/// This procedural macro registers a decorated function with `conjure_rules`' global registry, and
/// For more information on linker magic, see the [`linkme`](https://docs.rs/linkme/latest/linkme/) crate.
/// **IMPORTANT**: Since the resulting rule may not be explicitly referenced, it may be removed by the compiler's dead code elimination.
/// Intermediary static variables are created to allow for the decentralized registry, with the prefix `CONJURE_GEN_`.
/// For more information on linker magic, see the [`linkme`](https://docs.rs/linkme/latest/linkme/) crate.
/// Returns a `Vec` of static references to all rule sets registered with the `register_rule_set` macro.
/// RuleSet { name: "MyRuleSet", rules: OnceLock { state: Uninitialized }, dependencies: ["AnotherRuleSet"] },
/// RuleSet { name: "AnotherRuleSet", rules: OnceLock { state: Uninitialized }, dependencies: [] }
/// Rule set: Some(RuleSet { name: "MyRuleSet", rules: OnceLock { state: Uninitialized }, dependencies: ["DependencyRuleSet", "AnotherRuleSet"] })
/// Returns a `Vec` of static references to all rule sets that are applicable to the given solver family.