87.57 %
34.09 %
/* Rules for translating to Minion-supported constraints */
use crate::metadata::Metadata;
use crate::rule_engine::{
register_rule, register_rule_set, ApplicationError, ApplicationResult, Reduction,
use crate::rules::extra_check;
use crate::{
Atom::{self, *},
DecisionVariable, Domain,
Expression::{self as Expr, *},
rules::utils::{exprs_to_conjunction, is_atom},
use crate::solver::SolverFamily;
use crate::Model;
use uniplate::Uniplate;
use ApplicationError::RuleNotApplicable;
use super::utils::{is_flat, to_aux_var};
register_rule_set!("Minion", 100, ("Base"), (SolverFamily::Minion));
#[register_rule(("Minion", 4200))]
fn introduce_diveq(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
// div = val
let val: Atom;
let div: Expr;
let meta: Metadata;
match expr.clone() {
Expr::Eq(m, a, b) => {
meta = m;
if let Some(f) = a.as_atom() {
// val = div
val = f;
div = *b;
} else if let Some(f) = b.as_atom() {
div = *a;
} else {
return Err(RuleNotApplicable);
Expr::AuxDeclaration(m, name, e) => {
val = name.into();
div = *e;
_ => {
if !(matches!(div, Expr::SafeDiv(_, _, _))) {
let children = div.children();
let a = children[0].as_atom().ok_or(RuleNotApplicable)?;
let b = children[1].as_atom().ok_or(RuleNotApplicable)?;
Ok(Reduction::pure(DivEq(meta.clone_dirty(), a, b, val)))
#[register_rule(("Minion", 4400))]
fn flatten_binop(expr: &Expr, model: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
if !matches!(expr, Expr::SafeDiv(_, _, _) | Expr::Neq(_, _, _)) {
let mut children = expr.children();
debug_assert_eq!(children.len(), 2);
let mut model = model.clone();
let mut num_changed = 0;
let mut new_tops: Vec<Expr> = vec![];
for child in children.iter_mut() {
if let Some(aux_var_info) = to_aux_var(child, &model) {
model = aux_var_info.model();
*child = aux_var_info.as_expr();
num_changed += 1;
if num_changed == 0 {
let expr = expr.with_children(children);
let new_top = exprs_to_conjunction(&new_tops).unwrap_or_else(|| {
bug!("rules::minion::flatten_binop : new_tops could be combined with And!")
Ok(Reduction::new(expr, new_top, model.variables))
fn flatten_vecop(expr: &Expr, model: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
if !matches!(expr, Expr::Sum(_, _)) {
bug!("rules::minion::flatten_vecop : new_tops could be combined with And!")
Ok(Reduction::new(new_top, expr, model.variables))
fn flatten_eq(expr: &Expr, model: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
if !matches!(expr, Expr::Eq(_, _, _)) {
// eq: both sides have to be non flat for the rule to be applicable!
if num_changed != 2 {
let new_top = exprs_to_conjunction(&new_tops)
.unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("rules::minion::flatten_eq: new_tops could be combined with And!"));
fn is_nested_sum(exprs: &Vec<Expr>) -> bool {
for e in exprs {
if let Sum(_, _) = e {
return true;
* Helper function to get the vector of expressions from a sum (or error if it's a nested sum - we need to flatten it first)
fn sum_to_vector(expr: &Expr) -> Result<Vec<Expr>, ApplicationError> {
match expr {
Sum(_, exprs) => {
if is_nested_sum(exprs) {
_ => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
// /**
// * Convert an Eq to a conjunction of Geq and Leq:
// * ```text
// * a = b => a >= b && a <= b
// * ```
// */
// #[register_rule(("Minion", 100))]
// fn eq_to_minion(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
// match expr {
// Expr::Eq(metadata, a, b) => Ok(Reduction::pure(Expr::And(
// metadata.clone_dirty(),
// vec![
// Expr::Geq(metadata.clone_dirty(), a.clone(), b.clone()),
// Expr::Leq(metadata.clone_dirty(), a.clone(), b.clone()),
// ],
// ))),
// _ => Err(ApplicationError::RuleNotApplicable),
// }
* Convert a Geq to a SumGeq if the left hand side is a sum:
* ```text
* sum([a, b, c]) >= d => sum_geq([a, b, c], d)
* ```
fn flatten_sum_geq(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
Geq(metadata, a, b) => {
let exprs = sum_to_vector(a)?;
* Convert a Leq to a SumLeq if the left hand side is a sum:
* sum([a, b, c]) <= d => sum_leq([a, b, c], d)
fn sum_leq_to_sumleq(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
Leq(metadata, a, b) => {
* Convert a 'Eq(Sum([...]))' to a SumEq
* eq(sum([a, b]), c) => sumeq([a, b], c)
fn sum_eq_to_sumeq(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
Eq(metadata, a, b) => {
if let Ok(exprs) = sum_to_vector(a) {
} else if let Ok(exprs) = sum_to_vector(b) {
* Convert a `SumEq` to an `And(SumGeq, SumLeq)`
* This is a workaround for Minion not having support for a flat "equals" operation on sums
* sumeq([a, b], c) -> watched_and({
* sumleq([a, b], c),
* sumgeq([a, b], c)
* })
* I. e.
* ((a + b) >= c) && ((a + b) <= c)
* a + b = c
fn sumeq_to_minion(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
SumEq(_metadata, exprs, eq_to) => Ok(Reduction::pure(And(
SumGeq(Metadata::new(), exprs.clone(), Box::from(*eq_to.clone())),
SumLeq(Metadata::new(), exprs.clone(), Box::from(*eq_to.clone())),
* Convert a Lt to an Ineq:
* a < b ~> a <= b -1 ~> ineq(a,b,-1)
#[register_rule(("Minion", 4100))]
fn lt_to_ineq(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
Lt(metadata, a, b) => Ok(Reduction::pure(Ineq(
Box::new(Atomic(Metadata::new(), Literal(Int(-1)))),
* Convert a Gt to an Ineq:
* a > b ~> b <= a -1 ~> ineq(b,a,-1)
fn gt_to_ineq(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
Gt(metadata, a, b) => Ok(Reduction::pure(Ineq(
* Convert a Geq to an Ineq:
* a >= b ~> b <= a + 0 ~> ineq(b,a,0)
fn geq_to_ineq(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
Geq(metadata, a, b) => Ok(Reduction::pure(Ineq(
Box::new(Atomic(Metadata::new(), Literal(Int(0)))),
* Convert a Leq to an Ineq:
* a <= b ~> a <= b + 0 ~> ineq(a,b,0)
fn leq_to_ineq(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
Leq(metadata, a, b) => Ok(Reduction::pure(Ineq(
/// ```text
/// x <= y + k ~> ineq(x,y,k)
/// ```
fn x_leq_y_plus_k_to_ineq(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
let Leq(_, x, b) = expr else {
let x @ Atomic(_, Reference(_)) = *x.to_owned() else {
let Sum(_, c) = *b.to_owned() else {
let [ref y @ Atomic(_, Reference(_)), ref k @ Atomic(_, Literal(_))] = c[..] else {
// #[register_rule(("Minion", 99))]
// fn eq_to_leq_geq(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
// Eq(metadata, a, b) => {
// return Ok(Reduction::pure(Expr::And(
// metadata.clone(),
// Expr::Leq(metadata.clone(), a.clone(), b.clone()),
// Expr::Geq(metadata.clone(), a.clone(), b.clone()),
// )));
// _ => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
/// Flattening rule that converts boolean variables to watched-literal constraints.
/// For some boolean variable x:
/// and([x,...]) ~> and([w-literal(x,1),..])
/// or([x,...]) ~> or([w-literal(x,1),..])
/// not(x) ~> w-literal(x,0)
/// ## Rationale
/// Minion's watched-and and watched-or constraints only takes other constraints as arguments.
/// This restates boolean variables as the equivalent constraint "SAT if x is true".
fn boolean_literal_to_wliteral(expr: &Expr, mdl: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
use Domain::BoolDomain;
Or(m, vec) => {
let mut changed = false;
let mut new_vec = Vec::new();
for expr in vec {
new_vec.push(match expr {
Atomic(m, Reference(name))
if mdl
.is_some_and(|x| matches!(x, BoolDomain)) =>
changed = true;
WatchedLiteral(m.clone_dirty(), name.clone(), Bool(true))
e => e.clone(),
if !changed {
Ok(Reduction::pure(Or(m.clone_dirty(), new_vec)))
And(m, vec) => {
Ok(Reduction::pure(And(m.clone_dirty(), new_vec)))
Not(m, expr) => {
if let Atomic(_, Reference(name)) = (**expr).clone() {
.is_some_and(|x| matches!(x, BoolDomain))
return Ok(Reduction::pure(WatchedLiteral(
/// Flattening rule for not(X) in Minion, where X is a constraint.
/// not(X) ~> reify(X,0)
/// This rule has lower priority than boolean_literal_to_wliteral so that we can assume that the
/// nested expressions are constraints not variables.
#[register_rule(("Minion", 4090))]
fn not_constraint_to_reify(expr: &Expr, _: &Model) -> ApplicationResult {
if !matches!(expr, Not(_,c) if !matches!(**c, Atomic(_,_))) {
let Not(m, e) = expr else {
extra_check! {
if !is_flat(e) {
Box::new(Atomic(Metadata::new(), Literal(Bool(false)))),