83.85 %
33.33 %
use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque};
use conjure_macros::register_rule;
use itertools::iproduct;
use uniplate::Biplate;
use crate::ast::SymbolTable;
use crate::rule_engine::{ApplicationResult, Reduction};
use crate::{
ast::{Atom, Expression as Expr, Literal as Lit, Literal::*},
fn partial_evaluator(expr: &Expr, _: &SymbolTable) -> ApplicationResult {
use conjure_core::rule_engine::ApplicationError::RuleNotApplicable;
use Expr::*;
// NOTE: If nothing changes, we must return RuleNotApplicable, or the rewriter will try this
// rule infinitely!
// This is why we always check whether we found a constant or not.
match expr.clone() {
Bubble(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
Atomic(_, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
Abs(m, e) => match *e {
Neg(_, inner) => Ok(Reduction::pure(Abs(m, inner))),
_ => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
Sum(m, vec) => {
let mut acc = 0;
let mut n_consts = 0;
let mut new_vec: Vec<Expr> = Vec::new();
for expr in vec {
if let Expr::Atomic(_, Atom::Literal(Int(x))) = expr {
acc += x;
n_consts += 1;
} else {
if acc != 0 {
new_vec.push(Expr::Atomic(Default::default(), Atom::Literal(Int(acc))));
if n_consts <= 1 {
Ok(Reduction::pure(Sum(m, new_vec)))
Product(m, vec) => {
let mut acc = 1;
acc *= x;
if n_consts == 0 {
return Err(RuleNotApplicable);
let new_product = Product(m, new_vec);
if acc == 0 {
// if safe, 0 * exprs ~> 0
// otherwise, just return 0* exprs
if new_product.is_safe() {
} else if n_consts == 1 {
// acc !=0, only one constant
// acc !=0, multiple constants found
Min(m, vec) => {
let mut acc: Option<i32> = None;
acc = match acc {
Some(i) => {
if i > x {
None => Some(x),
if let Some(i) = acc {
new_vec.push(Expr::Atomic(Default::default(), Atom::Literal(Int(i))));
Ok(Reduction::pure(Min(m, new_vec)))
Max(m, vec) => {
if i < x {
Ok(Reduction::pure(Max(m, new_vec)))
Not(_, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
Or(m, terms) => {
let mut has_changed = false;
// 2. boolean literals
let mut new_terms = vec![];
for expr in terms {
if let Expr::Atomic(_, Atom::Literal(Bool(x))) = expr {
has_changed = true;
// true ~~> entire or is true
// false ~~> remove false from the or
if x {
return Ok(Reduction::pure(true.into()));
// 2. check pairwise tautologies.
if check_pairwise_or_tautologies(&new_terms) {
// 3. empty or ~~> false
if new_terms.is_empty() {
return Ok(Reduction::pure(false.into()));
if !has_changed {
Ok(Reduction::pure(Or(m, new_terms)))
And(_, vec) => {
let mut has_const: bool = false;
has_const = true;
if !x {
return Ok(Reduction::pure(Atomic(
if !has_const {
// similar to And, but booleans are returned wrapped in Root.
Root(_, vec) => {
// root([true]) / root([false]) are already evaluated
if vec.len() < 2 {
return Ok(Reduction::pure(Root(
vec![Atomic(Default::default(), Atom::Literal(Bool(false)))],
if new_vec.is_empty() {
Imply(_m, x, y) => {
if let Expr::Atomic(_, Atom::Literal(Lit::Bool(x))) = *x {
// (true) -> y ~~> y
return Ok(Reduction::pure(*y));
// (false) -> y ~~> true
return Ok(Reduction::pure(Expr::Atomic(Metadata::new(), true.into())));
// reflexivity: p -> p ~> true
// instead of checking syntactic equivalence of a possibly deep expression,
// let identical-CSE turn them into identical variables first. Then, check if they are
// identical variables.
if x.identical_atom_to(y.as_ref()) {
Eq(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
Neq(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
Geq(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
Leq(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
Gt(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
Lt(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
SafeDiv(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
UnsafeDiv(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
AllDiff(m, vec) => {
let mut consts: HashSet<i32> = HashSet::new();
// check for duplicate constant values which would fail the constraint
for expr in &vec {
if !consts.insert(*x) {
return Ok(Reduction::pure(Expr::Atomic(m, Atom::Literal(Bool(false)))));
// nothing has changed
Neg(_, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
AuxDeclaration(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
UnsafeMod(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
SafeMod(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
UnsafePow(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
SafePow(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
Minus(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
// As these are in a low level solver form, I'm assuming that these have already been
// simplified and partially evaluated.
FlatAbsEq(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
FlatIneq(_, _, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
FlatMinusEq(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
FlatProductEq(_, _, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
FlatSumLeq(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
FlatSumGeq(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
FlatWatchedLiteral(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
FlatWeightedSumLeq(_, _, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
FlatWeightedSumGeq(_, _, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
MinionDivEqUndefZero(_, _, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
MinionModuloEqUndefZero(_, _, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
MinionPow(_, _, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
MinionReify(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
MinionReifyImply(_, _, _) => Err(RuleNotApplicable),
/// Checks for tautologies involving pairs of terms inside an or, returning true if one is found.
/// This applies the following rules:
/// ```text
/// (p->q) \/ (q->p) ~> true [totality of implication]
/// (p->q) \/ (p-> !q) ~> true [conditional excluded middle]
/// ```
fn check_pairwise_or_tautologies(or_terms: &[Expr]) -> bool {
// Collect terms that are structurally identical to the rule input.
// Then, try the rules on these terms, also checking the other conditions of the rules.
// stores (p,q) in p -> q
let mut p_implies_q: Vec<(&Expr, &Expr)> = vec![];
// stores (p,q) in p -> !q
let mut p_implies_not_q: Vec<(&Expr, &Expr)> = vec![];
for term in or_terms.iter() {
if let Expr::Imply(_, p, q) = term {
// we use identical_atom_to for equality later on, so these sets are mutually exclusive.
// in general however, p -> !q would be in p_implies_q as (p,!q)
if let Expr::Not(_, q_1) = q.as_ref() {
p_implies_not_q.push((p.as_ref(), q_1.as_ref()));
p_implies_q.push((p.as_ref(), q.as_ref()));
// `(p->q) \/ (q->p) ~> true [totality of implication]`
for ((p1, q1), (q2, p2)) in iproduct!(p_implies_q.iter(), p_implies_q.iter()) {
if p1.identical_atom_to(p2) && q1.identical_atom_to(q2) {
return true;
// `(p->q) \/ (p-> !q) ~> true` [conditional excluded middle]
for ((p1, q1), (p2, q2)) in iproduct!(p_implies_q.iter(), p_implies_not_q.iter()) {