73.91 %
44.64 %
use std::{
sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard},
use anyhow::anyhow;
use crate::ffi::{self};
use crate::{
ast::{Constant, Constraint, Model, Var, VarDomain, VarName},
error::{MinionError, RuntimeError},
/// The callback function used to capture results from Minion as they are generated.
/// This function is called by Minion whenever a solution is found. The input to this function is
/// a`HashMap` of all named variables along with their value.
/// Callbacks should return `true` if search is to continue, `false` otherwise.
/// # Examples
/// Consider using a global mutex (or other static variable) to use returned solutions elsewhere.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// use minion_rs::ast::*;
/// use minion_rs::run_minion;
/// use std::{
/// collections::HashMap,
/// sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard},
/// };
/// // More elaborate data-structures are possible, but for sake of example store
/// // a vector of solution sets.
/// static ALL_SOLUTIONS: Mutex<Vec<HashMap<VarName,Constant>>> = Mutex::new(vec![]);
/// fn callback(solutions: HashMap<VarName,Constant>) -> bool {
/// let mut guard = ALL_SOLUTIONS.lock().unwrap();
/// guard.push(solutions);
/// true
/// }
/// // Build and run the model.
/// let mut model = Model::new();
/// // ... omitted for brevity ...
/// # model
/// # .named_variables
/// # .add_var("x".to_owned(), VarDomain::Bound(1, 3));
/// # .add_var("y".to_owned(), VarDomain::Bound(2, 4));
/// # .add_var("z".to_owned(), VarDomain::Bound(1, 5));
/// #
/// # let leq = Constraint::SumLeq(
/// # vec![
/// # Var::NameRef("x".to_owned()),
/// # Var::NameRef("y".to_owned()),
/// # Var::NameRef("z".to_owned()),
/// # ],
/// # Var::ConstantAsVar(4),
/// # );
/// # let geq = Constraint::SumGeq(
/// # let ineq = Constraint::Ineq(
/// # Constant::Integer(-1),
/// # model.constraints.push(leq);
/// # model.constraints.push(geq);
/// # model.constraints.push(ineq);
/// let res = run_minion(model, callback);
/// res.expect("Error occurred");
/// // Get solutions
/// let guard = ALL_SOLUTIONS.lock().unwrap();
/// let solution_set_1 = &(guard.get(0).unwrap());
/// let x1 = solution_set_1.get("x").unwrap();
/// let y1 = solution_set_1.get("y").unwrap();
/// let z1 = solution_set_1.get("z").unwrap();
/// # // TODO: this test would be better with an example with >1 solution.
/// # assert_eq!(guard.len(),1);
/// # assert_eq!(*x1,Constant::Integer(1));
/// # assert_eq!(*y1,Constant::Integer(2));
/// # assert_eq!(*z1,Constant::Integer(1));
pub type Callback = fn(solution_set: HashMap<VarName, Constant>) -> bool;
// Use globals to pass things between run_minion and the callback function.
// Minion is (currently) single threaded anyways so the Mutexs' don't matter.
// the current callback function
static CALLBACK: Mutex<Option<Callback>> = Mutex::new(None);
// the variables we want to return, and their ordering in the print matrix
static PRINT_VARS: Mutex<Option<Vec<VarName>>> = Mutex::new(None);
static LOCK: (Mutex<bool>, Condvar) = (Mutex::new(false), Condvar::new());
unsafe extern "C" fn run_callback() -> bool {
// get printvars from static PRINT_VARS if they exist.
// if not, return true and continue search.
// Mutex poisoning is probably panic worthy.
let mut guard: MutexGuard<'_, Option<Vec<VarName>>> = PRINT_VARS.lock().unwrap();
if guard.is_none() {
return true;
let print_vars = match &mut *guard {
Some(x) => x,
None => unreachable!(),
if print_vars.is_empty() {
// build nice solutions view to be used by callback
let mut solutions: HashMap<VarName, Constant> = HashMap::new();
for (i, var) in print_vars.iter().enumerate() {
let solution_int: i32 = ffi::printMatrix_getValue(i as _);
let solution: Constant = Constant::Integer(solution_int);
solutions.insert(var.to_string(), solution);
match *CALLBACK.lock().unwrap() {
None => true,
Some(func) => func(solutions),
/// Run Minion on the given [Model].
/// The given [callback](Callback) is ran whenever a new solution set is found.
// Turn it into a warning for this function, cant unwarn it directly above callback wierdness
pub fn run_minion(model: Model, callback: Callback) -> Result<(), MinionError> {
*CALLBACK.lock().unwrap() = Some(callback);
let (lock, condvar) = &LOCK;
let mut _lock_guard = condvar
.wait_while(lock.lock().unwrap(), |locked| *locked)
*_lock_guard = true;
unsafe {
// TODO: something better than a manual spinlock
let search_opts = ffi::searchOptions_new();
let search_method = ffi::searchMethod_new();
let search_instance = ffi::instance_new();
convert_model_to_raw(search_instance, &model)?;
let res = ffi::runMinion(
*_lock_guard = false;
match res {
0 => Ok(()),
x => Err(MinionError::from(RuntimeError::from(x))),
unsafe fn convert_model_to_raw(
instance: *mut ffi::ProbSpec_CSPInstance,
model: &Model,
) -> Result<(), MinionError> {
/* Add variables */
* Add variables to:
* 1. symbol table
* 2. print matrix
* 3. search vars
* These are all done in the order saved in the SymbolTable.
let search_vars = Scoped::new(ffi::vec_var_new(), |x| ffi::vec_var_free(x as _));
// store variables and the order they will be returned inside rust for later use.
let mut print_vars_guard = PRINT_VARS.lock().unwrap();
*print_vars_guard = Some(vec![]);
for var_name in model.named_variables.get_variable_order() {
let c_str = CString::new(var_name.clone()).map_err(|_| {
"Variable name {:?} contains a null character.",
let vartype = model
.ok_or(anyhow!("Could not get var type for {:?}", var_name.clone()))?;
let (vartype_raw, domain_low, domain_high) = match vartype {
VarDomain::Bound(a, b) => Ok((ffi::VariableType_VAR_BOUND, a, b)),
VarDomain::Bool => Ok((ffi::VariableType_VAR_BOOL, 0, 1)), // TODO: will this work?
x => Err(MinionError::NotImplemented(format!("{:?}", x))),
c_str.as_ptr() as _,
let var = ffi::getVarByName(instance, c_str.as_ptr() as _);
ffi::printMatrix_addVar(instance, var);
// add to the print vars stored in rust so to remember
// the order for callback function.
ffi::vec_var_push_back(search_vars.ptr, var);
let search_order = Scoped::new(
ffi::searchOrder_new(search_vars.ptr, ffi::VarOrderEnum_ORDER_STATIC, false),
|x| ffi::searchOrder_free(x as _),
ffi::instance_addSearchOrder(instance, search_order.ptr);
/* Add constraints */
for constraint in &model.constraints {
// 1. get constraint type and create C++ constraint object
// 2. run through arguments and add them to the constraint
// 3. add constraint to instance
let constraint_type = get_constraint_type(constraint)?;
let raw_constraint = Scoped::new(ffi::constraint_new(constraint_type), |x| {
ffi::constraint_free(x as _)
constraint_add_args(instance, raw_constraint.ptr, constraint)?;
ffi::instance_addConstraint(instance, raw_constraint.ptr);
unsafe fn get_constraint_type(constraint: &Constraint) -> Result<u32, MinionError> {
match constraint {
Constraint::SumGeq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_GEQSUM),
Constraint::SumLeq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_LEQSUM),
Constraint::Ineq(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_INEQ),
Constraint::Eq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_EQ),
Constraint::Difference(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_DIFFERENCE),
Constraint::Div(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_DIV),
Constraint::DivUndefZero(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_DIV_UNDEFZERO),
Constraint::Modulo(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_MODULO),
Constraint::ModuloUndefZero(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_MODULO_UNDEFZERO),
Constraint::Pow(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_POW),
Constraint::Product(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_PRODUCT2),
Constraint::WeightedSumGeq(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WEIGHTGEQSUM),
Constraint::WeightedSumLeq(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WEIGHTLEQSUM),
Constraint::CheckAssign(_) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_CHECK_ASSIGN),
Constraint::CheckGsa(_) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_CHECK_GSA),
Constraint::ForwardChecking(_) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_FORWARD_CHECKING),
Constraint::Reify(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_REIFY),
Constraint::ReifyImply(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_REIFYIMPLY),
Constraint::ReifyImplyQuick(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_REIFYIMPLY_QUICK),
Constraint::WatchedAnd(_) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_NEW_AND),
Constraint::WatchedOr(_) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_NEW_OR),
Constraint::GacAllDiff(_) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_GACALLDIFF),
Constraint::AllDiff(_) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_ALLDIFF),
Constraint::AllDiffMatrix(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_ALLDIFFMATRIX),
Constraint::WatchSumGeq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_GEQSUM),
Constraint::WatchSumLeq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_LEQSUM),
Constraint::OccurrenceGeq(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_GEQ_OCCURRENCE),
Constraint::OccurrenceLeq(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_LEQ_OCCURRENCE),
Constraint::Occurrence(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_OCCURRENCE),
Constraint::LitSumGeq(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_LITSUM),
Constraint::Gcc(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_GCC),
Constraint::GccWeak(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_GCCWEAK),
Constraint::LexLeqRv(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_GACLEXLEQ),
Constraint::LexLeq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_LEXLEQ),
Constraint::LexLess(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_LEXLESS),
Constraint::LexLeqQuick(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_QUICK_LEXLEQ),
Constraint::LexLessQuick(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_QUICK_LEXLEQ),
Constraint::WatchVecNeq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_VECNEQ),
Constraint::WatchVecExistsLess(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_VEC_OR_LESS),
Constraint::Hamming(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_HAMMING),
Constraint::NotHamming(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_NOT_HAMMING),
Constraint::FrameUpdate(_, _, _, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_FRAMEUPDATE),
Constraint::NegativeTable(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_NEGATIVE_TABLE),
Constraint::Table(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_TABLE),
Constraint::GacSchema(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_GACSCHEMA),
Constraint::LightTable(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_LIGHTTABLE),
Constraint::Mddc(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_MDDC),
Constraint::NegativeMddc(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_NEGATIVEMDDC),
Constraint::Str2Plus(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_STR),
Constraint::Max(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_MAX),
Constraint::Min(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_MIN),
Constraint::NvalueGeq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_GEQNVALUE),
Constraint::NvalueLeq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_LEQNVALUE),
Constraint::Element(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_ELEMENT),
Constraint::ElementOne(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_ELEMENT_ONE),
Constraint::ElementUndefZero(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_ELEMENT_UNDEFZERO),
Constraint::WatchElement(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_ELEMENT),
Constraint::WatchElementOne(_, _, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_ELEMENT_ONE),
Constraint::WatchElementOneUndefZero(_, _, _) => {
Constraint::WatchElementUndefZero(_, _, _) => {
Constraint::WLiteral(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_LIT),
Constraint::WNotLiteral(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_NOTLIT),
Constraint::WInIntervalSet(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_ININTERVALSET),
Constraint::WInRange(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_INRANGE),
Constraint::WInset(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_INSET),
Constraint::WNotInRange(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_NOT_INRANGE),
Constraint::WNotInset(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_NOT_INSET),
Constraint::Abs(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_ABS),
Constraint::DisEq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_DISEQ),
Constraint::MinusEq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_MINUSEQ),
Constraint::GacEq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_GACEQ),
Constraint::WatchLess(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_LESS),
Constraint::WatchNeq(_, _) => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_WATCHED_NEQ),
Constraint::True => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_TRUE),
Constraint::False => Ok(ffi::ConstraintType_CT_FALSE),
x => Err(MinionError::NotImplemented(format!(
"Constraint not implemented {:?}",
unsafe fn constraint_add_args(
i: *mut ffi::ProbSpec_CSPInstance,
r_constr: *mut ffi::ProbSpec_ConstraintBlob,
constr: &Constraint,
match constr {
Constraint::SumGeq(lhs_vars, rhs_var) => {
read_list(i, r_constr, lhs_vars)?;
read_var(i, r_constr, rhs_var)?;
Constraint::SumLeq(lhs_vars, rhs_var) => {
Constraint::Ineq(var1, var2, c) => {
read_var(i, r_constr, var1)?;
read_var(i, r_constr, var2)?;
read_constant(r_constr, c)?;
Constraint::Eq(var1, var2) => {
Constraint::Difference((a, b), c) => {
read_2_vars(i, r_constr, a, b)?;
read_var(i, r_constr, c)?;
Constraint::Div((a, b), c) => {
Constraint::DivUndefZero((a, b), c) => {
Constraint::Modulo((a, b), c) => {
Constraint::ModuloUndefZero((a, b), c) => {
Constraint::Pow((a, b), c) => {
Constraint::Product((a, b), c) => {
Constraint::WeightedSumGeq(a, b, c) => {
read_constant_list(r_constr, a)?;
read_list(i, r_constr, b)?;
Constraint::WeightedSumLeq(a, b, c) => {
Constraint::CheckAssign(a) => {
read_constraint(i, r_constr, (**a).clone())?;
Constraint::CheckGsa(a) => {
Constraint::ForwardChecking(a) => {
Constraint::Reify(a, b) => {
read_var(i, r_constr, b)?;
Constraint::ReifyImply(a, b) => {
Constraint::ReifyImplyQuick(a, b) => {
Constraint::WatchedAnd(a) => {
read_constraint_list(i, r_constr, a)?;
Constraint::WatchedOr(a) => {
Constraint::GacAllDiff(a) => {
read_list(i, r_constr, a)?;
Constraint::AllDiff(a) => {
Constraint::AllDiffMatrix(a, b) => {
read_constant(r_constr, b)?;
Constraint::WatchSumGeq(a, b) => {
Constraint::WatchSumLeq(a, b) => {
Constraint::OccurrenceGeq(a, b, c) => {
Constraint::OccurrenceLeq(a, b, c) => {
Constraint::Occurrence(a, b, c) => {
//Constraint::LitSumGeq(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::Gcc(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::GccWeak(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::LexLeqRv(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::LexLeq(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::LexLess(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::LexLeqQuick(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::LexLessQuick(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::WatchVecNeq(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::WatchVecExistsLess(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::Hamming(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::NotHamming(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::FrameUpdate(_, _, _, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::NegativeTable(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::Table(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::GacSchema(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::LightTable(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::Mddc(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::NegativeMddc(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::Str2Plus(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::Max(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::Min(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::NvalueGeq(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::NvalueLeq(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::Element(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::ElementOne(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::ElementUndefZero(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::WatchElement(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::WatchElementOne(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::WatchElementOneUndefZero(_, _, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::WatchElementUndefZero(_, _, _) => todo!(),
Constraint::WLiteral(a, b) => {
read_var(i, r_constr, a)?;
//Constraint::WNotLiteral(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::WInIntervalSet(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::WInRange(_, _) => todo!(),
Constraint::WInset(a, b) => {
read_constant_list(r_constr, b)?;
//Constraint::WNotInRange(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::WNotInset(_, _) => todo!(),
Constraint::Abs(a, b) => {
Constraint::DisEq(a, b) => {
Constraint::MinusEq(a, b) => {
//Constraint::GacEq(_, _) => todo!(),
//Constraint::WatchLess(_, _) => todo!(),
// TODO: ensure that this is a bool?
Constraint::WatchNeq(a, b) => {
Constraint::True => Ok(()),
Constraint::False => Ok(()),
// DO NOT call manually - this assumes that all needed vars are already in the symbol table.
// TODO not happy with this just assuming the name is in the symbol table
unsafe fn read_list(
raw_constraint: *mut ffi::ProbSpec_ConstraintBlob,
vars: &Vec<Var>,
let raw_vars = Scoped::new(ffi::vec_var_new(), |x| ffi::vec_var_free(x as _));
for var in vars {
let raw_var = match var {
Var::NameRef(name) => {
let c_str = CString::new(name.clone()).map_err(|_| {
ffi::getVarByName(instance, c_str.as_ptr() as _)
Var::ConstantAsVar(n) => ffi::constantAsVar(*n),
ffi::vec_var_push_back(raw_vars.ptr, raw_var);
ffi::constraint_addList(raw_constraint, raw_vars.ptr);
unsafe fn read_var(
var: &Var,
unsafe fn read_2_vars(
var1: &Var,
var2: &Var,
let mut raw_var = match var1 {
let mut raw_var2 = match var2 {
// todo: does this move or copy? I am confus!
// TODO need to mkae the semantics of move vs copy / ownership clear in libminion!!
// This shouldve leaked everywhere by now but i think libminion copies stuff??
ffi::constraint_addTwoVars(raw_constraint, &mut raw_var, &mut raw_var2);
unsafe fn read_constant(
constant: &Constant,
let val: i32 = match constant {
Constant::Integer(n) => Ok(*n),
Constant::Bool(true) => Ok(1),
Constant::Bool(false) => Ok(0),
ffi::constraint_addConstant(raw_constraint, val);
unsafe fn read_constant_list(
constants: &[Constant],
let raw_consts = Scoped::new(ffi::vec_int_new(), |x| ffi::vec_var_free(x as _));
for constant in constants.iter() {
let val = match constant {
#[allow(unreachable_patterns)] // TODO: can there be other types?
ffi::vec_int_push_back(raw_consts.ptr, val);
ffi::constraint_addConstantList(raw_constraint, raw_consts.ptr);
//TODO: check if the inner constraint is listed in the model or not?
//Does this matter?
// TODO: type-check inner constraints vars and tuples and so on?
unsafe fn read_constraint(
inner_constraint: Constraint,
let constraint_type = get_constraint_type(&inner_constraint)?;
let raw_inner_constraint = Scoped::new(ffi::constraint_new(constraint_type), |x| {
constraint_add_args(instance, raw_inner_constraint.ptr, &inner_constraint)?;
ffi::constraint_addConstraint(raw_constraint, raw_inner_constraint.ptr);
unsafe fn read_constraint_list(
inner_constraints: &[Constraint],
let raw_inners = Scoped::new(ffi::vec_constraints_new(), |x| {
ffi::vec_constraints_free(x as _)
for inner_constraint in inner_constraints.iter() {
let constraint_type = get_constraint_type(inner_constraint)?;
constraint_add_args(instance, raw_inner_constraint.ptr, inner_constraint)?;
ffi::vec_constraints_push_back(raw_inners.ptr, raw_inner_constraint.ptr);
ffi::constraint_addConstraintList(raw_constraint, raw_inners.ptr);