1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use crate::ast::ReturnType;
use crate::bug;
use crate::stats::RewriterStats;
use uniplate::Uniplate;
use crate::rule_engine::{Reduction, Rule, RuleSet};
use crate::{
rule_engine::resolve_rules::{get_rule_priorities, get_rules_vec},
use super::rewriter_common::{log_rule_application, RewriteError, RuleResult};
/// Checks if the OPTIMIZATIONS environment variable is set to "1".
/// # Returns
/// - true if the environment variable is set to "1".
/// - false if the environment variable is not set or set to any other value.
fn optimizations_enabled() -> bool {
match env::var("OPTIMIZATIONS") {
Ok(val) => val == "1",
Err(_) => false, // Assume optimizations are disabled if the environment variable is not set
/// Rewrites the given model by applying a set of rules to all its constraints.
/// This function iteratively applies transformations to the model's constraints using the specified rule sets.
/// It returns a modified version of the model with all applicable rules applied, ensuring that any side-effects
/// such as updates to the symbol table and top-level constraints are properly reflected in the returned model.
/// # Parameters
/// - `model`: A reference to the [`Model`] to be rewritten. The function will clone this model to produce a modified version.
/// - `rule_sets`: A vector of references to [`RuleSet`]s that define the rules to be applied to the model's constraints.
/// Each `RuleSet` is expected to contain a collection of rules that can transform one or more constraints
/// within the model. The lifetime parameter `'a` ensures that the rules' references are valid for the
/// duration of the function execution.
/// # Returns
/// - `Ok(Model)`: If successful, it returns a modified copy of the [`Model`] after all applicable rules have been
/// applied. This new model includes any side-effects such as updates to the symbol table or modifications
/// to the constraints.
/// - `Err(RewriteError)`: If an error occurs during rule application (e.g., invalid rules or failed constraints),
/// it returns a [`RewriteError`] with details about the failure.
/// # Side-Effects
/// - When the model is rewritten, related data structures such as the symbol table (which tracks variable names and types)
/// or other top-level constraints may also be updated to reflect these changes. These updates are applied to the returned model,
/// ensuring that all related components stay consistent and aligned with the changes made during the rewrite.
/// - The function collects statistics about the rewriting process, including the number of rule applications
/// and the total runtime of the rewriter. These statistics are then stored in the model's context for
/// performance monitoring and analysis.
/// # Example
/// - Using `rewrite_model` with the Expression `a + min(x, y)`
/// Initial expression: a + min(x, y)
/// A model containing the expression is created. The variables of the model are represented by a SymbolTable and contain a,x,y.
/// The contraints of the initail model is the expression itself.
/// After getting the rules by their priorities and getting additional statistics the while loop of single interations is executed.
/// Details for this process can be found in [`rewrite_iteration`] documentation.
/// The loop is exited only when no more rules can be applied, when rewrite_iteration returns None and [`while let Some(step) = None`] occurs
/// Will result in side effects ((d<=x ^ d<=y) being the [`new_top`] and the model will now be a conjuction of that and (a+d)
/// Rewritten expression: ((a + d) ^ (d<=x ^ d<=y))
/// # Performance Considerations
/// - The function checks if optimizations are enabled before applying rules, which may affect the performance
/// of the rewriting process.
/// - Depending on the size of the model and the number of rules, the rewriting process might take a significant
/// amount of time. Use the statistics collected (`rewriter_run_time` and `rewriter_rule_application_attempts`)
/// to monitor and optimize performance.
/// # Panics
/// - This function may panic if the model's context is unavailable or if there is an issue with locking the context.
/// # See Also
/// - [`get_rule_priorities`]: Retrieves the priorities for the given rules.
/// - [`rewrite_iteration`]: Executes a single iteration of rewriting the model using the specified rules.
pub fn rewrite_model<'a>(
model: &Model,
rule_sets: &Vec<&'a RuleSet<'a>>,
) -> Result<Model, RewriteError> {
let rule_priorities = get_rule_priorities(rule_sets)?;
let rules = get_rules_vec(&rule_priorities);
let mut new_model = model.clone();
let mut stats = RewriterStats {
is_optimization_enabled: Some(optimizations_enabled()),
rewriter_run_time: None,
rewriter_rule_application_attempts: Some(0),
rewriter_rule_applications: Some(0),
// Check if optimizations are enabled
let apply_optimizations = optimizations_enabled();
let start = std::time::Instant::now();
//the while loop is exited when None is returned implying the sub-expression is clean
let mut i: usize = 0;
while i < new_model.constraints.len() {
while let Some(step) = rewrite_iteration(
&mut stats,
) {
debug_assert!(is_vec_bool(&step.new_top)); // All new_top expressions should be boolean
new_model.constraints[i] = step.new_expression.clone();
step.apply(&mut new_model); // Apply side-effects (e.g., symbol table updates)
// If new constraints are added, continue processing them in the next iterations.
i += 1;
stats.rewriter_run_time = Some(start.elapsed());
/// Checks if all expressions in `Vec<Expr>` are booleans. This needs to be true so
/// the vector could be conjuncted to the model.
/// # Returns
/// - true: all expressions are booleans (so can be conjuncted).
/// - false: not all expressions are booleans.
fn is_vec_bool(exprs: &[Expression]) -> bool {
.all(|expr| expr.return_type() == Some(ReturnType::Bool))
/// Attempts to apply a set of rules to the given expression and its sub-expressions in the model.
/// This function recursively traverses the provided expression, applying any applicable rules from the given set.
/// If a rule is successfully applied to the expression or any of its sub-expressions, it returns a `Reduction`
/// containing the new expression, modified top-level constraints, and any changes to symbols. If no rules can be
/// applied at any level, it returns `None`.
/// # Parameters
/// - `expression`: A reference to the [`Expression`] to be rewritten. This is the main expression that the function
/// attempts to modify using the given rules.
/// - `model`: A reference to the [`Model`] that provides context and additional constraints for evaluating the rules.
/// - `rules`: A vector of references to [`Rule`]s that define the transformations to apply to the expression.
/// - `apply_optimizations`: A boolean flag that indicates whether optimization checks should be applied during the rewriting process.
/// If `true`, the function skips already "clean" (fully optimized or processed) expressions and marks them accordingly
/// to avoid redundant work.
/// - `stats`: A mutable reference to [`RewriterStats`] to collect statistics about the rule application process, such as
/// the number of rules applied and the time taken for each iteration.
/// # Returns
/// - `Some(<Reduction>)`: A [`Reduction`] containing the new expression and any associated modifications if a rule was applied
/// to `expr` or one of its sub-expressions.
/// - `None`: If no rule is applicable to the expression or any of its sub-expressions.
/// # Side-Effects
/// - If `apply_optimizations` is enabled, the function will skip "clean" expressions and mark successfully rewritten
/// expressions as "dirty". This is done to avoid unnecessary recomputation of expressions that have already been
/// optimized or processed.
/// # Example
/// - Recursively applying [`rewrite_iteration`] to [`a + min(x, y)`]
/// Initially [`if apply_optimizations && expression.is_clean()`] is not true yet since intially our expression is dirty.
/// [`apply_results`] returns a null vector since no rules can be applied at the top level.
/// After calling function [`children`] on the expression a vector of sub-expression [`[a, min(x, y)]`] is returned.
/// The function iterates through the vector of the children from the top expression and calls itself.
/// [rewrite_iteration] on on the child [`a`] returns None, but on [`min(x, y)`] returns a [`Reduction`] object [`red`].
/// In this case, a rule (min simplification) can apply:
/// - d is added to the SymbolTable and the variables field is updated in the model. new_top is the side effects: (d<=x ^ d<=y)
/// - [`red = Reduction::new(new_expression = d, new_top, symbols)`];
/// - [`sub[1] = red.new_expression`] - Updates the second element in the vector of sub-expressions from [`min(x, y)`] to [`d`]
/// Since a child expression [`min(x, y)`] was rewritten to d, the parent expression [`a + min(x, y)`] is updated with the new child [`a+d`].
/// New [`Reduction`] is returned containing the modifications
/// The condition [`Some(step) = Some(new reduction)`] in the while loop in [`rewrite_model`] is met -> side effects are applied.
/// No more rules in our example can apply to the modified model -> mark all the children as clean and return a pure [`Reduction`].
/// [`return Some(Reduction::pure(expression))`]
/// On the last execution of rewrite_iteration condition [`apply_optimizations && expression.is_clean()`] is met, [`None`] is returned.
/// # Notes
/// - This function works recursively, meaning it traverses all sub-expressions within the given `expression` to find the
/// first rule that can be applied. If a rule is applied, it immediately returns the modified expression and stops
/// further traversal for that branch.
fn rewrite_iteration<'a>(
expression: &'a Expression,
model: &'a Model,
rules: &'a Vec<&'a Rule<'a>>,
apply_optimizations: bool,
stats: &mut RewriterStats,
) -> Option<Reduction> {
if apply_optimizations && expression.is_clean() {
// Skip processing this expression if it's clean
return None;
// Mark the expression as clean - will be marked dirty if any rule is applied
let mut expression = expression.clone();
let rule_results = apply_all_rules(&expression, model, rules, stats);
if let Some(result) = choose_rewrite(&rule_results, &expression) {
// If a rule is applied, mark the expression as dirty
log_rule_application(&result, &expression, model);
return Some(result.reduction);
let mut sub = expression.children();
for i in 0..sub.len() {
if let Some(red) = rewrite_iteration(&sub[i], model, rules, apply_optimizations, stats) {
sub[i] = red.new_expression;
let res = expression.with_children(sub.clone());
return Some(Reduction::new(res, red.new_top, red.symbols));
// If all children are clean, mark this expression as clean
if apply_optimizations {
assert!(expression.children().iter().all(|c| c.is_clean()));
return Some(Reduction::pure(expression));
/// Applies all the given rules to a specific expression within the model.
/// This function iterates through the provided rules and attempts to apply each rule to the given `expression`.
/// If a rule is successfully applied, it creates a [`RuleResult`] containing the original rule and the resulting
/// [`Reduction`]. The statistics (`stats`) are updated to reflect the number of rule application attempts and successful
/// applications.
/// The function does not modify the provided `expression` directly. Instead, it collects all applicable rule results
/// into a vector, which can then be used for further processing or selection (e.g., with [`choose_rewrite`]).
/// # Parameters
/// - `expression`: A reference to the [`Expression`] that will be evaluated against the given rules. This is the main
/// target for rule transformations and is expected to remain unchanged during the function execution.
/// - `model`: A reference to the [`Model`] that provides context for rule evaluation, such as constraints and symbols.
/// Rules may depend on information in the model to determine if they can be applied.
/// - `rules`: A vector of references to [`Rule`]s that define the transformations to be applied to the expression.
/// Each rule is applied independently, and all applicable rules are collected.
/// - `stats`: A mutable reference to [`RewriterStats`] used to track statistics about rule application, such as
/// the number of attempts and successful applications.
/// # Returns
/// - A `Vec<RuleResult>` containing all rule applications that were successful. Each element in the vector represents
/// a rule that was applied to the given `expression` along with the resulting transformation.
/// - An empty vector if no rules were applicable to the expression.
/// # Side-Effects
/// - The function updates the provided `stats` with the number of rule application attempts and successful applications.
/// - Debug or trace logging may be performed to track which rules were applicable or not for a given expression.
/// # Example
/// let applicable_rules = apply_all_rules(&expr, &model, &rules, &mut stats);
/// if !applicable_rules.is_empty() {
/// for result in applicable_rules {
/// println!("Rule applied: {:?}", result.rule);
/// }
/// }
/// # Notes
/// - This function does not modify the input `expression` or `model` directly. The returned `RuleResult` vector
/// provides information about successful transformations, allowing the caller to decide how to process them.
/// - The function performs independent rule applications. If rules have dependencies or should be applied in a
/// specific order, consider handling that logic outside of this function.
/// # See Also
/// - [`choose_rewrite`]: Chooses a single reduction from the rule results provided by `apply_all_rules`.
fn apply_all_rules<'a>(
expression: &'a Expression,
model: &'a Model,
rules: &'a Vec<&'a Rule<'a>>,
stats: &mut RewriterStats,
) -> Vec<RuleResult<'a>> {
let mut results = Vec::new();
for rule in rules {
match rule.apply(expression, model) {
Ok(red) => {
stats.rewriter_rule_application_attempts =
Some(stats.rewriter_rule_application_attempts.unwrap() + 1);
stats.rewriter_rule_applications =
Some(stats.rewriter_rule_applications.unwrap() + 1);
// Assert no clean children
// assert!(!red.new_expression.children().iter().any(|c| c.is_clean()), "Rule that caused assertion to fail: {:?}",;
// assert!(!red.new_expression.children().iter().any(|c| c.children().iter().any(|c| c.is_clean())));
results.push(RuleResult {
reduction: red,
Err(_) => {
"Rule attempted but not applied: {} ({:?}), to expression: {}",,
stats.rewriter_rule_application_attempts =
Some(stats.rewriter_rule_application_attempts.unwrap() + 1);
/// Chooses the first applicable rule result from a list of rule applications.
/// This function selects a reduction from the provided `RuleResult` list, prioritizing the first rule
/// that successfully transforms the expression. This strategy can be modified in the future to incorporate
/// more complex selection criteria, such as prioritizing rules based on cost, complexity, or other heuristic metrics.
/// The function also checks the priorities of all the applicable rules and detects if there are multiple rules of the same proirity
/// # Parameters
/// - `results`: A slice of [`RuleResult`] containing potential rule applications to be considered. Each element
/// represents a rule that was successfully applied to the expression, along with the resulting transformation.
/// - `initial_expression`: [`Expression`] before the rule tranformation.
/// # Returns
/// - `Some(<Reduction>)`: Returns a [`Reduction`] representing the first rule's application if there is at least one
/// rule that produced a successful transformation.
/// - `None`: If no rule applications are available in the `results` slice (i.e., it is empty), it returns `None`.
/// # Example
/// let rule_results = vec![rule1_result, rule2_result];
/// if let Some(reduction) = choose_rewrite(&rule_results) {
/// Process the chosen reduction
/// }
fn choose_rewrite<'a>(
results: &[RuleResult<'a>],
initial_expression: &Expression,
) -> Option<RuleResult<'a>> {
//in the case where multiple rules are applicable
if results.len() > 1 {
let expr = results[0].reduction.new_expression.clone();
let rules: Vec<_> = results.iter().map(|result| &result.rule).collect();
check_priority(rules.clone(), initial_expression, &expr);
if results.is_empty() {
return None;
// Return the first result for now
/// Function filters all the applicable rules based on their priority.
/// In the case where there are multiple rules of the same prioriy, a bug! is thrown listing all those duplicates.
/// Otherwise, if there are multiple rules applicable but they all have different priorities, a warning message is dispalyed.
/// # Parameters
/// - `rules`: a vector of [`Rule`] containing all the applicable rules and their metadata for a specific expression.
/// - `initial_expression`: [`Expression`] before rule the tranformation.
/// - `new_expr`: [`Expression`] after the rule transformation.
fn check_priority<'a>(
rules: Vec<&&Rule<'_>>,
initial_expr: &'a Expression,
new_expr: &'a Expression,
) {
//getting the rule sets from the applicable rules
let rule_sets: Vec<_> = rules.iter().map(|rule| &rule.rule_sets).collect();
//a map with keys being rule priorities and their values neing all the rules of that priority found in the rule_sets
let mut rules_by_priorities: HashMap<u16, Vec<&str>> = HashMap::new();
//iterates over each rule_set and groups by the rule priority
for rule_set in &rule_sets {
if let Some((name, priority)) = rule_set.first() {
//filters the map, retaining only entries where there is more than 1 rule of the same priority
let duplicate_rules: HashMap<u16, Vec<&str>> = rules_by_priorities
.filter(|(_, group)| group.len() > 1)
if !duplicate_rules.is_empty() {
//accumulates all duplicates into a formatted message
let mut message = format!("Found multiple rules of the same priority applicable to to expression: {} \n resulting in expression: {}", initial_expr, new_expr);
for (priority, rules) in &duplicate_rules {
message.push_str(&format!("Priority {:?} \n Rules: {:?}", priority, rules));
bug!("{}", message);
//no duplicate rules of the same priorities were found in the set of applicable rules
} else {
log::warn!("Multiple rules of different priorities are applicable to expression {} \n resulting in expression: {}
\n Rules{:?}", initial_expr, new_expr, rules)