100 %
/// Triggers a panic with a detailed bug report message, while ensuring the panic is ignored in coverage reports.
/// This macro is useful in situations where an unreachable code path is hit or when a bug occurs.
/// # Parameters
/// - `msg`: A string expression describing the cause of the panic or bug.
/// ```
macro_rules! bug {
($msg:expr $(, $arg:tt)*) => {{
let formatted_msg = format!($msg, $($arg)*);
let full_message = format!(
This should never happen, sorry!
However, it did happen, so it must be a bug. Please report it to us!
Conjure Oxide is actively developed and maintained. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can help us by providing a minimal failing example.
Issue tracker:
version: {}
location: {}:{}:{}
"#, git_version::git_version!(),file!(),module_path!(),line!(), &formatted_msg);
panic!("{}", full_message);