
1use std::collections::HashMap;
2use std::rc::Rc;
3use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
5use serde_json::Value;
6use serde_json::Value as JsonValue;
8use crate::ast::Declaration;
9use crate::ast::{Atom, Domain, Expression, Literal, Name, Range, SymbolTable};
10use crate::context::Context;
11use crate::error::{Error, Result};
12use crate::metadata::Metadata;
13use crate::Model;
14use crate::{bug, error, throw_error};
16macro_rules! parser_trace {
17    ($($arg:tt)+) => {
18        log::trace!(target:"jsonparser",$($arg)+)
19    };
22macro_rules! parser_debug {
23    ($($arg:tt)+) => {
24        log::debug!(target:"jsonparser",$($arg)+)
25    };
28pub fn model_from_json(str: &str, context: Arc<RwLock<Context<'static>>>) -> Result<Model> {
29    let mut m = Model::new(context);
30    let v: JsonValue = serde_json::from_str(str)?;
31    let statements = v["mStatements"]
32        .as_array()
33        .ok_or(error!("mStatements is not an array"))?;
35    for statement in statements {
36        let entry = statement
37            .as_object()
38            .ok_or(error!("mStatements contains a non-object"))?
39            .iter()
40            .next()
41            .ok_or(error!("mStatements contains an empty object"))?;
43        match entry.0.as_str() {
44            "Declaration" => {
45                let decl = entry
46                    .1
47                    .as_object()
48                    .ok_or(error!("Declaration is not an object".to_owned()))?;
50                // One field in the declaration should tell us what kind it is.
51                //
52                // Find it, ignoring the other fields.
53                //
54                // e.g. FindOrGiven,
56                let mut valid_decl: bool = false;
57                let submodel = m.as_submodel_mut();
58                for (kind, value) in decl {
59                    match kind.as_str() {
60                        "FindOrGiven" => {
61                            parse_variable(value, &mut submodel.symbols_mut())?;
62                            valid_decl = true;
63                            break;
64                        }
65                        "Letting" => {
66                            parse_letting(value, &mut submodel.symbols_mut())?;
67                            valid_decl = true;
68                            break;
69                        }
70                        _ => continue,
71                    }
72                }
74                if !valid_decl {
75                    throw_error!("Declaration is not a valid kind")?;
76                }
77            }
78            "SuchThat" => {
79                let constraints_arr = match entry.1.as_array() {
80                    Some(x) => x,
81                    None => bug!("SuchThat is not a vector"),
82                };
84                let constraints: Vec<Expression> =
85                    constraints_arr.iter().flat_map(parse_expression).collect();
86                m.as_submodel_mut().add_constraints(constraints);
87                // println!("Nb constraints {}", m.constraints.len());
88            }
89            otherwise => bug!("Unhandled Statement {:#?}", otherwise),
90        }
91    }
93    Ok(m)
96fn parse_variable(v: &JsonValue, symtab: &mut SymbolTable) -> Result<()> {
97    let arr = v.as_array().ok_or(error!("FindOrGiven is not an array"))?;
98    let name = arr[1]
99        .as_object()
100        .ok_or(error!("FindOrGiven[1] is not an object"))?["Name"]
101        .as_str()
102        .ok_or(error!("FindOrGiven[1].Name is not a string"))?;
104    let name = Name::UserName(name.to_owned());
105    let domain = arr[2]
106        .as_object()
107        .ok_or(error!("FindOrGiven[2] is not an object"))?
108        .iter()
109        .next()
110        .ok_or(error!("FindOrGiven[2] is an empty object"))?;
111    let domain = match domain.0.as_str() {
112        "DomainInt" => Ok(parse_int_domain(domain.1)?),
113        "DomainBool" => Ok(Domain::BoolDomain),
114        "DomainReference" => Ok(Domain::DomainReference(Name::UserName(
115            domain
116                .1
117                .as_array()
118                .ok_or(error!("DomainReference is not an array"))?[0]
119                .as_object()
120                .ok_or(error!("DomainReference[0] is not an object"))?["Name"]
121                .as_str()
122                .ok_or(error!("DomainReference[0].Name is not a string"))?
123                .into(),
124        ))),
125        _ => throw_error!(
126            "FindOrGiven[2] is an unknown object" // consider covered
127        ),
128    }?;
130    symtab
131        .insert(Rc::new(Declaration::new_var(name.clone(), domain)))
132        .ok_or(Error::Parse(format!(
133            "Could not add {name} to symbol table as it already exists"
134        )))
137fn parse_letting(v: &JsonValue, symtab: &mut SymbolTable) -> Result<()> {
138    let arr = v.as_array().ok_or(error!("Letting is not an array"))?;
139    let name = arr[0]
140        .as_object()
141        .ok_or(error!("Letting[0] is not an object"))?["Name"]
142        .as_str()
143        .ok_or(error!("Letting[0].Name is not a string"))?;
144    let name = Name::UserName(name.to_owned());
146    // value letting
147    if let Some(value) = parse_expression(&arr[1]) {
148        symtab
149            .insert(Rc::new(Declaration::new_value_letting(name.clone(), value)))
150            .ok_or(Error::Parse(format!(
151                "Could not add {name} to symbol table as it already exists"
152            )))
153    } else {
154        // domain letting
155        let domain = &arr[1]
156            .as_object()
157            .ok_or(error!("Letting[1] is not an object".to_owned()))?["Domain"]
158            .as_object()
159            .ok_or(error!("Letting[1].Domain is not an object"))?
160            .iter()
161            .next()
162            .ok_or(error!("Letting[1].Domain is an empty object"))?;
164        let domain = match domain.0.as_str() {
165            "DomainInt" => Ok(parse_int_domain(domain.1)?),
166            "DomainBool" => Ok(Domain::BoolDomain),
167            _ => throw_error!("Letting[1] is an unknown object".to_owned()),
168        }?;
170        symtab
171            .insert(Rc::new(Declaration::new_domain_letting(
172                name.clone(),
173                domain,
174            )))
175            .ok_or(Error::Parse(format!(
176                "Could not add {name} to symbol table as it already exists"
177            )))
178    }
181fn parse_int_domain(v: &JsonValue) -> Result<Domain> {
182    let mut ranges = Vec::new();
183    let arr = v
184        .as_array()
185        .ok_or(error!("DomainInt is not an array".to_owned()))?[1]
186        .as_array()
187        .ok_or(error!("DomainInt[1] is not an array".to_owned()))?;
188    for range in arr {
189        let range = range
190            .as_object()
191            .ok_or(error!("DomainInt[1] contains a non-object"))?
192            .iter()
193            .next()
194            .ok_or(error!("DomainInt[1] contains an empty object"))?;
195        match range.0.as_str() {
196            "RangeBounded" => {
197                let arr = range
198                    .1
199                    .as_array()
200                    .ok_or(error!("RangeBounded is not an array".to_owned()))?;
201                let mut nums = Vec::new();
202                for item in arr.iter() {
203                    let num = parse_domain_value_int(item)
204                        .ok_or(error!("Could not parse int domain constant"))?;
205                    nums.push(num);
206                }
207                ranges.push(Range::Bounded(nums[0], nums[1]));
208            }
209            "RangeSingle" => {
210                let num = parse_domain_value_int(range.1)
211                    .ok_or(error!("Could not parse int domain constant"))?;
212                ranges.push(Range::Single(num));
213            }
214            _ => return throw_error!("DomainInt[1] contains an unknown object"),
215        }
216    }
217    Ok(Domain::IntDomain(ranges))
220/// Parses a (possibly) integer value inside the range of a domain
222/// 1. (positive number) Constant/ConstantInt/1
224/// 2. (negative number) Op/MkOpNegate/Constant/ConstantInt/1
226/// Unlike `parse_constant` this handles the negation operator. `parse_constant` expects the
227/// negation to already have been handled as an expression; however, here we do not expect domain
228/// values to be part of larger expressions, only negated.
230fn parse_domain_value_int(obj: &JsonValue) -> Option<i32> {
231    parser_trace!("trying to parse domain value: {}", obj);
233    fn try_parse_positive_int(obj: &JsonValue) -> Option<i32> {
234        parser_trace!(".. trying as a positive domain value: {}", obj);
235        // Positive number: Constant/ConstantInt/1
237        let leaf_node = obj.pointer("/Constant/ConstantInt/1")?;
239        match leaf_node.as_i64()?.try_into() {
240            Ok(x) => {
241                parser_trace!(".. success!");
242                Some(x)
243            }
244            Err(_) => {
245                println!(
246                    "Could not convert integer constant to i32: {:#?}",
247                    leaf_node
248                );
249                None
250            }
251        }
252    }
254    fn try_parse_negative_int(obj: &JsonValue) -> Option<i32> {
255        // Negative number: Op/MkOpNegate/Constant/ConstantInt/1
257        // Unwrap negation operator, giving us a Constant/ConstantInt/1
258        //
259        // This is just a positive constant, so try to parse it as such
261        parser_trace!(".. trying as a negative domain value: {}", obj);
262        let inner_constant_node = obj.pointer("/Op/MkOpNegate")?;
263        let inner_num = try_parse_positive_int(inner_constant_node)?;
265        parser_trace!(".. success!");
266        Some(-inner_num)
267    }
269    try_parse_positive_int(obj).or_else(|| try_parse_negative_int(obj))
272// this needs an explicit type signature to force the closures to have the same type
273type BinOp = Box<dyn Fn(Metadata, Box<Expression>, Box<Expression>) -> Expression>;
274type UnaryOp = Box<dyn Fn(Metadata, Box<Expression>) -> Expression>;
275type VecOp = Box<dyn Fn(Metadata, Vec<Expression>) -> Expression>;
277fn parse_expression(obj: &JsonValue) -> Option<Expression> {
278    let binary_operators: HashMap<&str, BinOp> = [
279        (
280            "MkOpEq",
281            Box::new(Expression::Eq) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
282        ),
283        (
284            "MkOpNeq",
285            Box::new(Expression::Neq) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
286        ),
287        (
288            "MkOpGeq",
289            Box::new(Expression::Geq) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
290        ),
291        (
292            "MkOpLeq",
293            Box::new(Expression::Leq) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
294        ),
295        (
296            "MkOpGt",
297            Box::new(Expression::Gt) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
298        ),
299        (
300            "MkOpLt",
301            Box::new(Expression::Lt) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
302        ),
303        (
304            "MkOpGt",
305            Box::new(Expression::Gt) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
306        ),
307        (
308            "MkOpLt",
309            Box::new(Expression::Lt) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
310        ),
311        (
312            "MkOpDiv",
313            Box::new(Expression::UnsafeDiv) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
314        ),
315        (
316            "MkOpMod",
317            Box::new(Expression::UnsafeMod) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
318        ),
319        (
320            "MkOpMinus",
321            Box::new(Expression::Minus) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
322        ),
323        (
324            "MkOpImply",
325            Box::new(Expression::Imply) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
326        ),
327        (
328            "MkOpPow",
329            Box::new(Expression::UnsafePow) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _, _) -> _>,
330        ),
331    ]
332    .into_iter()
333    .collect();
335    let unary_operators: HashMap<&str, UnaryOp> = [
336        (
337            "MkOpNot",
338            Box::new(Expression::Not) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _) -> _>,
339        ),
340        (
341            "MkOpNegate",
342            Box::new(Expression::Neg) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _) -> _>,
343        ),
344        (
345            "MkOpTwoBars",
346            Box::new(Expression::Abs) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _) -> _>,
347        ),
348    ]
349    .into_iter()
350    .collect();
352    let vec_operators: HashMap<&str, VecOp> = [
353        (
354            "MkOpSum",
355            Box::new(Expression::Sum) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _) -> _>,
356        ),
357        (
358            "MkOpProduct",
359            Box::new(Expression::Product) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _) -> _>,
360        ),
361        (
362            "MkOpAnd",
363            Box::new(Expression::And) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _) -> _>,
364        ),
365        ("MkOpOr", Box::new(Expression::Or) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _) -> _>),
366        (
367            "MkOpMin",
368            Box::new(Expression::Min) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _) -> _>,
369        ),
370        (
371            "MkOpMax",
372            Box::new(Expression::Max) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _) -> _>,
373        ),
374        (
375            "MkOpAllDiff",
376            Box::new(Expression::AllDiff) as Box<dyn Fn(_, _) -> _>,
377        ),
378    ]
379    .into_iter()
380    .collect();
382    let mut binary_operator_names = binary_operators.iter().map(|x| x.0);
383    let mut unary_operator_names = unary_operators.iter().map(|x| x.0);
384    let mut vec_operator_names = vec_operators.iter().map(|x| x.0);
386    match obj {
387        Value::Object(op) if op.contains_key("Op") => match &op["Op"] {
388            Value::Object(bin_op) if binary_operator_names.any(|key| bin_op.contains_key(*key)) => {
389                parse_bin_op(bin_op, binary_operators)
390            }
391            Value::Object(un_op) if unary_operator_names.any(|key| un_op.contains_key(*key)) => {
392                parse_unary_op(un_op, unary_operators)
393            }
394            Value::Object(vec_op) if vec_operator_names.any(|key| vec_op.contains_key(*key)) => {
395                parse_vec_op(vec_op, vec_operators)
396            }
397            otherwise => bug!("Unhandled Op {:#?}", otherwise),
398        },
399        Value::Object(refe) if refe.contains_key("Reference") => {
400            let name = refe["Reference"].as_array()?[0].as_object()?["Name"].as_str()?;
401            Some(Expression::Atomic(
402                Metadata::new(),
403                Atom::Reference(Name::UserName(name.to_string())),
404            ))
405        }
406        Value::Object(constant) if constant.contains_key("Constant") => parse_constant(constant),
407        Value::Object(constant) if constant.contains_key("ConstantInt") => parse_constant(constant),
408        Value::Object(constant) if constant.contains_key("ConstantBool") => {
409            parse_constant(constant)
410        }
411        _ => None,
412    }
415fn parse_bin_op(
416    bin_op: &serde_json::Map<String, Value>,
417    binary_operators: HashMap<&str, BinOp>,
418) -> Option<Expression> {
419    // we know there is a single key value pair in this object
420    // extract the value, ignore the key
421    let (key, value) = bin_op.into_iter().next()?;
423    let constructor = binary_operators.get(key.as_str())?;
425    match &value {
426        Value::Array(bin_op_args) if bin_op_args.len() == 2 => {
427            let arg1 = parse_expression(&bin_op_args[0])?;
428            let arg2 = parse_expression(&bin_op_args[1])?;
429            Some(constructor(Metadata::new(), Box::new(arg1), Box::new(arg2)))
430        }
431        otherwise => bug!("Unhandled parse_bin_op {:#?}", otherwise),
432    }
435fn parse_unary_op(
436    un_op: &serde_json::Map<String, Value>,
437    unary_operators: HashMap<&str, UnaryOp>,
438) -> Option<Expression> {
439    let (key, value) = un_op.into_iter().next()?;
440    let constructor = unary_operators.get(key.as_str())?;
442    let arg = parse_expression(value)?;
443    Some(constructor(Metadata::new(), Box::new(arg)))
446fn parse_vec_op(
447    vec_op: &serde_json::Map<String, Value>,
448    vec_operators: HashMap<&str, VecOp>,
449) -> Option<Expression> {
450    let (key, value) = vec_op.into_iter().next()?;
451    let constructor = vec_operators.get(key.as_str())?;
453    parser_debug!("Trying to parse vec_op: {key} ...");
455    let mut args_parsed: Option<Vec<Option<Expression>>> = None;
456    if let Some(abs_lit_matrix) = value.pointer("/AbstractLiteral/AbsLitMatrix/1") {
457        parser_trace!("... containing a matrix of literals");
458        args_parsed = abs_lit_matrix.as_array().map(|x| {
459            x.iter()
460                .map(parse_expression)
461                .collect::<Vec<Option<Expression>>>()
462        });
463    }
464    // the input of this expression is constant - e.g. or([]), or([false]), min([2]), etc.
465    else if let Some(const_abs_lit_matrix) =
466        value.pointer("/Constant/ConstantAbstract/AbsLitMatrix/1")
467    {
468        parser_trace!("... containing a matrix of constants");
469        args_parsed = const_abs_lit_matrix.as_array().map(|x| {
470            x.iter()
471                .map(parse_expression)
472                .collect::<Vec<Option<Expression>>>()
473        });
474    }
476    let args_parsed = args_parsed?;
478    let number_of_args = args_parsed.len();
479    parser_debug!("... with {number_of_args} args {args_parsed:#?}");
481    let valid_args: Vec<Expression> = args_parsed.into_iter().flatten().collect();
482    if number_of_args != valid_args.len() {
483        None
484    } else {
485        parser_debug!("... success!");
486        Some(constructor(Metadata::new(), valid_args))
487    }
490fn parse_constant(constant: &serde_json::Map<String, Value>) -> Option<Expression> {
491    match &constant.get("Constant") {
492        Some(Value::Object(int)) if int.contains_key("ConstantInt") => {
493            let int_32: i32 = match int["ConstantInt"].as_array()?[1].as_i64()?.try_into() {
494                Ok(x) => x,
495                Err(_) => {
496                    println!(
497                        "Could not convert integer constant to i32: {:#?}",
498                        int["ConstantInt"]
499                    );
500                    return None;
501                }
502            };
504            Some(Expression::Atomic(
505                Metadata::new(),
506                Atom::Literal(Literal::Int(int_32)),
507            ))
508        }
510        Some(Value::Object(b)) if b.contains_key("ConstantBool") => {
511            let b: bool = b["ConstantBool"].as_bool()?;
512            Some(Expression::Atomic(
513                Metadata::new(),
514                Atom::Literal(Literal::Bool(b)),
515            ))
516        }
518        // sometimes (e.g. constant matrices) we can have a ConstantInt / Constant bool that is
519        // not wrapped in Constant
520        None => {
521            let int_expr = constant["ConstantInt"]
522                .as_array()
523                .and_then(|x| x[1].as_i64())
524                .and_then(|x| x.try_into().ok())
525                .map(|x| Expression::Atomic(Metadata::new(), Atom::Literal(Literal::Int(x))));
527            if let e @ Some(_) = int_expr {
528                return e;
529            }
531            let bool_expr = constant["ConstantBool"]
532                .as_bool()
533                .map(|x| Expression::Atomic(Metadata::new(), Atom::Literal(Literal::Bool(x))));
535            if let e @ Some(_) = bool_expr {
536                return e;
537            }
539            bug!("Unhandled parse_constant {:#?}", constant);
540        }
541        otherwise => bug!("Unhandled parse_constant {:#?}", otherwise),
542    }