480 limitTime = Nothing
1481 } &= name "lsp"
1482 ] &= program "conjure"
1483 &= helpArg [explicit, name "help"]
1484 &= versionArg [explicit, name "version"]
1485 &= summary (unlines [ "Conjure: The Automated Constraint Modelling Tool"
1486 , versionLine
1487 ])
1488 &= help "The command line interface of Conjure takes a command name as the first argument \
1489 \followed by more arguments depending on the command.\n\
1490 \This help text gives a list of the available commands.\n\
1491 \For details of a command, pass the --help flag after the command name.\n\
1492 \For example: 'conjure translate-solution --help'"
1494 versionLine :: String
1495 versionLine = "Conjure v" ++ showVersion version ++ " (Repository version " ++ repositoryVersion ++ ")"