54.42 %
19.18 %
use super::{
pretty_domain_letting_declaration, pretty_expressions_as_top_level,
pretty_value_letting_declaration, pretty_variable_declaration,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_with::serde_as;
use uniplate::{Biplate, Tree, Uniplate};
use crate::{bug, metadata::Metadata};
use std::{
cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut},
use super::{types::Typeable, Expression, ReturnType, SymbolTable};
/// A sub-model, representing a lexical scope in the model.
/// Each sub-model contains a symbol table representing its scope, as well as a expression tree.
/// The expression tree is formed of a root node of type [`Expression::Root`], which contains a
/// vector of top-level constraints.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SubModel {
constraints: Expression,
#[serde_as(as = "RcRefCellAsInner")]
symbols: Rc<RefCell<SymbolTable>>,
impl SubModel {
/// Creates a new [`Submodel`] with no parent scope.
/// Top level models are represented as [`Model`](super::model): consider using
/// [`Model::new`](super::Model::new) instead.
pub(super) fn new_top_level() -> SubModel {
SubModel {
constraints: Expression::Root(Metadata::new(), vec![]),
symbols: Rc::new(RefCell::new(SymbolTable::new())),
/// Creates a new [`Submodel`] as a child scope of `parent`.
/// `parent` should be the symbol table of the containing scope of this sub-model.
pub fn new(parent: Rc<RefCell<SymbolTable>>) -> SubModel {
symbols: Rc::new(RefCell::new(SymbolTable::with_parent(parent))),
/// The symbol table for this sub-model as a pointer.
/// The caller should only mutate the returned symbol table if this method was called on a
/// mutable model.
pub fn symbols_ptr_unchecked(&self) -> &Rc<RefCell<SymbolTable>> {
/// The symbol table for this sub-model as a reference.
pub fn symbols(&self) -> Ref<SymbolTable> {
/// The symbol table for this sub-model as a mutable reference.
pub fn symbols_mut(&mut self) -> RefMut<SymbolTable> {
/// The root node of this sub-model.
/// The root node is an [`Expression::Root`] containing a vector of the top level constraints
/// in this sub-model.
pub fn root(&self) -> &Expression {
/// The root node of this sub-model, as a mutable reference.
/// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the root node remains an [`Expression::Root`].
fn root_mut_unchecked(&mut self) -> &mut Expression {
&mut self.constraints
/// Replaces the root node with `new_root`, returning the old root node.
/// # Panics
/// - If `new_root` is not an [`Expression::Root`].
pub fn replace_root(&mut self, new_root: Expression) -> Expression {
let Expression::Root(_, _) = new_root else {
panic!("new_root is not an Expression::Root");
// INVARIANT: already checked that `new_root` is an [`Expression::Root`]
std::mem::replace(self.root_mut_unchecked(), new_root)
/// The top-level constraints in this sub-model.
pub fn constraints(&self) -> &Vec<Expression> {
let Expression::Root(_, constraints) = &self.constraints else {
bug!("The top level expression in a submodel should be Expr::Root");
/// The top-level constraints in this sub-model as a mutable vector.
pub fn constraints_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Expression> {
let Expression::Root(_, constraints) = &mut self.constraints else {
/// Replaces the top-level constraints with `new_constraints`, returning the old ones.
pub fn replace_constraints(&mut self, new_constraints: Vec<Expression>) -> Vec<Expression> {
std::mem::replace(self.constraints_mut(), new_constraints)
/// Adds a top-level constraint.
pub fn add_constraint(&mut self, constraint: Expression) {
/// Adds top-level constraints.
pub fn add_constraints(&mut self, constraints: Vec<Expression>) {
/// Adds a new symbol to the symbol table
/// (Wrapper over `SymbolTable.insert`)
pub fn add_symbol(&mut self, sym: Declaration) -> Option<()> {
impl Typeable for SubModel {
fn return_type(&self) -> Option<super::ReturnType> {
impl Display for SubModel {
#[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] // [rustdocs]: should only fail iff the formatter fails
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
for (name, decl) in self.symbols().clone().into_iter_local() {
match decl.kind() {
DeclarationKind::DecisionVariable(_) => {
pretty_variable_declaration(&self.symbols(), &name).unwrap()
DeclarationKind::ValueLetting(_) => {
pretty_value_letting_declaration(&self.symbols(), &name).unwrap()
DeclarationKind::DomainLetting(_) => {
pretty_domain_letting_declaration(&self.symbols(), &name).unwrap()
writeln!(f, "\nsuch that\n")?;
writeln!(f, "{}", pretty_expressions_as_top_level(self.constraints()))?;
// Using manual implementations of Uniplate so that we can update the old Rc<RefCell<<>>> with the
// new value instead of creating a new one. This will keep the parent pointers in sync.
// I considered adding Rc RefCell shared-mutability to Uniplate, but I think this is unsound in
// generality: e.g. two pointers to the same object are in our tree, and both get modified in
// different ways.
// Shared mutability is probably fine here, as we only have one pointer to each symbol table
// reachable via Uniplate, the one in its Submodel. The SymbolTable implementation doesn't return
// or traverse through the parent pointers.
// -- nd60
impl Uniplate for SubModel {
fn uniplate(&self) -> (Tree<Self>, Box<dyn Fn(Tree<Self>) -> Self>) {
// Look inside constraint tree and symbol tables.
let (expr_tree, expr_ctx) = <Expression as Biplate<SubModel>>::biplate(self.root());
let symtab_ptr = self.symbols();
let (symtab_tree, symtab_ctx) = <SymbolTable as Biplate<SubModel>>::biplate(&symtab_ptr);
let tree = Tree::Many(VecDeque::from([expr_tree, symtab_tree]));
let self2 = self.clone();
let ctx = Box::new(move |x| {
let Tree::Many(xs) = x else {
let root = expr_ctx(xs[0].clone());
let symtab = symtab_ctx(xs[1].clone());
let mut self3 = self2.clone();
let Expression::Root(_, _) = root else {
bug!("root expression not root");
*self3.root_mut_unchecked() = root;
*self3.symbols_mut() = symtab;
(tree, ctx)
impl Biplate<Expression> for SubModel {
fn biplate(&self) -> (Tree<Expression>, Box<dyn Fn(Tree<Expression>) -> Self>) {
// Return constraints tree and look inside symbol table.
let (symtab_tree, symtab_ctx) = <SymbolTable as Biplate<Expression>>::biplate(&symtab_ptr);
let tree = Tree::Many(VecDeque::from([
let Tree::One(root) = xs[0].clone() else {
impl Biplate<SubModel> for SubModel {
fn biplate(&self) -> (Tree<SubModel>, Box<dyn Fn(Tree<SubModel>) -> Self>) {
Box::new(move |x| {
let Tree::One(x) = x else {