
1use std::env;
3use itertools::Itertools;
4use uniplate::Uniplate;
6use crate::ast::{Expression, ReturnType};
7use crate::bug;
8use crate::rule_engine::{get_rules, Reduction, RuleSet};
9use crate::stats::RewriterStats;
10use crate::Model;
12use super::resolve_rules::RuleData;
13use super::rewriter_common::{log_rule_application, RewriteError, RuleResult};
15/// Checks if the OPTIMIZATIONS environment variable is set to "1".
16fn optimizations_enabled() -> bool {
17    match env::var("OPTIMIZATIONS") {
18        Ok(val) => val == "1",
19        Err(_) => false, // Assume optimizations are disabled if the environment variable is not set
20    }
23/// Rewrites the given model by applying a set of rules to all its constraints, until no more rules can be applied.
25/// Rules are applied in order of priority (from highest to lowest)
26/// Rules can:
27/// - Apply transformations to the constraints in the model (or their sub-expressions)
28/// - Add new constraints to the model
29/// - Modify the symbol table (e.g. add new variables)
31/// # Parameters
32/// - `model`: A reference to the [`Model`] to be rewritten.
33/// - `rule_sets`: A vector of references to [`RuleSet`]s to be applied.
35/// Each `RuleSet` contains a map of rules to priorities.
37/// # Returns
38/// - `Ok(Model)`: If successful, it returns a modified copy of the [`Model`]
39/// - `Err(RewriteError)`: If an error occurs during rule application (e.g., invalid rules)
41/// # Side-Effects
42/// - Rules can apply side-effects to the model (e.g. adding new constraints or variables).
43///   The original model is cloned and a modified copy is returned.
44/// - Rule engine statistics (e.g. number of rule applications, run time) are collected and stored in the new model's context.
46/// # Example
47/// - Using `rewrite_model` with the constraint `(a + min(x, y)) = b`
49///   Original model:
50///   ```text
51///   model: {
52///     constraints: [(a + min(x, y) + 42 - 10) = b],
53///     symbols: [a, b, x, y]
54///   }
55///   rule_sets: [{
56///       name: "MyRuleSet",
57///       rules: [
58///         min_to_var: 10,
59///         const_eval: 20
60///       ]
61///     }]
62///   ```
64///   Rules:
65///   - `min_to_var`: min([a, b]) ~> c ; c <= a & c <= b & (c = a \/ c = b)
66///   - `const_eval`: c1 + c2 ~> (c1 + c2) ; c1, c2 are constants
68///   Result:
69///   ```text
70///   model: {
71///     constraints: [
72///       (a + aux + 32) = b,
73///       aux <= x,
74///       aux <= y,
75///       aux = x \/ aux = y
76///     ],
77///     symbols: [a, b, x, y, aux]
78///   }
79///   ```
81///   Process:
82///   1. We traverse the expression tree until a rule can be applied.
83///   2. If multiple rules can be applied to the same expression, the higher priority one goes first.
84///      In this case, `const_eval` is applied before `min_to_var`.
85///   3. The rule `min_to_var` adds a new variable `aux` and new constraints to the model.
86///   4. When no more rules can be applied, the resulting model is returned.
88///   Details for this process can be found in [`rewrite_iteration`] documentation.
90/// # Performance Considerations
91/// - We recursively traverse the tree multiple times to check if any rules can be applied.
92/// - Expressions are cloned on each rule application
94/// This can be expensive for large models
96/// # Panics
97/// - This function may panic if the model's context is unavailable or if there is an issue with locking the context.
99/// # See Also
100/// - [`get_rules`]: Resolves the rules from the provided rule sets and sorts them by priority.
101/// - [`rewrite_iteration`]: Executes a single iteration of rewriting the model using the specified rules.
102pub fn rewrite_model<'a>(
103    model: &Model,
104    rule_sets: &Vec<&'a RuleSet<'a>>,
105) -> Result<Model, RewriteError> {
106    let rules = get_rules(rule_sets)?.into_iter().collect();
107    let mut new_model = model.clone();
108    let mut stats = RewriterStats {
109        is_optimization_enabled: Some(optimizations_enabled()),
110        rewriter_run_time: None,
111        rewriter_rule_application_attempts: Some(0),
112        rewriter_rule_applications: Some(0),
113    };
115    // Check if optimizations are enabled
116    let apply_optimizations = optimizations_enabled();
118    let start = std::time::Instant::now();
120    //the while loop is exited when None is returned implying the sub-expression is clean
121    let mut i: usize = 0;
122    while i < new_model.as_submodel().constraints().len() {
123        while let Some(step) = rewrite_iteration(
124            &new_model.as_submodel().constraints()[i],
125            &new_model,
126            &rules,
127            apply_optimizations,
128            &mut stats,
129        ) {
130            debug_assert!(is_vec_bool(&step.new_top)); // All new_top expressions should be boolean
131            new_model.as_submodel_mut().constraints_mut()[i] = step.new_expression.clone();
132            step.apply(new_model.as_submodel_mut()); // Apply side-effects (e.g., symbol table updates)
133        }
135        // If new constraints are added, continue processing them in the next iterations.
136        i += 1;
137    }
139    stats.rewriter_run_time = Some(start.elapsed());
140    model.context.write().unwrap().stats.add_rewriter_run(stats);
141    Ok(new_model)
144/// Checks if all expressions in `Vec<Expr>` are booleans.
145/// All top-level constraints in a model should be boolean expressions.
146fn is_vec_bool(exprs: &[Expression]) -> bool {
147    exprs
148        .iter()
149        .all(|expr| expr.return_type() == Some(ReturnType::Bool))
152/// Attempts to apply a set of rules to the given expression and its sub-expressions in the model.
154/// 1. Checks if the expression is "clean" (all possible rules have been applied).
155/// 2. Tries to apply rules to the top-level expression, in oprder of priority.
156/// 3. If no rules can be applied to the top-level expression, recurses into its sub-expressions.
158/// When a successful rule application is found, immediately returns a `Reduction` and stops.
159/// The `Reduction` contains the new expression and any side-effects (e.g., new constraints, variables).
160/// If no rule applications are possible in this expression tree, returns `None`.
162/// # Parameters
163/// - `expression`: The [`Expression`] to be rewritten.
164/// - `model`: The root [`Model`] for access to the context and symbol table.
165/// - `rules`: A max-heap of [`RuleData`] containing rules, priorities, and metadata. Ordered by rule priority.
166/// - `apply_optimizations`: If `true`, skip already "clean" expressions to avoid redundant work.
167/// - `stats`: A mutable reference to [`RewriterStats`] to collect statistics
169/// # Returns
170/// - `Some(<Reduction>)`: If a rule is successfully applied to the expression or any of its sub-expressions.
171///                        Contains the new expression and any side-effects to apply to the model.
172/// - `None`: If no rule is applicable to the expression or any of its sub-expressions.
174/// # Example
176/// - Rewriting the expression `a + min(x, y)`:
178///   Input:
179///   ```text
180///   expression: a + min(x, y)
181///   rules: [min_to_var]
182///   model: {
183///     constraints: [(a + min(x, y)) = b],
184///     symbols: [a, b, x, y]
185///   }
186///   apply_optimizations: true
187///   ```
189///   Process:
190///   1. Initially, the expression is dirty, so we proceed with the rewrite.
191///   2. No rules can be applied to the top-level expression `a + min(x, y)`.
192///      Try its children: `a` and `min(x, y)`.
193///   3. No rules can be applied to `a`. Mark it as clean and return None.
194///   4. The rule `min_to_var` can be applied to `min(x, y)`. Return the `Reduction`.
195///      ```text
196///      Reduction {
197///        new_expression: aux,
198///        new_top: [aux <= x, aux <= y, aux = x \/ aux = y],
199///        symbols: [a, b, x, y, aux]
200///      }
201///      ```
202///   5. Update the parent expression `a + min(x, y)` with the new child `a + aux`.
203///      Add new constraints and variables to the model.
204///   6. No more rules can be applied to this expression. Mark it as clean and return a pure `Reduction`.
205fn rewrite_iteration(
206    expression: &Expression,
207    model: &Model,
208    rules: &Vec<RuleData<'_>>,
209    apply_optimizations: bool,
210    stats: &mut RewriterStats,
211) -> Option<Reduction> {
212    if apply_optimizations && expression.is_clean() {
213        // Skip processing this expression if it's clean
214        return None;
215    }
217    // Mark the expression as clean - will be marked dirty if any rule is applied
218    let mut expression = expression.clone();
220    let rule_results = apply_all_rules(&expression, model, rules, stats);
221    if let Some(result) = choose_rewrite(&rule_results, &expression) {
222        // If a rule is applied, mark the expression as dirty
223        log_rule_application(&result, &expression, model.as_submodel());
224        return Some(result.reduction);
225    }
227    let mut sub = expression.children();
228    for i in 0..sub.len() {
229        if let Some(red) = rewrite_iteration(&sub[i], model, rules, apply_optimizations, stats) {
230            sub[i] = red.new_expression;
231            let res = expression.with_children(sub.clone());
232            return Some(Reduction::new(res, red.new_top, red.symbols));
233        }
234    }
235    // If all children are clean, mark this expression as clean
236    if apply_optimizations {
237        assert!(expression.children().iter().all(|c| c.is_clean()));
238        expression.set_clean(true);
239        return Some(Reduction::pure(expression));
240    }
241    None
244/// Tries to apply rules to an expression and returns a list of successful applications.
246/// The expression or model is NOT modified directly.
247/// We create a list of `RuleResult`s containing the reductions and pass it to `choose_rewrite` to select one to apply.
249/// # Parameters
250/// - `expression`: A reference to the [`Expression`] to evaluate.
251/// - `model`: A reference to the [`Model`] for access to the symbol table and context.
252/// - `rules`: A vector of references to [`Rule`]s to try.
253/// - `stats`: A mutable reference to [`RewriterStats`] used to track the number of rule applications and other statistics.
255/// # Returns
256/// - A `Vec<RuleResult>` containing all successful rule applications to the expression.
257///   Each `RuleResult` contains the rule that was applied and the resulting `Reduction`.
259/// # Side-Effects
260/// - The function updates the provided `stats` with the number of rule application attempts and successful applications.
261/// - Debug or trace logging may be performed to track which rules were applicable or not for a given expression.
263/// # Example
264/// let applicable_rules = apply_all_rules(&expr, &model, &rules, &mut stats);
265/// if !applicable_rules.is_empty() {
266///     for result in applicable_rules {
267///         println!("Rule applied: {:?}", result.rule_data.rule);
268///     }
269/// }
271/// ## Note
272/// - Rules are applied only to the given expression, not its children.
274/// # See Also
275/// - [`choose_rewrite`]: Chooses a single reduction from the rule results provided by `apply_all_rules`.
276fn apply_all_rules<'a>(
277    expression: &Expression,
278    model: &Model,
279    rules: &Vec<RuleData<'a>>,
280    stats: &mut RewriterStats,
281) -> Vec<RuleResult<'a>> {
282    let mut results = Vec::new();
283    for rule_data in rules {
284        match rule_data
285            .rule
286            .apply(expression, &model.as_submodel().symbols())
287        {
288            Ok(red) => {
289                stats.rewriter_rule_application_attempts =
290                    Some(stats.rewriter_rule_application_attempts.unwrap() + 1);
291                stats.rewriter_rule_applications =
292                    Some(stats.rewriter_rule_applications.unwrap() + 1);
293                // Assert no clean children
294                // assert!(!red.new_expression.children().iter().any(|c| c.is_clean()), "Rule that caused assertion to fail: {:?}",;
295                // assert!(!red.new_expression.children().iter().any(|c| c.children().iter().any(|c| c.is_clean())));
296                results.push(RuleResult {
297                    rule_data: rule_data.clone(),
298                    reduction: red,
299                });
300            }
301            Err(_) => {
302                log::trace!(
303                    "Rule attempted but not applied: {}, to expression: {} ({:?})",
304                    rule_data.rule,
305                    expression,
306                    rule_data
307                );
308                stats.rewriter_rule_application_attempts =
309                    Some(stats.rewriter_rule_application_attempts.unwrap() + 1);
310                continue;
311            }
312        }
313    }
314    results
317/// Chooses the first applicable rule result from a list of rule applications.
319/// Currently, applies the rule with the highest priority.
320/// If multiple rules have the same priority, logs an error message and panics.
322/// # Parameters
323/// - `results`: A slice of [`RuleResult`]s to consider.
324/// -  `initial_expression`: [`Expression`] before the rule application.
326/// # Returns
327/// - `Some(<Reduction>)`: If there is at least one successful rule application, returns a [`Reduction`] to apply.
328/// - `None`: If there are no successful rule applications (i.e. `results` is empty).
330/// # Example
332/// let rule_results = vec![rule1_result, rule2_result];
333/// if let Some(reduction) = choose_rewrite(&rule_results) {
334///   // Process the chosen reduction
335/// }
337fn choose_rewrite<'a>(
338    results: &[RuleResult<'a>],
339    initial_expression: &Expression,
340) -> Option<RuleResult<'a>> {
341    //in the case where multiple rules are applicable
342    if !results.is_empty() {
343        let mut rewrite_options: Vec<RuleResult> = Vec::new();
344        for (priority, group) in &results.iter().chunk_by(|result| result.rule_data.priority) {
345            let options: Vec<&RuleResult> = group.collect();
346            if options.len() > 1 {
347                // Multiple rules with the same priority
348                let mut message = format!(
349                    "Found multiple rules of the same priority {} applicable to expression: {}\n",
350                    priority, initial_expression
351                );
352                for option in options {
353                    message.push_str(&format!(
354                        "- Rule: {} (from {})\n",
355              ,
356                    ));
357                }
358                bug!("{}", message);
359            } else {
360                // Only one rule with this priority, add it to the list
361                rewrite_options.push(options[0].clone());
362            }
363        }
365        if rewrite_options.len() > 1 {
366            // Keep old behaviour: log a message and apply the highest priority rule
367            let mut message = format!(
368                "Found multiple rules of different priorities applicable to expression: {}\n",
369                initial_expression
370            );
371            for option in &rewrite_options {
372                message.push_str(&format!(
373                    "- Rule: {} (priority {}, from {})\n",
374          ,
375                    option.rule_data.priority,
377                ));
378            }
379            log::warn!("{}", message);
380        }
382        return Some(rewrite_options[0].clone());
383    }
385    None