77.87 %
30.77 %
use std::cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut};
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use derivative::Derivative;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_with::serde_as;
use uniplate::{Biplate, Tree, Uniplate};
use crate::ast::serde::RcRefCellAsInner;
use crate::ast::{Expression, SymbolTable};
use crate::bug;
use crate::context::Context;
use crate::ast::pretty::{
pretty_domain_letting_declaration, pretty_expressions_as_top_level,
pretty_value_letting_declaration, pretty_variable_declaration,
use crate::metadata::Metadata;
use super::declaration::DeclarationKind;
use super::types::Typeable;
use super::ReturnType;
/// Represents a computational model containing variables, constraints, and a shared context.
/// To de/serialise a model using serde, see [`SerdeModel`].
#[derive(Derivative, Clone, Debug)]
#[derivative(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Model {
/// Top level constraints. This should be a `Expression::Root`.
constraints: Box<Expression>,
symbols: Rc<RefCell<SymbolTable>>,
#[derivative(PartialEq = "ignore")]
pub context: Arc<RwLock<Context<'static>>>,
impl Model {
/// Creates a new model.
pub fn new(
constraints: Vec<Expression>,
context: Arc<RwLock<Context<'static>>>,
) -> Model {
Model {
constraints: Box::new(Expression::Root(Metadata::new(), constraints)),
pub fn new_empty(context: Arc<RwLock<Context<'static>>>) -> Model {
Model::new(Default::default(), Vec::new(), context)
/// The symbol table for this model as a pointer.
/// The caller should only mutate the returned symbol table if this method was called on a
/// mutable model.
pub fn symbols_ptr_unchecked(&self) -> &Rc<RefCell<SymbolTable>> {
/// The global symbol table for this model as a reference.
pub fn symbols(&self) -> Ref<SymbolTable> {
/// The global symbol table for this model as a mutable reference.
pub fn symbols_mut(&self) -> RefMut<SymbolTable> {
pub fn get_constraints_vec(&self) -> Vec<Expression> {
match *self.constraints {
Expression::Root(_, ref exprs) => exprs.clone(),
ref e => {
"get_constraints_vec: unexpected top level expression, {} ",
pub fn set_constraints(&mut self, constraints: Vec<Expression>) {
self.constraints = Box::new(Expression::Root(Metadata::new(), constraints));
pub fn set_context(&mut self, context: Arc<RwLock<Context<'static>>>) {
self.context = context;
pub fn add_constraint(&mut self, expression: Expression) {
// TODO (gs248): there is no checking whatsoever
// We need to properly validate the expression but this is just for testing
let mut constraints = self.get_constraints_vec();
pub fn add_constraints(&mut self, expressions: Vec<Expression>) {
impl Typeable for Model {
fn return_type(&self) -> Option<ReturnType> {
// At time of writing (03/02/2025), the Uniplate derive macro doesn't like the lifetimes inside
// context, and we do not yet have a way of ignoring this field.
impl Uniplate for Model {
fn uniplate(&self) -> (Tree<Self>, Box<dyn Fn(Tree<Self>) -> Self>) {
// Model contains no sub-models.
let self2 = self.clone();
(Tree::Zero, Box::new(move |_| self2.clone()))
// TODO: replace with derive macro when possible.
impl Biplate<Expression> for Model {
fn biplate(&self) -> (Tree<Expression>, Box<dyn Fn(Tree<Expression>) -> Self>) {
let (symtab_tree, symtab_ctx) = (*self.symbols).borrow().biplate();
let (constraints_tree, constraints_ctx) = self.constraints.biplate();
let tree = Tree::Many(VecDeque::from([symtab_tree, constraints_tree]));
let ctx = Box::new(move |tree| {
let Tree::Many(fields) = tree else {
panic!("number of children changed!");
let mut self3 = self2.clone();
let mut symbols = (*self3.symbols).borrow_mut();
*symbols = (symtab_ctx)(fields[0].clone());
self3.constraints = Box::new((constraints_ctx)(fields[1].clone()));
(tree, ctx)
impl Display for Model {
#[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] // [rustdocs]: should only fail iff the formatter fails
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
for (name, decl) in self.symbols().clone().into_iter_local() {
match decl.kind() {
DeclarationKind::DecisionVariable(_) => {
pretty_variable_declaration(&self.symbols(), &name).unwrap()
DeclarationKind::ValueLetting(_) => {
pretty_value_letting_declaration(&self.symbols(), &name).unwrap()
DeclarationKind::DomainLetting(_) => {
pretty_domain_letting_declaration(&self.symbols(), &name).unwrap()
writeln!(f, "\nsuch that\n")?;
/// A model that is de/serializable using `serde`.
/// To turn this into a rewritable model, it needs to be initialised using [`initialise`](SerdeModel::initialise).
/// To deserialise a [`Model`], use `.into()` to convert it into a `SerdeModel` first.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SerdeModel {
#[serde_as(as = "RcRefCellAsInner")]
impl SerdeModel {
/// Initialises the model for rewriting.
pub fn initialise(self, context: Arc<RwLock<Context<'static>>>) -> Option<Model> {
// TODO: Once we have submodels and multiple symbol tables, de-duplicate deserialized
// Rc<RefCell<>> symbol tables and declarations using their stored ids.
// See ast::serde::RcRefCellAsId.
Some(Model {
constraints: self.constraints,
symbols: self.symbols,
impl From<Model> for SerdeModel {
fn from(val: Model) -> Self {
SerdeModel {
constraints: val.constraints,
symbols: val.symbols,