90.38 %
26.19 %
//! Normalising rules for boolean operations (not, and, or, ->).
use conjure_core::ast::Expression as Expr;
use conjure_core::metadata::Metadata;
use conjure_core::rule_engine::{
register_rule, ApplicationError, ApplicationError::RuleNotApplicable, ApplicationResult,
use uniplate::Uniplate;
use Expr::*;
use crate::ast::{Atom, SymbolTable};
/// Removes double negations
/// ```text
/// not(not(a)) = a
/// ```
#[register_rule(("Base", 8400))]
fn remove_double_negation(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
match expr {
Not(_, contents) => match contents.as_ref() {
Not(_, expr_box) => Ok(Reduction::pure(*expr_box.clone())),
_ => Err(ApplicationError::RuleNotApplicable),
/// Distributes `ands` contained in `ors`
/// or(and(a, b), c) ~> and(or(a, c), or(b, c))
fn distribute_or_over_and(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
fn find_and(exprs: &[Expr]) -> Option<usize> {
// ToDo: may be better to move this to some kind of utils module?
for (i, e) in exprs.iter().enumerate() {
if let And(_, _) = e {
return Some(i);
Or(_, exprs) => match find_and(exprs) {
Some(idx) => {
let mut rest = exprs.clone();
let and_expr = rest.remove(idx);
match and_expr {
And(metadata, and_exprs) => {
let mut new_and_contents = Vec::new();
for e in and_exprs {
// ToDo: Cloning everything may be a bit inefficient - discuss
let mut new_or_contents = rest.clone();
new_and_contents.push(Or(metadata.clone_dirty(), new_or_contents))
None => Err(ApplicationError::RuleNotApplicable),
/// Distributes `not` over `and` by De Morgan's Law
/// not(and(a, b)) ~> or(not(a), not(b))
fn distribute_not_over_and(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
for child in expr.universe() {
if matches!(
Expr::UnsafeDiv(_, _, _) | Expr::Bubble(_, _, _) | Expr::UnsafeMod(_, _, _)
) {
return Err(RuleNotApplicable);
And(metadata, exprs) => {
if exprs.len() == 1 {
let single_expr = exprs[0].clone();
return Ok(Reduction::pure(Not(
let mut new_exprs = Vec::new();
for e in exprs {
new_exprs.push(Not(metadata.clone(), Box::new(e.clone())));
Ok(Reduction::pure(Or(metadata.clone(), new_exprs)))
/// Distributes `not` over `or` by De Morgan's Law
/// not(or(a, b)) ~> and(not(a), not(b))
fn distribute_not_over_or(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
Or(metadata, exprs) => {
Ok(Reduction::pure(And(metadata.clone(), new_exprs)))
/// Removes ands with a single argument.
/// or([a]) ~> a
#[register_rule(("Base", 8800))]
fn remove_unit_vector_and(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
And(_, exprs) => {
return Ok(Reduction::pure(exprs[0].clone()));
/// Removes ors with a single argument.
fn remove_unit_vector_or(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
// do not conflict with unwrap_nested_or rule.
Or(_, exprs) if exprs.len() == 1 && !matches!(exprs[0], Or(_, _)) => {
/// Applies the contrapositive of implication.
/// !p -> !q ~> q -> p
/// where p,q are safe.
fn normalise_implies_contrapositive(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
let Expr::Imply(_, e1, e2) = expr else {
let Expr::Not(_, p) = e1.as_ref() else {
let Expr::Not(_, q) = e2.as_ref() else {
// we only negate e1, e2 if they are safe.
if !e1.is_safe() || !e2.is_safe() {
/// Simplifies the negation of implication.
/// !(p->q) ~> p /\ !q
/// ```,
/// where p->q is safe
fn normalise_implies_negation(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
let Expr::Not(_, e1) = expr else {
let Expr::Imply(_, p, q) = e1.as_ref() else {
// p->q must be safe to negate
if !e1.is_safe() {
vec![*p.clone(), Expr::Not(Metadata::new(), q.clone())],
/// Applies left distributivity to implication.
/// ((r -> p) -> (r->q)) ~> (r -> (p -> q))
/// This rule relies on CSE to unify the two instances of `r` to a single atom; therefore, it might
/// not work as well when optimisations are disabled.
/// Has a higher priority than `normalise_implies_uncurry` as this should apply first. See the
/// docstring for `normalise_implies_uncurry`.
fn normalise_implies_left_distributivity(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
let Expr::Imply(_, r1, p) = e1.as_ref() else {
let Expr::Imply(_, r2, q) = e2.as_ref() else {
// Instead of checking deep equality, let CSE unify them to a common variable and check for
// that.
let r1_atom: &Atom = r1.as_ref().try_into().or(Err(RuleNotApplicable))?;
let r2_atom: &Atom = r2.as_ref().try_into().or(Err(RuleNotApplicable))?;
if !(r1_atom == r2_atom) {
Box::new(Expr::Imply(Metadata::new(), p.clone(), q.clone())),
/// Applies import-export to implication, i.e. uncurrying.
/// p -> (q -> r) ~> (p/\q) -> r
/// This rule has a lower priority of 8400 to allow distributivity, contraposition, etc. to
/// apply first.
/// For example, we want to do:
/// ((r -> p) -> (r -> q)) ~> (r -> (p -> q)) [left-distributivity]
/// (r -> (p -> q)) ~> (r/\p) ~> q [uncurry]
/// not
/// ((r->p) -> (r->q)) ~> ((r->p) /\ r) -> q) ~> [uncurry]
/// # Rationale
/// With this rule, I am assuming (without empirical evidence) that and is a cheaper constraint
/// than implication (in particular, Minion's reifyimply constraint).
fn normalise_implies_uncurry(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
let Expr::Imply(_, p, e1) = expr else {
let Expr::Imply(_, q, r) = e1.as_ref() else {
Box::new(Expr::And(Metadata::new(), vec![*p.clone(), *q.clone()])),