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//! The (global) symbol table ([`SymbolTable`]), mapping identifiers (of type [`Name`]) to their
//! definitions.
//! This only contains one type of definition at present, [`DecisionVariable`].
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::{cell::RefCell, collections::BTreeMap};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_with::serde_as;
use crate::ast::variables::DecisionVariable;
use super::{Domain, ReturnType};
use derivative::Derivative;
/// A reference to an object stored in the [`SymbolTable`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Name {
/// A name given in the input model.
/// A name generated by Conjure-Oxide.
impl Display for Name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Name::UserName(s) => write!(f, "{}", s),
Name::MachineName(i) => write!(f, "__{}", i),
/// The global symbol table. Maps [`Names`](Name) to their definitions.
/// Names in the symbol table are unique, including between different types of object stored in the
/// symbol table. For example, you cannot have a letting and decision variable with the same name.
#[derivative(Hash, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SymbolTable {
// doing some information hiding here to allow for future refactoring (in particular adding
// lettings, removing variables).
#[serde_as(as = "Vec<(_, _)>")]
variables: BTreeMap<Name, DecisionVariable>,
#[derivative(Hash = "ignore")]
#[derivative(PartialEq = "ignore")]
next_machine_name: RefCell<i32>,
impl SymbolTable {
/// Creates an empty symbol table.
pub fn new() -> Self {
SymbolTable {
variables: BTreeMap::new(),
next_machine_name: RefCell::new(0),
/* get entries */
/// Returns an iterator over the names in the symbol table.
/// Alias of [`names`].
pub fn keys(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Name> {
pub fn names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Name> {
/// Returns an iterator over the names and defintions of all decision variables in the symbol
/// table.
pub fn iter_var(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&Name, &DecisionVariable)> {
/// Returns a reference to the decision variable with the given name.
/// Returns `None` if:
/// + There is no decision variable with that name.
/// + The decision variable with that name has been deleted.
/// + The object with that name is not a decision variable.
pub fn get_var(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<&DecisionVariable> {
/// Returns a mutable reference to the decision variable with the given name.
pub fn get_var_mut(&mut self, name: &Name) -> Option<&mut DecisionVariable> {
/* mutate entries */
/// Adds a decision variable to the symbol table as `name`.
/// Returns `None` if there is a decision variable or other object with that name in the symbol
pub fn add_var(&mut self, name: Name, var: DecisionVariable) -> Option<()> {
if let std::collections::btree_map::Entry::Vacant(e) = self.variables.entry(name) {
} else {
/// Updates a decision variable to the symbol table as `name`, or adds it.
/// Returns `None` if `name` refers to an object that is not a decision variable.
pub fn update_add_var(&mut self, name: Name, var: DecisionVariable) -> Option<()> {
self.variables.insert(name, var);
/// Extends the symbol table with the given symbol table, updating the gensym counter if
/// necessary.
pub fn extend(&mut self, other: SymbolTable) {
if other.names().count() > self.names().count() {
let new_vars = other.names().collect::<BTreeSet<_>>();
let old_vars = self.names().collect::<BTreeSet<_>>();
for added_var in new_vars.difference(&old_vars) {
let mut next_var = self.next_machine_name.borrow_mut();
match *added_var {
Name::UserName(_) => {}
Name::MachineName(m) => {
if *m >= *next_var {
*next_var = *m + 1;
/* get info about symbols */
/// Gets the domain of `name` if it exists and has a domain.
pub fn domain_of(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<&Domain> {
/// Gets the domain of `name` as a mutable reference if it exists and has a domain.
pub fn domain_of_mut(&mut self, name: &Name) -> Option<&mut Domain> {
Some(&mut self.variables.get_mut(name)?.domain)
/// Gets the type of `name` if it exists and has a type.
pub fn type_of(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<ReturnType> {
match self.domain_of(name)? {
Domain::BoolDomain => Some(ReturnType::Bool),
Domain::IntDomain(_) => Some(ReturnType::Int),
/// Returns an arbitrary variable name that is not in the symbol table.
pub fn gensym(&self) -> Name {
let num = *self.next_machine_name.borrow();
*(self.next_machine_name.borrow_mut()) += 1;
Name::MachineName(num) // incremented when inserted
impl Default for SymbolTable {
fn default() -> Self {